Author: o_diana (Page 38 of 61)

Public Radio Broadcasting Day

Public Radio Broadcasting Day

Public Radio Broadcasting Day has been celebrated annually on January 13. Technology has made every development, and it even let us endure in luxury. It is indeed vital to reminisce the older ones, probably the first inventions as without which there wouldn’t be so much of developments. One among them is the radio, a century-old device that broadcasts the news and music. Unlike the tv and other smart devices, one has to tune and wait for the signals with the radio. You can’t see or read, but this instrument has so much interesting things. Public Radio Broadcasting Day is celebrated as to honour, celebrate and appreciate this technology and the works of those who made the first public radio broadcasting.

“Broadcasting was something, I don’t want to say it came easy, but it’s something I’m comfortable doing.” – Craig Kilborn

History of Public Radio Broadcasting Day

The history and origin of the Public Radio Broadcasting Day are unknown. The founder and the year since this Day have been celebrated are also not known. However, this Day is created to celebrate the world’s first public radio broadcast held in New York City on January 13, 1910. Lee de Forest was credited for transmitting the world’s first public broadcast. He had proved and shown that wireless telephony could even send the sounds other than Morse code. The first broadcast featured the voices of Enrico Caruso and some other Metropolitan Opera stars who made a live Metropolitan Opera House performance.

Public Radio Broadcasting Day 2018 - January 13

The first wireless radio broadcast consisted of the performances of Cavalleria Rusticana and Pagliacci. Riccardo Martin performed as Turridu, Enrico Caruso as Canio, and Emmy Destinn as Santuzza and the conductor was Egisto Tango. The event is considered as the birth of the public radio broadcasting. The members of the public along with the press has used earphones to listen to the broadcast in several locations throughout the city.

How to Celebrate Public Radio Broadcasting Day

Celebrating the Public Radio Broadcasting Day is quite a simple task. It is the best Day to honour the work of those people who are responsible for making the first radio broadcasting. Take this Day as the best opportunity to spend some time in listening to the radio broadcast. Listen to various stations available by tuning the radio. You can even showcase the initial model radio if you have one to others. Share the radio pictures on the social media using the hashtag #PublicRadioBroadcastingDay.

Make Your Dreams Come True Day

Make Your Dreams Come True Day

Make Your Dreams Come True Day is an annual observance celebrated on January 13 of every year. All of us will have dreams in life, and most often we let our dream remain just a dream. It is necessary to take some efforts in making your dream come true. With proper planning, one could achieve the success in making the dream become a reality. If you are planning to meet your dream, then Make Your Dreams Come True Day is the best time to start working towards it. The celebration Day encourages people to take an opportunity and start making efforts to make your dreams come true.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

History of Make Your Dreams Come True Day

The history and origin of the Make Your Dreams Come True Day are not known. The creator and the year since this Day has been celebrated are also not mentioned anywhere. However, this Day has been created as to make people get motivated as to make their dream come true. Dreams are important in life. Let the dream be small or big, as it makes the person better when attaining the success of reaching it. It is important to realize the goals and dreams and is even more important to make the dream comes a reality.

Make Your Dreams Come True Day 2018 - January 13

Planning is the foremost thing to reach the dream and start making a plan on this special Day if you haven’t yet made. The celebration Day makes you get started right from here as a way to make your dreams come true. Follow your dreams and you should never give up on it until you make it a reality.

How to Celebrate Make Your Dreams Come True Day

Celebrating the Make Your Dreams Come True Day is quite a simple thing. You would have had a dream and it is the perfect time to start making it come true. Never halt only with dreaming rather you must work on it to achieving. If you have not dreamt of anything, then start dreaming and make it come into a reality. Have some positive quotes and words written on paper about your dream, stick them on the wall as a way of self-encouragement. Talk with someone who inspires and motivates you in achieving your dream. You can even encourage people around you in making their dream come true. Share your dreams and the dreams you achieved on the social media using the hashtag #MakeYourDreamsComeTrueDay.

National Rubber Ducky Day

National Rubber Ducky Day

National Rubber Ducky Day is celebrated on January 13 of every year. Rubber Duckies are toy shaped stylised ducks. They made from rubber and typically yellow in colour with a flat base. These stylish ducks have iconic status in Western Pop culture, and they linked to bathing. No one in the world can’t tell where Rubber Duckies are come from but we peoples we want them in our own bath time. Hence National Rubber Ducky Day is created to appreciate the part of Childhood memories.

When I was around 9 years old, I was watching TV one day. I was looking at this commercial, with a kid in the bathtub playing with a rubber ducky or something, and I said, ‘Where do those kids come from? How come they get to be on TV? I could do that stuff.’ – Kristy Swanson

History of National Rubber Ducky Day

The exact origin and the founder of National Rubber Ducky Day are still unknown. In late 19th century, the History of Rubber Duckies is referred to the origin of rubber manufacturing. The rubber duckies which are found earlier are very harder because manufacturers had used vulcanised rubber which is Charles Goodyear’s Invention. As they are not floating, we used them as a chew toy. In 1940 Peter Ganine created a sculpture of duck which is reproduced as a floating toy. Amazingly nearly 5 Million Rubber duckies were sold in one year. In 1969 Jim Henson popularised the Ruber Duckies through a song “Rubber Duckie” as Ernie which is a famous Muppet from Sesame Street.

National Rubber Ducky Day 2018 - January 13

Frequently Ernie spoke to his duck, and he carried it with him to the other segments of the show. In January 1992, nearly 29,000 rubber duckies were fell off from a cargo ship in the Pacific Ocean. By 2007, the “Friendly Floaties” had travelled nearly 17 Thousand Miles across the world in the ocean currents and some of them still afloat today. The peoples in Australia, South America, Indonesia and the Bering Strait had said that they had seen those Rubber Duckies in the Arctic and the Atlantic Ocean.

How to Celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day

Celebrating National Rubber Ducky Day is quite easy by taking a bath with Your Favourite Rubber Duckie toy. There are a lot of varieties of Rubber Duckies are available ranging from pirate duckies to devil duckies. You Pick up your Favourite from those Rubber Duckies from the nearby stores. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about National Rubber Ducky Day by using the hashtag #RubberDuckyDay.

National Peach Melba Day

National Peach Melba Day

National Peach Melba Day is an annual food feast celebrated on January 13th of every year. Those who crazy on peaches will obviously love to taste the Peach Melba. It is an anytime favourite dessert usually served with vanilla ice cream. Anyone will sure indulge entirely in the rich, delicious taste of this dessert. With so much of popularity gained, this dessert is celebrated with a special Day in the calendar. What is more needed than the Peach Melba to celebrate National Peach Melba Day.

“I have a sweet tooth. I love dessert, and if somebody makes me one, I’m going to have it.” – Sarah Rafferty

History of National Peach Melba Day

The history and origin of the National Peach Melba Day are not known. There no mention about who has come up with such a Day for the Peach Melba. However, this dessert has been in existence since 1890’s. Peach Melba is a dessert made with peaches and raspberry sauce with vanilla ice cream. The French chef Auguste Escoffier has invented this dessert in 1892 at the Savoy Hotel, London. The chef has created this dessert as to honour Nellie Melba, the Australian soprano who was to perform Wagner’s Lohengrin opera at the Covent Garden in 1892. Hence the dessert is named after her name.

National Peach Melba Day 2018 - January 13

The chef has presented the dessert with vanilla ice cream as a topping with slices of peach strains of raspberry purée over it. The dessert was called formerly as ‘Peach Swan‘ or ‘Pecheau Cygne‘ as it was presented in a swan-shaped ice sculpture topped with the spun sugar.

How to Celebrate National Peach Melba Day

Celebrating the National Peach Melba Day is quite easy. Have some peach melba once after your dinner. You can learn about peach melba and how to cook it. Prepare a homemade peach melba, serve your family members and make the celebration Day more enjoyable. Organise a party, invite your family and friends to your home, serve them with Peach Melba. Share your celebrations pictures on the social media using the hashtag #PeachMelbaDay.

Your Name In Morse Code Day

Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day

Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 11th of each year. A language is a tool for communication, and like different languages, morse code is used in transmitting series of words or texts. Morse Code uses dots and dashes are used in representing the character or alphabet of a language. Spend some time to learn how to write your name using the morse code as it is Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day. It is a Day that encourages you to learn this code as to recognize it as it isn’t used in this era.

“I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.” – Mitch Hedberg

History of Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day

There is no mention of the history and origin of the Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day. The person who created this Day and the year from which it has been celebrated is also not known. However, the history of morse code date back to 1800’s. Morse code has been invented by the work of American artist Samuel F. B. Morse, the American physicist Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail. The date has been precisely chosen as the morse code was first demonstrated on January 11, 1838. Morse code is the considered to be most important innovations of communication which soon became to be used globally by the military and the aviation industry. Morse code transmits text through a series of signals where each character or the alphabet in a language is represented using a sequence of dots and dashes or dits and dahs.

Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day

How to Celebrate Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day

Celebrating the Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day is quite simple. Learn the Morse code, know about its usage. With this celebration Day, you are encouraged to learn how to spell your name using the Morse code. Try to make communication using this code. You can even encourage people around you to learn them to write and spell their name using the Morse code. Share your name in Morse code on the social media using the hashtag #LearnYourNameInMorseCodeDay.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is celebrated January 11 of Every year. It’s a day to create awareness about sexual slavery and human trafficking to worldwide. Now, nearly 20-30 millions of people were enslaved in the world, which is more than any time in the human history. Slavery is recognised on every day in the way of young women forced into prostitution; migrant workers are exploited in the workforce and children become soldiers. Hence National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is created to end these slaveries and make sure that every individual has their rights and making the world as a safer place to all people.

It’s by standing up for the rights of women and girls that we truly measure up as men.” – Desmond Tutu

History of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

The United States Senate created the National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in 2007. They organised the day to raise awareness to stop human trafficking and sexual slavery. Initially, the day was started as a U.S initiative, and they began to highlight the topic, and they aimed to work towards the awareness to the people about the abolition of human trafficking and sexual slavery. Sexual Exploitation is the most frequent form of human trafficking, and it accounts for nearly 79% of human trafficking victims. These victims are mostly women’s and girls. Virtually 2 Million children are estimated to be the victims of sexual slavery. According to the reports of UNICEF, almost 20% of the victims are children, and 13 is the average age of a girl being forced into the Sexual Slavery. The average cost of a slave around the world is 90 Dollars.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2018 - January 11

How to celebrate National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Celebrate the Human Trafficking Awareness Day by teaching your children how to behave to strangers and to memorise important phone numbers and addresses. People’s can donate to the organisation like Unisex and Polaris project. Both groups are fighting human trafficking organisations. The emergency number for National Human Trafficking Resource Hotline is 888-373-7888 and peoples can save that number to your phone. Individuals should learn the signs and indicators of human trafficking. Hence the people can recognise it and report it. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media’s like  Facebook, Twitter and Instagram about National Human Trafficking Awareness Day by using hashtag #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay.

National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day

National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day

National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 11th of every year. For those who feel little bored up with monotony, this Day is for sure a great opportunity to let enjoy in the water. Those who are feeling little mischievous are allowed to jump in a puddle and splash some water on your friends. Wear your wellies and have fun by splashing the water. National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day wouldn’t be complete without getting in the puddle and splashing good water on your buddies.

“In the morning, I never cleanse. I just splash my face with water and pat it dry. I honestly think that the human body is a clever thing and that the natural oils my skin produces are best for it. Then I apply a dab of rouge, and I’m off.” – Thandie Newton

History of National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day

The history, origin, and the year since this National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day has been celebrated are not known. There is no mention regarding the creator and the reason for creating such a Day. However, it is undoubtedly a fun day just for those who wanted to act mischievously. Let out your childish behaviour which is inside by splashing and jumping into the puddles. Jump hard on the puddles such that it splashes on your friends face. Puddles are often a source of recreation, and it is even more joyous when celebrated on this fun celebration Day.

National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day

How to Celebrate National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day

Celebrating the National Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day is quite simple. Reach out to the puddle along with your friend and splash off the water. Make him splash on you too as to make it more enjoyable. You can even join with all your friends as a group and splash water by jumping in the puddle. Share your puddle splash pictures on the social media using the hashtag #StepInAPuddleAndSplashYourFriendsDay.

International Thank-You Day

International Thank-You Day

International Thank-You Day is an annual celebration observed on January 11th of every year. Often we forget to tell a thank you as is taken for granted. It is essential to show the gratitude from the bottom of the heart to those who made your life better and happier. The good manners of a person will be shown in the sense of words he/she uses. Of course, some say a thank you out of duty and not from the heart. As to mark the importance of telling a thank you, International Thank-You Day has been established. With this celebration Day in the calendar, one can understand how much a thank you mean. Never hesitate to utter this simple words which give more of sense.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” – Ralph Marston

History of International Thank-You Day

The history, origin, and the founder of International Thank-You Day are unknown. There is no mention regarding the year since this day has been celebrated. There is a mention that this Day has been created by some greeting card companies as to promote the sale of greeting cards. However, this seems to be less appealing. Whatever the reason be, saying a thank you needs to be celebrated. Not every one of us will think of the ones who put themselves directly or indirectly in working for us. Few acknowledge the work of others by saying a thank you. For others, it is a Day that reminds us to be grateful for those who do things for you.

The international Day encourages you to tell them a heartfelt thank you as to appreciate and acknowledge them. A single word will make the people around you little warmer and happier. A thank you from the heart will make them do things in a better way possible. It is indeed to appreciate them as to make them feel better and their day the best. Uttering kind words like a thank you note will show what kind of person you are. This Day is one of the sweetest celebration Days of the year, and one must not forget to thank all the people who deserve it all throughout the year.

How to Celebrate International Thank-You Day

Celebrating the International Thank-You Day is quite simple. It is the perfect Day to say a thank you for all those who work for you. Send them a surprise thank you note for them through greeting cards. You can even send them an e-card with a thank you message. It is important to show your gratitude for those who do things for you. So make this Day as the begging and thank them all throughout the year. You can even share your thank you note on the social media using the hashtag #ThankYouDay.

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is an observance celebrated on January 10th of each year. Electricity is a non-renewable energy source on which we depend highly. Soon after the celebration of Festivus and New year, one would sure think about the amount of energy consumed and cost printed in the bill keeps on raising. Some of us would have forgotten to take a new year resolution of being eco-friendly and thus to reduce the energy consumption. Irrespective of the season being cold or hot, it is also necessary to cut your energy cost by reducing the electric current usage. National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is the perfect time to start saving the energy as to reduce your monthly energy expenses.

“Energy consumption matters both to our environment and our economy.” – John Baldacci

History of National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

The Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA) has established the National Cut Your Energy Costs Day. However, the history and the year since the Day has been observed are not known. The creator of this celebration might be society concerned person who thought to encourage people to understand the importance of saving non-renewable energy called the electricity. Saving the energy will automatically save your cost of paying bills. Spend some time to think of the efficient ways in which you could cut your energy costs.

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Most often energy is taken for granted and most people forget to switch off the heater, lights, fans, TVs, and so much of other appliances which are kept on during unnecessary situations. It is the reason for the increase in energy bills in most residences. With Cut Your Energy Costs Day, you are given an opportunity to take a closer look at your life at home and thereby finding ways to reducing the energy usage. Keep up your eco-friendly resolution all throughout the ear as to make your energy costs more affordable all year long.

How to Celebrate National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Celebrating the National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is quite simple. Call a home assistant to check and analyse the whole of your living space as to know what are the devices that need to be replaced with the energy saving appliances. It is even more important to change the old ones with the new latest electric devices. Ensure you switch off those instruments when not in use. Use solar energy to save both energy and energy costs. Turn off the heater during winter and air conditioner during summer when not needed. Take shorter showers which reduced water as well as electricity. Make use of energy saving bulbs, take public transports to be eco-friendly. Share your Cut Your Energy Costs Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #CutYourEnergyCostsDay.

Peculiar People Day

Peculiar People Day

Peculiar People Day is celebrated on January 10 of every year. Peculiar People Day is a day to celebrate the leaders of the unusual and strange, the peoples who refuse to succumb the world idea’s which is sane and reasonable. They challenge status quo and rebuke the concept utterly which is out of the ordinary is wrong. It may be in their style, they simply dress or having ideas of which is right and reasonable. So Peculiar People is a day for Peculiar peoples to shine.

History of Peculiar People Day

The inventor or creator of Peculiar People Day is still unknown. The Peculiar People were founded in 1838 by John Banyard in Rochford, Essex. John Banyard is a farm worker’s son born in 1800. The Peculiar People is derived from the phrase “Chosen People” which taken from the Deuteronomy Book. Conflict of the ideas you might think, it is the fact that the ordinary individuals haven’t set the world in motion. Always peculiar peoples made the sweeping change, they always refuse the things as they are, they create new ideas and overturn the ideas which are thousands of years old.

Peculiar People Day 2018 - January 10

They break the boundaries of every field which determine what there’s and bring joy to their life by coming out of the concepts that define the “Normal and Healthy life.” The Peculiar People Day was initiated to celebrate the individuals who are little out of sync with other individuals. Peculiar Peoples may vary from other individuals regarding the strange style of speaking, old-fashioned style of dressing, etc., They are part of the Steampunk Fandom because they may play with unusual instruments or practice the odd religion.

How to celebrate Peculiar People Day

Celebrating Peculiar People Day is quite easy and very simple. At morning, spent some time in the salon and had your hair dyed pink, yellow or blue. You can visit the nearby mall and take pictures with the peoples who looks unusual. Cook some exotic food, but it should be an eatable food for the family. For more fun, dress up your pet with some wigs and have a walk with them in the nearby park. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media by using the hashtag #PeculiarPeopleDay

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