Author: o_diana (Page 33 of 61)

Wild Animals for Kids

Домашние и дикие животные


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На этом уроке вы будете юными натуралистами. Мы будем путешествовать по миру, изучать названия разных животных и домашних, и диких. Вы узнаете также некоторые удивительные факты о животных.

Тема: Лексика

Урок: Домашние и дикие животные

1. Введение

Прежде чем вы узнаете интересные факты о некоторых животных, запомните как они называются.

Вы знаете, что не все животные могут рядом с людьми, но некоторые могут. Те животные, которые способны жить рядом с человеком в его доме или на ферме называются домашними животными.


Рис. 1 (Источник)

English word Transcription Translation
сat [kæt] кошка
dog [dɔg] собака
parrot [‘pærət] попугай
Hamster [‘hæmstə] хомячок

Многие животные живут на фермах.

Рис. 2 (Источник)

English word Transcription Translation
cow [kau] корова
horse [hɔːs] лошадь
pig [pɪg] свинья
ox [ɔks] вол
chicken [‘ʧɪkɪn] курица
rooster [‘ru:stə] петух
duck [dʌk] утка

Для многих животных лучше жить на воле, в дикой природе. Таких животных называют дикими.

Wild Animals

Рис. 2 (Источник)

English word Transcription Translation
lion [‘laɪən] лев
panda [‘pændə] панда
polar bear [‘pəulə bɛə] белый медведь
tiger [‘taɪgə] тигр
giraffe [ʤɪ’rɑːf] жираф
kangaroo [,kæŋg(ə)’ru:] кенгуру
elephant [‘elɪfənt] слон
penguin [‘peŋgwɪn] пингвин
dolphin [‘dɔlfɪn] дельфин
yak [jæk] як

Прочитайте  интересные факты о том, что умеют делать некоторые животные.

Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres in length. Тигры могут прыгать на 5 метров в длину.

Polar bears can swim at an average of 10 kilometers per hour. Белый медведь может проплыть 10 км за час.

Penguins can’t fly.  Пингвины не умеют летать.

Horses and cows can sleep while standing up.  Лошади и коровы спят стоя.

Elephants can cry and play. Слоны могут плакать и умеют играть.

Kangaroos can’t walk backwards. Кенгуру не умеют ходить задом наперед.

Monkeys can grasp with their fingers and some can grasp using their tails.

Обезьяны умеют хватать  вещи пальцами, а некоторые используют свои хвосты.

Dolphins can stay up to 15 minutes underwater, but they cannot breathe [bri:ð] underwater.

Дельфины могут оставаться под водой до 15 минут, но они не умеют дышать под водой.

Вы знаете, где живут эти животные?

Рис. 4. Кауфман, Кауфман: Английский язык. Счастливый английский.ру. Happy Е Учебник для 3 класса. Титул, 2012

The polar bear is from the Arctic.

The panda is from China.

The tiger is from Russia.

The kangaroo is from Australia.

The elephant is from Africa or India.

The penguin is from Antarctica.

The giraffe is from Africa.

Рекомендованные ссылки на ресурсы интернет:

1. Youtube (Источник).

2. Youtube (Источник).

3. Kid’s Corner (Источник).


Рекомендованное домашнее задание:

1. Найдите лишнее слово. Find the odd word.

– box /tiger/cat

– lion/ floor/ dolphin

– caw/horse/window

– penguin/pupil/ giraffe

– book /panda/rooster

2. Скажите, кто из домашних животных есть у вас или у ваших друзей и кто вам нравится из диких животных.

– I have…

– My friend has…

– I like…

Тести ЗНО онлайн з англійської мови

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "ЗНО"

У розділі розміщені тести ЗНО онлайн з англійської мови, що були запропоновані для виконання абітурієнтам під час основних та додаткових сесій зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання, а також варіанти тестів, що пропонувались абітурієнтам під час пробного зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання.

Під кожним завданням у тестах з англійської мови ви знайдете посилання на опис правильного виконання завдання та схему його оцінювання.

Спосіб виконання всіх завдань у запропонованих тестах ЗНО онлайн з англійської мови максимально наближений до реального тесту, а форма відповіді відповідає виду, що пропонується абітурієнтам у бланку відповідей під час проходження реальних тестів ЗНО.

Після виконання всіх тестів вам будуть надані правильні відповіді на всі завдання та розраховано ваш результат у тестових та рейтингових балах. Враховуйте те, що до запропонованих тестів не включено завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (власне висловлювання), що оцінюється від 0 до 14 тестових балів.

Після завершення тесту буде зазначено час, який ви витратили на його виконання. Ви можете завершити тест достроково натиснувши відповідну кнопку поряд із кожним завданням.

Також, за останнім посиланням у списку тестів на цій сторінці, ви можете відкрити повний список всіх тестових завдань зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання з англійської мови. У цьому варіанті проходження ЗНО онлайн ви отримуєте правильну відповідь на кожне завдання відразу після його виконання.

Opposite Day

National Opposite Day is celebrated on January 25 of every year. It is an unofficial holiday when every action that is modified as that the meaning is negated. The children commonly celebrate the day, and rarely it lasts for the entire day. The reason for creating the day is still unknown, and some of them say it comes from the playground game. The children’s commonly celebrate the day by asking silly questions with each other and reversing the answers. Hence it is a perfect day to celebrate by doing everything in the wrong way.

Clock Measurement is not time itself. In fact, so opposed are they that one could argue the clock is not a synonym, but the opposite of time.” – Jay Griffiths

History of National Opposite Day

The inventor or creator of National Opposite Day is still unknown. But some of them said that President Calvin Coolidge in 1920 introduced the Day.  He made a statement to the press by announcing that “I do not choose to run” in the 1928 election. This statement made a debate among the peoples and left wondering what he meant the opposite. Another leading discussion on National Opposite Day is that some of the sources said that the Day should be observed on January 25 while some of them stated that it would be celebrated on January 7. However, some of them celebrate the National Opposite Day on 25th on each month of the year. The Day has shown up in different forms of media, from Spongebob Squarepants to Grim Adventures of Bill & Mandy. The Grim Adventures of Bill & Mandy celebrated the madness of the day, and they tried to remain balanced throughout the day while the Spongebob Squarepants uses the nature of the day to prevent the neighbours from stopping the sale of his house.

National Opposite Day 2018 - January 25

How to Celebrate National Opposite Day

Celebrating the National Opposite Day is not easy. Because you have to do opposite of everything you do on a regular day. Some of the examples are like having dinner for breakfast and having breakfast in Dinner. Stay left when you mean right and vice-versa. Go to bed in the morning and works in the night time. Finally makes your family members, friends about the Day and Let them celebrate. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #OppositeDay or #NationalOppositeDay.


I love to bring magic and whimsy to my kids’ lives. I always hit a funk in the winter months after Christmas. This year we are going to celebrate Opposite Day at my house!

What exactly is Opposite Day? It is the perfect reason to break free from the daily routine and spread some silliness! It falls on January 25th, exactly one month after Christmas, and it is exactly what we need to banish the post-holiday blues. These are my favorite ideas for how to celebrate Opposite Day with your kids.

Great ideas to help you celebrate Opposite Day with your kids. Super fun.



Pancakes, bacon, and eggs are the clear choice for dinner on opposite day. Your kids will think it is so funny to eat breakfast for dinner. Let them help make the pancake batter, too!

These Cake Batter Pancakes are the perfect twist for your official Opposite Day Dinner.


Let your kids dress silly for the day. Help them turn their shirt around or wear a backwards cap.


I live and die by my schedule. Especially when it comes to bedtime routine. Every night we do the BBB (Bath, Books, Bed). It is always a rush to get the kids bathed before the meltdowns set it. So on Opposite Day we are doing bath time in the morning. Check out these super fun bath fizzesto make in preparation. When you don’t have bedtime looming, you don’t have to worry about speeding through bathtime as fast as you can.


Set the tone for the party by making a rule that “yes” responses are “no” and “no” responses are “yes.” This will make for seriously silly answers and hilarious conversations!


If you want to be a hero in your household, try serving dessert first. This is PERFECT for celebrating Opposite Day.  I would not recommend this typically, but it is such a fun surprise for this crazy holiday.


Since I am embracing my “fun mom” side, I thought it might be a fun idea to have us all eat dinner with our non-dominate hands. We will be eating with our left hands, and probably spilling half our food, but the messiest days are often the best days.


Let the kids drink out of your favorite coffee mug or buy (plastic) wine glasses. In turn, you can drink from their kiddie cup or favorite water bottle. To finish the night off, toast to a very silly and successful Opposite Day with a glass of bubbly. Sparkling apple cider is always our favorite go-to for kid-friendly toasts.


Parents are constantly taking pictures of their kids. I snap at least ten a day and send them to friends and Grandparents. Let your kids be YOUR paparazzi for the day! When they feel the urge to take a pic, let them use your camera or phone to take a fun picture of you. Trust me, you will be so thankful to have those memories.  It is so fun to see through a child’s eyes.


Instead of drinking the classic cup of hot cocoa, why not switch stuff up and go the opposite route?  Try your hand at Frozen Hot Chocolate! This is our favorite recipe


This is might be the best activity of all. I am always the one to read the bedtime stories. Kids love having their parents read to them, and it is such a good time for bonding. On Opposite Day, let the kids read the bedtime stories! If your littles are still learning to read, that’s okay, let them choose the book and develop the story based on the pictures. There is no right or wrong on Opposite Day! Your kids will think it is so funny to read you a story and put you to bed!

Bonus Tip: Read your bedtime stories in the morning! This is one of our favorite bedtime books (affiliate link)!

Happy Opposite Day!

Irish Coffee Day

National Irish Coffee Day

National Irish Coffee Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 25 of each year. It’s a special celebration Day for those cocktail lovers from all around the nation. Need not excuse yourself; instead, you can enjoy drinking this hot and sweet Irish coffee with a justification. As with growing number of fan followers, a special Day has been created to celebrate this irresistible cocktail drink made of coffee. National Irish Coffee Daywouldn’t get completed without immersing yourself in the combo of the whiskey and coffee drink. Withstand the cold winter season of the year with this old hot drink.

“Only Irish Coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fat.” – Alex Levine

History of National Irish Coffee Day

The history, origin, and the year from when the National Irish Coffee Day has been celebrated are unknown. There is no exact mention regarding the creator of such a cocktail celebration Day. However, the tradition of Irish Coffee date back to 1940s. The Irish Coffee is a cocktail drink prepared from hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar or brown sugar. The mixture is well stirred and is usually topped with the thick cream. Anyone can be drunk it through the cream. However, the original Irish Coffee recipe uses the cream that has not been whipped. In some parts of the world, this drink is sold as a recipe made of whipped cream.

National Irish Coffee Day 2018 - January 25

The colloquial version of the Irish coffee is also sometimes referred to any alcoholic coffee drink. Irish Coffee was introduced to this world by Joe Sheridan in 1942. He was a bartender at Foynes Airbase in the southwest Ireland. On a miserably cold wet day of that year, a group of passengers had stopped at Sheridan’s bar across the Atlantic Ocean after their cold eighteen-hour journey. Joe has served them with the drink made of hot coffee, spiked with the whiskey and topped with the whipped cream as to warm his guests.

According to the legends, one of the passengers has asked Joe if the beverage was a Brazilian coffee and to which he laughed and responded that it was an Irish coffee. Jack Koeppler, the owner of the Buena Vista bar in San Francisco along with the travel writer Stanton Delaplane brought Joe’s famous Irish coffee to the States ten years later. From then on the drink has soon spread all over the nation and it’s been a favourite drink ever since.

How to Celebrate National Irish Coffee Day

Celebrating the National Irish Coffee Day is quite simple. You can indulge yourself in tasting this drink if you haven’t drunk earlier. Get to know about the Irish Coffee and its making at home. Prepare a homemade Irish Coffee drink for your family. Invite your friends and family for an Irish Coffee celebration party and serve them the drink in the Irish Coffee mug. Share your party pictures on the social media using the hashtag #IrishCoffeeDay.

Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day

Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day

Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 24th of every year. You are encouraged to become a grizzled old prospector with such a celebration Day in the calendar. Do you feel little Hornswoggled? Don’t dadburn if you find no sense. Well if you have understood what hornswoggled (got embarrassed) and dadburn (an all-purpose curse word) actually are then you are probably into this celebration. Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day would get completed without these words. Make sure you act like the grizzled prospector on this celebration Day.

“I wanted to be a great white hunter, a prospector for gold, or a slave trader. But then, when I was eight, my parents sent me to a boarding school in South Africa. It was the equivalent of a British public school with cold showers, beatings and rotten food. But what it also had was a library full of books.” – Wilbur Smith

History of Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day

The Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day has been celebrated since the year 2010. Chris Jepsen is the founder of this fun silly celebration Day. He has created this Day with an intention as to commemorate an important moment in California history in a fun way. On January 24, 1848, it was James Marshall who discovered gold while building the sawmill for John Sutter in Coloma, California. Chris has come with such a Day as to honour this event and the incredible work of Marshall that ultimately led to the Gold Rush. The Day roots from the popular celebration Dat called “International Talk Like A Pirate Day.” It was also inspired by the Prospector’s Day event. It is a Day for all of us to remain as the grizzled prospector and use some old words while you talk to enjoy.

Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day 2018 - January 24

How to Celebrate Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day

Celebrating the Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day is quite simple. You can talk like a grizzled prospector to others on this Day. Let them get confused on looking at you whether you are from some other era. Use your nosebag (lunch break) to have some strawberries (beans) and ask if someone had their strawberries. Celebrate a party inviting your friends and family to come dressed up like a grizzled prospector. Share your Grizzled Prospector fun moments on the social media using the hashtag #TalkLikeAGrizzledProspectorDay.

Peanut Butter Day

National Peanut Butter Day

National Peanut Butter Day is celebrated on January 24 of every year. Peanut Butter’s are very popular in all the countries. Peanut Butter’s are made from Dry Roasted Peanuts, but some ingredients will be added for more taste or texture. The US country is the leading exporter and consumes more than 800 Million of peanuts butter annually. The main two types of peanut butter are crunchy and smooth. In Smooth, the peanut butter’s grounds uniformly, and in Crunchy, some coarsely ground peanut fragments will be added for more taste and texture. National Peanut Butter Day is a day to enjoy the taste of Peanut Butter.

If we give someone a piece of bread and butter, that’s kindness, but if we put jelly or peanut butter on it, then it’s Loving Kindness.” – Barbara Johnson

History of National Peanut Butter Day

The creator or inventor of National Peanut Butter Day is still unknown. They didn’t come into existence until the 20th century. Initially, the peanut butter is considered as feed for animals until 1800. From the start of the 19th century, some of the inventions had changed the nuts as a retail and wholesale food item instead of using it as a nut at all. in 1890’s George Bayle, St.Louis Snack food maker started to make Peanut Butter. For many years they find difficult to separate oil from the Peanut. Heinz is the first company to adapt the peanuts into the spreadable butter in 1923.

National Peanut Butter Day - January 24

Joseph Rosefield was the first man to brought us the Peanut Butter that we peoples know and love today. With Homogenization, he able to separate oil from the Peanut solids. Then he sold that patent to the company which makes Peter Pan Peanut Butter. During World War II he supplied Peanut Butter to the military rations. Peanut butter contains healthy fats as well as protein, but some packaged butter have extra oils and sweeteners added to the mix.

Fun Facts About Peanut Butter

  • Some of the several fun facts about Peanut Butter are listed below
  • Nearly 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches can be produced from one acre of peanuts.
  • Currently, 75% of homes in America have a jar of peanut butter.
  • Nearly 1.5% of the American peoples have a peanut allergy.
  • According to the report, American peoples spend nearly $800 million dollars on peanut butter a year.
  • The creamy peanut butter is mostly liked by the women’s and kids. Men’s mostly like chunky peanut butter.
  • Goober is the nickname of Peanut.
  • Two U.S Presidents, Jimmy Carter and Thomas Jefferson, were peanut farmers.

How to celebrate National Peanut Butter Day

Celebrating National Peanut Butter Day is quite simple and easy to remember. Make some Peanut Cookies and add Peanut Butter to it. Then enjoy the Dish with your family members or friends. Gather your friends and family members and host a Peanut Butter themed party. Take pictures while enjoying Peanut Butter and share them with others on the social media by using the hashtag #PeanutButterDay.

Compliment Day

National Compliment Day is an annual celebration observed on January 24th of each year. There is nothing more in the world that can be compensated to the joy of being adored and complimented. Compliments are gifts that can be both given and received by anyone for free. The happiness it provides is a positive vibration that encourages the one who received it to do things in the much better way. It is good to appreciate people every day, and of course, it is the best to make some more extra compliments on this National Compliment Day. It’s time to say kind words like well done, good job, looks great, and so on. Make this Day little special and let others have a bliss on their face with all your lovely words of compliments.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia

History of National Compliment Day

The National Compliment Day has been celebrated since the year 1998. It is a celebration Day created by Kathy Chamberlin, of Hopkinton, NH. and Debby Hoffman, of Concord, NH. They have created this Day as to tell the people in our lives that how much we appreciate them. Compliments may be anything like encouraging, praising, congratulating someone for their good work. The Day is the perfect time to share these feelings to those people who deserve it completely. Each one has their good attributes, and so you can say some really positive things about the people around you. You are forbidden from taking people around you for granted and so take time to appreciate and praise them.

National Compliment Day 2018 - January 24

Research shows that brain works energetically and perform better when the person gets complimented. It is a celebration Day not only for the receiver of the compliments but is also for those who complements. It means the person takes time to observe and notice things done by another. Expression of praise creates trust and will create an atmosphere of mutual admiration. You are encouraged to make conscious attempt to compliment others to spread joy. It is like that of smiles that spread from one to another. So if you compliment, you will sure to receive one in return. It is easy to make people happy as with the kind words

Showing sincere appreciation needs to be encouraged as in the hustle bustle life in the social world. Most often we seem to be unnoticed of various thongs others do for us. Make yourself realize this on such a Day as complimenting is neither a hard task. Let out your heartfelt compliments and notes for those who really deserve it on this special celebration Day. If you admire then genuinely praise everyone and everything you find around you. No money or things can give such a delight than that of the compliments one gives or gets. Appreciate those wellbeings who is unique and original who stand out among the rest.

How to Celebrate National Compliment Day

Celebrating the National Compliment Day is quite simple. Keep appreciating all those people who admire you even from the Start your Day right from your home. Appreciate your family members who give you the best of all from coffee till dinner. Say your mom how good the coffee tastes when made by her and look how much happier she is. You are encouraged to praise and encourage your co-workers or staff at your office as to make them work more comfortable. Let out your heartfelt, confident, and sincere appreciation. You will surely be appreciated for all your hard work and dedication in return for sure. You can share your compliments right on the social media using the hashtag #ComplimentDay.

Belly Laugh Day

Belly Laugh Day is an annual fun celebration day observed on January 24th of every year. Though there are lots of diversities available globally, one thing that is common among all the people is the laughter. It is a physical reaction and is a part of human behaviour regulated by the brain.There are numerous health benefits associated while laughing. Belly Laugh Day celebrates the great gift and benefits of the good chuckle or the laughter. Don’t stop this Day just by smiling. Instead, you can laugh aloud and celebrate the day more joyously.

“For me, a hearty “belly laugh” is one of the beautiful sounds in the world.” – Bennett Cerf

History of Belly Laugh Day

The Belly Laugh Day has been celebrated since the year 2006. However, there is no mention regarding the history, origin, and the founder of this celebration Day. It is a Day that encourages people to laugh aloud to get the benefits of laughing. In general, laughing is a part of the universal human vocabulary and is a visual expression that occurs as a result of many positive emotional states like joy, mirth, happiness, relief, etc. Laughing brings positive vibration to oneself and others around. Anyone must learn to survive the hard times of life with a smile. A belly laugh is a form of laughing that comes out of a human as a result of excess joy. The laughter is a continuous process that gets transferred from one person to others as a form of positive feedback.

Belly Laugh Day 2018 - January 24

In 2005, a link between the laughter and healthy function of blood vessels was first reported. From the following year, this Day has been celebrated from all over the world. It is found that the laughter helps in expanding the tissue lining of blood vessels and thereby increases the blood flow consequently.  With this expansion, you will feel more positive. The constant increase in blood flow will boost your immune system and in turn, makes us feel healthier and happier. The laughter reduces your stress and thus increases the chemicals in your body that help in relaxation. Laughter is known to increases pain tolerance and feels more energetic. Belly Laugh Day aims to encourage and remind people about the numerous benefits of laughter and motivates the people in spreading the laughter in their lives and the lives of others.

How to Celebrate Belly Laugh Day

Celebrating the Belly Laugh Day is quite simple. The foremost thing to do on this Day is to indulge yourself in laughing. Get to the know the importance of smiling and laughing including its health benefits. You can even tell it to others and make them aware about the laughing. Form a group and do laughter therapy to get the benefits of laughing. Watch some comedy movies or scenes to laugh louder. Spread the smile on others faces from the social media using the hashtag #BellyLaughDay.

Beer Can Appreciation Day

Beer Can Appreciation Day

Beer Can Appreciation Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 24 of every year. Why not a celebration Day for those lovely colourful metallic canes that holds your favourite beer in it? Although the beer was stored in different methods of bottling, tin-plated steel cans made it more convenient. Beer Can Appreciation Day celebrates the beer can which holds the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in a better way without causing any change in its taste.

“I’ve only been in love with a beer bottle and a mirror.” – Sid Vicious

History of Beer Can Appreciation Day

The origin and the founder of the Beer Can Appreciation Day have been not known. There is no mention about the year since this Day has been celebrated. The date has been precisely chosen as it was on the same date on 1935 in which the beer was first sold in the cans. The first commercial beer cans were made in Richmond, Virginia byKrueger Brewing Company. However, it was the American company that made the tin cans possible. The initial version of beer cans was made of steel that weighs in at almost 4 ounces. A church key is made to open up these hefty canisters. Only after 1963, the pop tops were fixed on the top of the beer cans to open it.

Beer Can Appreciation Day 2018 - January 24

There are numerous advantages associated with the beer cans, as they are easier to pack in a box or cooler with its flat top and bottom. It also weights less than that of the glass bottles, and thus it can be carried easily. Over the years with lots of developments, aluminium can have been in existence. The cans have made beer retain its taste as such even after several months. Beer lovers all over the world consume it in beer can as it is considered to be the staples of health and diet for several years. The collectors of beer can from around the globe would explore for unique, novel and rare varieties of beer cans. They also will conducts demonstrations about the beer cans and appreciate the artistic nature of the beer can designers.

How to Celebrate Beer Can Appreciation Day

There are so many different ways in which the Beer Can Appreciation Day can be celebrated. It is the perfect time to appreciate and honour the beer can designers and artists from all over the world. Excuse yourself, visit your nearest brewery store and sip your favourite variety of beer can to sip it slowly. Try tasting brands which you haven’t tried so far. Let out your creativity and make your own beer can design. Make sure you recycle the cans once after being used. Share your appreciation for the beer cans or the beer can collections pictures on the social media using the hashtag #BeerCanAppreciationDay.

Handwriting Day

National Handwriting Day is celebrated on January 23 of every year. The National Handwriting Day is created to take a pencil or pen and paper to practice and renovate the vintage Art of Handwriting. Handwriting refers to the individual’s particular style of writing with a writing instrument like pencil or pen. As the two peoples will not have the same writing style, Handwriting is used by the foreign experts and professors to test the correctness of the documents. According to Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association, National Handwriting Day is a perfect day to re-examine the clarity and strength of Handwriting.

For a long time I wanted to draw, but I could never get the proportions right. My still life sketches were the artistic equivalent of someone who has misjudged the space constraints of a postcard, the handwriting shrinking uncomfortably at the bottom.” – Sloane Crosley

History of National Handwriting Day

In 1977, Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association invented the National Handwriting Day. Their aim is to advertise the consumption of pencils, pens, and papers. They choose January 23 as Handwriting Day in memory of the birthday of John Hancock, the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence. Handwriting which is hard to read due to deformity or illegibility of letters is called as Worst. As per the reports of Time, Doctors Handwriting kills nearly 7000 peoples per year. The vintage Art of Handwriting is almost out of date in the present technological world with full of spell checks and ability to change fonts and font sizes with ease. Hence National Handwriting Day is a day to look back and think what the pencil, pen, and paper can do for us.

Handwriting Day

How to celebrate National Handwriting Day

Celebrating the National Handwriting Day is quite easy. Just take the pen or pencil and narrate a letter to your friend or family members with your elegant style of writing. Try to minimize the usage of the computer to write anything. Instead of using the laptop, carry a notepad and pencil or pen to take notes wherever you go. You can celebrate the day by learning more about John Hancock and the Declaration of Independence. You can practice making your handwriting legible and neat. Post pictures and share your thoughts about Handwriting Day on social media by using the hashtag #HandwritingDay.

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