National Backwards Day is celebrated on January 31 of every year. It’s a day where the entire world gets turns upside down, inside becomes out; madness becomes sanity and day become night. If you are bored of doing the same thing in and out, take National Backwards Day as an opportunity to bent all the rules and to do everything in backward.
“At the end of the day, we must go forward with hope and not backward by fear and division.” – Jesse Jackson
History of National Backwards Day
The National Backwards Day was created by Sarah Nicole and Megan Emily Scott on January 29. 1961. They thought of making crafts and arts when they are milking cows in Miller family farm. Later in the evening they sat down and made the rules on January 31, 1962. The town people were doing things in backwards when the two ladies were walking down the street. The day is popular among the school-aged kids, but there is no age limit to celebrate the National Backward Day. National Backwards Day has an old history which is far older than the term of the day. In all culture there came a time when the societal rules got turned on their head. The country Rome has Saturnalia, the day when every social norm was turned on their head. Gambling is no longer forbidden, and the masters took the day to serve at the high table.
How to Celebrate National Backwards Day
Celebrate the National Backwards Day by doing everything in backwards. There are a lot of ways to celebrate like walking in backward, try to speak and read in backwards and wear your clothes in backward. Start the day with dinner and finish the day with breakfast. Sleep in the morning and do the work in the night time. Say “Bye” to the people who are arriving and “Hi” to the individual who was leaving. Post your celebrations and share your thoughts on the social media by using the hashtag #BackwardsDay.