Author: o_diana (Page 6 of 61)


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "колумб и солнечное затмение"

Christopher Columbus was a hero to some and a villain to others. Hewas a brave explorer, but he also enslaved, murdered and stole fromnative people across the Americas. He first met the Arawak natives inthe Bahamas in 1492. They generously traded everything they owned.Columbus saw this as a weakness. He wrote in his journal, “Theybrought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many otherthings. They do not bear arms, and do not know them. They wouldmake fine servants.”

Eleven years later, Christopher Columbus was still taking advantageof the Arawak’s hospitality.

On his fourth and final voyage in 1503 Columbus found himself indire straits. Shipworms had destroyed two of his ships. He wasforced to abandon them and send the rest of his ships to an island wenow know as Jamaica.

The Arawaks were initially keen to help Columbus. They offered himand his sailors food and shelter. However, after six months, tensionsgrew. The ships had still not been repaired. Some of Columbus’s crewhad mutinied and started to run amok on the island robbing andmurdering some of the natives. The Arawaks also grew tired of tradingfresh food for Columbus’s trinkets. They decided to burn theirbridges with the visitors and cut off their food supply.

Faced with starvation, the crafty Columbus studied his almanac. Helearned that on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 29th, 1504, a total lunar eclipse would occur.

He met with the Arawak chief three days before the eclipse and saidhis Christian god was angry with the natives for no longer supplyinghis men with food. He said in three nights time his god would makethe moon red with anger.

Just as Columbus said, the moon rose and slowly turned blood red asit passed into the shadow of the earth. Columbus’s son Ferdinand saidthe Arawaks were terrified.

He wrote how they howled in fear and came running to the ships.They screamed and begged Columbus to ask his god for mercy.

They promised they would cooperate with Columbus if he would turnthe moon back to normal. Columbus said he would talk privately withhis god.

Columbus spent 50 minutes in his cabin calculating the end of theeclipse. He reappeared and announced his god had forgiven theArawaks. Almost in the same instance the moon slowly began toreappear in all its glory.

To show their gratitude the Arawaks kept Columbus and his men wellfed until they returned to Spain on November 7th.


A. situation / generous / dreadful / keen / villain / howl / weapon / stress / leave / dire / straits / abandon / trinket / mutiny / abundant / shrewd / tension / revolt / pardon / trifle / supplies / food / befall /wail / mercy / instance / sample / amok /occur /crafty

B. 1) showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected

2) a long, loud, crying sound.

3) the feeling that is produced in a situation when people are anxious and do not trust each other, and when there is a possibility of sudden violence or conflict.

4) someone who deliberately harms other people or breaks the law in order to get what he or she wants.

5) a prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger

6) You use for instance to introduce a particular event, situation, or person that is an example of what you are talking about.

7) a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like

8) especially of something bad happen to someone

9) give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking)

10) an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers

11) having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute

12) having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

13) a small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value

14) used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is

15) clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods

1-b / 2-f / 3-q / 4-e / 5-x / 6-z / 7-1 / 8-w / 9-l / 10-n / 11-p / 12-d /  13-m /14-j / 15-4






The Animal Song



The Pinocchio

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Hokey Pokey Shake


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "исландские эльфы"

In Iceland, elves are a part of the national culture. Many of thecountry’s 230,000 citizens believe they actually exist.

This belief is what led a mob of 150 men and women to protest aNATO military base in Keflavik in 1982. They believed the military wasdisrespecting the elves and their jets were desecrating the holyground of the hidden people.

NATO respected the protesters’ feelings and invited them to inspecttheir base. Satisfied no elves were being harmed, the group left inpeace.

It may sound like fantasy, but in Iceland, elves are a fact of life.

According to a 2006 survey, 32 percent of Icelanders believe in thepossibility of elves. Another 26 percent believe their existence is acast iron certainty.

They’re considered a peaceful breed of small creatures who look a lotlike humans.

University of Iceland professor, Valdimar Hafstein, advises to leaveelves alone. Treat them with respect, do not upset their dwellingplaces and they’ll be quite harmless. Cross them at your peril.

Iceland is rife with tales of elves sabotaging construction projects.Why? Because they do not take kindly to having their rock housesand churches blown up with construction dynamite.

The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration has created a five-pagedocument on elves.

It reads, “We value the heritage of our ancestors. Oral tradition mightsuggest supernatural beings inhabit a certain rock. The rock is thenconsidered a cultural treasure. Our reaction to these concerns hasvaried. In some cases, we have delayed the construction project. Thisallows the elves to supposedly move on.”

In 2010, former Icelandic member of Parliament Árni Johnsen’s carwent off a small cliff. He swears a group of elves living in a nearby rocksaved his life. When a road was planned over the rock, he begged thedevelopers to save it. They granted his wish and moved the 30-tonrock to a safe place.

It should be stressed that not everyone in Iceland believes in elves.One theory suggests Icelanders created the superstition, so theydidn’t feel so alone in such a majestic, but unpredictable landscape.

Professor of Folklore, Adalheidur Gudmundsdottir, says, “You can’t livein this landscape and not believe in a force greater than you.Icelanders are not uneducated peasants who believe in fairies. But ifyou live here you’ll understand why the power of folklore is so strong.”

The names of Money

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "платежи"

Фото Real English®.

International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness is celebrated on March 20 of every year. International Day of Happiness was introduced by the General Assembly of the United Nations through seminars and educational tips with the aim to educate and improve public awareness of the benefits of happiness. In the Himalayan region of Asia, Kingdom of Bhutan bought the idea. Only there the population is thought to be the happiest in the world due to the holistic approach to life. The amount of importance which placed on the well-being of people and communities with material wealth. The day will be very useful to everyone’s reminder that in general happiness does not necessarily come from buying and consuming and also from being famous but often from friends, and emotional well-being. Internationally, there are many events including websites in which people may participate happiness.

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein,

History of International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness was introduced by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2011 relating to the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which recognized happiness as a “fundamental human goal” and called for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples. UN Conference on Happiness took place adopted a resolution decreed the International Day of Happiness would be observed every year on 20 March. It celebrated for the first time in 2013. That can designate as a special day; the UN focuses the world attention on the idea that economic growth must be inclusive, and balanced, equitable, such that it promotes sustainable development. Including the UN acknowledges in order by attaining global happiness, economic development environmental well-being.

International Day of Happiness

How to Celebrate the International Day of Happiness

Celebrating the International Day of Happiness is simple and easy. Arrange a Get-together with friends, family, and colleagues with the list of music,, books and activities that make them feel alive with happiness. Smile or say hello to at least four people who pass by without a comment. Inviting friends and family to a meal whether it’s home-cooked, potluck at an office and also at a restaurant. Peoples can use #InternationalDayofHappiness to express their feelings on social media’s.

Snowman Burning Day

Snowman Burning Day is celebrated on March 20th of this year. It is an annual festival that is observed on the first day of every Spring. The chill and snowy winter season have finally come to an end and its time for us to say a warm hello to the Spring. So, you must get ready to feel the warmth, the brighter sun, colourful garden with flowers, leaves, fresh air, and the smell of soil. Pack up all your winter clothes to enjoy sitting in shorts, and It is indeed must to celebrate the change of the seasons with a special day in the calendar. Thus comes the Snowman Burning Day which is a celebration that marks the ends of winter and the beginning of spring.

“Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” – Robin Williams

History of Snowman Burning Day

The Snowman Burning Day was first celebrated in the year 1971. The Unicorn Hunters at the Lake Superior State University (LSSU) have established the Day. It has been in celebration on the first day of Spring since then. The inspiration for this unique traditional celebration Day has come from Germany’s Rose Sunday Festival. Thus the mayor of each town will burn a straw filled snowman if the children of the town have well behaved all the year. It is believed that the smoke coming from the bonfire is thought to ward off the blizzards and escort throughout the spring season. So a final goodbye is given to the last icy snowman of the year by setting it fire and watch it burn.

Snowman Burning Day

At present, the snowman is made of paper, wood, wire and decorated with paints to resemble like the real snowman. Snowman Burning Day is traditionally celebrated by the people of American and Swiss to mark an end to winter. In 1922, this celebration was cancelled due to environmental concerns, but people have brought it back as it is a traditional feast. The Unicorn Hunters will organize events and traditions activities including the annual poetry competition on this Day. People from the community can compose poems about the snowman burning and read them while at the event.

How to Celebrate Snowman Burning Day

The best way to celebrate the Snowman Burning Day is to burn a snowman depicting model. Get to know about the snowman burning and its history in detail. You can visit Lake Superior to participate in the events on this if you are affordable and watch the traditional snowman burning. Other can design a flammable snowman and invite friends to burn it as a way to welcome the spring. Write a snowman burning poem or let others write it to read it out loud to enjoy this Day. Share your welcome message for the spring on the social media on this feast using the hashtag #SnowmanBurningDay.

World Storytelling Day

World Storytelling Day is celebrated on March 20th of this year. The Day is annual commemoration celebrated on March Equinox or the first day of Spring. What do these lines “Once upon a time…” reminds you? Yes, it is none other than the stories. So all of us do love to listen or tell stories. Of course, most of us are grown up by listening to lots of stories. The love for the stories varies from every person as there are lots of genres. Storytelling needs little creativity and skill to express the story in the best way such that to impress the listener. So those who are good at telling stories can go forward as it is World Storytelling Day. Amaze others with the most inspiring story which you have known. Be lively by showing hand eloquence to express quality thoughts of your story. Make the listener eagerly wait for the next moment until you finish the storytelling.

“Storytelling is about two things; it’s about character and plot.” – George Lucas

History of World Storytelling Day

The exact year of World Storytelling Day (WSD) celebration is not known. However, the Day has got its roots from Alla Berättares Dag, or All Narrators Day that was held in Sweden in early 1990’s. The spirit of tradition behind this event has caught globally and thus came the WSD. It is a global celebration that aims at encouraging the art of oral storytelling and is celebrated every year on the March equinox, on/or near March 20 i.e., the first day of Spring. Each celebration of WSD since 2004 has a theme associated with it. On this Day, participants are encouraged to tell and listen to stories from different cultures and in different languages on the same day.

World Storytelling Day

The importance of the event lies in the fact that WSD is the found to be the first global celebration of storytelling of its kind. Participants usually will tell each other about their events to share their stories and inspiration and learn from each other as a way to forging links and create international contacts. So link up with other storytellers from around the globe who are also contributing to this Day as to make it a truly international festival. WSD is the best platform to creates new friends and promotes a positive understanding of different cultures from around the world. WSD celebration has also been considered significant as to draw public and media attention to storytelling as an art form.

Themes of World Storytelling Day

  • 2004 – Birds
  • 2005 – Bridges
  • 2006 – The Moon
  • 2007 – The Wanderer
  • 2008 – Dreams
  • 2009 – Neighbours
  • 2010 – Light and Shadow
  • 2011 – Water
  • 2012 – Trees
  • 2013 – Fortune and Fate
  • 2014 – Monsters and Dragons
  • 2015 – Wishes
  • 2016 – Strong Women
  • 2017 – Transformation
  • 2018 – Wise Fools
  • 2019 – Myths, Legends, and Epics

How to Celebrate World Storytelling Day

Celebrating the World Storytelling Day is quite simple. You can participate in the local Storytelling events in your region on this Day. Share your inspiring story with people at the event to share and enjoy. You can even organize a storytelling event and invite people to participate. On the other side, you can get to know stories even from other participants. Award prizes for the best story that depicts the culture and theme. You can share your stories and views about this Day on the social media using the hashtags #WorldStorytellingDay or #WorldStory18.

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