Author: o_diana (Page 31 of 61)

Backwards Day

National Backwards Day is celebrated on January 31 of every year. It’s a day where the entire world gets turns upside down, inside becomes out; madness becomes sanity and day become night. If you are bored of doing the same thing in and out, take National Backwards Day as an opportunity to bent all the rules and to do everything in backward.

At the end of the day, we must go forward with hope and not backward by fear and division.” – Jesse Jackson

History of National Backwards Day

The National Backwards Day was created by Sarah Nicole and Megan Emily Scott on January 29. 1961. They thought of making crafts and arts when they are milking cows in Miller family farm. Later in the evening they sat down and made the rules on January 31, 1962. The town people were doing things in backwards when the two ladies were walking down the street. The day is popular among the school-aged kids, but there is no age limit to celebrate the National Backward Day. National Backwards Day has an old history which is far older than the term of the day. In all culture there came a time when the societal rules got turned on their head. The country Rome has Saturnalia, the day when every social norm was turned on their head. Gambling is no longer forbidden, and the masters took the day to serve at the high table.

National Backwards Day 2018 - January 31

How to Celebrate National Backwards Day

Celebrate the National Backwards Day by doing everything in backwards. There are a lot of ways to celebrate like walking in backward, try to speak and read in backwards and wear your clothes in backward. Start the day with dinner and finish the day with breakfast. Sleep in the morning and do the work in the night time. Say “Bye” to the people who are arriving and “Hi” to the individual who was leaving. Post your celebrations and share your thoughts on the social media by using the hashtag #BackwardsDay.

Inane Answering Message Day

National Inane Answering Message Day

National Inane Answering Message Day is an annual celebration observed on January 30th of this year. At times we do face the inane and meaningless message which sucks our precious time. Answering to the machine messages seems to be little dull for those who do it continuously. You are given a chance to let out off answering all those prank messages on a particular Day in the year. Wonder if there is such a Day that makes you feel relaxed? Of course, you can stay away from answering to those machines messages on National Inane Answering Message Day.

“We live in times of high stress. Messages that are simple, messages that are inspiring, messages that are life-affirming, are a welcome break from our real lives.” – Simon Sinek

History of National Inane Answering Message Day

The National Inane Answering Message Day has been in celebration since the year 2001. It was Thomas & Ruth Roy of who has come up with such an idea and created a Day. There is no mention why this date is chosen precisely for this celebration. However, the Day set-asides in changing, shortening, replacing or deleting those ridiculous and annoying answering machine messages that sucks the time of anyone who must listen to them. Put an end to those numerous and meaningless inane answering machine messages as is the Day for you. Those who have tirelessly listened to those senseless answering machine messages can feel the comfort.

National Inane Answering Message Day 2018 - January 30

How to Celebrate National Inane Answering Message Day

Celebrating the National Inane Answering Message Day is quite simple. Get out of those inane messages by blocking the prank caller id. Let yourself never indulge in sending any such messages to anyone on this Day. If you really feel not to listen to any of them, then plug out the connection of your Inane Answering machine. You can share your celebration moments and the pictures on the social media using the hashtag #InaneAnsweringMessageDay.


Croissant Day

National Croissant Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 30th of every year. Those who are crazy on French variants of food items will sure love eating the Croissants. It is a breakfast course and is known for its crescent shape. The successive rolls of the Croissant will have crispy layers outside and softer inside. Croissant served with a cup of coffee for breakfast makes the best of its combinations. The croissant is also the continental breakfast food of France. If you haven’t yet tasted this crispy morning recipe, then National Croissant Day is the best time to start eating it.

“I love having a croissant and a great cup of coffee. Just one cup.” – Marcus Samuelsson

History of National Croissant Day

The history and the origin of the National Croissant Day are unknown. There isn’t any mention regarding the founder and the year since this Day has been in celebration. However, the history and origin of the Croissant date back to 1680s and are full of adventures. The Turkish Empire had laid siege to Vienna, Austria in 1683. Trucks were unsuccessful even after making several attempts to enter the city by force. Therefore they had decided to dig an underground tunnel and attack. The bakers of Vienna while working in the basement storerooms at that time heard the digging sound and alerted their army.

National Croissant Day 2018 - January 30

As a result, the bakers of Vienna have received high honours and thanks for their brilliant assistance in outwitting the Turks. During the victory celebration, they have baked their bread in the shape of a crescent moon which is the symbol of the Ottoman Empire. Once after the Turks being defeated, serving morning coffee with the crescent-shaped pastry has become a custom. The croissant is a viennoiserie pastry with buttery, flaky texture. There is a mention that is was Marie Antoinette, an Austrian Princess who married Louis XVI has introduced the croissant to France. The breakfast recipe roll is well-known for its crescent shape with the crispy outside and soft inside.

The Kipferl is marked to be the ancestor of the croissant and has been documented during the 13th century in Austria. The making of Croissants involves a total of five stages. The first stage is the pre-dough formation in which the flour, water, in-dough fat, yeast, salt, sugar are mixed. The dough is made into a multilayered dough by the lamination process in the second stage. Now the dough is formed into its famous crescent shape. In the third stage through the fermentation process, the crescent shape dough will expand to two-and-a-half times its original volume. It is then baked in the fourth step known as pastry or dough lift. Finally, the backed dough is cooled and stored for later use.

How to Celebrate National Croissant Day

Celebrating the National Croissant Day is quite simple. Have your breakfast with the coffee and croissant to perfectly enjoy the Day. You can buy it from the local pastry shop for your family. To those who can do it with patience can get to know about Croissant and its making to try at home and serve the homemade viennoiserie for your family and friends. Share your Croissant Day celebration moments on the social media using the hashtag #CroissantDay.

Freethinkers Day

Freethinkers Day

Freethinkers Day is an annual celebration observed on January 29th of every year. It is also called as Thomas Paine Day or Common Sense Day. People all over the world have the freedom to express and think. Thomas Paine is a prominent thinker who made incredible work through his books in expressing the freethought to the people of the world. His life and work was inspired and is being inspirable for many people. Those in U.S. will know what is Paine’s Common Sense from the history classesFreethinkers Day was created as to honour, promote and appreciate him for all the works he has given to the world.

“Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking.” – Leo Tolstoy

 History of Freethinkers Day or Thomas Paine Day

The origin, founder, and the history of Freethinkers Day or Thomas Paine Day are anonymous. There is a mention that this Day has been in celebration since the 1990s. The celebration Day is created as to honour the works of Thomas Paine. The date is chosen as it was on January 29, 1737, Paine was born. His birth anniversary is celebrated as to appreciate the life and work of Thomas Paine with such a Day. He was a famous thinker who promoted the philosophy of Enlightenment through his work and publications that heavily influenced the course of both the American and French revolutions.

Freethinkers Day

As with the request of Benjamin Franklin, Paine came to America in 1774. He had written many influential books and pamphlets throughout his life including Common Sense, The Age of Reason, and The Rights of Man. Paine’s was also one among the first people to call for the universal human rights and an end to slavery. His writing has inspired by many people to strive for the political, economic, and social advancement.

How to Celebrate Freethinkers Day

Celebrating the Freethinkers Day or Thomas Paine Day is quite simple. Get to know more about the importance of freethinking and freedom on this Day. Read the pamphlets and books of Thomas Paine. Spread the importance of freedom to others. Appreciate your civil liberties by picking up a copy of Common Sense. Share your freethinkers Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #FreethinkersDay.

Curmudgeons Day

Curmudgeons Day is an annual celebration observed on January 29th of every year. You believe it or not, and there exists a Day in the calendar that celebrates the grumpiness and those cantankerous personalities. You need not feel low as some form of changes are needed at times and so as this Day for the curmudgeons. Make sure you celebrate those grouchy cranky personalities on this occasion. Curmudgeons Day is celebrated in honour of William Claude Dukenfield who was a famous comedian and self-professed curmudgeon himself.

“Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream.” – W. C. Fields

History of Curmudgeons Day

The history, origin, and the creator of the Curmudgeons Day are unknown. The year from when this Day has been in celebration is also not known in detail. However, the Day for the curmudgeons celebrates the birth William Claude Dukenfield who was born on January 29th in 1880. W.C. Fields, in short, is a self-professed curmudgeon who is known for his comedies, writing, drinking. He was a very big fan of the curmudgeon as is known from many curmudgeonly things expressed by him happened in his life, movie scripts, and in the ad-libs. Celebrate those cranky and cantankerous people in your life with such a celebration and make them shine for the whole Day. It is an official holiday to stay at home all day and do nothing. Others celebrate the Day with grouchy activities.

Curmudgeons Day 2018 - January 29

How to Celebrate Curmudgeons Day

Celebrating the Curmudgeons Day is quite simple. You can celebrate the cranky and grouchy nature of all the curmudgeons you know on their special Day. If you are a curmudgeon yourself, then make some fun with your special grumpy way to others. You can watch curmudgeons films with your family and friends to enjoy this holiday. Spend some time talking with the old spinster or grumpy old man to make them feel a little special. Share your cranky celebration moments on the social media using the hashtag #CurmudgeonsDay.

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Monday of every January. This year it will be celebrated on January 29. It is a fun and fantastic toy created for the purpose of conserving fragile things through shipping. Every men, women, and child love to pop the bubbles. If you had not had a piece of bubble wrap in your hand, then Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is a perfect day to take a piece of bubble wrap in your hand and enjoy the moment by Popping the bubbles.

History of Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

The creator or inventor of Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is still unknown. In 1956, the two engineers named Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding sealed the two shower curtains together in the Hawthorne Town, New Jersey. This method helped in creating a smattering of air bubble. Initially, they thought that they would design a beautiful wallpaper. But the sales wallpaper have not materialized, and they decide to sell the product as insulation for the greenhouse. It has not used for shipping until IBM (International Business Machines) company start to ship the 1401 Computer in 1961. At the time it was named as Air Cap, and it is the trademark of Sealed Air Corporation (founded in 1960). Every year Bubble Wrap organize a “Young Inventor” award that encourages to find ways of using Bubble Wrap outside of Packaging. The young inventors work very hard on every year to invent the new bubble wrap rage.

Bubble Wrap Appreciation DayBubble Wrap Appreciation Day

How to celebrate Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

Celebrate the Day by taking an old roll of Bubble Wrap sheet and Pop every Bubble on that sheet. Share those moments with your friends and family members. Help your friends and relatives to know about the Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day by using the hashtag #BubbleWrapAppreciationDay.

Puzzle Day

National Puzzle Day is celebrated on January 29 of every year. Puzzles are questions that are tough to solve. It requires some unique skills to solve those problems. Puzzles are in different forms namely Crossword Puzzles, Word Search, Jigsaw, Anagrams, Sudoku and Rubik’s Cube. Games like Crossword Puzzles, Anagrams and Word Search are very helpful in increasing the person’s vocabulary and language skills. On the other hand, the games like Sudoku and Rubik’s Cake are very useful in developing persons mathematical and logical thinking skills. Whereas, Jigsaws will be helpful in increasing the Visual and Patience Skills of human beings. Hence National Puzzle Day is a great day to play puzzles before you put into work whether it is a crossword, word search, jigsaw or anything.

History of National Puzzle Day

Jodi Jill Professional Quiz Maker and Syndicated Puzzle Maker, created the National Puzzle Day in 2002 to express her enjoyment in solving the puzzles. She developed classroom lessons for National Puzzle Day and the celebration of Puzzle Day has grown gradually from there. More than fun and entertainment, playing puzzles will have some health benefits. Solving Puzzles in the morning before you put into the work will speed up your brain. Solving problems will help the children will help them to work together, and it will enhance problem-solving skills. Moreover, it will improve creativity, concentration and memory power.

National Puzzle Day 2018 - January 29

Benefits of Playing Puzzle Games

  • Puzzle games not only serve the purpose of deriving fun, but it also educates both adults and children by improving the research skills, spelling and language skills, reasoning ability, the power of concentration and creative abilities.
  • Puzzle games force the player to use their general knowledge, memory, spatial imagery, logic and problem-solving skills to solve the puzzles. Hence it raises the Intelligent Quotient (IQ) level of the player.
  • In Kids, Puzzle Games enhance their ability to visualise and understand the whole-part relationship. In Adults, it improves their language skills, vocabulary, spelling and research skills.
  • Puzzle games will increase the attention span in both adults and children by changing the difficulty level of the challenge.
  • Puzzles games which involve partners will help them to learn how to coordinate, share, lead and follow others.

How to celebrate National Puzzle Day

Celebrating the National Puzzle Day is quite easy. Solve the puzzle early in the morning with a cup of coffee before you put into work, school, college or anything. You can create a puzzle party and solve them with the friends and family members. Study more about the history of puzzles and their benefits. With pictures, post your celebrations on social media by using the hashtag #PuzzleDay.


Corn Chip Day

National Corn Chip Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 29th of every year. One snack food that is loved and tasted by people of different age group is the corn chip. The crunchy corn chip is made of cornmeal. The heavily seasoned salt flavour of the chips is packed in the bag for longer life. It can either be eaten alone or with a dip at any time. National Corn Chip Day wouldn’t get completed without tasting the strong aroma and flavour of roasted corn chip.

“Anything salty and crunch is a world of perfection to me. Put chips in front of me, and I will eat to the bottom of the bag. Because I have the tendency to do this, I found these amazing Eden Brown Rice Chips. They’re the perfect amount of salt and crunch, and there’s nothing in them.” – Tamara Taylor

History of National Corn Chip Day

The origin, founder and the exact history of the National Corn Chip Day are unknown. However, the corn chips are in existence since 1932. A corn chip is usually a snack food prepared from the cornmeal and is fried in oil or baked. It often resembles the shape of a small noodle or scoop. The corn chips will have the strong aroma and flavour of roasted corn. These chips are heavily seasoned with salt and will be thick, rigid and very crunchy. With the Mexican origin, corn chips had been patented by two different persons. Firstly it was Isador J. Filler who often eat a tostada while travelling in San Antonio, Texas. He had come up with the idea of making them in the rectangular shape and marketing them as a chip and patented the same in 1932.

National Corn Chip Day 2018 - January 29

Elmer Doolin was the other who came up with corn chip making idea while eating friotes while travelling in San Antonio around the same time. He has experimented in his home and later began the mass production under the name of Frito Corn Chips and was a hit. In the US, Fritos is one among the oldest and most widely recognized corn chips brands at present. The corn chip or friotes are often confused with the tortilla chip as both of them are made from cornmeal which is baked or fried in oil. However, corn chip is different from tortilla in various aspects.

How to Celebrate National Corn Chip Day

The best way to celebrate National Corn Chip Day is to fill up your mouth with corn chips. Taste it alone or have it with some dips like salsa or guacamole or melted cheese to make it extra spicy. You can get to know about corn chip and its making to prepare at your home. Serve your family and children with the homemade corn chips. Organize a party and serve your guests with the crunchy corn chips. Share your views and thoughts about the corn chip day on the social media using the hashtag #CornChipDay.

Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day comes on January 28 of every year. The ultimate goal of the day is to raise awareness, promote privacy and data protection practices. The day is celebrated in nearly 50 Countries including United States of America, India, Canada and much more. The day brings awareness to the business and other users about the importance of protecting their privacy of their personal information in online, especially in social networks. The Day is also known as Data Protection Day. Hence Data Privacy Day is a day to safeguard and to protect your online personal data.

History of Data Privacy Day

In 2007, Europe Council initiated the Data Privacy Day. The United States House of Representatives recognized the Data Privacy Day in 2009. The United States Senate accepted the Data Protection Day in 2010 and 2011. Various Groups and organizations were involved in increasing the importance of Data Privacy Day. In 2009, Online Trust Alliance and Many more Organisations were embraced the Day as Data Privacy & Protection Day. They aimed at long-term impact to users about the data collection and protection practices. The day was first celebrated in 2007 and the day promotes the importance of data privacy.  On January 27, 2014, the 113th U.S Congress adopted the S.Res 337 Resolution (supports the designation of January 28 as “Data Privacy Day”). Hence Data Privacy Day is a day to raise the awareness about the importance of protecting the privacy data’s in offline and online.

Data Privacy Day

How to Celebrate Data Privacy Day

Celebrate the Day by spreading the awareness to the people about the need to protect their private data’s in Offline and online. If you are working in an office, you can organize a data protection workshop and spread the awareness about the privacy data’s. Post your awareness on social media’s like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #DataPrivacyDay.

Blueberry Pancake Day

National Blueberry Pancake Day is an annual feast celebrated on January 28th of every year. One unavoidable cake variety that cannot be left without eaten is the pancakes made with the Blueberries. Treat yourself with the thin, flat, round blueberry pancakes to make your day enjoyable. Those who love blueberries and crazy on eating it with the pancake would sure enjoy to the core when this cake variety is celebrated with a special day in the calendar. Celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day as the Blueberry pancakes are a perfect treat to enjoy at any time of the day.

“When I get the chance to make my favorite breakfast on the weekend, I often choose to make pancakes.” – Marcus Samuelsson

History of National Blueberry Pancake Day

The origin, history, the year from when the National Blueberry Pancake Day is being celebrated are unknown. The creator who has come up with such a Day for the blueberry pancake is also unclear. However, it would be someone who has an infinite craze on the scared blueberry flavoured pancakes would have thought to recognise it with such an official celebration Day. The history of pancakes dates back to somewhere in the 5th-century BC. Pancakes are also called in other names like hotcake, griddlecake, or flapjack.

National Blueberry Pancake Day 2018 - January 28

The pancake is usually flat cake, often thin and round. It is prepared by making a starch-based batter by using the ingredients like eggs, milk and butter. The batter is well cooked and usually fried with oil or butter on a hot surface of the griddle or frying pan. You will get the blueberry pancake when the blueberries are added to the pancake batter and baked. The blueberries will add a freshness to the pancakes as it has nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, copper.

How to Celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day

The best-ever way to celebrate the National Blueberry Pancake Day involves tasting the blueberry pancakes. As it is perfect to eat at any time, you can eat the pancake as your breakfast food or during the lunch. You can even taste it during your snacks time recipe or have it as a dessert after your dinner. Get to learn about the Blueberry Pancake and its making to prepare a homemade blueberry pancake for your family and friends. Top them with a blueberry maple syrup and serve it. Share your Blueberry Pancake making photos and your celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #BlueberryPancakeDay.

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