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  1. A Ball

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It is a ball.

Is it small? No, it is not.

Is it big? Yes, it is.

Is it red? No, it is not.

Is it green? No, it is not.

Is it yellow? Yes, it is.

It is a big yellow ball.

Is it your ball? Yes, it is. It is my ball.


  1. A Cat and a Ball.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "кот, котята, красній мячик"

This is a cat. It is big. It is not red. It is not black. It is grey.

The cat has got four kittens. They are small.

They are funny. They are grey and black.

They play with a ball. The ball is red. The ball is not big.



3. A Doll.

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I can see a box. It is a big box. It is pink.

Is it a ball in the box? No, it is not.

Is it a teddy-bear in the box? No, it is not.

Is it a car in the box? No, it is not.

Is it a doll  in the box? Yes, it is.

It is a big doll. It is for a girl. The girl is glad.


  1. A Teddy-Bear. Мягкий мишка в подарочной коробке, плюшевый медведь: 150 грн. - Мягкие  животные Кривой Рог на Olx

It is a box. It is not small. It is big. It is green. It is on a bed.

Is it a doll in the box? No, it is not.

Is it a car in the box? No, it is not.

Is it a teddy-bear in the box? Yes, it is.

It is a big teddy-bear. It is not black. It is brown.


5. A Car.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "картинки красная машинка мальчик"

This is a boy. The boy is glad. The boy has a car.

The car is not big. The car is small. It is red.

It is not in a box. It is not on a desk.

The boy has a car in his hand.

=)) Скажи, чи відповідає зображення на малюнку змісту?


  1. A pencil. 

А на малюнку є олівець такого кольору?

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This is a boy. The boy has a pencil.

It is not black. It is not green. It is not blue. It is red.

It is not long. It is not in his bag. It is on a desk.


  1. A Desk.        Чого не вистачає на малюнку?  ( Порівняй змуст тексту з малюнком) .Парта яка росте разом із дитиною: 2 000 грн. - Дитячі меблі Софіївська  Борщагівка на Olx

This is a desk. The desk is at the window. The window is big.

The desk isn’t big. The desk is green.

I can see a lamp on the desk. It isn’t green. It is yellow.

I can see a pen on the desk. It isn’t yellow. It is blue.

I can see a pencil on the desk. It isn’t blue. It is red. It is long.

Розфарбуй слова, які означають кольори. Намалюй лампу, письмовий стіл, ручку і олівець. ( Разукрась  слова, обозначающие цвет. Нарисуй лампу, письменный стол, ручку и карандаш.)

 8. A Book.

Look! This is a book. This is a big book.

It is not in a bag.  It is on a desk. It is open.

I can see a girl in a book.

The girl is in the park. The girl is on the grass.

The girl is happy. The girl has got a doll.

I can see a boy in this book.  He is in the park, too.

The boy has a ball. The ball is not big.

The girl and the boy play in the park.


  1. A Doll’s Room.

Прочитай текст і скажи, яких речей  немає на малюнку.

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This is a room. It isn’t big. It is small.

It is on the desk. It is a doll’s room.

It is pink and white. It is nice. I like it.

I like a bed. It is pink.

I like a sofa.  It is small.

I like a mirror. It is big.

I like a carpet. It is white.

I like a lamp. It is pink.


10. Cups.

Чашки для сублімації кольорові всередині та ручка асорти 36шт

Look! This is a red cup.

It is cherry juice in this cup.

This is a yellow cup.

It is apple juice in this cup.

This is an orange cup.

It is orange juice in this cup.

I can see three cups. The cups are small.

The cups are on the table. The table is small.

The dolls are at the table.

I like to play with the dolls.


  1. Draw a picture of an apple on the yellow cup.


  1. Draw a picture of a cherry on the red cup.


  1. Draw a picture of an orange on the orange cup.


  1. What words are they?


a_ _

_ _ a _

_а_ _ _

_ _ a_

_ _ a _ _ _

a _ _ _ _


  1. Put the words in order.
  • can / cups/ see/ three/ I
  • is/ cup/ This/ yellow/ a


11.  The Friends of the Sun.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "солнце одуванчики"
1. It is morning. 2. There is the Sun in the sky. 3. The Sun is happy. 4. It is dark. 5. It is night. 6. There is the Moon in the sky. 7. The Moon is happy. 8. The Moon has many friends. 9. They are stars. 10. The stars are in the sky. 11. It is morning. 12. There is the Sun in the sky. 13. The Sun is not happy. 14. The Sun has not friends. 15. Spring helps the Sun. 16. Spring has flowers for the Sun. 17. They are dandelions.

Вот такой получился текст.  Его можно распечатать и 1) предложения, где есть слово Moon раскрасить голубым цветом, а предложения со словом Sun — жёлтым. 2) Почитать предложения про Солнце. 3) Почитать предложения про Луну. 4) Разрезать текст на предложения. Выложить историю про Солнце. 5) Выложить историю про Луну. 6) Вы читаете текст, а ребёнок находит нужные предложения и выкладывает их. 7) 😀 Я думаю,после всех этих манипуляций ребёнок легко текст прочитает.

12.  A Cup and a Glass.  ( Домалюй те, що в тексті є, а на малюнку немає) .

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I have a cup. You have a glass.   3. Your glass is glass.   4. It is tall.   5. My cup is red.   6. My cup is big.   7. There is milk in the glass.   8. There is milk in the cup.   9. Milk is hot.   10. There is a print on the cup.   11. It is duckling.   12. It is small.   13. It is yellow.   14. I like my cup.   15. You like my cup.   16. You like your glass, too.

  1. Послушай текст.
  2. Нарисуй столько чашек и стаканов, сколько раз, сколько раз услышишь слова «cup»  и «glass».
  3. Проверь по тексту, нет ли у тебя лишних или недостающих чашек и стаканов.
  4. Перепиши текст.
  5. Вспомни, какого цвета была чашка и этим же цветом разукрась все предложения, где есть слово «cup».
  6.  Найди и выпиши слова, где есть удвоение — две одинаковые буквы стоят рядом.
  7. Представь, что о чашке и стакане ты разговариваешь с другом или подружкой. Какие предложения будут твоими, а какие — твоего собеседника?
  8. Выпиши слова, обозначающие предметы ( они отвечают на вопрос «что?» )
  9. Ответь на вопросы к предложениям: 3. What is glass?  / 4. What is tall?  / 5. What is red?  / 6. What is big?  /  9. What is hot?  /  12. What is small?  /   13. What is yellow?
  10. Выпиши слова, обозначающие признаки предметов ( они отвечают на слова » какой?  какая?  какое?»
  11.  Оглянись вокруг. Что  ты видишь glass  / tall / red  / big  / small / yellow?
  12.  Ответь на вопросы к предложениям:  3 + 4. What is the glass?  / 5+6. What is the cup?  /  12 + 13. What is duckling?
  13.  Задания №№ 9 и 12. Обратите внимание ребёнка на то, что  перед прилагательными нет артикля the, а перед существительными — есть.
  14. Образуй вопросы к предложениям 3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.  13  : Is …?
  15. Образуй вопросы к предложениям 2.  15.  16:  Do … ?


13. The Mouse and the Bricks.

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  1. Look! This is a book.   3. It is my book!   4.  Open it.   5. This is a mouse.   6. It is small and grey.   7. Its nose is black.   8. Its ears are big.  9. Its tail is long and thin.   10. The mouse has bricks / blocks.   11. The bricks are small.   12. The bricks are green, black, white and pink.   13. The mouse put the bricks together.   14.  The mouse  does it quickly.   15. Look! This is a picture!  16. Is it a cow?   17. No, it isn’t a cow.   18. It is a cat!   19. The mouse afraid of the cat!   20. The mouse runs away!


  • Read the text.
  • Ask questions for sentences ## 3 , 6, 7, 9,  18   ///   ## 8, 11, 12
  • What colours are there in this text? Colour them.
  • What is grey?
  • What is black?
  • What is small?
  • Read about the mouse ( 10 sentences)


14. Sisters.

  1. 1. It is summer.  2. The trees are green.  3. There are flowers in the garden.   4. There are girls in the garden.   5. The girls are sisters.  6. They are not big.  7. The sisters have a basket. 8. There is a rabbit in the basket. 9. It is white and grey.
  2. 1. It is winter.  2. The trees are bear.  3. It is cold.  4. There is snow in the garden.  5. The snow is white. 6.  There are girls in the garden.  7. The girls are sisters.  8. They are little.  9. The sisters have no a basket.  10. Their rabbit lives in a cage.
  3. weather / clothes /

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15. The Police Dogs.

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "continents"




  1. Can you use the map? Do you know the names of continents? 3. They are: A**a, A****a, North A*****a, South A*****a, A********a, E****e, and A*******a.  3.  What is your continent?   4. What is your country?   5. What is your capital-city?   6. I invite you to Ecuador.   7. Do you know this country?   8. What is its continent?   9. Its capital-city is Quito.   10. Are there police dogs in your country?  11. It is a retirement ceremony for police dogs in Quito.   12. They worked a lot.   13. People want to thank them for their work.   14. People want to give the dogs medals.  15. Their work is dangerous.    16. Sometimes the dogs perish.  17. The police dogs help people a lot.  18. When the dogs can’t work they are pets and live with families.


16. Catskin

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "catskin"

  1. This is a man. He is very rich.
  2. The man has a house. The house is in the park.
  3. There are tall trees in the park. There are beautiful flowers in the park.
  4. The man has many farms. He has much land, too.
  5. The man has no children. He wants to have a son.
  6. The man doesn’t like girls. He wants to have a son.
  7. He wants to give all land, farms and a house in the park to his son.
  8. In a time a baby was born in his family. It was a girl.


17.  Granny’s Day

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "бабушка и внуки"

  1. Do you have Granny?   How many Grannies do you have?   3. What is her / their name (s)?   4.   Does she live far from you?   5. What does she like?   6. What is her hobby?   7.  Does she play with
  2. you? Does she read books for you?   9. Is she kind or strict?   10. Do you know her birthday?   11. Do you like to help her?   12. What do you do?  13. Call your Granny and tell her, you love her very much.    14. Draw a card for your Granny.


18. Hot Dog Day

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "хот дог"

  1. What day is it today? Is it Sunday?   3. Is it Monday?   4. Yes, it us Thursday today.   5. What season is it today?   6. Is it cold season?   7.  Is it hot season?   8. Yes, it is hot summer.   9.  Is it hot day today?   10. It is Hot Dog Day today!   11. Do you like hot dogs?   12. You can eat it with your family and friends!


19. The sisters. 

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "две девочки с кроликом"

  1. It is summer. The trees are green.  3. There are flowers in the garden.   4. There are girls in the garden.   5. The girls are sisters.  6. They are not big.  7. The sisters have a basket. 8. There is a rabbit in the basket. 9. It is white and grey.
  2. It is winter. The trees are bare.  3. It is cold.  4. There is snow in the garden.  5. The snow is white. 6.  There are girls in the garden.  7. The girls are sisters.  8. They are little.  9. The sisters have no a basket.  10. Their rabbit lives in a cage.


20.  5  Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle

Картинки по запросу healthy lifestyle

Good food habits and sport  / can make you healthy. It is easy to say, but sometimes  / it is not easy to do!

There are five simple ways /  for your family  / to have a healthy lifestyle.

  1. For your muscles and bones ( For your body) do sport  at least 3 days of the week. Parents’ habits  and example  are very important.
  2. Water is the best / if you are thirsty. There is no much sugar in it /  like in  fruit juices or soft drinks.
  3. Milk, butter, cheese, sour –cream, curds are a great source of calcium.
  4. Eat more fruit and vegetables. English say: “One apple a day keeps / doctors away.”
  5. Active indoor  / and outdoor games or activities  / are as funny and interesting  / as watching TV /  or playing computer games.


21. On the Bank

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "рассказы в картинках"

1. A bear lives on the bank of the big river. 2. It is big and hungry. 3. Two small turtles are playing on the bank. 4. The hungry bear wants to eat them up. 5. The turtles are smart. 6. They hug each other and roll into the water. 7. The bear is shocked.