Author: o_diana (Page 35 of 61)

Buttercrunch Day

National Buttercrunch Day

National Buttercrunch Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 20th of every year. It’s time to treat your sweet tooth with some delicious crunchy toffee candy. There will be no other flavours that taste so good like the toffee covered with the chocolate. More than all, the crunchy texture of the buttercrunch will sure make anyone fall for it easily. National Buttercrunch Day celebrates the buttercrunch, its flavours, variations, crunchy consistency and of course, those who love it.

“I shop for candy instead of clothes!” – Dylan Lauren

History of National Buttercrunch Day

The history, origin, and the year from when the National Buttercrunch Day has been celebrated are unknown. There is no record regarding the person who has come up with such a celebration Day and created it officially. However, it might be someone who loves the sweet crunchy taste of the buttercrunch thought to honour it with a Day. Buttercrunch is prepared from butter and brown sugar. It is then boiled at high temperature until the sugar gets caramelized into the hard ball stage called toffee. Buttercrunch is cooked until it attains a crunchy texture. It has a crunchy texture and a caramel flavour. Toasted almond sprinkles are the variations on the recipes.

National Buttercrunch Day 2018 - January 20

How to Celebrate National Buttercrunch Day

Celebrating the National Buttercrunch Day is quite simple. Get to treat yourself with buttercrunch ice cream, candy and any of its combinations. Learn about the buttercrunch, how to prepare it and know about its variations. Make some delicious buttercrunch toffees and candies at your home and treat your family with a homemade preparation. Make it rich by adding it with some nuts like almonds. Organize a party by inviting your family and friends to serve them with buttercrunch variations. Share your buttercrunch day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #ButtercrunchDay.


Penguin Awareness Day

Penguin Awareness Day

Penguin Awareness Day is celebrated on January 20 of every year. Penguins are a group of aquatic and flightless birds. They live in Southern Hemisphere and a particular species of the Penguin named Galapagos Penguin if found only in the north equator region called Temperate Zone. The Penguins are counter-shaded dark and white plumage. Their Wings are evolved into flippers, and they live in water areas only. Most of the penguins will feed krill, squid, fish and some forms of sea life creatures that caught while swimming under the water. The life of Penguins may be divided into two portions. They spend half of their lives in land and another half in the ocean. The Penguin Awareness Day was initiated to bring more focus to the conservation of Penguin Habitats.

Our babies are like penguins; penguin babies can’t exist unless more than one person is taking care of them. They just can’t keep going.” – Alison Gopnik

History of Penguin Awareness Day

The exact origin and the founder of Penguin Awareness Day are still unknown. The term Penguin first published in the 16th century as a synonym for Great Auk. There is a debate about the etymology of the name “Penguin”. The source of the word is from the English or Dutch. The alternative etymology relates the word to Latin Word “Pinguis” which refers Fat or Oil. Penguins are divided into three categories named Brush-Tail, Crested and King or Emperor. Nearly 17 species of Penguins comes under those three categories. The majority of Penguins are found in Australia, NewZealand, Antartica, SouthAfrica and Galapagos Island (Temperate Climate). The smallest penguin is Little Blue Penguin which is off 16 Inches tall and 2.2 lbs of weight. The Largest Penguin in the world is Emperor which is off 3.7 feet tall and 75 pounds of weight. There is believe that some of the old penguins grew up to the size of human beings.

Penguin Awareness Day 2018 - January 20

There is the fact that the white and black coloured penguins are Camouflage. It helps them to hide from underwater predators. Normally Penguins are good at diving and Swimming. Even though they are part of the Bird Family, they can’t fly. To move quickly in underwater, they use their wings as flippers. Penguins have excellent vision in water and thus by they avoid them from Predators. At a time, they can remain in underwater for nearly 15-20minutes and capable of swimming 12 miles per hour. The Penguins seem to be having no fear of human beings, and they are Friendly with peoples.

How to celebrate Penguin Awareness Day

Celebrating the Penguin Awareness Day is quite easy. Learn more about those birds and their habitats. If your local zoo has penguins, just visit the zoo with your friends, family members and spend some time in observing more facts about Penguins. Take the pictures of those Penguin and share them others on the social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #PenguinAwarenessDay.

Day of Acceptance

International Day of Acceptance

International Day of Acceptance is an annual celebration January 20th of each year. At times, it is important to accept certain things as such. It is true in the case of accepting the disability of the person. There is nothing to feel different or awkward living with such disability. Thus to recognize those people globally, International Day of Acceptance is created. Annie Hopkins has created the symbol of International Symbol of Acceptance as a way to recognize social acceptance of disability. It is a worldwide observance that is created to honour the  Annie Hopkins and her incredible work to make the disability as a socially acceptable thing.

“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.” – Brian Tracy

History of International Day of Acceptance

The International Day of Acceptance has been celebrated since the year 2010. It is a celebration Day that honour the late Annie Hopkins who was the founder of 3E Love. She was also credited with the creation of the International Symbol of Acceptance. The date is precisely chosen as it was on January 20th, 2009, Annie had passed away as a result of unexpected complications occurred during a simple medical procedure. Annie founded 3E Love with an intention to make the world a better place to live in. 3E Love is a social entrepreneurial awareness experiment that is created to educate people to embrace the diversity and thereby making them Love Life by seeing things beyond abilities. The International Symbol of Acceptance shows a wheelchair in the shape of a heart. In the loving memory of Annie, her Stevie Hopkins and his family has created such a Day to pay tribute to his sister’s selfless efforts.

International Day of Acceptance 2018 - January 20

How to Celebrate International Day of Acceptance

Celebrating International Day of Acceptance is very simple. Encourage people around you to stay strong in making things happen beyond their abilities. Never indulge yourself in making those disabled people feel embraced. You can spread the word by drawing the symbol on your hand or cheek or order for T-shirts from the 3E Love’s official website. You can even change your social media digital picture with the logo of the International Symbol of Acceptance for a day. Share your celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #DayOfAcceptance.


Camcorder Day

Camcorder Day

Camcorder Day is an annual celebration observed on January 20th of every year. Once before the invention of cameras and video recorders, it is certainly not possible to make the memories live. However, technology has made everything possible and it is certainly true with the invention of Camcorder, a device that is a combination of a video camera and also a videocassette recorder. Camcorder Day celebrates all those different types of videography and the also the videographers.

“The day I made that statement, about the inventing the internet, I was tired because I’d been up all night inventing the camcorder.” – Al Gore

History of Camcorder Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the Camcorder Day are unknown. There is no record of the year from when this Day has been celebrated. However, the idea of creating such a day was created by someone who has loved this profession and the device. The creator of this Day would have started this Day with an intention to honour the camcorders, its usefulness and those who are in the profession. The term “camcorder” describes a portable, self-contained device that can primarily capture video and record it. The advanced function varies with different types of devices. The earliest version of the camcorders was tape-based and it records analogue signals onto the videotape cassettes. Later in 2006, the digital recording has become popular with the tape replaced by the storage media like the SD cards and internal flash memory. The recent inventions that are capable of recording video include camera phones and digital cameras.

Camcorder Day 2018 - January 20

How to Celebrate Camcorder Day

Celebrating the Camcorder Day is very simple. Make this Day as a celebration and record the moments using a camcorder. You can get to know about Camcorder, its types, and techniques used. Organize a party for your friends and family on this Day and record your celebrations. If you have any oldest camcorder, then you can share its pictures on the social media using the hashtag #CamcorderDay.

Cheese Lover’s Day

National Cheese Lover’s Day

National Cheese Lover’s Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 20th of every year. It is all the way a day for the cheese lovers. Cheese is one among the most loved food items by millions of people from all over the world. It is being spread in different varieties, and cheese has been celebrated in some way or the other on ten out of twelve months in the calendar with eighteen plus different cheese variety celebration days. Why not a Day for such a famous food loved and celebrated in different forms with a Day in the calendar? National Cheese Lover’s Day celebrates the entire cheese varieties and those who love every other cheese.

“I eat junk food, cheesecake, cheese, pizza – but just lower amounts of it.” – JWoww

History of National Cheese Lover’s Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the National Cheese Lover’s Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year from when this Day has been celebrated.  However, cheese has a long history and tradition. Cheese is a food obtained from milk and has a wide range of flavours, forms, and textures by the coagulation of the milk protein casein. The milk obtained is usually taken from the proteins and fat from the milk of cows, buffalo, goats, or sheep. The earliest archaeological evidence of cheese-making record dates back to 5,500 BCE. Several years ago, milk was transported and stored in sheep stomachs and left for a few days until the proteins would separate into curds and whey. Now the curds are salted and left to age.

National Cheese Lover's Day 2018 - January 20

Cheese is highly valued for its long life, portability, and high content of fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also more compact and has a longer shelf life than that of the milk. At various stages bacteria, enzymes or fungi are added. When it is further maintained under a certain controlled temperature, time and moisture result in the desired taste, colour and texture. Sometimes herbs and spices are also added as flavouring agents. Cheese is more flavorful at the room temperature. There are over 900 cheese types that are classified by taste and texture. Depending on the variety of cheese, its nutritional values will differ. Most notably, the world’s largest cheese was displayed on this day at the New York World’s Fair in 1964 that weighed over 34,000 pounds.

How to Celebrate National Cheese Lover’s Day

Celebrating the National Cheese Lover’s Day is quite simple. Fill up your mouth with some cheese recipes to celebrate cheese. Learn how to prepare cheese at home and prepare some cheese variety dishes to serve it for your family. You can order cheese rolling, fondue, cheese pizza and anything you would love eating at your favourite restaurant. To make it simple, you can even taste a slice of cheese and anything you prefer. Share your craze for cheese on the social media using the hashtag #CheeseLoversDay.

Tin Can Day

Tin Can Day

Tin Can Day is an annual celebration observed on January 19th of every year. Often we drink cold drinks in the tin can. These cans are also used in storage of perishable food and thus occupied a very own space in every household. Tin cans made of tin-plated steel every way changed the way of storage in day-to-day life in various aspects. Tin Can Day is celebrated as a way to honour this multi-purpose storage material. The Day also raises awareness about the importance of recycling the tins.

“My first phone was two tin cans tied together with string, and it worked pretty good.” – Dolly Parton

History of Tin Can Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the Tin Can Day are unknown. There has been no record of the year from when this Day has been celebrated. However, the Day has been celebrated in recognition of the patent obtained for the tin can. The canning concept was introduced by the French Inventor Nicholas Appertin in 1809. Later in 1810, Peter Durand of England has patented the tin. It was on January 19, 1825, the U.S. tin can patent was received by Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett. The tin cans were initially used in the military to preserve the food supplies from being affected by the explosions. Now, these cans have become a staple containers used in most pantries. The food item preserved in the tin cans does not get spoiled for long durations and it can be easily carried away.

Tin Can Day 2018 - January 19

How to Celebrate Tin Can Day

Celebrating the Tin Can Day is very simple. Get to know more in detail about the tin cans, its history, and its usefulness in different fields. Have your snacks and lunch packed in a tin can and take it to your place. It is important to know about the necessity of recycling the tin cans. So take those tin cans you never use and recycle it. You can even make a tin can craft using those not used cans and place them on your house as a decorative item. Share your celebrations on the social media by using the hashtag #TinCanDay.

Popcorn Day

National Popcorn Day

National Popcorn Day comes on January 19 of every year. Popcorn or popping corn is expanded from the kernel and puffs when they are heated. When kernel and puffs are heated pressure builds within them and result in a pop-like structure are called Popcorn. Popcorn strings at Christmas, balls at Halloween and all year round at the Movie times. Popcorn usually served salted or sweetened. In North America, they served with salted, sometimes with butter or butter-like topping. Some of the sweetened varieties of popcorn like caramel corn, kettle corn are also commonly available. Corn plays a vital role in diets of the different cultures and spread into worldwide phenomena. Hence National Popcorn Day is a day to have a taste of a big bowl of corn with the delicious treat.

If you’re wanting something salty, do air-popped popcorn. That, to me, would be a healthier choice than having any kind of fried chip.” Bob Harper

History of National Popcorn Day

The creator or inventor of National Popcorn Day was still unknown. Corn’s were first cultivated in Mexico over 9000 years ago. Archaeologists have said that peoples knew about Popcorn 1000 years ago. Some of the historians believe that popcorn is the first corn that the people knew. In the 19th century, the popping of kernels was first achieved manually and sold on the east coast of USA under the names of Pearls or Nonpareil. In 1848, the term Popcorn first appeared in Dictionary of Americanisms which was written by the John Russell Barlett. In cracker jack popcorn is an ingredient and in the earlier years, it was popped by the hand. Some peoples had said that popcorn is a healthy food and some said that is not a healthy food due to different reasons. They said by how it prepared and how it cooked. The Air-Popped Corn’s are rich in dietary fibre and anti-oxidants, and they are low in calories and fats. They also free from sugar and sodium.

National Popcorn Day 2018 - January 19

For peoples with dietary restrictions, popcorn’s are an attractive snack. Not only in food applications, but popcorns also have non-food applications which range from holiday decorations to packaging materials. A lot of techniques are available to popping corn. Nowadays Americans consume over 13 Billion Quarts of popcorn per a year and majority of popcorn are cultivated in the United States of America. The state Nebraska leads the corn belt in popcorn production. Nowadays popcorns are the huge part of the movie experience. But initially, the theatre owners were against the serving popcorn in their theatres. But peoples had forced the theatre owners to start selling popcorn in movie times. And now they are the huge part of the film experience.

How to celebrate National Popcorn Day

Celebrate the National Popcorn Day by having a big bowl of Popcorn with your favourite toppings. You can mix the Popcorn with butter or salt for more taste. Peoples can celebrate the National Popcorn Day by doing crafts with popcorn. Normally Popcorn Strings are wonderful decorations, and they can use to make garlands. Popcorns can glue it to construction paper for the collage and then it can be painted with excellent decoration. Post pictures and share your thoughts about Popcorn Day by using the hashtag #PopcornDay.

Thesaurus Day

Thesaurus Day

Thesaurus Day is a fun celebration observed on January 18th of every year. The love for the language wouldn’t stop when any person has an infinite craze on it. Get into the celebration of fancy words and let out your vocabulary skills to others. Thesaurus is a reference book that has been useful to all sorts of people for hundreds of years. It has made people be more knowledgeable thereby improving the quality of their literary work. Thesaurus Day celebrates the Thesaurus book and the birth anniversary of Peter Mark Roget, a British lexicographer and physician.

“As a person with the retentive mental capacity of a goldfish and a dislike of repetition, I frequently make use of the thesaurus built into my Microsoft Word U.K.” – Software. Meg Rosoff

History of Thesaurus Day

The origin, history, and the founder of the Thesaurus Day are unknown. There is no exact mention about the year since this Day has been celebrated. However, the idea for this celebration Day would have been initiated by someone who has infinite love for the language and its different form of words. The date is precisely chosen as it was on the same date in 1779, Peter Mark Roget who was the author of Roget’s Thesaurus was born. As to honour his incredible work, a Day has been created in the calendar. Roget was a British lexicographer and physician who compiled the first modern thesaurus in 1805 and published in 1852.

Thesaurus Day

The first publication of this book has 15,000 words. It has organized into six primary categories such as existence, quantity, relation, number, and time. The present-day Roget’s Thesaurus has 230,000 words that are still organized by the ideas and concepts as opposed to alphabetically. Since then, it has never been out of print till date and is still a broadly used work from across the English-speaking world. The thesaurus is a reference work that has a list of words grouped together according to the similarity of meaning with synonyms and antonyms. The book is designed in such a way to draw distinctions between words of similar types and thus assisting the users to choose exactly the right word for usage.

How to Celebrate Thesaurus Day

Celebrating the Thesaurus Day is very simple. Take out the Thesaurus book and find some new similar words for which you know already. Use them when you speak with others. Expanding the knowledge of vocabulary will make people combat against mental illness and depression. Organize a party in your home by inviting your family and friends to play a synonym game to enjoy the Day. Share your Thesaurus celebration pictures and views on the social media using the hashtag #ThesaurusDay.

Winnie the Pooh Day

National Winnie the Pooh Day

National Winnie the Pooh Day is a fun annual celebration observed on January 18th of every year. Pooh bear in the tales and cartoons has got a bigger number of fans. The honey-loving bear has taken a significant place in the heart of many people most notably the children. National Winnie the Pooh Day is one special day in the year which cannot be missed by the Pooh fans. It is fun celebration Day that celebrates Winnie the Pooh and his friends. The Day is created to honour A.A. Milne, the author of Winnie the Pooh who brought the bear to life with his stories.

“Love is taking a few steps backwards maybe even more… to give way to the happiness of the person you love.” – A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

History of National Winnie the Pooh Day

The origin, history, and the founder of the National Winnie the Pooh Day are anonymous. The year since when this Day has been celebrated is also not mentioned anywhere. However, one could assume that the idea for this Day would have come from a person who was fond of Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh Day has been celebrated on this date as it was the birth anniversary of A.A. Milne who was born on January 18, 1882. Milne was an English author who created the fictional anthropomorphic teddy bearcalled Winnie the Pooh. The author had named the character Winnie-the-Pooh from a teddy bear owned by his son Christopher Robin Milne.

National Winnie the Pooh Day

The author’s son had inspired by the Canadian black bear named Winne who lived at the London Zoo during the World War I. Christopher Robin visits the bear often, and thus he named his own teddy bear after her and a swan named Pooh which he met while on vacation. Christopher Robin was also the basis for the character Christopher Robin. The Winnie the Pooh has got the first printed page appearance in 1926 along with its friends Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore. In the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh, one could get the explanation from Milne for why the Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply “Pooh.” Disney had bought the rights to the Winnie-the-Pooh characters in the 1960s and dropped the hyphen from Pooh’s name.

How to Celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day

Celebrating the National Winnie the Pooh Day is quite simple. Indulge yourself to read the stories of Winnie the Pooh. You can tell them as bedtime stories for your children. Watch the films and videos of Pooh and his friends. If you are affordable, then make a visit to Pooh Corner in Hartfield, East Sussex.  Have some toys of Winnie and his friends to your children. Paint and colour Winnie the Pooh and share them on the social media using the hashtag #WinnieThePoohDay.

some / any

We use “some” in three specific situations: 1)In positive affirmative sentences with countable nouns in the plural and with uncountable nouns. Example “There are some apples” and “there is some rice.” 2)In questions asking to receive something for example: “Can I have some apples?” or “Can I have some rice?” 3)We use “some” in questions offering something to someone like “Would you like some apples?” We use the word “any” in two situations: 1) In normal questions for countable plural nouns and uncountable nouns, like for example “Do you have any apples?” and “Do you have any rice?” 2) We can also use “any” in negative statements: “I don’t want any apples” and “I don’t have any rice.”

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