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- Colorful Braided Straw Hat For Women
The colorful braided straw hats are used as summer hats by the women, and it looks attractive because of their colorful outlook, which attracts a girl’s eye to it. It can also be used at beachside parties that easily match with the thin beachside dress and a pair of beach sandals, respectively.
- Crochet Hat For Women
The crochet hat is for women and looks elegant on them, and it is very easily available in multi-colors in the market depending on the color of the dress to match.
- Beanie Pull-On Hat For Women
The beanie hat is designed for women, a unique kind of hat made of cloth material. This is good for wearing by women and designed comfortably.
- Boater Hat
The boater hat is a kind of men’s hat, and it is also called a Seaman’s hat. It is mostly made up of straw-type material and is designed flat to wear on the head, and the brim feels special when wearing. Young, as well as middle-aged people, can wear it.
- Cricket Hat
The cricket hat is named after such hats after being worn by the Umpires during the cricket game. This hat is made of medium-thick cotton material, and the brim is slightly loose and has a shallow crow part on the crown. It makes them feel comfortable from the sunlight, and also it provides an ease to the eyes of the umpires from the giant flashlights that illuminate the stadium.
- Gatsby Hat
The Gatsby hat is normally designed and worn by men because of its classic design and material. This hat is quite soft and thick as compared to others.
- Tennis Hat for Women
The tennis hat is a half-designed hat whose crown part is not visual because of the thick and heaving rim with a thin strap available in different colors and materials.
- Party Hat
The party hats are designed like an inverted cone on the crown of the hat, and the materials used in designing this hat are glittery and shiny papers to look attractive and unique. It also has a thread to make it stable on the head during enjoyment.
- Peaked Hat:
The peaked hat is a commonly used hat worn by military persons, pilots, police officers, and ship Captains. The crown of this hat is flat and has a sloppy outlook with a thick band.
- Bowler Hat
The Bowler’s hat is a complex, felt hat that has a narrow brim and a well-round crown. This hat was mostly worn by the 19th-century workers of the railway and the cowboys also.
- Boonie Hat
The Boonie hat became popular during the Vietnam War. It is a soft cap made of fabric and polyester. It has a flat crown and wide-brimmed usually slopes that provide shade on the face. It can easily be folded and tucked somewhere when not in use and
- Custodian Hat
The custodian cap is also called the custodian helmet or hat because its structure looks like a hat traditionally worn by police officers and firefighters in early times. It is made of cork and plastic. It protects the head from accidents and specific causes.
Why do the King’s Guard wear those hats?
The King’s Guard uniform was not designed for aesthetics but for a practical function, and the hats form a major component.
Five regiments of British Foot Guards have had the privilege of protecting King Charles III at her various castles and palaces: the Grenadier, Coldstream, Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards. These are the soldiers who get to wear those imposing bearskin hats.
With their typical love of understatement, the British Army actually refers to these huge hats as “caps.” They were first worn by British soldiers in 1815, following the defeat of Napoleon’s forces at the Battle of Waterloo. The 18-inch-high bearskins made the French grenadiers seem taller, more intimidating. To commemorate their victory, the British adopted similar hats for the soldiers who guard royal residences.
Very few tourists who travel to London leave without a picture with some soldier of the King’s Guard in front of Buckingham Palace.
The Royal Guard of Charles III of England has one of the most characteristic uniforms in the world. The outfit was not made to have an aesthetic function but a practical one.
- King Charles III Coronation: Follow live online updates and insight here!
A look into the King’s Guard uniform
These same hats were already used in the Napoleonic wars, as well as by Napoleon’s Imperial Guard, who also came to wear them. They are called ‘bearskin’ hats because they are made from the skin of Canadian black bears and usually weigh almost one kilo and must be at least forty-five centimeters.
Fainting, in general, is not such an uncommon occurrence for those in the King’s Guard, who actually learn a “proper” way to go down. This summer, as temperatures reached record highs, many guards have fainted, highlighting the additional danger these suits pose to those wearing them as the climate warms.
Aside from the hats, the red suit is also a very recognizable part of their get-up. Red was selected because the dye was cheaper than other options, and being battle uniforms, the blood was less noticeable in that color.
Soldiers are allowed to yell, “make way for the queen’s guards,” in case there are tourists in front of them. If people do not heed or understand the order, they are allowed to push people. If any tourists act aggressively toward them, they can point their rifles at them.
The ceremony known as the changing of the guard takes place outside the palace building but inside its gates. If you are interested in viewing the changing of the guard without paying admission, you must make it to the palace around 10:30 any day of the week.