Author: o_diana (Page 39 of 61)

Houseplant Appreciation Day

Houseplant Appreciation Day

Houseplant Appreciation Day has been celebrated on January 10th of every year. All the celebrations have got over, and you would have cleared away the decorations, new year gifts, cakes and every such item of the holiday season. Now you would feel that the house is little empty, plain and looks odd. Some of you would have forgotten to take care of the treasured houseplant with the busy schedule. So, with the cold winter still prevailing, somewhere in the corner of your house, you would still see the little greenish plant. It’s time to take little more care and love in maintaining those houseplants. For others, the Houseplant Appreciation Day is the best time to buy a houseplant and acknowledge how special and important they are.

“You gotta water your plants. Nobody can water them for you.” – DJ Khaled

History of Houseplant Appreciation Day

The Gardener’s Network has established the Houseplant Appreciation Day. They have created this Day with the aim of making this as an extraordinary day for growing, caring for and loving the houseplants. Once after the holiday seasons, the house looks empty, drab, and monotonous. The beauty of the house fades away soon after removing the decorations. The Day has been founded to make the house look brighter and pleasant with the greenish houseplants along with its scent of flowers. The Gardener’s Network set this Day as a reminder that you need to provide your houseplants with a little more of attention. It is also a day to appreciate the houseplants as they are special and important.

Houseplant Appreciation Day

A houseplant is usually grown indoors in residences and offices. Houseplants are grown commonly for the decorative purposes. However, they have positive psychological effects. Houseplants are therapeutic, and it lifts your mood and outlook. They help with indoor air purification, add warmth and calming effect. These plants need the correct moisture, light levels, temperature, soil mixture, proper humidity, fertilizer and correct-sized pots. Houseplants help in removing up to eighty-seven percent of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) like benzene, toluene, and xylene from the air.

How to Celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day

Celebrating the Houseplant Appreciation Day is quite simple. Get to know about the houseplants, how to grow and the plants that suit your house. Start growing some houseplants as it has both therapeutic and decorative purposes. Those who have it already can maintain them with some more love as to appreciate the good things it gives for your family. Encourage people nearby and your friends to have houseplants in their house. Share your houseplants pictures on the social media using the hashtag #HouseplantAppreciationDay.

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day is an annual chocolate feast celebrated on January 10th of every year. With the start of new year, not all of us like to eat chocolate that tastes little bitter. But the chocolate lovers will surely be crazy as they are about to enjoy the bittersweet taste of the darker chocolates. Besides being chocolate, it has lots of health benefits. National Bittersweet Chocolate Day wouldn’t get complete without tasting the dark sweetened bittersweet chocolate.

“Chocolate is the first luxury. It has so many things wrapped up in it. Deliciousness in the moment, childhood memories, and that grin-inducing feeling of getting a reward for being good.” – Mariska Hargitay

History of National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

The history, origin, founder, and the year since the National Bittersweet Chocolate Day are unknown. But the history of the bittersweet chocolate has a long tradition. Bittersweet chocolate is a unsweetened chocolate or a chocolate liquor. It has little of sugar, more cocoa butter, vanilla flavouring, and sometimes lecithin will be added. It does not include any milk solids and it must contain at least thirty-five percent of chocolate liquor. The taste of the bittersweet chocolate will be exactly the same as its name implies. Chocolate comes from the seed of the cacao tree and Aztec has discovered.

National Bittersweet Chocolate Day

The earliest known documented use of cacao seeds dates back to 1100 BC. The cacao tree seed will have an intensely bitter taste. It must be fermented to develop the flavour. Eating bittersweet chocolate regularly is good for health. The antioxidants present in the bittersweet chocolate will lower the blood pressure and protect your heart.

How to Celebrate Bittersweet Chocolate Day

The best way to celebrate the National Bittersweet Chocolate Day is by eating a bar of bittersweet chocolate. Have a bar every day to make you prevent from heart diseases. Give your children with a certain amount of chocolate to maintain good health. You can organise a party for your family and friends and treat them with Bittersweet Chocolate. You can even use the chocolate as toppings on ice cream, on your favourite cakes, juices and more. Share your chocolate celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #BittersweetChocolateDay.

National Static Electricity Day

National Static Electricity Day

National Static Electricity Day is celebrated on January 9 of every year. The imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of the material is known as Static Electricity. The charge will remain on the material until it tends to move by means or using electrical discharge or electric current. The term Static Electricity is called in contrast with current electricity, which transmits energy by flow through the wires or other conductors. We all experienced the Static Electricity by grabbing the door handle in a cold, dry day or by experiencing the magnificence of natural lightning. You may experience it by walking across the carpet in wool socks or by putting your friend’s purr box kitten. There is a simple fact that Static Electricity may add a little spark to your day.

History of National Static Electricity Day

The inventor or creator of National Static Electricity Day is still unknown. Static Electricity is formed when two insulators rubbed with each other. It generates a static field which of imbalanced Negative and positive Charged Ions. When charged insulators became contact with conductors like metal, the charge will be released. This is the reason you get shocked when you grab the door handle after crossing the room in wool socks. Drier air is better than humid air to generate Static Electricity. It proves that you experience the feel of static electricity in winter season more than in summer season.

National Static Electricity Day 2018 - January 9

How to Avoid Static Electricity

In winter seasons, Use Humidifiers in your home to put moisture back into the air. Putting our skin on moisturiser before getting dressed is very recommended in winter season because our skin will be drier in winter months. Wearing synthetic fibres that are made from natural fibres like cotton will helps in reducing the amount of Static Electricity that is stirred up. Always hold a key or pen which is metal while walking around the house, workplace or in shopping malls. It helps in discharging the Static Electricity from the body without any pain. Wearing Leather shoes rather than wearing rubber shoes will reduce the amount of Static Electricity.

How to celebrate National Static Electricity Day

Celebrating National Static Electricity Day is quite easy. Just simply learn more things about the facts which cause Static Electricity. You can conduct small experiments with your kids to show them the causes and effects of Static Electricity. With that, you can teach them how to avoid Static Electricity in winter seasons. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about static electricity by using the hashtag #StaticElectricityDay.

Poetry at Work Day

Poetry at Work Day

Poetry at Work Day is an annual observance celebrated on January 9th of this year. Have you ever imagined to write a poem at a work day in your office? If not then you are allowed to write and read your poetry about office on a Day in the calendar. Often, you would have noticed several beautiful and amazing things in your office. Make them come as a poem with all your creativity of words. Poetry at Work Day is a special Day for all those who are working, and it encourages them to write a poem about their workplace.

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

History of Poetry at Work Day

The Tweetspeak Poetry and Every Day Poems has declared this Poetry at Work Day. There is no mention about the year since this Day has been celebrated. The second Tuesday of every January marks this fun celebration Day. From the name of the Day, one could assume that this Day is created as to make the people who are working in the office to indulge themselves in making a poetry about the things they love in their workplace. Put out your creativity into words in a beautiful way that portrays your workplace. Show the world how much attractive and impressive your workplace is with your poetic phrase. Let out the great poems about your work as a way to celebrate the workplace. Nothing would compensate the beauty of admiring your office.

Poetry at Work Day

How to Celebrate Poetry at Work Day

Celebrating the Poetry at Work Day is quite a simple thing. You can write and read the poem which you have written describing your office on this special Day to your colleagues. Bring poetry to work by engaging your co-workers, employees and management to read a poem. Writing poetry about your office shows how much you love your office. It is also the best way to make others love their work environment. You can even organise a poetry competition in your office by asking all those who are work there to participate. It is the perfect Day for all those who work to let out their inner thoughts about their work as poems. You can even share your poetry about your workplace on the social media using the hashtag #PoetryAtWorkDay.

Word Nerd Day

Word Nerd Day

Word Nerd Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 9th of every year. Communication is a vital tool in this world, and anyone needs words to tell what he/she feels. Every language has plenty of words and its meanings. If you are very much interested in knowing different words or love to find fancy and unusual words, then Word Nerd Day is a perfect time for you to celebrate your nerdiness. Showcase your vocabulary skills to others on this Day and make yourself stand out of the crowd.

“I’m a vocabulary nerd.” – Sam Trammell

History of Word Nerd Day

The Word Nerd Day‘s origin, history, and the person who created this celebration Day are unknown. There is no mention regarding the year from which this Day has been celebrated. However, we could think that the person who created this Day loves different words and languages and the person who knows it. Thus, this Day celebrates one’s expansive vocabulary skills and the nerdiness. The people are encouraged to learn more about the origin, synonym, and usages of words in their language by picking up their dictionaries and thesauruses. Irrespective the word being long or short or silly or hard and if you are a connoisseur of words, then you can enter into this fun celebration. Celebrate all the lengthy, intricate, fancy and unusual words and the person who uses it.

Word Nerd Day 2018 - January 9

How to Celebrate Word Nerd Day

Celebrating the Word Nerd Day is quite simple. You are encouraged to show off your vocabulary skills and talents on this Day. Justify how much of knowledge you have about the words to others. If you love to know all those complicated, unusual words, then take out your dictionary to start learning two new words a day. Remeber those words and use them appropriately. If you find no time to take the dictionary itself, then make use of the dictionary apps available for the smartphones that list words and its meanings every day with a notification. Encourage your children to let know different words and make it a habit from their childhood. You can even call your family and friends to play crossword puzzles, word building and other such word games. Share such different words which you know on the social media using the hashtag #WordNerdDay.

Play God Day

Play God Day

Play God Day is an annual observance celebrated on January 9th of every year. Have you ever imagined to be in place of god under any circumstances? Irrespective of the answer, anyone can take this Day as an opportunity to bring or create change. God means good, and you are encouraged to play as a god by doing something good or nice to someone. All of us would have wished to do something good to those need it and if you’re one among those people, then Play God Day is just for you. Make any kinda miracles even the simplest things in the lives of people as to the proverb ‘where love is, there God is also.’ Do not let your hearts be troubled.

“You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.” – Swami Vivekananda

History of Play God Day

The origin, history, and year since this Play God Day has been celebrated are not known. There is no mention of the person who established this Day. The reason for this observance is also not known clearly. However, we could think that this Day encourages every human on this planet to bring some positive change in the lives of people. God is the supreme commander who has the power to change the destiny. Though there are different names and forms of god exists in different cultures, they are altogether called under a name called God.

Play God Day 2018 - January 9

So those who have dreamt of being a God can take this Day as a chance to let others wish come true. Though several arguments are prevailing for and against the existence of God, helping for those in need will make the helper equal to the supreme being, the God. The celebration Day makes you reach out to as many people as you can to make their lives a bit easier and happier.

Play God Day

Celebrating the Play God Day is quite simple. If you have longed to be the God, then start to make lives of others more enjoyable from this Day. Ask yourself what if you will do if you are a God? Sort out all your positive answers to make it happen. With your kind act, you can become a God in someone else’s life. You need not necessarily do miracles alone, instead, any form of simple acts that brings a change in a person’s life is also considered to be the work of God. Contribute whatever you can do to make your society a better place to live in. You can share what you have done as a god and its pictures on the social media using the hashtag #PlayGodDay.

National Apricot Day

National Apricot Day

National Apricot Day is an annual feast for the apricot lovers and is celebrated on January 9th of every year. Though there are lots of fruit varieties available in the world, some of them like the apricot are eaten all over the year. The orange velvety flesh texture of the apricot makes those who eat fall for it. It is a versatile fruit that can be eaten fresh, or canned and even dried as to consume later. So anyone can eat the apricot as fresh or can also try different recipes using this fruit. The National Apricot Day wouldn’t be complete without tasting this fleshy fruit.

“The flavours of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation. Neither are they transmitted by book learning.” – Ezra Pound

History of National Apricot Day

The history, origin, and the person who established the National Apricot Day are anonymous. It is not mentioned anywhere regarding the year from which this fruit has been celebrated. Apricot refers to the fruit or the tree bearing the fruit. The origin of the tree dates back to 4,000 years ago in China and later planted in Asia and even in Mediterranean by Persians. After some centuries the Spanish brought the apricots to the New World. At present, the apricots are grown in San Joaquin Valley in California’s and that make 95% of apricots grown in the U.S.

National Apricot Day 2018 - January 9

The word Apricot has got a Latin origin which means “precious.” Apricots will ripen earlier than most of the summer fruits, and hence the name could be explained by this fact. One easiest way to serve the apricots is by eating them fresh as it is rich in Vitamins A, B-6, C, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Fibre and Potassium. The apricots after-ripen are good for the eyes and skin. An ounce of the apricots will contain about twenty percent of a daily dose of beta-carotene. Apricots can be used both as sweet and savoury dishes as with its unique flavour.

How to Celebrate National Apricot Day

The best way to celebrate the National Apricot Day is to fill up your mouth with some fresh apricots. Even after summer, you could eat the dried apricots. You can refer to different varieties of dishes in which the apricots are used. Try them at your home and serve them for your family. Organise an apricot-themed party, invite family and friends to come dresses up in orange colour for the party to celebrate the apricots. Have some fresh apricots as a refreshing snack or have some dried apricots as a topping on the ice cream to complete this Day. Share your Apricot Day celebrations and photos on the social media using the hashtag #ApricotDay.

Balloon Ascension Day

Balloon Ascension Day

Balloon Ascension Day is an annual celebration observed on January 9th of every year. Have you ever went in through the hot air balloon or balloon ascension. Those who have taken a trip in the air balloon knows how beautiful it is to enjoy the nature from the air. It is incredible to feel the passing clouds on the sky, to look at the birds flying so near. Flying in the air was an unimaginable thing some centuries ago. However, things have changed as with the invention of flights and helicopter, and most often this mode of transportation has become a forgotten thing. Balloon Ascension Day is celebrated as to honour the Jean Pierre Blanchard who succeeded in being able to fly in the air through the hot air balloon.

“It’s only when you’re flying above it that you realize how incredible the Earth really is.” – Philippe Perrin

History of Balloon Ascension Day

The origin, history, creator, and the year from which the Balloon Ascension Day has been celebrated are not precisely known. It is a Day that is established to honour the excellent work of Jean Paul Blanchard. It was Jean Paul Blanchard, a French aeronaut and inventor who on January 9, 1793, made the first aerial trip in the yellow hot air balloon. To remember his invention and air trip, this Day has been celebrated on the same date every year in which he had made his aerial trip’s debut.

Balloon Ascension Day 2018 - January 9

Blanchard stood in front of the Walnut Street Prison located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (now known as Independence Square). He took a spot over there and made some last-minute adjustments to the hydrogen-filled gas balloon, while a relatively large number of the crowd looked on. Blanchard had sold plenty of tickets to the people as to make them see him ascend into the sky. Indeed, the president of the United States, George Washington himself, was also present during this event.

How to Celebrate Balloon Ascension Day

Celebrating the Balloon Ascension Day is quite simple. Take a trip on the balloon ascension and see how this mode travelling looks like. Those who have never gone to the air through the hot air balloon, then this Day is the best time to experience how hot air balloon trip looks and feels like. Encourage your family and friends to join with your air travel. Those who are affordable can visit the vacation sports like Napa Valley in California, Cappadocia in Turkey, Yarra Valley in Australia, Gstaad in Switzerland to take a Balloon Ascension ride. Enjoy the wind, breeze, sun, climate, height, and everything of nature. Don’t forget to share your hot air balloon trip photos and views about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #BalloonAscensionDay.

Show And Tell At Work Day

Show And Tell At Work Day

Show And Tell At Work Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 8th of each year. Being an adult, one would have been sure missing the kindergarten days in which one has an opportunity to show off and tell things. To those who feel this absence at the workplace now gets a chance to reminisce the good old days of being a child with a unique celebration Day in the calendar. Maturity must not halt anyone from enjoying few things from childhood and so with the Show and Tell at Work Day. It is the best Day to show off something which you feel significant and ask your coworker to show his/her’s.

“I show off – I’m a very good show off. It’s what I do, it’s what I’m good at.” – Robbie Williams

History of Show And Tell At Work Day

The Show And Tell At Work Day has been established by the Thomas and Ruth Roy of There is no mention about the year from which this Day has been officially celebrated. Thomas and Ruth have come up with such a celebration since the students in school have a chance to show and tell which adults miss in their office. As to make the adults enjoy and get to do the same like the childhood activities, this Day has been created. All those adults are given fun opportunities to play a show and tell as like the school kids. Share and show off what you wanted to with your colleagues as this Day is the perfect excuse time to act like a kid.

Show And Tell At Work Day 2018 - January 8

How to Celebrate Show And Tell At Work Day

Celebrating the Show And Tell At Work Day is quite a simple thing. You can share your views about anything which you feel appropriate. Got the latest phone? Then you can show off to your colleagues and tell them its unique features. Showing off doesn’t only need to be a thing, on the other hand, it could even be your thoughts and views about an interesting subject too. You can make your coworker let know about this wonderful celebration Day. Make all of your college friends to show off their things or thoughts. Don’t forget to show and tell in the social media. Use the hashtag #ShowAndTellAtWorkDay to share your celebration moments.

National Argyle Day

National Argyle Day

National Argyle Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 8th of every year. The first thing that pops up when it comes to Argyle or Argyll is the socks and sweaters of argyle style or pattern. Of course, this diamond designs in different patterns are also used in various other things like in the vests, golf suits, etc. The argyle pattern has been derived from the tartan of Clan Campbell, of Argyll. The Scottish Highlanders are wearing it (known as “tartan hose”) since at least from the 17th century as Argyle is used for kilts and plaids, and from the patterned socks. National Argyle Day celebrates and honours these Argyle patterns with a special Day in the calendar.

“Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it’s about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.” – Adriana Lima

History of National Argyle Day

The origin, history, and the founder of the National Argyle Day are still a mystery. There is no specific mention of the official date and the year since it this Day has been celebrated. Even though many things remain anonymous, Argyle pattern is still being celebrated. Argyle is a diamonds or lozenges pattern derived from the tartan of Clan Campbell, of Argyll in western Scotland. The pattern was a popular thing in the 17th century with the Scottish Highlanders as they have used it as socks, kilts and plaids.

National Argyle Day 2018 - January 8

Soon after the World War I, Argyle knitwear has become fashionable clothing in Great Britain and the USA. Argyle is a word that refers to an individual diamond in the design, but more commonly it refers to the overall pattern. One could see the layers of overlapping motifs, an overlay of intercrossing diagonal lines on the solid diamonds and thus showing a sense of three-dimensionality, movement, and texture.

How to Celebrate National Argyle Day

The best way to celebrate the National Argyle Day is to wear clothes with an Argyle pattern. It may range from wearing a sweater and socks which has argyle pattern. Make yourself look argyle on the cold winter months. You can even organize a party in your home with argyle-themed decorations. Ask your friends and family to join the party with suits designed in argyle designs. To be more creative, you can even knit a dress with your argyle designs and patterns using different colour threads. You can share your argyle-themed pictures on the social media using the hashtag #ArgyleDay.

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