Author: o_diana (Page 37 of 61)

Strawberry Ice Cream Day

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Strawberry Ice Cream Day comes on January 15 of every year. Strawberry Ice Creams are one the three flavours along with Vanilla and chocolate in Neapolitan Ice Cream. Strawberry Ice Cream is made with ripe, red, churned juicy strawberries, a bit of sugar and then frozen with fresh Icecream. It is made by blending the strawberries with eggs, vanilla, sugar and cream. Pink and light red hue are the colours most often used in food colouring. The National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is created to have a taste of Strawberry Ice Cream with your family members and friends.

History of National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

The creator or inventor of National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is still unknown. Strawberries were used for medicinal purposes, and it is one of the members of the rose family. According to ancient Romans, the berries can cure sadness, depression and kidney stones. Recently scientist has found that strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and it can reduce the cholesterol from human bodies. The Strawberries Ice Cream flavour was invented in the United States of America by Dolley Madison in 1813. She served that Ice Cream to her husband, James Madison. According to the survey conducted by International Ice Cream Association, Strawberry Ice Cream flavour is the third most popular Ice Cream Flavour which is like by 5.3% of the population around the world.

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day 2018 - January 15

The Strawberry Ice Cream is of two variations namely Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream and Strawberry Ripple Ice Cream. Differences in Ice Cream were founded thousand years ago. In 3000 BC, Chinese peoples serve their guest with juice which is mixed with Ice Cream.

How to Celebrate National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Celebrating National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is quite easy. Just buy Strawberry Ice Cream flavour from the bakery and have a taste of it with your family members, friends and even co-workers. For more fun, make Strawberry Ice Cream of your own in the home and share with your family members. Take Pictures while eating Strawberry Ice Cream and share those pictures on the social media’s by using the hashtag #StrawberryIceCreamDay.

Англомовні фільми за рівнями (A1-C1)

Читання художніх творів англійською – це чудова можливість розширити словниковий запас і потренувати зорову пам’ять. Однак один зі стовпів знання мови – сприйняття її на слух – найкраще тренувати під час перегляду англомовних фільмів. Виявляється, «Похмілля у Вегасі» чудово збагачує розмовну лексику! Які стрічки підійдуть для кожного рівня володіння мовою – дізнавайся з цієї добірки. До речі, якщо ти не знаєш свій рівень, можеш легко його визначити.

Для рівня Elementary (A1)

(Можеш зрозуміти та сказати найпростіші слова англійською)

Варто починати з тих фільмів, які ти вже встиг переглянути українською мовою. Для новачків чудово підійдуть мультфільми з простою лексикою – до прикладу, роботи студії Pixar. Не варто забувати про субтитри, але нехай вони будуть англійською, інакше вся користь від перегляду фільму зійде нанівець.

Up («Вперед і вгору») – один із мультфільмів студії Pixar, що підійде новачкам. Це яскрава історія, яку можна зрозуміти навіть без слів.

Casper («Каспер – добрий привид»). Мультсеріал, що розповідає про привида, який хоче знайти справжніх друзів. Каспер не тільки дружелюбний – він ще й розмовляє короткими та зрозумілими фразами.

The Man Called Flinstone («Людина, яку звати Флінстоун). Пародія на знамениту «бондіану» (серію фільмів про Джеймса Бонда). Смішний мультфільм із простою лексикою, розбірливою мовою та короткими фразами.

Finding Nemo («У пошуках Немо»). Історія про пошук однієї маленької рибки у величезному океані. Зараз саме час переглянути цей мультфільм та освіжити спогади, адже незабаром виходить продовження – «У пошуках Дорі».

The Jungle Book («Книга Джунглів»). Йдеться про класичний мультфільм, що був знятий у 1967 році. Казка про хлопчика Мауглі – це прекрасний приклад фірмового діснеївського стилю.

Для рівня Pre-Intermediate (A2)

(Здатен трохи розповісти про себе)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding («Моє велике грецьке весілля»). Романтична американська комедія, що стала одним із найуспішніших фільмів 2002 року. Подивись для того, щоб підняти собі настрій та послухати повільну чітку мову героїв стрічки!

The Holiday («Відпочинок за обміном»). Романтична історія про те, як дві жінки вирішили обмінятися будинками. Головні ролі виконують як американці (Камерон Діас та Джек Блек), так і британці (Джуд Лоу і Кейт Вінслет). Хіба не чудова нагода поспостерігати за «протистоянням» акцентів?

Beauty and the Beast («Красуня і чудовисько»). Діснеївська казка про справжнє кохання – багато романтики, пісень та хорошої вимови.

The Wizard of Oz («Чарівник країни Оз»). Фільм, який був знятий ще в далекому 1939 році – класика, що може стати прекрасним навчальним матеріалом для новачків.

The Lion King («Король Лев»). Мультфільм, який дивилися, напевно, всі. І оскільки ми радили починати з фільмів, які ти вже встиг подивитися рідною мовою, то чому б не обрати улюблену історію про Сімбу?

Для рівня Intermediate (B1)

(Відносно непогано розмовляєш і розумієш, використовуєш базові часи)

Raiders of the Lost Arc («Індіана Джонс: У пошуках втраченого ковчега»). Перший із фільмів про Індіану Джонса, у якому йому доводиться зіткнутися з нацистами. Чому варто подивитися? Маємо аж три причини: цікаві діалоги, мальовничі пейзажі та, звісно ж, сутички з ворогами, під час яких Індіана демонструє майстерне володіння батогом.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom («Індіана Джонс і Храм Долі»). Чергова розповідь про пригоди найсексуальнішого археолога: цей фільм наповнений action-сценами, тому діалогів відносно мало. Крім того, місце дії – Індія, тому ти маєш змогу потренувати розуміння «неамериканського» акценту.

Shrek («Шрек»). Пригоди зеленого людожера можуть не тільки провести своєрідну екскурсію по американській культурі (чого лише варта відсилка до «Матриці»). «Шрек» – це ще й історія справжнього кохання та міцної дружби, герої якої розмовляють доволі зрозуміло. Приємна деталь: Фіону озвучує вже знайома нам Камерон Діас.

Toy Story («Історія іграшок»). Коли компанія Disney та студія Pixar об’єднуються заради спільного проекту, народжується магія. Так на світ з’явилася «Історія іграшок», що начебто призначена для дітей (це доводить відносно легка лексика). Втім, у цій історії дорослі теж можуть знайти дещо своє.

Cast Away («Вигнанець»). Цей фільм – здебільшого монолог, тому за ходом подій та думками головного героя дуже легко слідкувати. До речі, про героїв: головну роль виконує Том Хенкс, що відомий своєю повільною вимовою, яку так легко сприймати на слух!

Для рівня Upper Intermediate (B2)

(Добре розмовляєш і розумієш, але робиш помилки і маєш обмежений словниковий запас)

The Matrix («Матриця»). Чотири «Оскара» начебто натякають, що фільм-таки вартий уваги. «Матриця» – це видовищна стрічка, де герої розмовляють доволі рідко, максимально зрозуміло, та ще й дають цінні настанови!

The Hangover («Похмілля у Вегасі»). Комедія, що практично стала класикою. Жива мова, американський акцент та багато-багато фану – все це можна знайти у Вегасі!

Forrest Gump («Форрест Гамп»). Головний герой, Форрест, має психологічні проблеми, що змушує актора Тома Хенкса говорити ще повільніше ніж зазвичай. Чудовий фільм, з якого можна багато дізнатися про війну у В’єтнамі та рух хіпі 60-х років.

The Hunger Games («Голодні ігри»). Ще один фільм, де головне видовищність та візуалізація. Практично всі герої розмовляють з американським акцентом, тому перегляд «Голодних ігор» – це прекрасна можливість до нього призвичаїтися.

(500) Days of Summer («500 днів літа»). Нетипова любовна історія, яка допоможе підтягнути лексику та розмовну англійську.

Для рівня Advanced (C1)

(Добре розмовляєш і розумієш співрозмовника, практично не припускаєшся помилок)

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl («Пірати Карибського моря: Прокляття чорної перлини»). Пригодницький фільм, який, втім, потрібно дивитися обережно – пірати активно використовують застарілу лексику та книжковий стиль мови. Зате словниковий запас точно збагатиться!

The Mummy («Мумія»). Хіба ж не цікаво дізнатися, як буде «муміфікація» чи «жертвоприношення» англійською? Ось і ми так думаємо.

The Social Network («Соціальна мережа»). Фільм Аарона Соркіна, сценариста популярного серіалу «Служба новин». У «Соціальній мережі» ти почуєш діалоги живою розмовною мовою, а також збагатиш словник термінологією, що стосується комп’ютерів, технологій та, власне, соціальних мереж.

Pride and Prejudice («Гордість та упередження»). Фільм для справжніх поціновувачів британської класики. Переглянь версію 1995 року для того, щоб з головою поринути в атмосферу манірної Англії.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s («Сніданок у Тіффані»). А це вже американська класика з Одрі Хепберн у головній ролі. Безумовно варто переглянути мовою оригіналу!

Dress Up Your Pet Day

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

National Dress Up Your Pet Day is celebrated on January 14 of every year. The Day was founded to celebrate the Pets by dressing up them and support the fun fashion community Day in a fun way. Pets are household animals kept for human’s enjoyment. The popular pets are noted for their appearance and playful personalities. The most famous pet animals are cats and dogs, but rodent pets like hamsters, chinchillas, guinea pigs, gerbils and fancy rats also come on the list. National Dress Up Your Pet Day is a perfect day to wow the neighbours and to unlock the inner character of your favourite pooch or Persian. Dress up your pets with booties, sweaters and fashion accessories.

When we adopt a dog or any pet, we know it is going to end with us having to say goodbye, but we still do it. And we do it for a very good reason: They bring so much joy and optimism and happiness. They attack every moment of every day with that attitude.” Bruce Cameron

History of National Dress Up Your Pet Day

National Dress Up Your Pet Day was founded by Colleen Paige, Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Behaviorist in 2009. Colleen Paige is also the founder of National Dog Day and National Cat Day. So Dress Up Your Pet Day is a fun day that gives pets a more attention and it is a way to promote the adoption of pets.

National Dress Up Your Pet Day 2018 - January 14

Reasons to Dress Up Your Pet:

  • Usually, Peoples wear clothes to show off their personality, why shouldn’t pets showed their character. The pets may be Smart, sassy, tough and flirtatious. So dress up them to show their character.
  • If you want your pets to follow you around wherever you go, sit on the couch when you sit on the sofa, then dressing up they also come in the list like your dress.
  • Dressing up pet will receive more attention from others that it comes across.
  • Frequently pets spend their life in a regular manner; that is Eating, Napping and Going for walks. So break that by dressing up them on that day and make a happier day for them.

How to Celebrate National Dress Up Your Pet Day

The name itself tells how to celebrate the Day. Just Dress up your pets in a comfortable and safe costume and make them an enjoyable day. If you don’t have pets in your home, you can adopt them nearby shelter. After Dressing Up your pets, you can take photos with them. Then share those pictures with others on the social media by using the hashtag #DressUpYourPetDay

Organize Your Home Day

Organize Your Home Day

Organize Your Home Day is an annual celebration observed on January 14th of every year. It is often a more onerous task to keep the home tidy, clean, and of course organized fashion. Things usually get misarranged and making them into their places back needs little more patience. Organizing your home sucks your time, but don’t worry as the final output will be a cleaner, beautiful living place. As to make you do this job, an individual celebration Day has been created in a calendar called Organize Your Home Day. Make use of this great Day as an opportunity to sweep, clean, mob, and arrange things in your home.

“Organizing is what you do before you do something so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” – A. A. Milne

History of Organize Your Home Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the Organize Your Home Day are unknown. There is no specific mention about the year from which this Day has been celebrated. However, we could assume that someone who prefers home in an organized way would have come up with this idea. So this Day provides a change for all you to make your home back into its form. One can avail lots of advantages when being organized. It lets you live a balanced life without any stress. It is so much easy to take things from the place where it is with an organized home. Donate the things that are no longer in use from your home. Make yourself organized to live a peaceful and joyful life. The Day encourages people to stop being irregular and be organized.

Organize Your Home Day 2018 - January 2018

How to Celebrate Organize Your Home Day

Celebrating the Organize Your Home Day is very simple. It’s the best time to start arranging things in your home on their actual places. Keep yourself organized so as to deal with your home in the same way. It is the foremost requirement as perfection starts from one’s own self. The family members can stay in an organized way at least on this Day as a way to celebrate this Day. Have only the necessary things in your living space. Organize a party at your home and make your friends and family help you in organizing your home. You can even help them with their home too. Share your organized home pictures on the social media using the hashtag #OrganizeYourHomeDay.

International Kite Day

International Kite Day

International Kite Day is annual observance celebrated on January 14th of each year. Anyone would have wished to be a kite as to fly over the sky. Kites are usually found to be colourful, lightweight, decorated, that creates lift and drag on the air. The existence of the kites is found several centuries ago in different parts of the world. The constant lifts and drags of the kites will look so beautiful when seen and make anyone fall for it as to fly kites. However, International Kite Day is not only about the kites. It is celebrated as International Kite Festival or Uttarayan that mark the start of summer in India.

“Kites rise highest against the wind – not with it.” – Winston Churchill

History of International Kite Day

The International Kite Day has been celebrated since the year 1989. The celebration Day has been found to be originated in India. The kite flying has been a regional event in Gujarat, a state in India for several years. The Day has been called as the International Kite Festival or Uttarayan in Hindi. The celebration is regarded as one of the biggest festivals celebrated. The date is precisely chosen as the festival of Uttarayan marks the day on which the winter begins to turn into summer. The residents in Gujarat will begin to manufacture the kites for the festival months before the festival as let people who visit there can buy it.

International Kite Day 2018 - January 2018

Uttarayan is the sign of harvest season for the farmers and cultivators. The day is traditionally called as Makara Sankranti and is the day on which the sun is back for the harvest according to Indian calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important harvest days in India. The festival is also a symbolism that shows the awakening of the Gods from their deep sleep. Originally kite flying was a sport for kings which later became a popular sport for anyone who wishes to fly kites.

How to Celebrate International Kite Day

Celebrating the International Kite Day is quite simple. The first thing you need to do is to fly a kite. Learn and train to fly kites in the sky. Fly kites along with your friends to enjoy the Day more joyfully. Anyone who is affordable can participate in the event held in Gujarat every year starting at 5 a.m. As this Day marks the harvest season, you can get to know about the agriculture and the farmers too. Let your children stay away from their tech gadgets and make them fly kites on the air. It is also essential to teach them the safety measures of flying kites. Share your Kite Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #KiteDay.

Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day is an annual food feast celebrated on January 14th of every year. It is special Day for all those sandwich lovers from across the country. Hot Pastrami Sandwich is a popular classic smoked meat. The meat used will usually be pork, mutton or turkey. There isn’t someone who loves the taste of spicy herbs and spices who dislikes the Hot Pastrami Sandwich. Fill up your mouth with tasty, delicious hot pastrami as to make the National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day celebration complete.

“Too few people understand a really good sandwich.” – James Beard

History of National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

The origin and the history of the National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day are unknown. The creator and the year since this Day has been celebrated are also known. But, the history of Hot Pastrami Sandwich has a long tradition. The pastrami was created initially as a way to preserve the meat as there were no modern refrigerators available earlier. The raw meat like mutton, pork, or turkey is brined and partially dried. It is then seasoned with herbs and spices, and finally smoked and steamed. A wave of Romanian Jewish immigration introduced it in the latter half of the 19th century. The first pastrami sandwich had been made in 1887 by Sussman Volkin, a New York kosher butcher. Sussman claimed the recipe was done from a Romanian friend in exchange for storage of his luggage. Volk had converted his butcher shop into a restaurant as with popularity of his sandwich and sold pastrami sandwiches.

National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day 2018 - January 14

How to Celebrate National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

The best way to celebrate the National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day is to fill up your mouth with this delicious hot pastrami sandwich. Learn to make it at home and serve your family members with the homemade hot pastrami sandwich. To make it simple, you can order it from your favourite restaurant. Invite your family and friends to let enjoy tasting the sandwich at your doorstep. Post and share your views about hot pastrami sandwich on the social media using the hashtag #HotPastramiSandwichDay.

National Marzipan Day

National Marzipan Day

National Marzipan Day is an annual celebration observed on January 12th of every year. Haven’t you seen Marzipan shaped small figures of animals, fruits, and vegetables? If so then you would have probably known about the Marzipan, a confection. For those who aren’t aware of it can get to know about it now as it is celebrated with a Day in the calendar. Celebrate National Marzipan Day as Marzipan is made of sugar or honey and ground almonds and most often used in all varieties of sweets. The celebration wouldn’t get completed without tasting the delicious Marzipan.

“If some confectioners were willing To let the shape announce the filling, We’d encounter fewer assorted chocs, Bitten into and returned to the box.” – Ogden Nash

History of National Marzipan Day

The history, origin, and the creator of the National Marzipan Day aren’t clear as like the history and origin of Marzipan. There is no specific mention about the year since this Day has been celebrated. Marzipan is a confection prepared primarily from sugar or honey and ground almonds or almond oil or extract.  It is most often made into sweets like marzipan-filled chocolate and small imitations of fruits and vegetables. Marzipan is commonly rolled into thin sheets and is used as a glaze for the icing cakes. It is also known to be shaped into small figures of animals, which is a favourite tradition on the New Year’s Day in some countries. Although the exact origin of the confection is not known, culinary historians traced its most likely place of origin as Persia. From there it reached Turks and they introduced it to the Europe.

National Marzipan Day

How to Celebrate National Marzipan Day

Celebrating the National Marzipan Day is quite simple. Have some Marzipan to fill up your mouth. Get into a pastry shop, buy Marzipan and treat your family members. You can even get to know about Marzipan and how to prepare it. Put out your creativity in making imitations of fruits, vegetables, and other designs. Fill it with jellies and creams. Celebrate this Day by topping marzipan on the cake as a towering. Organize a Marzipan themed party in your home and invite your family and friends to join the celebration. Share your Marzipan Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #MarzipanDay.

International Kiss A Ginger Day

International Kiss A Ginger Day

International Kiss A Ginger Day is celebrated on January 12 of every year. It is a day to receive a lot of love and kisses on that day. Whether it is a ginger cat or human, celebrate the Kiss A Ginger Day by showing your redhead that you appreciate their genetic rarity. Some of the amazing people existing in the world have defining characteristics of pale skin, fiery red hair, blue or green eye, etc., So International Kiss A Ginger Day is a perfect day to receive the kiss from those genetic rarity peoples.

History of International Kiss A Ginger Day

Derek Forgie introduced International Kiss A Ginger Day as a Facebook group in 2009. It is designed as a “Karmic Counter Event.” They already started in 2008, November as, Kick A Ginger Campaign but it resulted in some ginger kids has been assaulted in school, condemnation and stirring international outrage. So Derek decided to make January 12 as a day for peace-loving activity which aimed at Gingers.

International Kiss A Ginger Day 2018 - January 12

Redhead genetics are the rarest genetics existing in the world. Only 1-2% of the population is the true red. The colour range may vary from Burgundy to bright copper, may be bright orange in few occasions. In some parts of the world, peoples disparage this kind of colour hair. The origin of a phrase such as  “Like a red headed step child” shows that people in some parts have an extra love affair with them. The most commonly used hair care product is Red hair dye, and it comes with a lot of colours which are never found in nature. The peoples in Ireland heavily have red hairs, and it is the ancient origin of red hair.

How to Celebrate International Kiss A Ginger Day

Celebrating the Kiss A Ginger Day is quite easy. Just find out the individuals who are ginger genetic in nature and give them a kiss. With that, you can receive the kiss from that persons. For memories, you can take photos with them. Take pictures while kissing the people’s who are ginger genetic in nature and share them with others on the social media by using the hashtag #KissAGingerDay.

International Skeptics Day

International Skeptics Day

International Skeptics Day is an annual celebration observed on January 13th of every year. Most often there will be situations in which we are surrounded by doubting Thomas and non-believers. They are the ones who don’t believe certain things and go on for investigation about it. Those sceptics will ask questions and only after getting the perfect answers, they would go with any fact. International Skeptics Day celebrates all those never believe things at their face value. The Day encourages us to be skeptical and never accept anything without questioning and knowing the truth.

“Skepticism: the mark and even the pose of the educated mind.” – John Dewey

History of International Skeptics Day

The history and the founder of the International Skeptics Day are unknown. It has been celebrated on three dates such as on January 13th, or October 13th, and the first Friday of the year. There is no mention about the reason for all these dates as it is also skeptical. The Day might be created by a skeptic who thought of recognizing all the skeptics. An attitude of doubt towards a particular object or a piece of knowledge, irrespective of it being philosophical, religious or scientific is called as Skepticism. It is not that the skeptics don’t believe things. Instead, they just need to see the evidence to believe it as true. They are more in number in the field of science, and without whom the world wouldn’t have seen so many proven facts and theories. One must understand that the world we live in has undergone so many developments and improvements only because of such doubtful questions. There is nothing wrong in asking a question or doubting things as to get it proved.

International Skeptics Day 2018 - January 13

How to Celebrate International Skeptics Day

Celebrating the International Skeptics Day is quite simple. Get to be skeptical and ask questions to know the right answers. Try to get clarified whenever you get doubts. Ask those questions to those who are expert in that field and verify. If you find any skeptics, then appreciate and encourage them to let know about the proven facts and theories. You can even ask your doubts and share your views about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #SkepticsDay.

National Sticker Day

National Sticker Day

National Sticker Day is an annual celebration commemorated on January 13th of every year. One could see the stickers glued on different things ranging from name tag to the ones which the children use it to decorate. Of course, anyone’s childhood memories will sure have some sticker collections. Many of us would have loved collecting the decorating stickers out of habit even after becoming adults. Stickers are usually the printed label that varies in size, shape, colour, and place of use. With so much of popularity, all the different types of stickers are celebrated with a Day in the calendar. National Sticker Day has been celebrated in honour of R Stanton Avery.

“Everything will be okay. I have a sticker on my laptop that says that.” – Sharon Van Etten

History of National Sticker Day

The National Sticker Day has been celebrated since the year 2016. StickerGiant, a promotional sticker and product label company of Longmont, Colorado has come up with such a Day for the stickers. In association with the National Day Calendar, StickerGiant has established this celebration Day for the stickers or labels. The celebration Day honours Ray Stanton Avery who was the original creator of the adhesive label with a removable backing. The date is precisely chosen as it marks the birth anniversary of Avery. Stickers are a type of label made of a piece of printed paper or plastic. In 1935 Avery created the ‘Kum Kleen Pricer Stickers,’ and it was the first commercially available self-adhesive label.

National Sticker Day 2018 - January 13

The European merchants are credited by the historians as they were the ones who in the 1880s made the first to stick labels to their products. They have done it in an attempt to promote their goods and wares to the passersby. The pre-industrial entrepreneurs initially used a gum paste to get the labels to adhere stick well. A sticker-specific paste had been developed by the 1900’s. It was widely used on the stamps, which dried and then can be applied again when moistened. StickerGiant has set a Guinness World Record for the Largest Sticker Ball in the first celebration of National Sticker Day held in 2016. The record set ended up being a sticker ball of 231.6 pounds and 8.8 feet around.

How to Celebrate National Sticker Day

Celebrating the National Sticker Day is quite simple. You can take a look at different kinds of stickers from around you. Anyone who loves to collect stickers can start right from this celebration Day. If possible you could take a visit to the stickers manufacturing compies nearby to know more about the stickers. You can even get to know about the decoration and functional type stickers and their usage. If you find any different unique stickers among the collection, then you can take a picture and share them on the social media using the hashtag #StickerDay.

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