Our family vacationed in Europe.
We flew to the beaches of Spain. ( fly — летать)
We hopped on a ferry to England. ( расстояние, преодолённое без перерыва )
We travelled through France on a train.
We lugged all our luggage to Denmark. ( волочить, тянуть, тащить )
We dragged all our baggage to Greece. ( тянуть, тащить)
We hoisted our backpack and handbags, ( поднимать)
Our suitcase, our trunk and valise.
We pored over paintings in Paris. ( рассматривать, разглядывать )
We tramped through museums in Rome. ( долгое и утомительное путешествие пешком; пешая прогулка )
And all of the while I was thinking
How much I would rather be home.
At last we are done with our travels.
We’ve seen every kingdom and nation.
But we’re so completely exhausted
That we need another vacation!
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