Author: o_diana (Page 9 of 61)

World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated on March 15 of every year. It is nothing, which If you have ever purchased something and needed to return it, exercised your consumer’s rights. These rights have not always been something that easily enforced. The organization Consumers International has brought awareness to these rights with World Consumer Rights Day. It is an opportunity to promote the rights of all consumers, demanding that those rights are respected and protected with a chance to protest against the market abuses and social injustices which undermine those rights.

History of World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD)

WCRD was founded in 1960 as Consumers International with the goal to fight for a fair and safe with sustainable future for consumers in a global market dominated by international corporations. Citing President John F. Kennedy’s groundbreaking address, they take his definition of consumer rights as their definition. It also agreed that the President’s remarks set the ball in motion to make these rights something more than just words on paper, but rights that would come to be something enforceable. World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) has over 200 members and spans 100 countries as Consumer International, and they will take their mission as being a voice and champion for consumers in policy-making forums and the global marketplace. Also, they will work outside of any political parties and maintains their independence so that they can make sure that consumers treated properly.

World Consumer Rights Day

How to celebrate the World Consumer Rights Day

Celebrating the World Consumer Rights Day is very simple and easy. In your community, look for events that are trying to bring awareness to consumer rights, or areas of public policy that need changes. The day is about mobilizing citizen action groups across the world, and if everyone joined in to help in their communities, it comes closer to meet their goal, and that is addressing. Perhaps the need to look to Washington or other capitals that are making policy will need to be addressed. Consumers International is all about making sure that the voice of the consumer not silenced. So, raise your voice and let it be heard. To spread in social media’s you can use the hashtag #WorldConsumerRightsDay.

Buzzards Day

Buzzards Day is an annual celebration observed on March 15th. There are many seasons, and Spring is one of the most loved climatic seasons amongst all sort of people. Bid the chill, snowy Winter season and welcome the Spring. The start of Spring will not be completed without the arrival of the Buzzards which is circling overhead. Why not we celebrate these beautiful and winged creatures and their arrival with a special day in the calendar? Yes, it’s time to welcome the Spring with the Buzzards, especially with the turkey vulture. Buzzards Day is an annual feast that celebrates the return of the turkey vultures to Hinkley, Ohio. So take your binoculars out to find if any of the Buzzards are in the blue sky.

“If I were reincarnated, I’d want to come back a buzzard. Nothing hates him or envies him or wants him or needs him. He is never bothered or in danger, and he can eat anything.” – William Faulkner

History of Buzzards Day

The origin and the history of Buzzards Day‘s have found to have many conflicting dates. The first record of the Buzzards return dates back to 1957, although they have been arriving for more than one-and-a-half century. Robert Bordner who was a writer for the Cleveland Press was credited as he has found the word for this celebration Day. During 1957, the members of the Hinkley Chamber of Commerce had agreed to have a pancake breakfast festival on the first Sunday of Spring (the first Sunday after March 15th) at the Brongers Park. However, the Buzzards or the turkey vultures are found to return to the Hinkley, Ohio on every March 15th which attracted many tourists. A Metroparks patrolman named Walter Nawaleniec was the one who said to Robert that these Buzzards are returning to the spot on March 15th for the past six years.

Buzzards Day

Later so many other personalities found their arrival on this date. These turkey vultures returning on March 15th has been so widespread and popular, and this is the reason for the official Buzzard Day celebration on this date. However, the township was unprepared for the 9,000 plus visitors in the first observance that was held in the year 1957. But by 1958, various plans had been made to welcome all those visitors, and since then, the town has been celebrating an annual Buzzards Festival. The heads of the Turkey buzzards are featherless and red. These birds have got very good eyesight and can live up to twenty years. They are scavengers and live on the dead animals. These buzzards soar through the sky on the big updrafts and are considered as the Mother Nature’s garbage collectors.

How to Celebrate Buzzards Day

Celebrating the Buzzards Day is quite simple. Get to know about the Buzzards and their life in detail. You can visit Hinkley, Ohio to see their arrival if you are affordable. Talk to the locals over there to know more about the Buzzards Festival. You can share that information with others and make them aware of such a celebration Day. Just capture the buzzards arrival pictures and don’t forget to share it with others. Use the hashtag #BuzzardsDay to spread the word on the social media.

Companies That Care Day

Companies That Care Day is celebrated on March 15th of this year. It is an annual observance that is celebrated on the third Thursday of every March. Are you feeling happy with your workplace? If your answer is yes, then you and the work you do for the betterment of your company is being recognized in the best way. When it comes to employee side, of course, it is important to value their contributions they do for their company. With this acknowledgement, you will be getting a source of positive energy, encouragement, and support. Companies that do care their workers just don’t do it out of getting profit but in the real sense of caring them. Companies That Care Day encourages the employers to highlight, expand their employee and community initiatives to thereby recognize those workers who make their companies successful.

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” – Anne M. Mulcahy

History of Companies That Care Day

The Companies That Care Day is an annual observance day created by the Companies That Care. The first observance of this Day isn’t mentioned anywhere. The Day is celebrated on every third Thursday of MarchCompanies That Care is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2003 that is created in the way to enhance the well-being of the employees and communities by educating and inspiring the employers to practice the employer engagement. The organization is aimed at promoting the social sustainability and improvement of the lives of people, families, and the communities through the education of employers in the principles of a socially responsible employer. Most of the caring companies consider that their workers and the community are significant factors to their success. Thus the companies are committed to giving such a workplace for the employees to thrive and work to support, strengthen their community.

Companies That Care Day

How to Celebrate Companies That Care Day

Celebrating the Companies That Care Day is very simple. You can host an event to celebrate this Day in your company. Make sure you are valuing every worker of your organization irrespective of the roles they are playing. It is vital to make them feel they are recognized in every other aspect of their work. Visit the website of Companies That Care to know the Characteristics of the Socially Responsible Employers. You can make use of the resources available there for the betterment of the employers in your community. Share your views about this Companies That Care Day on the social media using the hashtag #CompaniesThatCareDay.

True Confessions Day

True Confessions Day is an annual celebration observed on March 15th. There will be an untold secret in every one of us, and let it a simple thing or a bigger one. The secret will, of course, made you feel stressed and guilt. If that secret is quelling your inner peace and causing distress on your relationship, then you can go ahead and confess it to whomever you want. Get out of that restless feel and let out that secret as to feel relaxed and cool utterly. Confession is the simplest way to stay away from the guilt. As honesty is the best policy, you can take the opportunity on the True Confessions Day, to confess yourself and be honest, and be you. More than all it is indeed must to celebrate the guts of your spirit to confess the secret.

“A confession has to be part of your new life.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

History of True Confessions Day

The True Confessions Day has been created by Thomas & Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays. However, the origin and the first observance of this celebration are unknown. The creator of this Day has come up with this idea of celebration as a way to encourage those secret keepers to confess it to feel relaxed and guilt free. The main focus of this celebration Day is to motivate people that it is a good thing to confess guilt or secrets as to move on from the troubles and clear the conscience. It is found that confessing secrets is hugely stress-soothing, and it will incite more honesty and openness in any relationship. In simple, confession is just good for the soul. By celebrating this Day, the creators believe that the people let go of their secrets that are causing strain on their relationships, or confess their feelings.

True Confessions Day

How to Celebrate True Confessions Day

Celebrating the True Confessions Day is very simple. Make a true confession about your secret to your loved ones. Stay guilt-free and relaxed by letting out that secret which you have kept so long. A single evasion will ruin any relationship so confess your secret and create openness in your relationship to make it stronger. Encourage people around you to confess themselves as to make them feel good. You can indulge yourself in helping in inspiring the openness in more relationships. If you don’t want to share that secret with others, then just write it in your diary or stand in front of the mirror to confess yourself. Share your views and celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #TrueConfessionsDay.

Brutus Day

National Brutus Day is an annual observance celebrated on March 15th. It’s time to say, Eu tu Brutus. Anyone who has read the Shakespeare’s play of Julius Ceaser would know what the actual meaning of the term backstabbing means is. Even in this modern epoch, there exist people who are expert at backstabbing, intriguing and plotting. All those who are working irrespective of the place and company would know at least one backstabber who betray at an unexpected time. National Brutus Day is celebrated in a way to remind us that there are still Brutus kinda people present in every place who subterfuge, betray and backstab at an unexpected time.

“Even though we are deceived, still believe. Though we are betrayed, still forgive. Love completely even those who hate you.” – Sun Myung Moon

History of National Brutus Day

The National Brutus Day was established by Thomas & Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays. However, the first observance and the precise reason for the date of this celebration are unknown. The Brutus Day reminds each of us that we must admit that there is as much intrigue, plotting and backstabbing as was found in the Ancient Rome or is found even today no matter where we are working. Even in the modern, corporate lives there occurs a situation for people to face the unfaithfulness and backstabbing of some Brutus over there. Marcus Junius Brutus alias Brutus is considered to be the world’s most famous betrayer for killing his dear friend Julius Ceaser. Et tu, Brute is the famous phrase associated with this incident in the William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. Et tu, Brutus is a Latin phrase means “and you, Brutus?, is told by Julius Ceasar, the Roman dictator at the time of his assassination to his friend Marcus Junius Brutus.

National Brutus Day 

How to Celebrate National Brutus Day

Celebrating the National Brutus Day is quite simple. It is the best time to identify those Brutus kinda personalities in your workplace as to stay away. Make sure you don’t indulge yourself in any controversies with such people. Learn to be loyal and faithful and never put yourself on the list of Brutus. Of course, few of you have been betrayed earlier, and those can take it as a lesson in a positive way. Share your views about the Brutus Day on the social media using the hashtag #BrutusDay.

Science Education Day

Science Education Day is celebrated on March 14th of every year. Science is all around us, and we could notice it in every walk of life. Most of us are introduced to the science subject in our school classrooms. It might be your science teacher who has inspired you and laid the foundation of your love for the science and its various fields. For few others, the medium of information varies, for instance, they would have gathered knowledge of science from the internet and magazines. What so ever the medium of science education be, its time to thank all those who have shared the science contents and made you find and learn about them. Science Education Day gives you an opportunity to celebrate and thank all those people around the world who have actively shared their views and information about science from kids to adults.

“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

History of Science Education Day

There isn’t any mention of the history, origin, and the founder of the Science Education Day. However, the creator of the Day has come up with such an idea as a way to celebrate and honour all those people who are sharing the contents of science with others. Celebrate the Science Education Day as a way to say a thank you to all those who have encouraged and assisted in turning that curiosity about science into a passion. Thank all those science teachers in the classroom, homeschool, docents, along with the volunteers and the members of the education staff at other places like science & nature centres, aquariums, planetariums, and more. The science education learners may be anyone including children, students from school & college, and adults. The work in science content, scientific method, scientific science, and some teaching pedagogy are the field of science education.

Science Education Day

How to Celebrate Science Education Day

Celebrating the Science Education Day can be done in many ways. Firstly, you can thank a science teacher who has inspired you with the Science and its amazing facts. You can send a thank you note greeting cards or e-cards with personalized handwritten thank you message in it. Share your gratitude for the science centres in the form of donation which will be useful in some way. If you are a science teacher, then encourage your students to know more about this fascinating subject. Make them indulge in the subject by saying about the interesting things and amazing facts about science. Share your thank message and celebration pictures, the classroom, your favourite labs and so on the social media using the hashtag #ScienceEducationDay.

Legal Assistance Day

Legal Assistance Day is an annual celebration observed on March 14. There will be people who have got the legal problems but are in a state of not affording to an expensive lawyer to solve it. In such a state, those people can take the chance to solve their legal problems for free of charge on a particular day of the year. It is nothing but the Legal Assistance Day where the legal assistants who help in solving the legal problems for free of charge. The Day also honours all those skilled legal assistants who are working hard and perform a variety of support jobs for supervising lawyers.

“None of us got to where we are alone. Whether the assistance we received was obvious or subtle, acknowledging someone’s help is a big part of understanding the importance of saying thank you.” – Harvey Mackay

History of Legal Assistance Day

The origin, history, and creator of the Legal Assistance Day are anonymous. There isn’t any mention of the year since this Day has been in celebration. However, it is the special Day of the year in which the people who would otherwise not be able to afford to the legal representation are provided with the legal assistance for free of charge. The Legal Assistance Day offers legal help for a wide range of problems, and that includes drafting legal documents, legal negotiations, and court appearances. Legal assistance is the support provided by legal professionals for free of charge to those people who are unable to afford the legal representation and access to the court system.

Legal Assistance Day

However, there are certain conditions as to who can access this offer of free legal representation. So only those applicants who have met certain criteria can use this one day of the year in the court without needing to pay for their case. The criteria range from having an income below a certain threshold or being sixty years of age or older. The legal assistants are those who assist the lawyers by investigating the facts, preparing the legal documents, or researching about the legal precedent. They are operating diligently behind the scenes and are continuing to assume new responsibilities in the legal offices.

How to Celebrate Legal Assistance Day

Celebrating the Legal Assistance Day is quite simple. Acknowledge the work of the legal assistance as a way to appreciate them. Thank a legal assistant in person if you know any. You can even appreciate your legal assistant who has taken up your legal case and supported you in the best way possible. Organize a mini dinner party for them on this Day to make them enjoy their Day. Share your appreciation for the legal assistants on the social media using the hashtag #LegalAssistanceDay.

Pi Day

National PI Day is celebrated on March 14 of every year. It is the excellent Pi and plays in so many aspects of lives and forever to get the point. Every year comes a day that shares numerical values with Pi, and on that day celebration of Pi with every kind of Pi can imagine. Pies are round and circumference over diameter, National Pi Day celebrates the long history of this ridiculous number, and long journey science has taken to seek the end of a number known to be infinite in length. Generate random numbers between 0 and 1. Calculate distance from the origin to this random point r. It can be written as r2 = x2 + y2.

History of National Pi Day

The National Pi Day is without a doubt that intrinsically tied to the origins of the number itself. Also, need for pi is as old as the wheel, and many techniques have been tried in several cultures to fix this elusive number in maths. The whole of this number was difficult, with ancient mathematical cultures only being able to find out to the seventh decimal barely, and Indian mathematicians could only manage to decipher it out to five. Pi is truly one of the interesting numbers in the quest for the ultimate end of Pi has sought for time out of mind. Seems to extend infinitely in mathematical loops beyond and nothing has ever been found to contest this, this is particularly remarkable considering the following modern techniques like calculating pi millions of digits, and at no point, the pattern ever been found to reliably repeated.

National Pi Day

How to celebrate National Pi Day

Celebrating the National Pi day is simple and easier and more delicious question has never posted. A pi is a transcendental number, look it up to research this name and discover all the amazing secrets it hides. Once get to understand complexities of it, you’ll understand why National PI Day exists to celebrate a simple combination of digits. Peoples can use #PiDay to celebrate on social media.

Potato Chip Day

National Potato Chip Day is an annual feast celebrated on March 14th. There are lots chips available and are served as snacks, side dish, or appetizer. Not all of them are loved and favoured by all age groups of people. Undoubtedly, the thinly sliced, deep fried, and crispy salted potato chips are the ever loved snack time recipe. The potato chips are the world famous snacks that are liked, loved, and eaten by millions of people and especially by the children. On having gained so much of fans, the potato chips has got its own celebration day in the calendar. Fill up your mouths with a handful of crispy potato chips to treat yourself and as a way to celebrate the National Potato Chip Day in a more enjoyable way.

“Chips. All day. Every day.” – Jameela Jamil

History of National Potato Chip Day

The National Potato Chip Day‘s origin, history, and the creator are anonymous. However, the history and origin of potato chips have a long tradition, and it dates back to 1800. Back in 1853, a finicky customer named Tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt was staying at the Saratoga Springs in New York. At the restaurant, he was served with the French-fried potatoes, and he had kept on sending it back to the kitchen complaining that they were too thick, too soggy and not salted well enough. So Chef George Crum has decided to slice the spuds as thin as possible, fried them until it becomes crispy and seasoned them with extra salt. To his surprise, Cornelius Vanderbilt loved them, and it soon became a regular item on the restaurant’s menu in the name of “Saratoga Chips.”

National Potato Chip Day

However, the earliest known recipe for potato chips is recorded in the William Kitchiner’s cookbook named The Cook’s Oracle and was first published in the year 1817. There were few other conflicting dates available regarding the origin of the potato chips. Initially, the potato chips were only available in the restaurants. However, the term Saratoga Chips were being widely used in the late 1870s as a standard menu on train cars and street carts. It was soon introduced in the bags into groceries and bakeries. It was found that Americans consume approximately 1.2 billion pounds of potato chips every year. Potato chips or crisps is a thin slice of potatoes that are usually fried deep or baked until crunchy. It is most commonly served as a snack, side dish, or appetizer. They are cooked and salted, and various flavourings are added like herbs, spices, cheeses, and other natural or artificial flavours.

How to Celebrate National Potato Chip Day

Celebrating the National Potato Chip Day is quite simple. Have some potato chips for your lunch or dinner as a side dish. Pack some fresh potato chips for your children as snacks. You can even try making the homemade potato chips to delight your family. Add flavourings and salt according to your taste. Carry some packets of potato chips to eat it while in travel or in your picnic trips as it is the best snack companion. You can even visit a local potato chip manufacturing company to know how it is made. Share your views about Potato Chip Day and post your celebration pictures on the social media using the hashtag #PotatoChipDay.

Crowdfunding Day

Crowdfunding Day is an annual celebration observed on March 14th. Every year various organizations raise funds for different issues and causes. Whereas crowdfunding is widely prevalent in the society and is a trendy way to raise money for any businesses using the internet. Crowdfunding is very much useful for those who are looking forward to getting fundings, building a strong customer base, validating the new products, and those waiting for their products to be pre-ordered. Crowdfunding Day celebrates this practice of the funding for the profit entrepreneurial ventures.

“I think that crowdfunding has become such a powerful tool to tell stories that might not find financing otherwise – like a dark comedy about infidelity, for example!” – Kit Williamson

History of Crowdfunding Day

The Crowdfunding Day has been in celebration since the year 2017. There isn’t any mention of the creator or the organization who has come up with such a celebration idea. However, crowdfunding has a long history with several roots, and it dates back to hundreds of years. Crowdfunding is the process of the practice with which raising many small amounts of money is raised by a large number of people, via the Internet. It has been used to fund a project or ventures like medical expenses, artistic and creative projects, travel, and community-oriented social entrepreneurship projects.

Crowdfunding Day

Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and is an alternative financial solution. It was estimated that the worldwide crowdfunding campaign had received over US$34 billion in 2015. The modern crowdfunding was recorded by the French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte. On 14 March 1850, the “Première Circulaire Annuelle adressée par l’auteur du Système de Philosophie Positive” was published, and several of these notes, blank and with sums have survived.This is the reason for Crowdfunding Day to be celebrated on March 14th.

How to Celebrate Crowdfunding Day

Celebrating the Crowdfunding Day is quite simple. You can launch your own personal crowdfunding project to raise funds. Others can make a valuable donation or contribution to someone else’s crowdfunding campaign. It is the perfect time to work on promoting your favourite campaign through the social media outlets. Join with other crowdfunding community to celebrate the Day in the best way possible. Encourage people around you to start a crowdfunding campaign by making them understand the advantage of it. Share and promote the crowdfunding campaigns through the social media using the hashtag #CrowdfundingDay.

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