Author: o_diana (Page 34 of 61)

Measure Your Feet Day

“Jogging is very beneficial. It’s good for your legs and your feet. It’s also very good for the ground. If makes it feel needed.” – Charles M. Schulz

History of Measure Your Feet Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the Measure Your Feet Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year from when this Day has been celebrated. The Day is created as to make people take care of their feets with some more care by measuring it. Get to measure your feet length and width on this Day. Put little more attention on the feets as like taking care of other parts of your body. It is important without the feet one could not walk or run. Take a measuring tape, a ruler and of course your feet to measure it. It is the right time to know about the things that you have not seen so far on your feet. Make your feet feel relaxed with some exercise, keep it clean by scrubbing and put it at rest in a comfortable position.

Measure Your Feet Day 2018 - January 23

How to Celebrate Measure Your Feet Day

Celebrating the Measure Your Feet Day is quite simple. Take a measuring tape and measure the length and width of your feet. Make sure you wear the right size shoe or slipper to prevent your feet from damage. Choose the socks that are of good quality. Make some feet exercise to let your feets feel relaxed. You can measure others feet for fun. Share your foot measurement pictures on the social media using the hashtag #MeasureYourFeetDay.

Англійська мова: 7 сайтів для тренування навичок аудіювання


У 2018 році тебе вперше випробують цим новим блоком завдань на ЗНО з іноземної мови. Як завжди, все, що нове, те страшне і складне. Але це тільки, якщо собі так постійно повторювати, нічого не роблячи. Потрібно готуватись, а точніше – слухати, слухати і ще раз слухати. Так можна не лише покращити розуміння іноземної мови на слух, а й взагалі підвищити рівень володіння мовою, тому що запам’ятаються нові слова, цілі конструкції, зрештою, речення.

Що ж, готуйся до ЗНО, «тренуй» свої вуха, слухай англійською. Маю 7 класних сайтів.


зно з іноземної

Сайт з дуже змістовним підходом до тренування навички слухання.

Для кого: Beginner (ближче до Elementary) +

Всі тексти розділені за рівнями складності: «Easy», «Medium», «Difficult». У кожного міні-уроку чітка структура: підготовча робота перед слуханням, безпосереднє прослуховування тексту з можливістю читати його, а потім тестові завдання до нього. Крім того, гарно тренується граматика та лексика. Варто витратити трохи часу, щоб розібратися з сайтом і дійсно якісно тренувати Listening.


2. е

зно з іноземної

Простий, зручний та дуже корисний сайт для розвитку навички Listening.

Для кого: Beginner (ближче до Elementary) +

В кожному розділі є тематичні підрозділи. Вибирай невеликі історії чи діалоги. 365 історій та понад 1500 діалогів. Є також можливість читати текст, слухаючи, і виконати завдання до нього, навіть кросворди. Цей сайт допоможе не лише краще розуміти мову на слух, а й розширити словниковий запас, потренувати вимову.



зно з іноземної

Простенький, як на перший погляд, сайт. Але дуже зрозумілий та корисний.

Для кого: Elementary+

Всі матеріали розділені на розділи повсякденної тематики: кіно, театр, спорт, у лікаря, у перукарні, робота та інші. Кожен аудіозапис містить запитання до нього, а також, що дуже цікаво, – «живі» онлайн завдання. Наприклад, знайди в інтернеті матеріал та розкажи другу, як піклуватись про такого незвичайного домашнього улюбленця, як тарантул.



зно з іноземної

Просто знахідка, а не сайт! Зручний, як двері.

Для кого: Pre-Intermediate +

Лише 1 хвилина! Так, кожен аудіозапис триває хвилину.

Відкрий та поглянь, скільки там тем. Про змій, зуби, шоколад, стереотипи, сусідів, інфляцію та навіть інопланетян. А до кожного аудіозапису – велика кількість різноманітних завдань. Однозначно вартий уваги!



зно з іноземної

Дуже захоплюючий сайт! Понад 1000 ауідозаписів на цікаві теми.

Для кого: Pre-Intermediate +

Вибір аудіо може здійснюватись за кількома параметрами: темою, рівнем складності, навіть за країною, про яку розповідається. Можна прослуховувати з текстом та без, опрацьовувати лексику, яку пропонують для вивчення, а також завантажити аудіофайл, якщо є така потреба. Ще одна корисна річ на сайті – тести на перевірку прослуханого чи опрацьованої лексики.


6. 6-minute English. BBC

зно з іноземної

Як без ВВС? Ніяк)

Для кого: Intermediate +

Цей сайт пропонує 6-хвилинні підкасти-діалоги, в яких учасники ніби співпрацюють зі слухачем. Великий вибір тем, кожну з яких можна завантажити та прослухати, коли є можливість. Це архів, який давно не оновлюється, але вся цінність – у великій кількості матеріалів, які там уже є.



зно з іноземної

Цікавенний сайт, але для впевнених знавців англійської.

Для кого: Upper-Intermediate+

TED розшифровується як «Technology. Entertainment. Design». Це щорічна конференція, на яку запрошують різних спікерів: бізнесменів, нобелівських лауреатів, музикантів, програмістів, вундеркіндів. Тривалість кожного виступу – від 3 хвилин. В середньому – 15-20 хвилин з текстовим варіантом. Цікавенні сучасні теми, озвучені видатними людьми. Те, про що говорять спікери, дуже варте уваги. Переконайся у цьому.


Що ж, є з чого вибрати. На різний рівень та смак.


Редактор: Ольга Мілінчук

Celebration of Life Day

Celebration of Life Day

The Celebration of Life Day is an annual commemoration celebrated on January 22nd of every year. Of course, we adore our children and grandchildren in every walks of our life on each day. As they are considered to be the precious gift of anyone’s life, it is indeed must to celebrate a Day specially meant for them. Hence Celebration of Life Day is created in such a way as to honour all the children and grandchildren of yours. It is also a Day that has evolved as a way to celebrate one’s own life at any age.

“With your own children, you love them immediately – and with grandchildren, it’s exactly the same.” – Kevin Whately

History of Celebration of Life Day

The history, origin, and the year from when the Celebration of Life Day has been celebrated are unknown. There is no mention of the founder of this Day. However, it is a special celebration Day for all your children and grandchildren. Be a parent or a grandparent, and it is a Day for all of you to appreciate your children truly. They need your support and encouragement as to know who they are and how to live a life. A sole duty of any parent as well as the grandparent in the life of their children is to take good care of them.

Celebration of Life Day 2018 - January 22

You must focus on your kids and act as a well-wisher, guide, teacher, friend, and everything. Make yourself mean the world to them. Appreciate every other activity of their and get socially attached to them just like their friends. It is vital for you to celebrate the life which gave you happiness in the form of children and grandchildren.

How to Celebrate Celebration of Life Day

Celebrating the Celebration of Life Day is very simple. You can spend little extra time with your children on this Day as to make this celebration a better one. Take them to the places they wish to go for and make them feel special and loved. Give your encouragement and support in all their ups and downs. Guide them in dealing with their life with all your experiences. It is the best time in the year to show the complete care and love towards them. You can also share your pictures of yours with your children and grandchildren through social media using the hashtag #CelebrationOfLifeDay.

Hot Sauce Day

National Hot Sauce Day

Hot Sauce Day comes on January 22 of every year. Hot Sauce is condiment made from crushing the cooked, smoked and pickled chilli peppers with spices. National Hot Sauce Day is a perfect day to enjoy the taste of your favourite sauce.

Hot sauce must be hot. If you don’t like it hot, use less.” – David Tran

History of National Hot Sauce Day

The inventor or creator of National Hot Sauce Day is still unknown. But the chilli peppers were found in the 16th century in the United States of America and then it was taken to Europe, Africa and Asia. The chilli peppers were discovered in America’s in the 16th century, and then it was brought to Europe and on to Africa and Asia. As the years go on the chilli peppers, have been modified with selective breeding. The first known Hot sauce is Tabasco Sauce which appeared on 1868 in the United States of America. But some of the proofs have relates that it was found in 1807 but it came into existence at 1868.

National Hot Sauce Day 2018 - January 22

We can make Hot Sauce with many ingredients, but the most commonly used ingredient is Chili Pepper. Chili Peppers have not reached Europe until the 16th century. It reached Europe when Portuguese and Spanish explorers started to sold all unnecessary foods from their place. Nowadays Hot Sauce is used by people everywhere in the world, and they are added to everything for more taste.

How to Celebrate National Hot Sauce Day

Celebrating the National Hot Sauce Day is quite easy. Just gather the friends or family members who like the Hot Sauce and enjoy the day by having the taste of Hot Sauce by adding it to your food for more flavour. You can also host a Hot Sauce themed party with your friends and family members. Take pictures and post them with other on the social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #HotSauceDay.

Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is an annual celebration observed on January 22nd of every year. Of course, there exists such a Day in the calendar and is not a joke. Those who have the cat as their companion in their home would be wondered why it is meowing at times. It’s time to resolve the mystery and look for the answers to all those questions of your cat. National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is celebrated as a way to fill up the answers to your cat’s question.

“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” – Ernest Hemingway

History of National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

The exact year from which the National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day has celebrated is unknown. It has been established by the Thomas and Ruth Roy of The organization has established this Day as a way to better understand the cats. It encourages every cat owner to take a look at the cat and find answers to the questions of your cat. Such a celebration is also meant for all of the pets lovers to understand their need right from their activities. Analyse what cat is asking or looking from you in a way better than ever. It is Day that will sure bridge the gap between you and your feline as a way of the better companion.

National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

How to Celebrate National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

Celebrating the National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is very simple. Take care of your catty in a little more extra way. Get to understand his/her need slowly. Try to get the answers to their questions. Every look and meowing sound has some question, and it is your sole duty to let give the answers. Make your bond little stronger on celebrating such a Day. Share your cat’s questions and the answers of yours on the social media using the hashtag #AnswerYourCatsQuestionsDay.

Granola Bar Day

National Granola Bar Day

National Granola Bar Day is an annual food feast celebrated on January 21st of each year. At all your busy day when you have no time to have a proper food, Granola Bar would have helped you survive without hungry. There will be so many of us who love Granola Bar as with its nutritional benefits. Whatever the reason be, the Granola Bars need to be celebrated. With so much of love from its lovers, National Granola Bar Daycelebrates the Granola Bar and those who enjoy eating it.

“For me, having greek yogurt and some granola is the perfect start-up breakfast because it has many benefits. Its filling, healthy and gives me energy to start my day.” – Shantel VanSanten

History of National Granola Bar Day

The origin, history, founder and the year since the National Granola Bar Day has been celebrated are unknown. However, Granola has a long history and tradition. It was not until 1970’s granola was made into a snack bar. Granola is breakfast food prepared with rolled oats, quinoa, barley, nuts, honey or other sweeteners such as brown sugar. The key ingredients are mixed and pressed into a pan. Finally, it is cut into bars. As to get a crispy bar, the mixture is nicely baked. The bar will sometimes include butter or nut butter. With high nutritious and calories content of granola, it can be combined with honey or corn syrup to make it a bar. With its lightweight, it can be carried during hiking, camping, or backpacking.

National Granola Bar Day 2018 - January 21

How to Celebrate National Granola Bar Day

Celebrating National Granola Bar Day is quite simple. Fill up your mouth with some granola bars to begin the celebration. Get to learn about the granola bars and how to prepare it. Make homemade granola bars and serve it for your family members. You can even organize a party at your home and serve your guests with delicious granola bars. Have some granola bars while you go for hiking and camping. Share your granola bar day celebration photos and your views about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #GranolaBarDay.

Hugging Day

National Hugging Day

National Hugging Day is celebrated on January 21 of every year. It’s a dedicated especially to hugging. The main aim of the day is to motivate everyone to Hug their family members and friends very often. The studies have said that hug will reduce our blood pressure, relieve stress and trigger the removal of healthy hormones like oxytocin. Doctors have suggested that 4-6 hugs per a day are required for emotional and physiological human being. So National Hugging Day is the perfect day to show your love to your family members and friends by hugging them.

I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time.” – Drew Barrymore

History of National Hugging Day

Kevin Zaborney from Caro, Michigan created the National Hugging Day on March 29, 1986. The day was included in Chase’s Calendar Events. Zaborney’s Friend chosen the day January 21 for National Hugging Day as it falls between the ChristmasNew Year’s Day and the Valentines Day. Zaborney had considered that American peoples are very embarrassed to show their love in public and he created the National Hugging Day to change that.

National Hugging Day 2018 - January 21

The Hugging has proven to be having health benefits in the form of increasing the levels of oxytocin and reducing the blood pressure. It is not only to human beings, but there are also many species of animals are engaging in a similar exchange of warmth. Moreover, Hug is a simple form of physical intimacy not necessarily sexual. Hug involves closing the arm around the neck region of another person. Nick Vujicic holds the record for most number of hugs in an hour. He achieved the record by having 1749 hugs in an hour on 2010 in Expo Center, Oregon. Some of the schools in the United States of America had issued bans on hugs. Nowadays it becomes’s a practice among the teenage students when they greet other students in the farewell.

How to Celebrate National Hugging Day

Celebrating the National Hugging Day is quite easy. Express your love to your Family members and Friends by simply hugging them. Create a Hug chain or initiate a group hug in honour of the occasion. Post pictures and share your thoughts about the Hugging Day on social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #HuggingDay.

International Sweatpants Day

International Sweatpants Day is an annual celebration observed on January 21st of every year. It’s time to wear and celebrate those loose baggy sweatpants. Anyone who does exercise and goes for jogging will know how it feels good and comfortable with the sweatpants. It is also an ideal casual wear to spend the whole day to hang in as both casual and sporty. International Sweatpants Day celebrates these casual varieties of soft trousers and those who loves wearing it.

“I definitely care about what I look like, certainly when I am going out in public, doing an appearance or something, but when I’m home, I’m all sweatpants, all the time.” – J. J. Watt

History of International Sweatpants Day

The International Sweatpants Day is celebrated since the year 2010. There is no exact mention about who or which organization has started such a celebration Day for the sweatpants. However, this Day is celebrated around the closest weekday to January 21st. It is created with an intention to make people understand that one need not necessarily feel embarrassed for wearing the sweatpants. Being comfortable with clothes is not often celebrated, unlike this Day. The first pair of sweatpants was introduced by Émile Camuset, the founder of Le Coq Sportif in the 1920s.

International Sweatpants Day 2018 - January 21

The sweatpants were simply knitted grey jersey pants initially that allowed the athletes to stretch and run comfortably. The sweatpants are usually a heavy knit made from the cotton or polyester. They often have elastic in the waistband that adjusts for anyone and may or may not have the pockets. Sweatpants are traditionally ash grey in colour, however, they are now available in different colours. It is widely used in the schools, sports, etc as it is baggy and loose.

How to Celebrate International Sweatpants Day

The best way to celebrate the International Sweatpants Day is to wear a sweatpant. Take a break from your regular formal suits and wear this causal sweatpant to all the place you visit on this Day. Show your causal sporty look even in your office. Go for a shopping and purchase some colourful sweatpants. Organize a party at your home and invite your friends and family to come dressed up in the casual wear along with the sweatpants. Share your celebrations along with your sweatpant pictures on the social media using the hashtag #SweatpantsDay.

Squirrel Appreciation Day

National Squirrel Appreciation Day

National Squirrel Appreciation Day is an annual celebration observed on January 21st of every year. Everything from the cute big eyes with little standing ears and the fluffy-tailed hair of the squirrel look beautiful. The nut-burying herbivorous animal that lives in the dray plays an important role in the environment. It is indeed vital to appreciate and acknowledge these scampering animals for their active role. National Squirrel Appreciation Day is created in such a way to appreciate all the different types of squirrel.

“A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit !” – Sarah Jessica Parker

History of National Squirrel Appreciation Day

The National Squirrel Appreciation Day has been celebrated since the year 2001. Christy Hargrove from Asheville, North Carolina is the founder of this celebration Day. The creator is a wildlife rehabilitator in North Carolina and he is affiliated with the Western North Carolina Nature Center. Christy says that Celebration of this event itself is up to the individual or group and anything from putting out some extra food for the squirrels to learning something new about those species. He has created this Day as to make people put out some seeds and nuts for squirrels as they suffer without having food during this month due to the winter. It is a Day for all the different types of squirrels like tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.

National Squirrel Appreciation Day 2018 - January 21

Squirrels range from a few inches to a few feet long and are found almost everywhere. They are indigenous to Americas, Africa, and Eurasia. They were introduced by the humans to Australia. Western and eastern grey squirrels are very common in North America. The red squirrel is more common in Europe, however, it is declining in numbers in Great Britain and Ireland. A squirrel weighs from 5 to 8 kg and will usually have slender bodies with bushy tails and large eyes. They live from tropical rainforest to semiarid desert. Squirrels are predominantly herbivorous which eats seeds and nuts. It will also eat insects and even small vertebrates.

How to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day

Celebrating the National Squirrel Appreciation Day is very simple. Get yourself involved to know more about squirrels and its types in detail. Have some seeds and nuts as a food for the squirrels in your backyard or garden. Take a visit to the local zoo to know about their living. Paint squirrel pictures or some other artwork as a way to appreciate them. Share your appreciations for the squirrels on the social media using the hashtag #SquirrelAppreciationDay.

Disc Jockey Day

National Disc Jockey Day

National Disc Jockey Day is an annual celebration observed on January 20th of every year. There are many disc jockeys from around the world. A disc jockey, in short, is referred to as DJ who plays the recorded music on the radio or at a club or in any event. A DJ will usually mix recorded music from many sources like the cassettes, CDs, or the digital audio files on the CDJ or laptop. Disc jockeys have lots of fan followers, and thus they are celebrated with a Day in the calendar. National Disc Jockey Day celebrates the DJ’s and their music sense.

“A DJ can’t just play one song. It’s about playing a set, or how you connect songs in those two hours, and where you place them.” – Zedd

History of National Disc Jockey Day

The history, origin, and the founder of the National Disc Jockey Day are unknown. There is no mention about the year from when this Day has been celebrated. However, this celebrated in observed in remembrance of the death of Albert James Freed. He was also called as Moondog who was an influential disc jockey in during the 1950s. James Freed is the person who is credited the term “rock ‘n’ roll.” A DJ is a person who perfectly mixes different forms of pre-existing recorded music as it is playing. A DJ will usually perform before a live audience in a nightclub or dance club. He/she may even broadcast the music through radio.

National Disc Jockey Day 2018 - January 20

The first DJ was an attempt on the airwaves made by the sixteen-year-old Ray Newby in 1909. He was a student at Herrold College of Engineering and Wireless who studied under the supervision of Charles “Doc” Herrold. The experiment which started in the Garden City Bank Building in that college was soon being reproduced by the radio broadcasters. It took nearly 25 years to term the word disc jockey. Walter Winchell coined the name. Over the year, there have been so many different forms of disk jockeys came into existence like Hip-hop DJ, Mobile DJ, and more.

How to Celebrate National Disc Jockey Day

Celebrating the National Disc Jockey Day is very simple. Take time to know about the disc jockey, its history, and how they perform. You can act as a DJ for a day to celebrate this event. Encourage and appreciate people around you who are working as a disk jockey. Take a snap with your favourite DJ and share it on the social media using the hashtag #DiscJockeyDay.

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