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National JoyGerm Day

National JoyGerm Day

National JoyGerm Day is an annual celebration observed on January 8th of every year. Obviously, you would have found out what this Day is with its name. You are here to spread the joy, kindness, being positive as like how the germs get spread. Smile and let others smile as to make your surroundings a happier place to live in. Nothing wrong with spreading such good germs as happiness should be highly infectious. National JoyGerm Day is celebrated as to encourage people to spread a type of germ that is good both for the spreader and the one who gets infected. It is the perfect time to spread the happiness and joy which you have in you with others and thereby to make them feel better.

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” – Joseph Campbell

History of National JoyGerm Day

The National JoyGerm Day has been celebrated since the year 1981. Joan White has established this celebration Day. January 7th is chosen as it was the birthday of White’s mother. She has gained such energy from her mother, and as to honour her mother, Ms White has created this day. It is quite a surprise as Ms White, a retired advertising and public relations specialist who thought to display her creativity and positive thinking in a way to promote the idea of joygerms. The Day has been spread infectiously through the efforts of Ms White and the radio shows, TV interviews, newsletters, magazines, postcards, and hug coupons. More than 180,000 cards carrying members in all 50 states from all over the world carry Joygerm cards.

National JoyGerm Day 2018 - January 8

How to Celebrate National JoyGerm Day

Celebrating the National JoyGerm Day is quite a simple task. It is easy to spread the smile, happiness, and joy which you feel with others. Just smile at the person you meet on this Day as to make it an excellent celebration. Be little more friendly to spread the joygerm with others. Indulge yourself in making this infectious joygerm present on every person. You can share smiling smileys with your chat, email, or can send your dear ones with a card with your heartfelt words that make the reader smile. Share your joyous moments with your dear ones to make this Day more enjoyable. You can even spread the joygerm on the social media using the hashtag #JoyGermDay.

National Clean Off Your Desk Day

National Clean Off Your Desk Day

National Clean Off Your Desk Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 8th of this year. Of course, all of our desks during the holidays would have been filled with many more unnecessary items. One would have used the desk in the home for the Festivus and new year celebration. Even the desk in your office would have surrounded with dust as you haven’t visited your workplace due to the holiday season. Whatever the reason and mess be, it is essential to start the new year with a neat and clean desk. Experts believe that the clean desk increases the productivity. So it’s time to clean off your desk as it is National Clean Off Your Desk Day.

“The way in which you carry yourself, even when seated at a desk, matters.” – Ivanka Trump

History of National Clean Off Your Desk Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the National Clean Off Your Desk Day are unknown. There is also no mention about the year since this Day has been celebrated. The second Monday of every January marks this celebration Day. The founder of the Day has come up with such a Day as to make the people know the importance of having a clean desk. It is vital to have a functional workspace for any worker to build a productive work life. The productivity savants and authorities believe that a clean, well-organized work desks will enable the workers to focus on the work. Having a cleaner desk will give you a sense of tranquillity.

National Clean Off Your Desk Day 2018 - January 8

Let your desk be a private or shared office, cubicle, or a make-shift desk on the counter, and even the desk at home, it is a must to make your workspace organized, uncluttered, refreshed and clean. Cleaning off your desk will encourage you to work more efficiently. Research also shows that those people who work in unclean spaces with an untidy collection of things tend to get baffled faster than those whose workspaces are well-organised and clean. Having a clean desk will sustaining productivity, energy, and focus. Get ready to feel the instant pleasure soon after you clean off your desk. Make things organized as to look and feel the strengthened and more productive.

How to Celebrate National Clean Off Your Desk Day

Celebrating the National Clean Off Your Desk Day is very simple. Take some good time to clean off your desk. Make all your files ad paper works organized in the drawer of the desk. File all the important documents and place them in one corner of your desk. Keep only the necessary items your desk as to avoid cluttering of things. You can even ask your colleagues to clean off their desks by mentioning about this celebration. Share your clean, uncluttered desk pictures on this Day on the social media using the hashtag #CleanOffYourDeskDay.

National Bubble Bath Day

National Bubble Bath Day

Bubble Day is celebrated on January 8 of every year. The bubbles at the top of the water are known as foam bath or foaming bath that insulate the bath water by keeping it warmer for an extended period. Children like’s to enjoy play with the bubbles which encourage them to take their baths. Some of the bubble baths, foaming bath or bath foam can be used to wash hair and skin. The preparations for bath foam may be in the form of a liquid, solid (in the form of powders, grains or tablets) and gel also. So National Bubble Bath Day is a perfect day to relax in a nice warm/hot bubble bath on a cold winter’s day.

History of National Bubble Bath Day

The exact origin and the founder of National Bubble Bath Day are still unknown. In late 1940’s the average American bathed once a week for his hygiene but today a daily shower is standard. It’s important to indulge in a gorgeous soak every once in a while. The Bubble Bath can help you to open up pores, clean your skin and to relax muscles. Bubble bath has been familiar as long as baths with soap which is surfactant based. Bubbles can remove the nasty ring that forms near your bathtub, leaving you and your tub. Also, it can obscure vision. Moreover, it acts as an insulator which preserves the heat of the bath and allows you to luxuriate in it for the more extended period.

National Bubble Bath Day 2018 - January 8

Mr Bubble is a brand of bath product made by the village company. According to AC Nielsen Data, Mr Bubble is the number one brand of bath brands in the United States of America, and it celebrated it 50th Birthday in 2011. It was founded by Mr Harold Schafer and the Gold Seal company on 1961 at North Dakota, USA. Gold Steel Company manufactured and distributed Mr Bubble until 1986. When the company was sold the product has been reformulated to be tear-free, hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested, and paediatrician tested.

Bubble Bath Day

Celebrating National Bubble Bath Day is quite easy. Just pick up a bubble bath product bottle which is your favourite and fill the tub to commemorate the Bubble Bath Day on Night. You can create a calming atmosphere with background music, candles and the towel to cushion your neck. Post pictures and share your thoughts about National Bubble Bath Day on social media by using the hashtag #BubbleBathDay.

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Earth’s Rotation Day

Earth’s Rotation Day – January 8, 2018

Earth’s Rotation Day is an annual occurrence celebrated on January 8th of every year. All of us are very well aware that earth rotates. The planet will take 24 hours to complete one full rotation, and due to the rotation, we tend to see the day and night alternatively. Being the only planet in which humans survive, Earth rotates about its own axis. Earth’s Rotation Day is observed as to celebrate the French Physicist, Leon Foucault who in 1851 has demonstrated that the Earth rotates on its axis.

“We can’t feel the rotation of the planet, but in some ways we can because our bodily systems are reacting to it and have it inherent in them. To me, that’s such a powerful thought.” – Jessa Gamble

History of Earth’s Rotation Day

The history, origin, founder, and the year since the Earth’s Rotation Day have been celebrated are anonymous. However, this observance Day is created as to honour the demonstration of Leon Foucault of France. He was the one who mentioned that the earth rotated on its axis in 1851. Foucault suspended a lead-filled brass sphere from the top of the Panthéon in Paris as to prove his theory. The lead-filled brass sphere is now called as the Foucault Pendulum from the top of the Pantheon in Paris. Foucault Pendulum has shown that the plane of the swing of the pendulum rotated relative to that of the Earth’s own rotation. The Foucault’s pendulum has demonstrated that the earth’s rotation is the cause of gravity.

Earth's Rotation Day

How to Celebrate Earth’s Rotation Day

Celebrating the Earth’s Rotation Day is very simple. Get to know more about the earth’s rotation and research about its history as not every day is this celebration Day. You can even enter into a museum to see what is Foucault Pendulum and how it looks like. Make your kids learn about this concept with a working model. Take them to learn about Earth’s rotation by visiting a local space and science museum. Share your views and celebration photos about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #EarthsRotationDay.

Three Kings Day

Three Kings Day

Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6 of every year. It is also known as Epiphany or Theophany. It is a day to celebrate the revelation of God in his son as a human in Lord Jesus Christ. Since The end of the second century, the Three Kings Day was observed even before the Christmas holiday has been celebrated. It typically celebrated on 12th Day after Christmas. According to Bible, the Three Kings Day marks the three wise men’s visit to the baby Jesus and also the day to remember the baptism.

History of Three Kings Day

The Three Kings Day or Epiphany or Theophany represents the biblical adoration of baby Jesus by the three kings or wise men’s named Melchior from Europe, Caspar from Arabia and Balthazar from Africa. The trio’s found the baby Jesus by following the star in the desert for nearly twelve days to Bethlehem. To represent the baby Jesus with three symbolic gifts, they travelled by horse, camel and elephant respectively. The word Epiphany refers “Showing Forth“, or “Manifestation” and the word Theophany represents “Manifestation of God”. The Three Kings Day marks the commemoration of baby Jesus birth, his visit to the Magi, Childhood events and his baptism in the Jordan by John, The Baptist. The day also commemorates the miracle at the wedding in Cans, Galilee.

Three Kings Day 2018- January 6

It fairly represents that Baptism is the important event celebrated. In A.D. 361 Ammianus Marcellinus referenced the word Epiphany as a religious feast. St.Epiphanuis changed the Epiphany to “Christ’s Birthday” asserts the Miracle of Sana that took place on that Calendar Day. On December 25th of 380 A.D. St. Gregory of Nazianzus refer the Epiphany as Theophany, and he said that it is a day to celebrate the holy nativity of Christ and he advised his followers to celebrate the baptism of Christ on the day.  Then Three Kings added two more sermons, where he declared the celebration of Christ birth and Visit of the Magi. After then they would commemorate Baptism of Baby Jesus. At this time, the commemoration of two events has been observed on two occasions. St. John Cassian has said that in his day the Egyptians celebrated the two events together on January 6th. The Three Kings Day has been honoured as the only commemoration of the nativity by the Armenian Apostolic Church.

How to Celebrate Three Kings Day

On Three Kings Day, invite family members, friends, co-workers and arrange them a large meal at your home. In some places, the parties will be organised to celebrate the day. It is also a day to clean up a house as it is a perfect time to remove the Christmas decorations. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about Three Kings Day by using the hashtag #ThreeKingsDay.

Apple Tree Day

Apple Tree Day – January 6, 2018

Apple Tree Day

Apple Tree Day is an annual celebration observed on January 6th of each year. Apples are found to hold different health benefits, and of course, it needs to be celebrated. The famous quotes “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” portrays the importance of consuming the apple. However, the history of the Apple Tree Day is entirely different from what has mentioned above. But, this celebration Day has finally grown to become a celebration of the apple itself.

“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.” – Robert H. Schuller

History of Apple Tree Day

There is no specific mention about the founder and the first year at which this Apple Tree Day has been celebrated. It has been started as a celebration Day of an old apple tree which is almost two centuries old. Later, this Day has become a celebration of Apple itself. The celebration Day encourages every one of us from around the world to know the importance of apple and its nutritional health benefits. Make your Day filled with fresh apple, apple cider drink, apple cake, and all those foods made of apple. Traditionalists on this Day will take apple tree cuttings and plant them. For those who don’t have access can plant an apple tree bought from a plant nursery.

Apple Tree Day 2018 - January 6

How to Celebrate Apple Tree Day

Celebrating the Apple Tree Day is quite simple. You can include the apples in some way or the other throughout the Day. Have some apple salads for breakfast, complete your lunch with apple juice. You can even eat apple cakes for your tea break and finish off your dinner with the final touch of apple cider drink. Share your apple celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #AppleTreeDay.

National Bean Day Bean Day – January 6, 2018

National Bean Day

National Bean Day has been celebrated annually on January 6th. It is important to consume protein, vitamin, fibre, antinutrient rich foods to lead a healthy life. Those who prefer eating such kind of things would sure enjoy eating the beans. The green, black, red, kidney, lima, soy, chickpea,  are some of the bean varieties. They are one of the longest-cultivated plants and are a summer crop. National Bean Day celebrates the all the 40,000 bean varieties that are available in different colours, sizes, shapes, and taste.

“Black beans and soybeans are the cornerstones of longevity diets around the world.” – Dan Buettner

History of National Bean Day

Paula Bowen has found to be the person who established the National Bean Day. There is no mention about the year from which this Day has been celebrated. The basis of modern genetics was formed due to the pioneering experimental works of Gregor Mendel with breeding pea plants. As to honour his incredible work, the celebration Day falls on the death anniversary of the geneticist Gregor Mendel. Paula Bowen thought to observe a Day for the beans as her father was a pinto bean farmer. Bean is a common name for the large seeds of genera of the flowering plant family Fabaceae. It is also known as Leguminosae which are used for human or animal food.

National Bean Day 2018 - January 6

The healthy and nutritional benefits of beans are an important source of complex carbohydrates, protein, folate, and iron. Consuming the beans regularly adds significant amounts of fibre and soluble fibre to anyone’s diet. Beans are a very healthy choice for any meal or snack. They are also found to have an excellent source of fibre, lower fat. There are so many types of bean that contain significant amounts of antinutrients. It inhibits some enzyme processes in the body. Phytic acid and phytates, present in beans provides bone growth and interrupt vitamin D metabolism. The production of dry beans is high in Myanmar (Burma), India and Brazil.

How to Celebrate National Bean Day

Celebration the National Bean Day is very simple. The best way to celebrate this Day is to add beans as the part of your regular food routine. Eat beans to have healthy bones and possess high energy. Have the beans for your breakfast by baking and toasting it. Sprouted beans will be even better to eat it as snacks. Dry beans can be fried and used as a side dish for your lunch. As there are many unique varieties of bean cuisine available, you can learn to make those recipes. Share your Bean Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #BeanDay.

National Shortbread Day

National Shortbread Day – January 6, 2018

National Shortbread Day is an annual celebration observed on January 6th of every year. There would be none who doesn’t love the Scottish classic, Shortbread. Millions of people from all over the world like eating the shortbread, a biscuit. Treat your sweet tooth with the white, or a light golden brown desserts called the Shortbreads. There will be nothing more delicious than the crumbly texture of a shortbread melting in your mouth. Make an excuse and fill your mouths with the shortbreads as to make the National Shortbread Day fulfilled.

“The pleasure lies not in the cookies, but in the pattern, the crumbs make when the cookies crumble.” – Michael Korda

History of National Shortbread Day

The history, origin, creator, and the year from which the National Shortbread Day has been celebrated are not known. However, the tradition of the Shortbread has a long history.Shortbread has been found to have originated in Scotland. The first printed recipe for shortbread date to 1736 from a Scotswoman named Mrs McLintock. There is also a reference mentioned that Mary, Queen of Scotland had invented the modern shortbread in the 16th century.  It is a classic Scottish dessert traditionally was made with one part of white sugar, two parts of butter, and three parts of flour. The ground rice or cornflour are added to alter the texture sometimes.

National Shortbread Day

The modern-day recipes, however, is different from the original as it splits the sugar into equal parts granulated and icing sugar and it may add a portion of salt. The biscuit is baked at a low temperature. It is baked until it attains white, or a light golden brown colour and thus browning it is avoided. More sugar is sprinkled while cooling. It may even become crumbly before the biscuit is cooled, but after cooling, it will become firmer. The biscuit has got its name due to its crumbly texture which is caused by its high-fat content, provided by the butter. The shortbread is available in one of three shapes like one large circle, divided into segments, individual round biscuits or a thick oblong slab cut into fingers.

How to Celebrate National Shortbread Day

Celebrating the National Shortbread Day is very simple. Fill up your mouth with the shortbreads in any way possible. To make the celebration simple, anyone can get the Scottish shortbread from the pastry shop. Those who are interested in making this celebration completely as a homemade thing can get to know more about the Scottish Shortbread, how to prepare it. Now get the required ingredients and start making the shortbreads. Choose different shapes and decorate it with dry fruits, nuts, and more to make it look and taste rich. Serve them to your family and friends. Share your Shortbread making photos on the social media using the hashtag #ShortbreadDay.

National Bird Day

National Bird Day

National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5 of every year. National Bird Day is one of the holidays celebrating Birds. Birds are sentinel breeds whose plight serves as the barometer of ecosystem health and alert system for detecting global environmental ills. Now, nearly 12% of world’s 9800 species of bird may experience extinction including 330 species of parrots within the next century. Many of the Parrot species and songbirds are in danger of extinction due to pressures from the illegal trade of pet, habitat loss and diseases. Now the survival and well-being of world’s birds depend upon Pubilc Education and support for conservation. So National Bird Day is the day to create awareness or education about the physical and behavioural needs that need to improve the welfare of the millions of birds kept in captivity.

Everyone likes Birds, what wild creature is more accessible to our eyes, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird.” – David Attenborough

History of National Bird Day

In 1894, Charles Almanzo Babcock, Superintendent of Schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania announced the first holiday to celebrate birds as National Bird Day in the United States. Initially, it is named after the International Migratory Day, although it is not related to National Bird Day. Bird Day marks the end of the yearly Christmas Bird Number in the Middle of 21st Century. Christmas Bird Count lasts three weeks, and it is the longest citizen science survey in the entire world that helps us to monitor the health of our nation’s birds. Peoples and Birders go out and will count the birds as many as they can see.

National Bird Day 2018 - January 5Once the period ends, our focus will turn to captive birds, and January 5 is the day of the new beginning for captive birds. From 1979, Bird Lovers in the UK had taken the role in the Annual Big Garden Birdwatch. Up to nearly half million of peoples had spent almost an hour to count the birds in the annual event organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

How to Celebrate National Bird Day

Celebrate the National Bird Day by learning about the wonders of different birds. Create awareness or educate the peoples about the survival of birds depends on upon the public awareness as well as the support for conservation. Raise awareness on the social media’s about the existence of birds by using the hashtag #NationalBirdDay.

National Whipped Cream Day

National Whipped Cream Day

National Whipped Cream Day is an annual celebration feasted on January 5th of every year. Whipped Cream completes all your fruit and desserts as a topping, ice cream sundae, hot chocolate, cupcakes, and more. Whipped cream adds extra delight, and thus all your favourite dessert to cakes will have a rich look. National Whipped Cream Day wouldn’t get completed without tasting your ever loved food items topped with the whipped cream. So take this Day as the perfect excuse to treat yourself with a sweet treat.

“My mom makes something called green pie, which I thought was a delicacy that many people only had at Thanksgiving, but it turns out it was just Jell-O with whipped cream on it. And it’s delicious.” – Bobby Moynihan

History of National Whipped Cream Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the National Whipped Cream Day are not known. It is not mentioned anywhere regarding the year since this Day has been celebrated. However, the whipped cream has been existing since the 16th century. Aaron Lapin who invented the Reddi-Wip in 1948, was born on January 5, 1914, and the celebration Day falls on the birthday of Reddi-Wip founder Aaron “Bunny” Lapin. It is often called Chantilly cream or crème Chantilly. The cream is usually whipped until it is light and fluffy with a whisk, an electric or hand mixer, or a food processor. When the equipment and ingredients are cold, the results are best. The cream is often sweetened and at times flavoured with vanilla.

National Whipped Cream Day 2018 - January 5

The whipped cream is also often flavoured with sugar, vanilla, coffee, orange, chocolate, and so on. The whipped cream was sweetened and aromatised, and was popular in the 16th century. This cream is used as an ingredient in many desserts varieties as a filling for profiteroles and the layer cakes. The normal creams will consist of 30 percent of milk fat whereas the heavy cream will consist of 36 percent fat. The whipped cream is a popular topping used in fruit and desserts like pie, ice cream, sundaes, cupcakes, hot chocolate, cakes, waffles, milkshakes, cheesecakes, Jello and puddings. The Viennese coffee house tradition serves the whipped cream on coffee. The coffee with whipped cream is called as Melange mit Schlagobers.

How to Celebrate National Whipped Cream Day

Celebrating the National Whipped Cream Day is very simple. Make your favourite food items little more delicious by adding the whipped cream. You could even add it as a topping for your morning coffee and bite your cupcakes or puddings with whipped cream. Make sure you combine it with the milkshakes after your lunch. Share your ice cream topped with whipped cream with your family after dinner. Share your Whipped Cream Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #WhippedCreamDay.

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