Author: o_diana (Page 53 of 61)

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Як починати розмову з незнайомцями = Small Talk.

Break the iceИзвестно, что конференции и массовые мероприятия – отличные события для того, чтобы завести полезные знакомства (to pick up an acquaintance) и встретиться с коллегами из других фирм (to meet new colleagues). Также это отличный способ узнать много интересного во время презентаций (presentations) и мастер-классов (workshops). Время перерывов на кофе (coffee break) и вечерних мероприятий (evening events) – отличный способ завести новых друзей (to make new friends). Начальный этап, на котором необходимо растопить лед холодной деловой атмосферы (to breake the ice), оказывается самым сложным. Что делать, как наладить общение в такой ситуации?

Представим, что вы оказались одни на конференции за границей. Каков план действий? Легче всего найти группу лиц, которые уже обсуждают что-то и присоединиться к разговору (join the conversation). Вежливо послушайте несколько минут, о чем идет разговор, а после представьтесь. Не забывайте, что улыбка (a smile) и позитивное отношение (positive attitude) располагает к вам собеседников:

Hello, my name is Aleksandr. Is it OK if I join your group? – Здравствуйте, меня зовут Александр. Ничего, если я присоединюсь к Вашей группе?

Sorry, do you mind if I join you? – Извините, Вы не возражаете, если я присоединюсь к Вам?

Не старайтесь сразу предложить группе купить ваш продукт или услугу, рассказать о своей фирме. Целью посещения конференций все-таки является общение.

Можно медленно пройтись по залу в поисках таких же «друзей по несчастью» (companions in misfortune), которые приехали на конференцию одни. Они, как правило, стоят у столиков с сервировкой кофе. Начать разговор можно, например, так:

Do you know where I can find cups? – Не подскажете, где я могу найти чашки?

Could you, please, pass me the milk? – Не могли бы Вы передать мне молоко?

Are you here alone or with your team? – Вы здесь один или со своей командой?

Do you know many people here? – Вы знаете многих здесь?

Мне удалось заметить, что те, кто курят, обладают априори преимуществом к социализации. Они собираются у места для курения, где меньше людей и легче начать разговор. Если вы курите, завести разговор можно в комнате для курения (smoking room), начав его, например, так:

Do you have a light? – У Вас есть зажигалка?

It’s nice here, isn’t it? – Здесь хорошо, не так ли?

It’s cold outside, isn’t it? – Прохладно на улице, Вы не находите?

Ни в коем случае место для курения не обязывает вас курить, так что можно просто выйти подышать свежим воздухом:

I just came out for some fresh air. There are too many people in there. – Я вышел подышать свежим воздухом. Слишком много людей в помещении.

Конечно же, разговор можно начать и с простой презентации себя:

Hi, I am from Russia. – Привет, я из России.

Но не забывайте, что необходимо уделить должное внимание собеседнику и не быть эгоистом, добавив:

And what about you? – А Вы?

Также начать разговор можно с обсуждения мероприятия:

Are you giving a presentation at the conference? – Вы будете выступать с презентацией на конференции?

I was at your workshop. It was amazing! – Я посетил Ваш тренинг. Это было здорово!

How do you like the conference/party? – Как Вам конференция/вечеринка?

Is it your first time at the conference? – Вы первый раз на конференции?

Темы, которые лучше не обсуждать

Независимо от формата мероприятия, есть такие темы, которые не принято обсуждать при первой встрече. Насколько бы интернациональной ни была публика конференции, лучше избегать следующих тем:

  1. Religion and politics (религия и политика). Не обсуждайте религиозные и политические вопросы в рабочей обстановке, ведь это сугубо личные темы, взгляды на которые часто расходятся. На такой почве легко разжечь конфликт из маленького спора, а это может серьезно испортить деловые и межличностные отношения.
  2. Problems with your spouses, children or colleagues (проблемы с супругом(ой), детьми или коллегами). Вопросы воспитания детей, ссор, сплетен и проблем – совсем не то, что хотят слышать ваши собеседники. Общение на эти темы может вызывать раздражение и негатив по отношению к вам.
  3. Salary (зарплата). Будучи близко знакомым с человеком, можно задать вопрос о сумме заработка. Но мы говорим о ваших новых знакомых, поэтому иностранный коллега уклончиво ответит и поторопится закончить с вами разговор.
  4. Low level of event you are attending (низкий уровень мероприятия, которое вы посещаете). Если вы приглашены на определенное мероприятие, то не принято критиковать его непосредственно во время самого мероприятия. Вы приглашенный гость, вам нужно уважать организаторов мероприятия. Не обязательно всем знать, что ужин мог бы быть и с десертом, а не просто окончиться основным блюдом. В случае, если вам действительно что-то не понравилось, вы всегда можете написать отзыв о данном мероприятии, указав, что стоило бы улучшить в его проведении.


Confidence Уверенность
Opinion Мнение
Urge Сильное желание
Silence Молчание
To doubt Сомневаться
To stress out Нервничать
To figure out Выяснять
To pretend Притворяться
To apologies Извиняться
To unleash Дать волю
To encourage Поощрять
To approach Приближаться
To recap Вкратце повторять
Intelligent Умный
Genuine Неподдельный
Respectful Уважительный
Laid back Спокойный
Phrases and idioms
A woody guy Странный парень
Awkward silence Неловкое молчание
To be in a talkative mood Быть настроенным на разговор
If it doesn’t work out Если это не работает

Ниже я представляю вашему вниманию ключевые моменты из данного видео: How to Break the ice. Confident conversation.

  • Be yourself. Don’t pretend to have seen a movie that you haven’t. – Будьте самим собой. Не притворяйтесь кем-то, кем Вы не являетесь на самом деле.
  • Confidence. Be confident in your opinions and yourself. – Уверенность. Будьте уверены в своих взглядах и в себе.
  • Don’t stress out over periods of silence. Allow silences and encourage other persons to be ok with them. – Не волнуйтесь из-за пауз в разговоре. Позвольте, чтобы они были и поддерживайте других людей, чтобы они не волновались из-за этого.
  • Be an active listener. Often we are spending more time thinking about what we are going to say instead of listening to another person. – Будьте активным слушателем. Часто мы проводим больше времени, раздумывая над тем, что мы дальше скажем, вместо того чтобы слушать другого человека.
  • Encourage the other person to talk about himself. It’s much easier to become interested in others than it is to convince them to be interested in you. – Побудите другого человека говорить о себе, а не о Вас. Намного легче заинтересоваться другим человеком, чем убедить его заинтересоваться Вашей персоной.
  • If you get shot down, take it in stride. – Если Вам что-то не удалось, просто забудьте об этом.

Надеюсь, что данные советы окажутся полезными для вас в реальной жизни. Главное, нужно помнить, что в большинстве случаев человек, с которым вы хотите заговорить, тоже стесняется и не знает, как начать беседу. Будьте первым, кто сможет растопить лед стеснения в разговоре.


Small talk dialogues + audio:

  1. Greeings.
  2. Weather (1 / 2/ 3)
  3. Calling a friend.
  4. Describing people.
  5. Expressing Concern for Someone.
  6. Expressing Joy at Someone’s Success.
  7. Complimenting Someone’s Clothes.
  8. Leisure Activities.
  9. Favourite Movie.
  10. Favourite Music.
  11. Sports.
  12. Invitation to a Movie.
  13. A Sick Classmate.
  14. Sharing News and Information.
  15. Changing the Subject.
  16. Receiving Visitors.
  17. Waiting for an Invitation.
  18. Accepting an Invitation to a Party.
  19. Declining an Invitation to a Party ( 1/ 2)
  20. Ending a Conversation.
  21. Leave-Taking

Грамматичні часи в коротких оповіданнях

Simple Present Story 1

Who is he? Where is he? What does he do?

Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He rides Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They always have a good time.

Ginger is Hank’s horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old. She lives in the stable by the house.

Ginger waits for Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank gives her apples. After long rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives her food and fresh water. Ginger loves Hank.


Не знаете, как отрабатывать устную речь?  Попробуйте на любой вопрос темы дать максимально исчерпывающий ответ. Посчитайте количество предложений, которые вы можете составить за минуту или две. Practice makes perfect, a предела совершенству нет =)))))  Можете свои рассуждения записать. На компьютере, который любезно отметит все ошибки. Желаю успехов!


  1. 7.  Birthdays
  • Do people in China celebrate birthdays?
  • (Similar to above) Are people’s birthdays very important in China?
  • How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?
  • (Similar to above) Do people in China do anything special to celebrate birthdays?
  • (Similar to above) Nowadays, how do young people in China celebrate their birthday?
  • Do people in China have birthday parties?
  • How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
  • (Similar to above) Do you usually do anything special on your birthdays?
  • What did you do on your last birthday? See note
  • Do you think it’s important for people to celebrate birthdays?
  • Possibly the above question is this: Do you think it’s important to remember people’s birthdays?
  • Do you think it’s important to give a (special) gift to someone on their birthday?
  • Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?
  • (Similar to above) Do you think it’s more important for children to celebrate birthdays than adults?
  • Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?

IELTS Speaking – три причины воспользоваться сайтом YASI

A House in Pictures

=))) Віршик мій, малюнки та фото – з матеріалів Інтернету

Сіренька мишка – mouse збудувала хатку – house.

Вийшов гарний  house -дім: віконце – window є у нім,

Є двері – door , підлога – floor, високі стіни. Стіна –wall .

Яскравий дах – roof  має дім, і chimney  є димар на нім.

Ще й сходи – stairs  вона зробила, і в гості друзів запросила.




In the Kitchen:



At the Bathroom:


In the bedroom: 


In the Living room:







12 ( по материалам группы “Уют и комфорт”)

13.  ( по материалам группы “Уют и комфорт”)

14.  ( по материалам группы “Уют и комфорт”)

















10 Simple Tips to Live Happy, Wild, and Free


“If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” -Morris West

In the past I was not known as a happy, wild, and free person. (OK maybe wild, I had my moments…) In stuck phases, peppered with depression, darkness, and hopelessness, I often wondered what it would be like to feel happy, wild and free.

I fantasized about living in Europe, writing in cafes like Hemingway, having wild crazy affairs with sexy men, or even moving to Hawaii and wearing nothing but sarongs and flip flops all day. But in truth, these fantasies were empty.

I knew in my gut that fantasies of escape would not bring authentic happiness or true freedom. Maybe at the onset, but in the end trying to create happiness, wild moments, and freedom outside of myself is only temporary. I’m left with facing whatever is still present within me.

Funny enough, I am most happy and free when attending my yearly meditation retreats. Yeah, I know, sitting in a dark room for hours at a time without moving doesn’t seem like the world’s wildest party.

But, when I relax, let go, juice up my heart, and get concentrated on the guarding point, my meditation practice takes me to unlimited expansion. There is nothing more that I need.

While meditating I am content, sometimes wildly ecstatic, and blissed-out, but most importantly, I am free. I realize then that my inner-crazy chick’s happiness and freedom exists in the simplest things.

When I attune to the simple things that give me joy, my body and spirit ignites! I feel truly alive and wildly happy. I feel free of the heavier burdens, beliefs, and complicated constructs that kept me stuck by focusing only on the “storms” within me.

Here are 10 stupidly simple tips to live happy, wild, and free:

1. Write out a short-list of the simple things that give you pleasure.

Keep them in the front of your consciousness and make sure you engage with them at least a few times a week. As you do these things, stay present and mindful of the joy they bring you.

For example, I love eating a fresh juicy nectarine on a summer’s afternoon, and meditating in the morning after a fresh brewed cup of tea, and taking a walk with my husband and window-shopping. What are some of your simple things?

2. Get moving.

Maybe you like the openness and relaxation you feel after a yoga class or the sweat and wild release of spinning. You may enjoy seeing your dog run happily in circles as you throw balls at the park.

Whatever movement inspires you, do it and observe the happiness and freedom it brings. Also, take a short walk after having a meal. This not only helps with digestion, but also instantly relieves any heavy feelings.

3. Eat light.

Support your body/mind/spirit with simple meals three times a day. On retreat, we eat out of three small bowls, usually a grain, a soup and a vegetable. Eating light helps us to feel lighter and also increases concentration, digestion, energy levels, and productivity.

As a practice of mindfulness, I put my eating utensil down between each bite and wait to pick it up again until the food is completely swallowed. It takes 20 minutes for our meal to be digested, so I know if I eat slowly for 20 minutes, I will feel completely satisfied without having to eat large portions.

4. Take a cold shower.

Waking up in the morning and taking a cold shower revives and wildly awakens the senses. Here are some benefits of cold showers:

  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves depression
  • Keeps skin and hair healthy
  • Increases testosterone and fertility
  • Increases energy and well-being

5. Talk less, and when you do talk have noble conversation.

When you hang out with your friends and loved ones, learn to love the spaces in the conversation. Listen more to their tone as they share rather than thinking about how you are going to respond.

Pay attention to what happens to your energy when you talk less, and how much happier you feel as you conserve more energy. Plus, you will love the simple intimacy of your relationships as you increase presence and heart-centered listening, freeing yourself of complications and unwanted dramas.

6. Get 10 minutes of sun a day.

With sunscreen, there are benefits to getting sun. Well-documented research shows there is a relationship between low vitamin D levels and poor health, such as frail bones, multiple sclerosis, and prostate cancer. We need vitamin D!

Also, light hitting your skin, not just your eyes, helps reverse seasonal affective disorder. Here comes the sun! Let the sunshine in!

7. Turn off the TV.

Rather than watch TV, use your time more mindfully. Read, walk, meet friends, or join an evening group or class. Use your time to connect to others and yourself. Or jump in and do something different, spontaneous, and wild!

8. Create.

Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist there are so many ways to express creatively. Cook with a loved one, dance in your living room, sing in the car, journal without editing or crossing out, learn a new joke.

Be happy, wild, and free as you express yourself more creatively!

9. Enjoy nature.

Find the nature that surrounds you—really see it. Observe yourself as you witness nature and appreciate its growth and timing.

If you feel like things are going too slow, too fast, or you aren’t really sure of where you are going, remember there is a natural timing for everything, and all the roads are taking you to the right place at the right time.

Ask yourself, “How can I compare nature’s experience to my life? How am I just like the wild flower that is growing on the path?”

10. Know the simple truth.

With enthusiasm and confidence, state what you know to be true about your authentic self. Ask yourself, “What is true about myself right now in this moment?”

For example, I am enough, I am worthy, I am good, I am loved, I have what I need, or I am a success.

State this affirmation out loud a few times to embody the essence of who you really are in this very moment. Take it in! Believe this and you are free!

Keeping your focus on the simplest things offers an immediate experience of abundant joy. May you embrace simplicity in your daily life filled with lightness, movement, and sunshine!

What are your simple things that bring light to your life?

А Mayonnaise Jar

Одне з найулюбленіших =))))

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous “yes.”

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

“Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things — your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions — and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else — the small stuff.

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

“Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first — the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.”

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the two cups of coffee.

The Present Perfect Passive

October Gave a Party

October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came—
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

The Chestnuts came in yellow,                                                                                              The Oaks in crimson dressed;
The lovely Misses Maple
In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners,
And gaily fluttered by;
The sight was like a rainbow
New fallen from the sky.

Then, in the rustic hollow,
At hide-and-seek they played,
The party closed at sundown,
And everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder;
They flew along the ground;
And then the party ended
In jolly “hands around.”



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maple:Related image


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