Author: o_diana (Page 36 of 61)

Cable Car Day

Cable Car Day

Cable Car Day is an annual observance celebrated on January 17th of every year. It is a special Day for the cable cars that is been in existence since several years back. A cable car is any form of transportation that relies on cables to pull the vehicles. Cable Car Day celebrates the anniversary of the first patent in relation to the cable cars. It is also a Day that honours the hard work of a British-born, US resident Andrew Smith Hallidie who was responsible for obtaining the patent.

“Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance – the telegraph and cable, the telephone, radio, and the rest.” – Emily Greene Balch

History of Cable Car Day

The history, origin, and the year from when this Cable Car Day has been celebrated. There is no mention regarding the founder of this celebration Day. Might be someone who loves to travel via the cable car would have created such a Day in the calendar. However, this date is officially chosen as it was the very date in 1871 in which the first cable car railway patent was got by Andrew Smith Hallidie. It was Hallidie who had invented the cable car once after seeing the horse-drawn streetcar that had slipped and fallen on the steep Jackson roadways in San Francisco. Hallidie had set up the world’s first cable car railroad on Clay Street only after two years of receiving his cable car patent.

Cable Car Day 2018 - January 17

How to Celebrate Cable Car Day

Celebrating the Cable Car Day is quite simple. Get to know about the Cable Car, its history, and development. If you could go by a cable car then this is the perfect time to travel to the places through this way of transportation. Make your children go and enjoy a trip on the cable car to make this Day as a memorable event. Share your cable car day celebrations and pictures on the social media using the hashtag #CableCarDay.

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day is an annual celebration observed on January 17th of every year. It had not been so easy to follow the resolution you have taken on the new year eve for so long. It is not always the case to strictly follow the new year resolution. At times, you have to acknowledge and withdraw it for any reason. Enjoy being yourself without having any restrictions as resolutions on this Day. Take time to ditch those resolutions on a Day in the calendar on the Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day.

“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” – Cavett Robert

History of Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

The history, origin, and the year from which this Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day has been celebrated are unknown. There is no exact mention about the founder of this celebration Day. We could assume that this Day has been in existence since the new year celebration. It is the perfect Day to go back to your old form of habits by ditching your new year resolution. Abandon or give up your resolution on this Day and make yourself indulge doing without feeling guilty. As soon as the new year arrives, all of us would make plans to follow some new habits as s form of resolutions. But at times, it may seem to be little stupid and unnecessary, and you can give them as this Day is a perfect excuse for those who prefer ditching them.

Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day 2018 - January 17

How to Celebrate Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day

Celebrating the Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day is quite simple. If you have followed your new year resolution until now, then you have achieved something great. Get out them by giving up your resolutions on this Day to enjoy and go back to your old form. Feel relaxed and guilt-free for breaking those resolutions. You no longer need to be limiting yourself while seeing an ice cream or your favourite foods. Make an excuse and be yourself for no reason. Don’t forget to share those lovely moments on this Day on the social media using the hashtag #DitchNewYearsResolutionsDay.

Kid Inventors Day

Kid Inventors Day

Kid Inventors Day is celebrated on January 17 of every year. It is a day to encourage all the children across the world to think outside the box to invent something. Many of them don’t know that kids have created some of the things that we people using in our day-to-day life. It includes Popsicles, Braille and Earmuffs, etc., The Day commemorates the birth of  Genius and Kid inventor, Benjamin Franklin. He is the earliest known kid inventor, and at the age of twelve, he invented Swim Flippers. At the age of eleven, he stopped going to school, and the invention he made was for the hands instead for the feet. Hence Kid Inventors Day is a day to celebrate the achievements of the inventors and to encourage the children to be more creative.

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at a hand. The sun rays don’t burn until brought to a focus.” – Alexander Graham Bell.

History of Kid Inventors Day

The Kid Inventors Day was created by the peoples who need to support the children to be more creative and to celebrate the achievements of the Kid Inventors. The date was chosen to celebrate the birthday of earliest known kid inventor Benjamin Franklin. At the age of 12, he created the World’s first swim flippers. The Kid Inventors Day is designed to make Benjamin Franklin as a role model for the child who dreams of inventing something new which was ever seen before. Louis Braille, the inventor of language for the blind peoples which is used over the years. At the age of 3, he lost his vision in a tragic accident and finished his teen years at the National Institute For Blind Youth in Paris by inventing the Blind Language. American teen Ryan Patterson made Another great invention. Before 200 years he created a glove which improved the lives of the disabled persons. The glove is made with individual sensors which convert the hand motions of American Sign Language into written words in a digital display.

Kid Inventors Day 2018 - January 17

 How to Celebrate Kid Inventors Day

Celebrate the Kid Inventors Day by encouraging the children around you to think out of their box and to be more creative. Help them to invent new things and encourage them to find solutions for their problems. Let the gets to play problem-solving toys and games to develop their critical thinking skills. Many schools will conduct annual invention convention to encourage the students to find solutions to the problems in their own environment. To post on social media, you can use #KidInventorsDay.

Benjamin Franklin Day

Benjamin Franklin Day

Benjamin Franklin Day is an annual celebration observed on January 17th of every year. Some of the people are recognized and credited for their work, and one among them is the Benjamin Franklin. He was considered to be a renowned polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He is also an author, scientist, inventor, printer, politician, Freemason, postmaster, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. So why not a day for such a man who has put himself in every other field? Benjamin Franklin Day is celebrated in honour of Ben and his incredible work towards the nation.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

History of Benjamin Franklin Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the Benjamin Franklin Day are not known. The year since this Day has been celebrated is also not found in any records. However, this Day is celebrated on his birth anniversary. It is created with an intention to appreciate and honour Benjamin Franklin. He was born on January 17th in 1706 to Josiah Franklin, a soap and candle maker in England. Ben was an expert on a variety of different subjects and was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and in the history of physics. He has made incredible discoveries and theories in the field of electricity. Most notable inventions of him include lightning rod, the Franklin stove, bifocals, a carriage odometer, and a musical instrument. He was a Freemason and published several books under the pen name, Richard Saunders. Benjamin Franklin is also credited for being foundational to the roots of American values and has given valuable instructions regarding character, education, community spirit, self-governing institutions and more.

Benjamin Franklin Day 2018 - January 17

How to Celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day

Celebrating Benjamin Franklin Day is very simple. Get to know about Benjamin Franklin and his incredible work in every other field. Spend some time reading his autobiography. If you have a Franklin Stove, then exhibit to others. Make him as a role model to your children and encourage them to learn about his notable inventions. Share your views and thoughts about Benjamin Franklin on the social media using the hashtag #BenjaminFranklinDay.

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Appreciate A Dragon Day

Appreciate A Dragon Day

Appreciate A Dragon Day is an annual celebration observed on January 16th of every year. Dragons are the legendary creature that resembles mostly the snakes and lizards. Most often, dragons are portrayed as an animal that causes destruction to the humans and other living beings. Besides which there are also some good and friendly ones. These animals are currently existing on the books, tv, museum, as literature and in the imagination of oneself. Over the years, there have been so much of dragons created. Appreciate A Dragon Day encourages people all over the world to explore the mythical creatures, its cultural significance in the society and history.

“I think being a dragon would be pretty awesome… you get to fly.” – Josh Keaton

History of Appreciate A Dragon Day

The Appreciate A Dragon Day has been celebrated since the year 2004. Donita K. Paul has established this special Day as to appreciate the dragons which thought to be lived and the ones that are living in the literature and imagination. She has created such a Day to celebrate the release of her book, DragonSpell. The dragon is considered to be a powerful symbol in the mythology. They were believed to have fascinated groups for several centuries. Dragon is typically scaled or fire-spewing and highly intelligent. They also have wings, and few others were poisonous.

Appreciate A Dragon Day

Some of them have more than one head, or tail and others some other have scales and horns. They were found to the mostly envisaged as serpents in antiquity. Dragons have featured in the myths of several cultures from around the world. The traditions of dragons have two distinct cultural significance. The European dragon is the one that has derived from the European folk traditions. It ultimately related to the Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies. The second is the Chinese dragon, with equivalents in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.

How to Celebrate Appreciate A Dragon Day

There are numerous ways available in which the Appreciate A Dragon Day can be celebrated. As it is a Day for literature, you can indulge in reading books that let you know more about the dragons, its history, origin, and historical significance. Let out your creativity to paint, draw, or make dragon pictures. Tell your children a story of the dragons. You can even organize a dragon puppet show in the nearby location. Start collecting stuffed dragons and you can take pictures and share it on the social media using the hashtag #AppreciateADragonDay.

Hot and Spicy Food Day

International Hot and Spicy Food Day

International Hot and Spicy Food Day is annual food feast celebrated on January 16th of every year. It is a very special day for those who love hot and spicy foods. There are lots of hot flavoured dishes available throughout the world and is a day for all of us who are crazy for eating too much of spicy foods. These food items are good for health with lots of medicinal benefits. International Hot and Spicy Food Day celebrate both hot, spicy dishes and those eating it.

“It’s like spicy food – sometimes you have to tone it down so more people can enjoy it.” – Kenneth Edmonds

History of International Hot and Spicy Food Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the International Hot and Spicy Food Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year from which this Day has been celebrated. However, this idea has been created by someone who might be fond of hot spicy foods. Treat your taste buds with some hottest spicy pepper foods like Naga Jolokia. Spicy foods have lots of advantages in helping a person maintain good health. The spices used like chillies, pepper, garlic, onions, allspice, oregano and more will kill the bacterias. Thus making the spicy food, you consume as a safer one. Taste any of your favourites ranging from mild to the hottest. Prefer dishes from Thai, Indian, Creole, or the Caribbean to make this celebration fun and fulfilled.

International Hot and Spicy Food Day

How to Celebrate International Hot and Spicy Food Day

Celebrating the International Hot and Spicy Food Day is very simple. Fill your mouths with some spicy hot food items. Make your family members and friends eat the hottest of dishes to celebrate this Day. You can even prepare some traditional food items of different kinds in your home. Serve that homemade recipe to your family and enjoy shedding some water. Order from a restaurant to celebrate the Day more richly. Share your celebration moments on the social media using the hashtag #HotAndSpicyFoodDay.

Nothing Day

National Nothing Day

National Nothing Day is celebrated on January 16 of every year. The day is created to offer a day to Americans when they can just sit without celebrating, honouring anything or observing. The day is about doing nothing at all on that day. The term Nothing is indefinite which means nothing or not anything. It means to the person or thing with no importance, interest and consequence. The Nothing Day is not a public holiday, but it is a beautiful day to sit out and celebrate the day without doing anything or observing anything.

History of National Nothing Day

The National Nothing Day was celebrated on January 16 of every year from 1973. The day was proposed in 1972 by Harold Coffin, The American Newspaper Columnist. The day was created with the aim of self-destruction, over satirically reigning in what Coffin studied a glut of newly entrenched, useless commemorative days. To raise the awareness about the day Coffin’s Nothing Organisation was formed. But up to now, the organisation has not conducted a single meeting to raise the awareness about National Nothing Day

National Nothing Day 2018 - January 16

There is a debate about “Nothing” between the philosophers and writers. Philosophers had said that the term Nothing is useless to endeavour because there is nothing like nothing and to answer that question one must find nothing. Among physicists, there is a disagreement about the nothing in Outer Space. Some of the said that the vacuum, without of anything is not anything, (Even though vacuum doesn’t have gravity particle it has some quantum particles).

How to Celebrate National Nothing Day

Celebrating the National Nothing Day is quite easy by observing nothing on that day. You can learn more things about Nothing and how it features in Science and Philosophy. It is also a perfect day to raise interesting questions on the philosophical level. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and much more about the National Nothing Day by using the hashtag #NothingDay.

How’s The Weather?

1. Verse:
On a sunny day I’m happy
On a sunny day I smile
Flowers bloom in the sunlight
We play outside and we go and look for butterflies

2. Verse:
On a rainy day I’m happy
On a rainy day I smile
Hills and trees look fresh and green
And I see rainbow coloured umbrellas in the streets

3. Verse:
On a windy day I’m happy
On a windy day I smile
All the leaves shake and fly
And my kite is flying high in the sky

4. Verse:
On a snowy day I’m happy
On a snowy day I smile
Snowflakes fall on my window
Frozen leaves shine like silver stars in a dream


Hat Day

National Hat Day

National Hat Day is an annual celebration observed on January 15th of every year. A hat is one among the fashion accessory that is used to cover the head. Wearing a hat was considered to be a social status during the last century. As in the modern era, hats are often worn for style. It is available in different shape, size, colour, and style. The reason may change from time. However, hats would never become an old-fashioned accessory. There is nothing more than celebrating a day in a calendar for this fashion outfit. National Hat Day celebrates every hat irrespective of its being used.

“A person carries off the hat. Hats are about emotion. It is all about how it makes you feel.” – Philip Treacy

History of National Hat Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the National Hat Day are known. There isn’t any mention found about the year from which this Day has been celebrated. However, the history, tradition, and the origin of the hats dates back to several centuries ago. The idea of the Day might have been created by someone who loves hats and wearing it. Historical records ensured that hats were found to be in existence since 3000 B.C. The initial version of the hats was made of straws. It was worn for many reasons like as a protection against weather conditions, safety, ceremonial functions such as university graduation, religious reasons, or as a fashion accessory. Both men and women wore it. Hats were even used to make a statement or to promote a cause or the product.

National Hat Day

Hats have been an indication of the social status in the middle ages. Hats for women ranged from the simple scarves to the elaborate hennin. During the 19th century, women wore bonnets that were made in larger, decorated with the ribbons, flowers, feathers, and gauze trims. While in the 1980s, Extravagant hats were popular. Flamboyant hats made a comeback in the early 21st century with the turban caps. With the work of the most famous like James Lock, David Shilling, hats have been modified in styles, shapes, and designs. Recently, the new hat collections have been described as “wearable sculpture.”

How to Celebrate National Hat Day

Celebrating the National Hat Day is quite simple. Wear a hat to celebrate the Day. Research and get to know about the hats, different styles, and its history. Make yourself, and your family members wear hats all the day long. Encourage people around you to wear hats. You can even organize a party and ask your family and friends to come up with hats. If you have any of your old hat collections, then share their photos on the social media using the hashtag #HatDay.

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