Author: o_diana (Page 26 of 61)

Happy Chocolate Day

The Chocolate Day is the 3rd day of the Valentines Week 2018, and it is celebrated on February 9. On this day, young lovers share each other a heart-shaped chocolates as a symbol of love. Chocolate is something that everyone in the world would love. On this day, you can give Chocolates to anyone to whom you wish to make happy. It surely makes them happy as it contains mood boosters. This majestic forerunner of the Valentine’s Day 2018 is quite popular in India, but it is also celebrated around the world. Chocolates are mostly liked by Womens and presenting them huge bars of delicious and creamy chocolates is a better way to keep the love going.

History of Chocolate Day

The Chocolate Day is a western culture celebration and everyone in this day involves in buying a bunch of chocolates from the local candy stores or bakeries to gifty to their most loved ones. The celebration gives everyone a reasonable reason to present delicious and creamy chocolates. Moreover, eating chocolates has also some health benefits and this special day becomes involved in contributing towards the health benefits. Since chocolates are the powerhouse of antioxidants, they help in neutralising the free radicals come out of the metabolism of fat. Thus it involves in preventing us from age-related chronic diseases. Gifting chocolates to the loved ones will remove all the tensions, sorrows, misunderstanding and it also brings them together to celebrate it together by improving the sweetness of the relationship.

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

Valentines Week List

The Valentines week starts on February 7, and it ends on February 14. Here is the list of Valentines Week 2018

February 7 Rose Day
February 8 Propose Day
February 9 Chocolate Day
February 10 Teddy Day
February 11 Promise Day
February 12 Hug Day
February 13 Kiss Day
February 14 Valentines Day

Happy Chocolate Day 2018 Wishes

Have a look at these following Happy Chocolate Day 2018 Wishes or Happy Chocolate Day SMS Wishes or Happy Chocolate Day Quotes, and you can use these quotes to propose or your loved one.

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Happy Chocolate Day 2018!

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” – Happy Chocolate Valentines Day 2018!

Will looked horrified. “What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?” – Happy Chocolate Day 2018!

Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.” – Happy Chocolate Valentines Day 2018!

I was like a chocolate in a box, looking well behaved and perfect in place, all the while harboring a secret center.” – Happy Chocolate Day!

Happy Chocolate Day 2018 Images

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

Happy Chocolate Day 2018

How to Celebrate Chocolate Day

The Chocolate Day is very popular around the world, and it is celebrated with the great enthusiasm. On this day, people share different types of chocolates among each other to spread the happiness. You can give special heart chocolate, flowers, premium chocolate or jewellery to your loved ones. Along with these gifts, you can use the above sweet chocolate day quotes and SMS to wish your valentine along with the chocolate day images. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about Chocolate Valentines Day by using the hashtags #ChocolateDay or #HappyChocolateDay.


Read In The Bathtub Day

Read In The Bathtub Day is an annual commemoration observed on February 9th of every year. Reading a book gives so much of knowledge and information. Some tend to spend a little time and others for more time when it comes to novels and other such types. Irrespective being short or long, no place in the world that provides more comfort to the reader like the bathtub. Many of us would not have forgotten those scolding of your librarian as the library book which got wet in your bathtub. Those days were really wonderful childhood memories and with the same intent Read In The Bathtub Day has been created. Take your favourite book and sit in the relaxed way to spend your time in reading it.

“Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.” – Mark Haddon

History to Celebrate Read In The Bathtub Day

There is no exact mention of the founder, history, and the origin of the Read In The Bathtub Day. The year from when this Day has been in celebration is also not known precisely. Might be the person who is responsible for the creation of this Day might have loved reading the book in the bathtub and thus came up with an idea to celebrate the same. Having a great book in the hand and relaxing in the tub is one of the best combinations around. Get out off all your annoying electronic devices to sit inside the bathtub. Although you are allowed to read your favourite story on the e-book, it doesn’t always give you the same feel of the book. Comfort is always in the handy book for most book lovers.

Read In The Bathtub Day 2018 - February 9

How to Celebrate Read In The Bathtub Day

Celebrating the Read In The Bathtub Day is very simple. Get into your bathtub with a book and just sit relax yourself reading for a longer time. If you have never read in such a way, then this day is the perfect time to start reading a book from the tub. You can decorate your bathtub or lit fragranced candles around it to feel lightened. Enhance your bathing experience by taking a scented bubble bath, oils or more to let enjoy the reading from your tub. Encourage your kids and family members to let enjoy such a bathtub reading. Make sure you are carefully reading the book without the paper or your device being get wet. Share your experience and thoughts about the bathtub reading with the hashtag #ReadInTheBathtubDay on the social media.


Pizza Day

National Pizza Day is celebrated on February 9 of every year. National Pizza Day is a day for pizza lovers to taste their favourite slices. Pizza is a flatbread topped with tomato sauce and cheese. Some of the toppings like vegetables, meats and seafood can be added to pizzas for more taste. National Pizza Day is a day to enjoy the taste of Pizza with your family members, friends, and even co-workers.

There’s no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap.” – Kevin James

History of National Pizza Day

The Exact and the creator of National Pizza Day is still unknown. Pizzas were first invented in Naples, Italy at 10th Century and it becomes one of the popular foods in the United States of America. America’s first pizzeria, Lombardi was opened in New York in 1905. From then, the popularity of Pizza was increased rapidly around the world, and Many Pizza chains like Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Papa Murphy’s, Domino’s, Papa John have emerged. On December 13, 2012, the world’s largest Pizza, named Ottavia was made in Rome. The size of Ottavia is 1261.65m², and it was made by Dovilio Nardi, Marco Nardi, Andrea Mannocchi, Matteo Nardi and Matteo Giannotte. It was created with gluten-free to spread the message that Pizza is good for health.

National Pizza Day 2018 - February 9

As per the food survey of U.S. Department of Agriculture, nearly 13% of Americans eat Pizza on any given day. According to the study of Foodler (Food delivery provider) in 2013, 37% of North American consumers orders Plain Cheese Pizza, 52% of North Americans orders meat toppings. The top three most ordered toppings are mushrooms, onions and pepperoni. In the USA only, nearly 3 billion of Pizzas are sold on every year, and 17% of US restaurants ate Pizzerias.

How to celebrate the National Pizza Day

Celebrate the Day by enjoying the taste of Pizza with your family members, friends and co-workers. Either you bought from the shop, or it is of own made, just celebrate the day by enjoying the taste of Pizza,  You can also try a new type of Pizza in your home. Then share with your family members and friends. Gather your friends, family members, co-workers and conduct a Pizza themed party. Take pictures while eating PIzza and share them with others on social media by using the hashtag #NationalPizzaDay or #PizzaDay.

Toothache Day

National Toothache day is observed annually on February 9. National Toothache Day day is also known as odontalgia. Toothaches are not something that is pleasant to celebrate. Oral well being is vital for a happy, healthy and a long life. A toothache can make one’s life miserable and this day is a reminder to establish the importance of maintaining the oral health. Toothache day is to create awareness and educate people to keep their oral hygiene. This day is a gentle alarm for everybody that prevention is better than cure.

Some tortures are physical and some are mental, but the one that is both is dental.” – Ogden Nash

History of National Toothache Day

The founder and origin of National Toothache Day remain a mystery. However, there are different theories on the history of Toothache Day. It is speculated that this day is selected because this date was when Hershey’s candy corporation was founded and who is believed to be the creator of the holiday that battles cavities from chocolate candies. The other theory states that it is celebrated as the feast day of St. Apollonia, the patroness of dentists.  She was seized during a local uprising against Christians in Alexandria and was severely beaten, losing all of her teeth. The Roman Church remembers her on February 9. Some toothache sufferers commonly invoke her because of the pain she endured.

National Toothache Day 2018 - February 9

How to celebrate National Toothache Day

Toothache day can be observed by creating awareness about maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Celebrating National Toothache Day is an oxymoron, but there are several ways to celebrate the day by giving your teeth and oral health attention on this day. You can also fix an appointment with the dentist. One can resolve to avoid food that is bad for tooth and also follow regular dental care. Share your thoughts and opinions on social media about National toothache day by using the hashtag #ToothacheDay.


2.  = words, pictures


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "house for kids"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "summer house"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "особняк"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "row house"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "apartment house"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "brickhouse"

apartment house / brick house / one-family house / single house / row house / town house / summer house – safe house /

lighthouse , bakehouse , slaughterhouse , cowhouse , greenhouse , henhouse , hothouse , outhouse , storehouse , warehouse//

country house — дом в деревне detached house — отдельно стоящий дом dilapidated / ramshackle house — ветхий дом prefabricated house — дом из готовых блоков ranch house — ранчо town house — городской дом; городская квартира; особняк to build / put up a house — строить дом to redecorate / refurbish / remodel / renovate a house — делать косметический ремонт to demolish / raze / tear down a house — разрушать дом to rent a house from smb. — снимать дом у кого-л. to let / rent out a house to smb. — сдавать дом в аренду кому-л.



Русское слово
English Word
балкон balcony [ ˈbælkəni ]
бриться / побриться to (have a) shave [ tə həv ə ʃeɪv ]
будильник alarm clock [ əˈlɑːm ˈklɒk ]
ваза vase [ vɑːz ]
ванна bath (tub) [ bɑːθ tʌb ]
ванная bathroom [ ˈbɑːθruːm ]
ведро bucket [ ˈbʌkɪt ]
вешать / повесить бельё to hang out / up the washing / laundry [ tə hæŋ aʊt / ʌp ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋ / ˈlɔːndri ]
видеомагнитофон video (cassette) recorder, video [ ˈvɪdɪəʊ kəˈset rɪˈkɔːdə ] [ ˈvɪdɪəʊ ]
включать / включить to turn / switch on; to plug in [ tə tɜːn / swɪtʃ ɒn ] [ tə plʌɡ ɪn ]
вставать / встать to get up, to rise [ tə ˈɡet ʌp ] [ tə raɪz ]
выключатель switch [ swɪtʃ ]
выключать / выключить to turn / switch off; to unplug [ tə tɜːn / swɪtʃ ɒf ] [ tu ʌnˈplʌɡ ]
вытирать / вытереть to wipe (clean); to (rub) dry [ tə waɪp kliːn ] [ tə rʌb draɪ ]
газон lawn [ lɔːn ]
гараж garage [ ˈɡærɑːʒ ]
гардероб wardrobe [ ˈwɔːdrəʊb ]
гладить / погладить to iron, to press [ tu ˈaɪən ] [ tə pres ]
гостиная living / sitting room, lounge [ˈlɪvɪŋ / ˈsɪtɪŋ ruːm ] [laʊndʒ]
грязный dirty, filthy [ ˈdɜːti ] [ ˈfɪlθi ]
грязь mud; dirt, filth [ mʌd ] [ dɜːt ] [ fɪlθ ]
дверь door [ dɔː ]
дом house; block of flats [ ˈhaʊs ] [ ˈblɒk əv flæts ]
дома at home [ ət həʊm ]
духовка oven [ ˈʌvn̩ ]
душ shower [ ˈʃaʊə ]
забор fence [ fens ]
задёрнуть занавески to close / draw the curtains [ tə kləʊz / drɔː ðə ˈkɜːtn̩z ]
закрывать / закрыть to close, to shut [ tə kləʊz ] [ tə ʃʌt ]
замок lock [ lɒk ]
занавеска curtain [ ˈkɜːtn̩ ]
засыпать / заснуть to go to sleep; to fall asleep [ tə ɡəʊ tə sliːp ] [ tə fɔːl əˈsliːp ]
зеркало mirror [ ˈmɪrə ]
кабинет study [ ˈstʌdi ]
камин fireplace [ ˈfaɪəpleɪs ]
картина picture [ ˈpɪktʃə ]
квартира flat, apartment [ flæt ] [ əˈpɑːtmənt ]
ключ key [ kiː ]
книжный шкаф bookcase [ ˈbʊk keɪs ]
ковёр carpet, rug, mat [ ˈkɑːpɪt ] [ rʌɡ ] [ mæt ]
комната room [ ruːm ]
комод chest of drawers [ tʃest əv drɔːəz ]
красить / покрасить to paint [ tə peɪnt ]
кресло armchair [ ˈɑːmtʃeə ]
кровать bed [ bed ]
крыша roof [ ruːf ]
кухня kitchen [ ˈkɪtʃɪn ]
лестница stairs, staircase; ladder [ steəz ] [ˈsteəkeɪs ] [ˈlædə ]
ложиться / лечь to lie down [ tə laɪ daʊn ]
ложиться / лечь спать to go to bed [ tə ɡəʊ tə bed ]
магнитофон tape recorder, cassette recorder / player [ teɪp rɪˈkɔːdə ] [ kəˈset rɪˈkɔːdə / ˈpleɪə ]
мебель furniture [ ˈfɜːnɪtʃə ]
метла broom, brush [ bruːm ] [ brʌʃ ]
микроволновая печь microwave (oven) [ ˈmaɪkrəweɪv ˈʌvn̩ ]
морозильник freezer [ ˈfriːzə ]
мусорный ящик (rubbish) bin, dustbin [ ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn ] [ ˈdʌstbɪn ]
мыло soap [ səʊp ]
мыться / вымыться to wash (oneself), to have a wash [ tə wɒʃ wʌnˈself ] [ tə həv ə wɒʃ ]
на улице outside, outdoors [ ˌaʊtˈsaɪd ] [ ˌaʊtˈdɔːz ]
нагреватель heater [ ˈhiːtə ]
ножницы scissors [ ˈsɪzəz ]
обои wallpaper [ ˈwɔːlpeɪpə ]
одеяло blanket [ ˈblæŋkɪt ]
окно window [ ˈwɪndəʊ ]
открыть занавески to open / draw the curtains [ tu ˈəʊpən / drɔː ðə ˈkɜːtn̩z ]
открывать / открыть to open [ tu ˈəʊpən ]
письменный стол (writing) desk [ ˈraɪtɪŋ desk ]
плита cooker, stove [ ˈkʊkə ] [ stəʊv ]
подоконник window sill / ledge [ ˈwɪndəʊ sɪl / ledʒ ]
подушка pillow; cushion [ ˈpɪləʊ ] [ ˈkʊʃn̩ ]
пол floor [ flɔː ]
полка shelf [ ʃelf ]
полотенце towel [ ˈtaʊəl ]
посудомоечная машина dishwasher [ ˈdɪʃwɒʃə ]
потолок ceiling [ ˈsiːlɪŋ ]
принимать / принять ванну to have / take a bath [ tə həv / teɪk ə bɑːθ ]
принимать / принять душ to have / take a shower [ tə həv / teɪk ə ˈʃaʊə ]
причёсываться / причесаться to do / brush / comb one’s hair [ tə də / brʌʃ / kəʊm wʌnz heə ]
CD/DVD-проигрыватель CD/DVD-player [ ˌsiːˈdiː / ˌdiviˈdiː ˈpleɪə ]
просторный spacious, roomy [ ˈspeɪʃəs ] [ ˈruːmi ]
простыня sheet [ ʃiːt ]
просыпаться to wake (up) [ tə weɪk ʌp ]
пылесос vacuum cleaner, hoover [ ˈvækjʊəm ˈkliːnə ] [ˈhuːvə ]
пылесосить to vacuum, to hoover [ tə ˈvækjʊəm ] [ tə ˈhuːvə ]
пыль dust [ dʌst ]
пыльный dusty [ ˈdʌsti ]
радиатор radiator [ ˈreɪdɪeɪtə ]
радио radio [ ˈreɪdɪəʊ ]
раковина sink, washbasin [ sɪŋk ] [ ˈwɒʃbeɪsn̩ ]
розетка (electric) socket, power point [ ɪˈlektrɪk ˈsɒkɪt ] [ ˈpaʊə pɔɪnt ]
сад garden [ ˈɡɑːdn̩ ]
садиться / сесть to sit down [ tə sɪt daʊn ]
светлый light, bright [ laɪt ] [ braɪt ]
спальня bedroom [ ˈbedruːm ]
стена wall [ wɔːl ]
стиральная машина washing machine [ ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn ]
стирать / выстирать бельё to do the washing / laundry [ tə də ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋ / ˈlɔːndri ]
стол table [ ˈteɪbl̩ ]
столовая dining room [ ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm ]
строить / построить to build [ tə bɪld ]
стул chair [ tʃeə ]
телевизор television (set), TV (set) [ ˈtelɪˌvɪʒn̩ set ] [ ˌtiːˈviː set ]
телефон telephone [ ˈtelɪfəʊn ]
тёмный dark [ dɑːk ]
тряпка cloth, rag; duster [ klɒθ ] [ ræɡ ] [ ˈdʌstə ]
туалет toilet [ ˈtɔɪlɪt ]
туалетный столик dressing table [ ˈdresɪŋ ˈteɪbl̩ ]
убирать / убрать комнату to tidy a / the room [ tə ˈtaɪdi ə / ðə ruːm ]
убирать / убрать постель to make a / the bed [ tə ˈmeɪk ə / ðə bed ]
удобный comfortable; convenient [ ˈkʌmftəbl̩ ] [ kənˈviːnɪənt ]
утюг iron [ ˈaɪən ]
холодильник refrigerator, fridge [ rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə ] [ frɪdʒ ]
центральное отопление central heating [ ˈsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ ]
чистить / почистить зубы to clean / brush one’s teeth [ tə kliːn / brʌʃ wʌnz tiːθ ]
чистый clean [ kliːn ]
шампунь shampoo [ ʃæmˈpuː ]
шкаф cupboard [ ˈkʌbəd ]
штора blind [ blaɪnd ]
щётка brush [ brʌʃ ]
этаж floor, storey [ flɔː ] [ ˈstɔːri ]
ящик drawer [ drɔːə ]



Англо-русский глоссарий по теме “Дом”


English Word
Русское слово
adjacent [ əˈdʒeɪsnt ] примыкающий
adorn [ əˈdɔːn ] украшать
alcove [ ˈælkəʊv ] альков, ниша
appliance [ əˈplaɪəns ] приспособление, устройство, прибор
armchair [ ˈɑːmtʃeə ] кресло
apartment [ əˈpɑːtmənt ] квартира
balcony [ ˈbælkəni ] балкон
bathroom [ ˈbɑːθruːm ] ванная комната
basement [ ˈbeɪsmənt ] подвал, фундамент
be crammed up with furniture [ bi kræmd ʌp wɪð ˈfɜːnɪtʃə ] быть заставленным мебелью
be cramped for space [ bi kræmpt fə speɪs ] мало места
be short of light [ bi ʃɔːt əv laɪt ] мало света
bedroom [ ˈbedruːm ] спальня
bedside table [ ˈbedsaɪd ˈteɪbl̩ ] тумбочка
bedspread [ ˈbedspred ] покрывало
blind [ blaɪnd ] штора
block of flats [ ˈblɒk əv flæts ] многоквартирный дом
block out the light [ ˈblɒk aʊt ðə laɪt ] загораживать свет
bookcase [ ˈbʊk keɪs ] книжный шкаф
building [ ˈbɪldɪŋ ] здание
building society [ ˈbɪldɪŋ səˈsaɪəti ] строительное общество
bungalow [ ˈbʌŋɡələʊ ] бунгало
bunk bed [ bʌŋk bed ] двухъярусная кровать
camp bed [ kæmp bed ] раскладушка
carpet [ ˈkɑːpɪt ] ковёр
ceiling [ ˈsiːlɪŋ ] потолок
cellar [ ˈselə ] подвал, погреб
central heating [ ˈsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ ] центральное отопление
chair [ tʃeə ] стул
chandelier [ ˌʃændəˈlɪə ] люстра
chest of drawers [ tʃest əv drɔːəz ] комод
china [ ˈtʃaɪnə ] фарфор
closet [ ˈklɒzɪt ] стенной шкаф, чулан
coat rack [ ˈkəʊt ræk ] вешалка
coffee table [ ˈkɒfi ˈteɪbl̩ ] журнальный столик
convenience [ kənˈviːnɪəns ] удобство
cosy [ ˈkəʊzi ] уютный
cooker [ ˈkʊkə ] плита
cooker hood [ ˈkʊkə hʊd ] вытяжка
corridor [ ˈkɒrɪdɔː ] коридор
cottage [ ˈkɒtɪdʒ ] коттедж, домик
country-house [ ˌkʌntriˈhaʊs ] загородный дом
cover with dust sheets [ ˈkʌvə wɪð dʌst ʃiːts ] покрыть чехлами (о мебели)
cover [ ˈkʌvə ] покрывало
crammed up with things [ kræmd ʌp wɪð ˈθɪŋz ] забитый вещами
crockery [ ˈkrɒkəri ] фарфоровая и фаянсовая посуда
crystal [ ˈkrɪstl̩ ] хрусталь
cupboard [ ˈkʌbəd ] шкаф, сервант
curtain [ ˈkɜːtn̩ ] занавеска
curtain rail [ ˈkɜːtn̩ reɪl ] карниз
cushion [ ˈkʊʃn̩ ] диванная подушка
cutlery [ ˈkʌtləri ] ножевые изделия, металлические столовые приборы
decorate [ ˈdekəreɪt ] оформлять, украшать
detached house [ dɪˈtætʃt ˈhaʊs ] отдельный дом
dining room [ ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm ] столовая
dinner set [ ˈdɪnə set ] столовый сервиз
dish-drainer [ dɪʃ ˈdreɪnə ] сушилка для посуды
do the decorating [ də ðə ˈdekəreɪtɪŋ ] делать косметический ремонт
door-handle [ ˈdɔːhændl̩ ] дверная ручка
double bed [ ˈdʌbl̩ bed ] двуспальная кровать
drawing room [ ˈdrɔːɪŋ ruːm ] гостиная
dressing-table [ ˈdresɪŋ teɪbl̩ ] туалетный столик
drive in a nail [ draɪv ɪn ə neɪl ] забить гвоздь
dustbin [ ˈdʌstbɪn ] мусорное ведро
dwelling [ ˈdwelɪŋ ] жилище
entrance [ ɪnˈtrɑːns ] вход
fail to operate [ feɪl tu ˈɒpəreɪt ] сломаться
feel at home [ fiːl ət həʊm ] чувствовать себя как дома
fence [ fens ] забор
fitted carpet [ ˈfɪtɪd ˈkɑːpɪt ] палас, ковровое покрытие
fireplace [ ˈfaɪəpleɪs ] камин
flight of stairs [ flaɪt əv steəz ] лестничный пролёт
floor (parquet, polished) [ flɔː ˈpɑːkeɪ ] ˈpɒlɪʃt ] пол (паркетный, натёртый)
floor polisher [ flɔː ˈpɒlɪʃə ] полотёр
flowered [ ˈflaʊəd ] цветастый
fluorescent lamp [ flʊəˈresnt læmp ] лампа дневного света
flush-toilet [ flʌʃ ˈtɔɪlɪt ] унитаз
freezer [ ˈfriːzə ] морозильная камера
fridge [ frɪdʒ ] холодильник
front of the house [ frʌnt əv ðə ˈhaʊs ] фасад дома
focus of the room [ ˈfəʊkəs əv ðə ruːm ] центральное место в комнате
furnish [ ˈfɜːnɪʃ ] меблировать
furniture [ ˈfɜːnɪtʃə ] мебель
garage [ ˈɡærɑːʒ ] гараж
get rickety [ ˈɡet ˈrɪkəti ] расшататься (о мебели)
hall [ hɔːl ] прихожая
hangings [ ˈhæŋɪŋz ] портьеры
hedge [ hedʒ ] изгородь
home [ həʊm ] дом, домашний очаг
houseplant [ ˈhaʊsplɑːnt ] комнатное растение
housewarming party [ ˈhaʊs ˈwɔːmɪŋ ˈpɑːti ] новоселье
interior [ ɪnˈtɪərɪə ] интерьер
keyhole [ ˈkiːhəʊl ] замочная скважина
kitchen [ ˈkɪtʃɪn ] кухня
know where things go [ nəʊ weə ˈθɪŋz ɡəʊ ] знать, где что лежит
lamp [ læmp ] лампа
lavatory [ ˈlævətr̩i ] туалет
let a flat [ let ə flæt ] сдавать квартиру
lift [ lɪft ] лифт
lights fuse / go out [ laɪts fjuːz / ɡəʊ aʊt ] лампочки перегорают
linoleum [ lɪˈnəʊlɪəm ] линолеум
living room [ ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm ] гостиная
look out onto … [ lʊk aʊt ˈɒntu ] выходить на … (об окнах)
lounge [ laʊndʒ ] гостиная
lustre [ ˈlʌstə ] люстра
mansion [ ˈmænʃn̩ ] особняк, большой дом
mat [ mæt ] коврик, циновка
mixer tap [ ˈmɪksə tæp ] смеситель, кран
modem accomodations [ ˈməʊdem əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn̩z ] современные удобства
mortgage [ ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ ] ссуда, заём (при покупке дома), ипотека
move in/to [ muːv ɪn tuː ] въезжать, переезжать
move the furniture around [ muːv ðə ˈfɜːnɪtʃər əˈraʊnd ] передвигать мебель
neighbour [ ˈneɪbə ] сосед
nursery [ ˈnɜːsəri ] детская комната
one / two /…-room flat [ wʌn / tuː / ruːm flæt ] одно / двух /… комнатная квартира
one /two /…-storeyed house [ wʌn / tuː / ˈstɔːrɪd ˈhaʊs ] одно / двух /…этажный дом
oven [ ˈʌvn̩ ] духовка
owner [ ˈəʊnə ] владелец, собственник
palace [ ˈpælɪs ] дворец
papered [ ˈpeɪpəd ] оклеенный обоями
parquet [ ˈpɑːkeɪ ] паркет
patterned [ ˈpætn̩d ] с рисунком
pillow [ ˈpɪləʊ ] подушка
pillow-case [ ˈpɪləʊkeɪs ] наволочка
pipes get clogged [ paɪps ˈɡet klɒɡd ] трубы засоряются
plain [ pleɪn ] однотонный (о ткани)
portable [ ˈpɔːtəbl̩ ] переносной
put things right [ ˈpʊt ˈθɪŋz raɪt ] починить, исправить
quilt [ kwɪlt ] стёганое одеяло
radiator [ ˈreɪdɪeɪtə ] батарея центрального отопления
real estate agency [ rɪəl ɪˈsteɪt ˈeɪdʒənsi ] агентство недвижимости
refrigerator [ rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə ] холодильник
refuse-chute [ ‘refjuːs ʃuːt ] мусоропровод
renovate [ ˈrenəveɪt ] подновлять, ремонтировать, реконструировать
repair [ rɪˈpeə ] ремонт
room [ ruːm ] комната
rent a flat [ rent ə flæt ] снимать квартиру
rug [ rʌɡ ] пушистый коврик
running water [ ˈrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə ] водопровод
self-contained flat [ ˌself kənˈteɪnd flæt ] отдельная квартира
semi-detached house [ ˌsemɪdɪˈtætʃt ˈhaʊs ] один из двух домов под общей крышей
share a room with smb. [ ʃeər ə ruːm wɪð ] проживать в одной комнате с кем-либо
sheet [ ʃiːt ] простыня
shift [ ʃɪft ] передвигать
show the dirt [ ʃəʊ ðə dɜːt ] пачкаться
single bed [ ˈsɪŋɡl̩ bed ] односпальная кровать
sink [ sɪŋk ] раковина (на кухне)
sky-scraper [ ˈskaɪˌskreɪpə ] небоскрёб
sofa [ ˈsəʊfə ] диван
sewing-machine [ ˈsəʊɪŋ məʃiːn ] швейная машина
space [ speɪs ] место, пространство
spacious [ ˈspeɪʃəs ] просторный
spyhole [ ˈspaɪhəʊl ] дверной глазок
stack chairs [ stæk tʃeəz ] составлять стулья
standard lamp [ ˈstændəd læmp ] торшер
statuette [ ˌstætʃʊˈet ] статуэтка
stereo system [ ˈsterɪəʊ ˈsɪstəm ] стереосистема
stool [ stuːl ] табурет
storeroom [ ˈstɔːruːm ] кладовая
stove [ stəʊv ] плита, печь
tap [ tæp ] кран
tea set [ tiː set ] чайный сервиз
three quarter bed [ θriː ˈkwɔːtə bed ] полутораспальная кровать
TV set [ ˌtiːˈviː set ] телевизор
throw open [ ˈθrəʊ ˈəʊpən ] распахнуть
threshold [ ˈθreʃhəʊld ] порог
tiled [ taɪld ] покрытый кафельной плиткой
toilet [ ˈtɔɪlɪt ] туалет
tubular steel chair [ ˈtjuːbjʊlə stiːl tʃeə ] стул с алюминиевыми ножками
unlock the door [ ʌnˈlɒk ðə dɔː ] отпереть дверь
upholstered furniture [ ˌʌpˈhəʊlstəd ˈfɜːnɪtʃə ] мягкая мебель
upholstery [ ˌʌpˈhəʊlstəri ] обивка
utensil [ juːˈtensɪl ] посуда, утварь
vacuum cleaner [ ˈvækjʊəm ˈkliːnə ] пылесос
vegetable cutter [ ˈvedʒɪtəbl̩ ˈkʌtə ] овощерезка
waffle-maker [ ˈwɒfəl ˈmeɪkə ] вафельница
wall lamp [ wɔːl læmp ] бра
wall-paper [ ˈwɔːlpeɪpə ] обои
wall units [ wɔːl ˈjuːnɪts ] стенка
wardrobe [ ˈwɔːdrəʊb ] шкаф
washing machine [ ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn ] стиральная машина
wash-basin [ ˈwɒʃbeɪsn̩ ] (умывальный) таз, умывальная раковина
washing wall-paper [ ˈwɒʃɪŋ ˈwɔːlpeɪpə ] моющиеся обои
whitewash [ ˈwaɪtwɒʃ ] побелка; белить, делать побелку
window-sill [ ˈwɪndəʊsɪl ] подоконник
yard [ jɑːd ] двор

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Clean Out Your Computer Day

Clean Out Your Computer Day is an annual celebration observed on February 12th of this year. When was the last time you have cleaned your computer? Have you ever tried cleaning your computer both internally and externally? If not then take some time from your busy schedule to clean out those unwanted files, folders and the dust present on your computer. All those unwanted things will lower your computer’s performance, and it is indeed must to clean off. Clean Out Your Computer Day is celebrated as a way to remind to take care of your computer as a whole.

“Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed will revolutionize the way we learn.” – Steve Jobs

History of Clean Out Your Computer Day

The history, origin, founder, and the year from when the Clean Out Your Computer Day has been in the celebration are unknown. It is celebrated on the second Monday in every February. We suspect that someone or a group of people who are in the field of computers would have come up with this Day. The  Day was sponsored by the Institute of Business Technology from 2000. As the storage of a computer is vast, we don’t often delete unwanted files and folders. These unused data will clog the memory and lowers the performance while retrieving other data. Also, the dust particles present on the outside and inside will also impact the computer’s performance. So it is the right time to switch off the system to clean off all these from your computer to improve your working.

Clean Out Your Computer Day

How to Celebrate Clean Out Your Computer Day

The best way to celebrate the Clean Out Your Computer Day is clean off your computer. Take a look at an expert video that demonstrates how to clean the dust in the hardware parts. Put off your computer and start to clean it to get into the spirit of the day. Now switch on your computer and organize your files and folders. Delete duplicate and junk files and also the old files and programs which you are no more using. Reboot your computer and see how faster it is working. Make everyone around you do it as to celebrate this Day. You can share your views about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #CleanOutYourComputerDay.

120 Різдвяних фільмів!

1. Один вдома
2. Один вдома 2: Загублений у Нью-Йорку
3. Різдвяні канікули
4. Полярний експрес
5. Лавка чудес
6. Багатенький Річі
7. Чотири Різдва
8. Рeaльнaя любoвь
9. Один вдома 3
10. Мільйон на Різдво

11. Сезон чудес
12. Ідеальне Різдво
13. Зі святами ніщо не зрівняється
14. Як в перший раз
15. Ну що, приїхали?
16. Занадто багато різдва
17. Врятуйте різдвяного гусака
18. Сімейне свято
19. Новорічна казка: Червона шапочка
20. Нескінченне різдво

21. Санта Клаус 3: Господар полюса
22. Санта Клаус 2
23. Фред Клаус, брат Санти
24. Снігова куля
25. Ласкаво просимо або сусідам вхід заборонений
26. Ельф
27. Втік лось
28. Родина напрокат
29. Різдво
30. Подарунок на Різдво

31. Санта-Кілер
32. Діти без нагляду
33. Різдво з великої літери
34. Різдвяна вечірка
35. The Borrowers
36. Тариф Новорічний
37. Втрачене різдво
38. Сніговики
39. Француз
40. Врятувати казку

41. Снігова королева
42. Ноель
43. Ангел Різдва
44. Бліззард
45. Місто без Різдва
46. ​​Ульотне Різдво
47. Чудеса на Новий рік
48. Таємний Санта-Клаус
49. Подарунки до Різдва
50. Силач Санта-Клаус

51. У пошуках Санта Лапуса
52. Лускунчик і Щурячий король
53. Санта на продаж
54. Битва на гірляндах
55. Абсолютно пришелепкуватий
56. Скасувати Різдво
57. Різдвяне пограбування
58. Різдвяні пригоди сімейства Фоксів
59. Некерований
60. Різдвяна п’ятірка

61. Книга бажань
62. Диво на 34-й вулиці
63. Різдвяна надія
64. Снігова королева
65. У гонитві за Різдвом
66. Хлопчик, який врятував Різдво
67. Нова різдвяна казка
68. Відпустка в наручниках
69. Санта з Маямі
70. Мама до Різдва

71. Канікули Санта Клауса
72. Самотній Санта бажає познайомитися з місіс Клаус
73. Знайомтеся, сім’я Санта Клауса
74. З новим роком
75. Різдвяна історія
76. Одного разу на Різдво
77. Я буду вдома до Різдва
78. Кучерява Сью
79. Це дивовижне життя
80. Інтуїція

81. Чарлі і шоколадна фабрика
82. Сім’янин
83. Санта Клаус
84. Хлопець на Різдво
85. Карнавальна ніч
86. Чарівне Різдво
87. Різдво сімейки придурків
88. Нарешті Різдво
89. Різдвяний роман
90. 12 різдвяних собак

91. Сніг 2: Замороження мізків
92. Різдво з невдахами
93. Місіс Чудо
94. Золоте Різдво
95. Нянька на Різдво
96. Духи Різдва
97. Поганий Санта
98. Різдвяний котедж
99. Різдвяні канікули 2
100. Літаком, поїздом, машиною

101. Щоденник Бріджит Джонс
102. Просто друзі
103. А що щодо тебе?
104. Щоденник Бріджит Джонс 2
105. Різдвяна листівка
106. Відпустка по обміну
107. Все, що я хочу на Різдво
108. Пережити Різдво
109. Рік без Санти
110. Одного разу на Різдво

111. Різдвяний поцілунок
112. Я буду вдома до Різдва
113. Реальна любов
114. Денніс – мучитель Різдва
115. Чотири кімнати
116. Старий Новий рік
117. Різдвяне Диво Джонатана Тумі
118. Ніч перед похміллям
119. Про що ще говорять чоловіки
120. Карнавальна ніч 2 або 50 років потому!

Propose Day

The Propose Day is commemorated on February 8 of every year. Propose Day is the second day of the Valentines Week 2018 and the day gives an opportunity to the youngsters to propose their loved one. On Propose Day, break the barriers of the fear and say those iconic words to the love of your life. The Proposal Day boosts encourage all the youngsters to express their deep-heard feelings for the love of their life. This majestic forerunner of the Valentine’s Day 2018 gives all the lovers an opportunity to wear their heart on the sleeves and pour their heart out for the one who means the world to them.

History of Propose Day

The Propose Day is being celebrated for years in the western culture, and it has been started celebrating in a modernised way in almost every region of the country. When it comes to expressing the love to the most special person in your life, gifts are the ultimate communicator, and it will help you to say those three magical words “I Love You.” You can make this day more exciting and interesting one by adding more fun to the celebration with romantic and unique valentine gifts.

Valentine Propose Day

Valentines Week List

The Valentines week starts on February 7, and it ends on February 14. Here is the list of Valentines Week 2018

February 7 Rose Day
February 8 Propose Day
February 9 Chocolate Day
February 10 Teddy Day
February 11 Promise Day
February 12 Hug Day
February 13 Kiss Day
February 14 Valentines Day

Happy Propose Day 2018 Wishes

Have a look at these following Happy Propose Day 2018 Wishes or Happy Propose Day SMS Wishes or Happy Propose Day Quotes, and you can use these quotes to propose or your loved one.

The Minute I Heard My First Love Story, I Started Looking For You, Not Knowing How Blind That Was. Lovers Don’t Finally Meet Somewhere. They’re In Each Other All Along.” – Happy Proposal Day 2018!

You are the happiness of my life, you are the smile of my lips, I’m alive to see you anytime, your cute smile give me power please don’t ever leave me.” – Happy Propose Day 2018!

I Am Opening An Emotional Bank Account For U Sweetheart So Deposit Your Love In It And You Will Get The Interest. Be My Valentine.” – Happy Proposal Day 2018!

You are the happiness of my life.” – Happy Propose Day!

Speaking without egos, loving without intentions, caring without expectations, I promise you that you will be mine always.” – Happy Proposal Day 2018!

I must have been born under a lucky star, to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end, if you promise to remain my friend!” – Happy Propose Day 2018!

I have Spent Many Sleepless Nights, In Your Love And I don’t want, My Son to Do same 4 Your Daughter, So let’s make them Brother And Sister.” – Happy Propose Day 2018!

Excuse me, do you have a band Aid, because I scrapped my heart when I fell in love with you. Will you be mine?” – Happy Propose Day!

Love is like a cloud. Love is like a dream. The love is one word and everything in between. Love is a fairytale come true. Because I found Love when I found You.” – Happy Proposal Day 2018!

Happy Propose Day 2018 Images

Happy Proposal Day 2018

Happy Propose Day 2018

Happy Proposal Day 2018

Happy Propose Day 2018

Happy Proposal Day 2018

Happy Propose Day 2018

Happy Proposal Day 2018

Happy Propose Day 2018

Happy Proposal Day 2018

Happy Propose Day 2018

How to celebrate Propose Day

On this day, Youngsters will propose to their a Valentines. They propose their valentine to express their love and affection. You can propose your loved one by sitting half on their knees with the bunch of red roses in hand. You can also propose by visiting different places in different ways. Some peoples will send a red rose bucket with the greeting card to the house of their loved one in the early morning. On Propose day, all the mobile networks and postal services become busy as everyone sends messages and gifts to their loved ones. Post pictures and share your Propose Day 2018 celebrations on social media by using the hashtags #ProposeDay or #HappyProposeDay.

Molasses Bar Day

National Molasses Bar Day is an annual celebration observed on February 8th of every year. If you have never been known what this Molasses Bar is or ever tasted it earlier, then you have probably missed treating your sweet tooth. The rich, sugary sticky bar will completely mesmerize you with its taste. Molasses is also known as the black treacle and has been in existence since the year 1500. Take time to taste the molasses bar on the National Molasses Bar Day if you haven’t tried eating it so far. For others, it is a perfect excuse to fill up your mouth with unlimited molasses bar to enjoy this feast day.

“Bad news travels at the speed of light; good news travels like molasses.” – Tracy Morgan

History of National Molasses Bar Day

There is no mention regarding the history, origin, and the year from when the National Molasses Bar Day has been in celebration. However, the history and origin of the molasses have a long tradition. Molasses or treacle is a thick, sticky sugary syrup made from sugarcane or sugar beets. It is a by-product obtained by the refining of sugar cane. The sticky and sweetened sugar syrup has been used as a sweetener for food that dates back to the 1500s. The term molasses comes from the Portuguese word ‘melaco,’ that has evolved from the Latin word ‘mel,’ which means ‘honey.’

National Molasses Bar Day 2018 - February 8

Typically, there are three kinds of molasses called light molasses, dark molasses, and blackstrap molasses. Molasses has a very distinctive taste and is one of the ingredients used in different sauces, fruitcakes, gingerbread, baked beans,  toffee, cookies, and molasses bars. It contains large amounts of iron, calcium, and magnesium. The amount of sugar extracted, the maturity of the sugarcane and the method of extraction decides the quality of molasses.

How to Celebrate National Molasses Bar Day

Celebrating the National Molasses Bar Day is quite simple. Treat yourself to the rich sticky molasses bars. Learn about the molasses bar making and try it at your home. Serve your homemade molasses bar to your family and kids. Add choco chips, nuts, raisins and your favourites to make the bar. Make sure you prepare it with right consistency to bite the tasty, sticky, chewy molasses bar. Organize a party at your home and serve your guests with the molasses bar. You can share your molasses day celebrations and its making photos on the social media using the hashtag #MolassesBarDay.

Kite Flying Day

National Kite Flying Day is celebrated on February 8 of every year. Nowadays Kite flying is an outdoor fun and a popular hobby for the peoples around the world. Kites range from the simple diamond kite to more complicated box kites and Giant Sled Kites. National Kite Flying Day is created to celebrate the feeling of freedom which everyone one feels while flying the kite in the air.

A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind.” – Lewis Mumford

History of National Kite Flying Day

The creator or inventor of National Kite Flying Day was still unknown. Usually we eager to watch the high-flying tricks. In that type of eagerness, kites can fulfil our enthusiasm quickly. It had been invented in China during the 5th century. It should be designated as heavy more than the aircraft with the wing surfaces like the air drags also should lift around them. Also, Kites are symbols to show Gods awakening from sleep. At Gujarat, Kite Flying is a regional event for several years. Innovative kites will be showcased when peoples from all over the world are gathered in one place. The peoples of South Sea Island used Kites for the purpose of Fishing.

National Kite Flying Day 2018 - February 8

How to Celebrate National Kite Flying Day

The best way to celebrate the National Kite Flying Day is by flying the Kite. In some parts of the world, festivals will be conducted on National Kite Flying Day, and you can participate in those festivals. If you don’t know how to fly the Kites, takes this day as an opportunity to learn how to make kites and how to Fly kites in the sky. Post pictures and share your celebrations on the social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #KiteFlyingDay.

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