Three Kings Day

Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6 of every year. It is also known as Epiphany or Theophany. It is a day to celebrate the revelation of God in his son as a human in Lord Jesus Christ. Since The end of the second century, the Three Kings Day was observed even before the Christmas holiday has been celebrated. It typically celebrated on 12th Day after Christmas. According to Bible, the Three Kings Day marks the three wise men’s visit to the baby Jesus and also the day to remember the baptism.

History of Three Kings Day

The Three Kings Day or Epiphany or Theophany represents the biblical adoration of baby Jesus by the three kings or wise men’s named Melchior from Europe, Caspar from Arabia and Balthazar from Africa. The trio’s found the baby Jesus by following the star in the desert for nearly twelve days to Bethlehem. To represent the baby Jesus with three symbolic gifts, they travelled by horse, camel and elephant respectively. The word Epiphany refers “Showing Forth“, or “Manifestation” and the word Theophany represents “Manifestation of God”. The Three Kings Day marks the commemoration of baby Jesus birth, his visit to the Magi, Childhood events and his baptism in the Jordan by John, The Baptist. The day also commemorates the miracle at the wedding in Cans, Galilee.

Three Kings Day 2018- January 6

It fairly represents that Baptism is the important event celebrated. In A.D. 361 Ammianus Marcellinus referenced the word Epiphany as a religious feast. St.Epiphanuis changed the Epiphany to “Christ’s Birthday” asserts the Miracle of Sana that took place on that Calendar Day. On December 25th of 380 A.D. St. Gregory of Nazianzus refer the Epiphany as Theophany, and he said that it is a day to celebrate the holy nativity of Christ and he advised his followers to celebrate the baptism of Christ on the day.  Then Three Kings added two more sermons, where he declared the celebration of Christ birth and Visit of the Magi. After then they would commemorate Baptism of Baby Jesus. At this time, the commemoration of two events has been observed on two occasions. St. John Cassian has said that in his day the Egyptians celebrated the two events together on January 6th. The Three Kings Day has been honoured as the only commemoration of the nativity by the Armenian Apostolic Church.

How to Celebrate Three Kings Day

On Three Kings Day, invite family members, friends, co-workers and arrange them a large meal at your home. In some places, the parties will be organised to celebrate the day. It is also a day to clean up a house as it is a perfect time to remove the Christmas decorations. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about Three Kings Day by using the hashtag #ThreeKingsDay.