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Present Simple. Stanley’s Cooking


Учительница и её ученики




Cats. Kittens


paper / scissors / glue / stick / carton / wide / narrow / long / short / stripe / claws / whickers / tail / paw

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "поделки своими руками для детей 3-4 лет"

1. Cunning cats are the most popular pets in the world.   2. They have long whiskers, a furry coat, sharp teeth and claws, great hearing and perfect eyes for seeing in the dark.   3. House cats are closely related to African wild cats like lions but luckily.   4. They are much smaller.  5. Cats have been friends with humans for a very long time over 10,000 years in fact and they eat meat which makes them carnivores.   6. Sneaking around they are great at hunting mice and rats.   7. What a great reason to have one as a pet!   8. Baby cats are called kittens.   9. They love to play fighting and chase toys.  10. This is excellent practice for hunting and fighting.   11. Did you know cat’s eyes have vertical pupils?   12. They can leap six times higher than their height.   13. And they lick themselves regularly.   14. Their ruff tongues keep their coats nice and clean.   15. That’s a funny way to have a bath.

Поиграйте с заданиями =)) 

  1. Выпишите все слова и словосочетания, которые относятся к котам: внешность, повадки и т .д.
  2. Выписываем отдельно только слова о внешности котов.
  3. Отдельно —  слова о повадках.
  4. Допишите словосочетания:          1) cunning …   2) the most popular …   3) long …   4) furry …   5) sharp …   6) sharp …  ( нет, я не повторяюсь )   7) great …   8) perfect …   9) wild …   10) eat …   11) great at …   12) fighting and …   13) cat’s …   14) cat’s…   15) cat’s …   16) cat’s ….   17) cat’s …   18) cat’s …   19) cat’s … 20) vertical …   21) ruff …   22) nice …   23) clean …
  5. Чего нет у котят на картинке? ( tlai / khiesswr / cslwa / )
  6. 1)Какой музыкальный инструмент спрятан в слове » острый»?             2) Какие строгие правила можно найти в «коготках»?                                  3) Что делают все живые существа, подскажет слово «великий» или «мясо».                                                                                                                       4) Сколько и чего прячут в своём названии котята?                                      5) Какое число вы видите в слове»высота»?
  7. =) Присмотритесь сами, какие ещё загадки скрывают слова?
  8. Найдите предложения во времени Present Perfect  / Past Simple.
  9. А какие дети сидят в глазах кошек ?
  10. Что у  кота начинается на «W», а у человека  на «M»?

Наташа Купер. What / How


«Lily and the Snowman»


  1. How many fingers does the Snowman have?
  2. How many snow balls is it consisted of?
  3. How many buttons does the Snowman have?
  4. Does the little girl have mittens or gloves?
  5. What colour is the Snowman’s scarf ?
  6. What colours are the girl’s jackets?
  7. What figures does the Snowman show? (
  8. They are: dbri / aelpn / mnhoaers / lbleramu / amn / glir  — put the letters in right order.
  9. Where did the Snowman live in spring ?
  10. What toy does it have?
  11. What rooms are there in this video?
  12. What ages is the girl depicted in this video?

Red Shoes and 7 Dwarfs



  1. What is magic in this room?
  2. Why?
  3. How many dwarfs have get to the room?
  4. Are they old or young?
  5. Are they fat or thin?
  6. Are they ugly or handsome?
  7. Is it morning, daytime or evening?
  8. How do they know that they are in the right place?
  9. How many locks are there on the door?
  10. Where do the dwarfs hide?
  11. How many arm-chairsare there in the room?
  12. How many portraits are there in the room?
  13. What are there under the portraits on the floor?
  14. What colour are her shoes?
  15. What colour is her cloak?
  16. What colour is her dress?
  17. What is on the table?
  18. How has she changed?

The Forest Man Of India


Почти каждый день в течении 37 лет он сажал семена и успешно создал новую экосистему. Посчитано что на сегодняшний день размер леса приближается к 550 гектарам. Для сравнения, Центральный парк в Нью-Йорке имеет площадь 341 гектар, а площадь Измайловского парка в Москве 1608 гектар.

Поворотным для Джадава стал случай, когда он нашел несколько мертвых змей в песчаной местности, после наводнения. Умершие рептилии подтолкнули его к идее построить среду обитания, где животные не должны чувствовать угрозу или иметь шанс лишиться своего дома.

«Змеи погибли от жары у них не было возможности спастись в тени деревьев. Я сел и заплакал. Это была настоящая бойня. Я оповестил департамент, занимающийся лесами и просил заняться посадкой леса в нашем районе. Они ответили, что ничего не будут сажать там, предложили мне попробовать быстрорастущий бамбук. Это было больно, и я решил, что займусь этим сам. Мне не откуда было ждать помощи никто в этом не был заинтересован.» — сказал 47-летний Джадав в интервью The Times Индия.

Преданный индийский лесовод построил действительно экологический рай для диких животных, фантастический пример того какой красивой может быть природа. Лес Джадава стал домом для более чем 115 слонов, ряда носорогов, оленей и даже пары тигров.

«Я буду продолжать сажать деревья до последнего вздоха.» — сказал он.


Among the many places on the planet affected by climate change, one of the largest rivers in India named the Brahmaputra has seen increased water flows in recent years that continually flood the banks each year.

These vasts amounts of water flood whole towns, stripping the land of agriculture and the means to make a living by its inhabitants. Near the town of Jorhat there is a river island called Majuli. Home to more than 100,000 people, Majuli has faced continual erosion that threatens its very existence.

Since 1979, the island has been gifted with a certain type of human savior. His name is Jadav Payeng and over the past nearly 40 years he has singlehandedly planted enough trees on the island to encompass 550 hectares. Central Park in New York, meanwhile, is 341 hectares. He calls it “his forest.”

“This place is full of trees,” Payeng told filmmakers as part of a film called Forest Man that won best documentary at the American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014. The short documentary was recently posted by National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase. 

Each day, Payeng gathers saplings he grows at home with help from his family and ventures into the forest to plant new trees. Today the forest is home to elephants (115 for three months per year), rhinos, deers and tigers.

“When the trees grew big it was difficult for me to protect them,” Payeng said. “The biggest threat came from men. They would have destroyed the forest for economic gain and the animals would be vulnerable again.”
Read more at http://www.liveoutdoors.com/news/238645-meet-the-man-who-planted-a-forest-bigger-than-central-park/#k73RYj1qOX8Rr05o.99

Keukenhof Gardens and Tulip Fields Tour from Amsterdam


Восхищайтесь! И учите слова восхищения =)))


New Headway Video


The Coldest Cities


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "оймякон"

bundling = объединение, группирование комплектация

layer = слой, уровень, пленка

For most of us, cold means having to turn up the heat or bundling up in extra layers. There are a few places on Earth, however, that take our understanding of cold to a whole new level. According to Guinness World Records, the coldest permanently lived-in human settlement is the remote village of Oymyakon in Russian Siberia, where temperatures dropped to a bone-chilling -90ºF/ -68ºC in 1933. This article takes a look at some of the world’s coldest cities, ranked from warmest to coldest, based on average January temperatures.


Astana.  Average January temperature: 6.4 °F/ -14.2

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "зимняя астана"

Although the summer months are warm, winters in Astana are long, dry, and exceptionally cold. Extreme lows of -61°F/ -51.5°C have been recorded, although the monthly average for January is 6.4 °F/ -14.2°C. Most years, the city’s river remains frozen over from mid-November to early April. With plenty of indoor attractions in which to escape from the weather, winter visitors do not need to fear the cold.

Astana is a modern city defined by futuristic architecture, glittering mosques and a wealth of shopping and entertainment centers.


International Falls.  Average January temperature: 4.4°F/-15°C

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "International Falls in winter"

justify = оправдывать, объяснять, подтверждать, доказывать

International Falls = the city in Minnesota

contiguous [kənˈtɪgjʊəs]  =  sharing a common border; touching

This northern Minnesotan city calls itself The  Icebox of the Nation, and with record lows of -55 °F/ -48 °C and an average seasonal snowfall of 71.6 inches, that claim is well-justified. International Falls has the most days per year with high temperatures below freezing of any incorporated city in the contiguous U.S.—not to mention some spectacular night skies.  It is best known for its Canadian border crossing, and as the gateway to nearby Voyageurs National Park. The park is popular for kayaking and hiking in summer, and for cross-country skiing and ice-fishing in winter.


Ulaanbaatar , Mongolia. Average January temperature:  -11.2ºF/-24.6ºC

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Ulaanbaatar in winter"

perch = позиция, насест, высокое положение, высокий пост

hover  [‘hɔvə] = колебаться, быть нестабильным, нависать, высиживать птенцов

deter = удерживать, отпугивать

bevy [ˈbɛvi]  =  a large group of people or things of a particular kind ( стая . стадо . группа)

plunge [plʌnʤ] = прыжок; погружение  (Syn: drop , fall , dive , dip , jump , leap)

Perched 4,430 feet above sea level on the edge of the Mongolian steppes, Ulaanbaatar is the world’s coldest national capital. The city experiences extreme seasons with recorded summer highs of 102°F/ 39°C; however, plunging lows of -44°F/ -42°C during the long winter months give Ulaanbaatar an average annual mean temperature that hovers just below freezing

The capital’s chaotic weather shouldn’t deter potential visitors, however. As well as being the international gateway to Mongolia’s spectacular wilderness areas, Ulaanbaatar boasts a bevy of rich cultural sights ranging from Tibetan-style Buddhist temples to fascinating modern art galleries.


Barrow, Alaska. Average January temperature: -13ºF/-25ºC

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "barrow in winter"

exacerbate [ɪg’zæsəbeɪt ] =  обострять, осложнять, углублять, усиливать

Located above the Arctic Circle in Alaska, Barrow is the northernmost city in the United States. It has the lowest average temperature of all Alaskan cities, exacerbated by frequent cloud cover and extreme winds of up to 60 miles/ hour. The sun remains below the horizon for 65 days each year, while on average, only 120 days of the year experience high temperatures that are above freezing.

However, despite record lows of -56ºF/ -49ºC, there are plenty of reasons to visit Barrow. These include its rich Iñupiat culture, the beauty of the surrounding tundra and the opportunity to witness the northern lights.



Yellowknife, Canada. Average January temperature:-18.2°F/-27.9°C

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "Yellowknife in winter"

superlative [s(j)uː’pɜːlətɪv]/  =  величайший, высочайший

The capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories lies 250 miles south of the Arctic Circle, and  is a city of superlatives according to a survey by Environment Canada. Of 100 Canadian cities, Yellowknife is the coldest year round, has the coldest winter, the most extreme windchill and the longest snow cover season. The lowest temperature ever recorded was -60 °F/ -51°C, and yet ironically, it also boasts the sunniest Canadian summer.

Rich in gold-rush history, Yellowknife is a mecca for adventurers, offering activities ranging from hiking beneath the midnight sun to dog-sledding, snowmobiling and spotting the northern lights.


Norilsk, Russia. Average January temperature: -22ºF/-30ºC

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "norilsk in winter"

permafrost [‘pɜːməfrɔst] = вечная мерзлотa

unlikely [ʌn’laɪklɪ] = маловероятный, неправдоподобный

Norilsk is the world’s most northerly city with more than 100,000 inhabitants, and one of only three major cities located in the continuous permafrost zone. At 14ºF/ -10ºC it has the coldest mean annual temperature of any big city, while winter lows reach extremes of -63ºF/ -53ºC. With museums, an art gallery and one of the world’s northernmost mosques, Norilsk has its own unique culture; however, it’s unlikely to become a tourist destination anytime soon. Apart from the fact that Norilsk’s mining and smelting industry has made it one of the most polluted places on Earth, the city has been closed to foreigners since 2001.


Yakutsk, Russia. Average January temperature: -41ºF/ -40ºC

Пов’язане зображення

readings = показания, данные

The capital city of Russia’s Sakha Republic, Yakutsk is located approximately 280 miles south of the Arctic Circle and has the thermometer readings to match. With average January temperatures of of -41ºF/ -40ºC, Yakutsk is thought to be the coldest major city in the world — certainly, it has the lowest average winter temperatures. Sights like the Permafrost Kingdom ice museum, the Christian Market (pictured) and the National Art Museum of the Republic of Sakha, however, make this city a worthwhile destination for those that don’t mind the chill, while average temperatures of 67ºF/ 19.5ºC in July make it a summertime possibility for fair-weather travelers.


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