Author: o_diana (Page 30 of 61)

World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. The day indicates the adoption of the convention of wetlands on February 2, 1971. The World Wetlands Day is created to raise awareness to the peoples about the importance of wetlands to the human beings and planet. The government and Non-Governmental agencies will do some activities like seminars, festivals, nature walks, announcing the new Ramsar sites, newspaper articles, wetland rehabilitation and radio interviews on that day. So World Wetlands Day is a day to remember the beautiful and boggy parts of your world that geese, ducks, frogs, swans, flamingoes, water voles and another sort of waterfowls and animals require those wetlands to exist and thrive in harmony.

Im a strong proponent of the restoration of the wetlands, for a lot of reasons. Theres a practical reason, though, when it comes to hurricanes: The stronger the wetlands, the more likely the damage of the hurricane.” – George W. Bush

History of World Wetlands Day

The World Wetlands Day was first celebrated in the year 1997 and from grew, it grew gradually on every year. On every year Government and Non-Governmental organizations, peoples have taken their opportunity on that day to raise awareness among the citizens about the value and benefits of wetlands to all the living things in the world. From 2015, Wetland Youth Photo Contest was conducted on every February 02 to target the students and let them evolve in World Wetlands Day. The Star Alliance Biosphere Connections will award prizes to the winners (A chance to view the wetlands of their choice which may be anywhere in the world). From 1997, the Ramsar Website has posted articles from nearly 100 countries of their World Wetlands Day activities, and in 2016, events have been conducted to promote the activities and to facilitate the reports after World Wetlands Day.

World Wetlands Day 2018 - February 2

Themes of World Wetlands Day

Every year Wetlands Day will be celebrated with a particular theme. The past and the current themes are listed below

  • 1997 – “Benefits of Wetlands to the Human Population”.
  • 1998 – “Conserving wetlands to ensure availability of clean water for all”.
  • 1999 – “People and Wetlands: the Vital Link”.
  • 2000 – “Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance”.
  • 2001 – “Wetland world – A world to discover!”.
  • 2002 – “Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture”.
  • 2003 – “No wetlands – no water”.
  • 2004 – “From Mountains to the Sea – Wetlands at Work for Us”.
  • 2005 – “Cultural and biological diversity in wetlands” and the slogan was “There’s wealth in wetland diversity – don’t lose it”.
  • 2006 – “Wetlands as a tool in poverty alleviation”.
  • 2007 – “Fish for tomorrow?”.
  • 2008 – “Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People”.
  • 2009 – “Upstream-Downstream: Wetlands connect us all”.
  • 2010 – “Wetlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change”.
  • 2011 – “wetlands and forests – forests for water and wetlands”.
  • 2012 – “Wetlands and Tourism”.
  • 2013 – “Wetlands take care of water”.
  • 2014 – “Wetlands and Agriculture”.
  • 2015 – “Wetlands for Our Future”.
  • 2016 – “Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods”.
  • 2017 – “Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction”.

How to celebrate World Wetlands Day

Celebrate the World Wetlands Day by raising the awareness to the people about the importance of wetlands to living things and the planet. For that, you can organize some events for easy understanding to the uneducated peoples. It is also observed at the WWF-India Secretariat, New Delhi to raise awareness about the importance of the link between wetlands and water as “without water there will be no wetlands – and without wetlands, there will be no water”. Post pictures and raise awareness on the social media’s by using the hashtag #WorldWetlandsDay.

Crepe Day

National Crepe Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. French invents these thin and delicious Crepes, and it is very famous in France. Crepes can be filled with anything depending on your taste with sweet or savoury flavours. On this day, just forget about the usual pancakes and enjoy eating crepes. A crepe is a form of pancakes, but they are thinner and better than regular pancakes. You can prepare crepes in so many different ways.

I love making buckwheat crepes with ham, Parmesan cheese, and a fried egg on top. It’s my go-to breakfast – Taylor Swift.

History of National Crepe Day

In France, its tradition to serve the crepes on every February 2. Initially, it was named as Virgin Mary’s Blessing day and then later it was called as Avec Crepe Day which refers to the tradition of offering crepes. It is also called as Le Jour des Crepes. According to this day, if you toss a crepe and catch it in your left hand using a pan while holding a gold coin in your other hand, you will become wealthy that year. Crepes are usually made with eggs, flour,  butter, milk, and a pinch of salt. Crepes are very regular in France, but nowadays it is very famous in many other countries too. Every country has its different version of Crepes like Apple cinnamon crepes and chocolate chip crepes etc.

National Crepe Day 2018 - February 2y

How to Celebrate National Crepe Day

On National Crepe Day, enjoy eating crepes with your loved ones, for breakfast try some crepes filled with fruits, veggies, cheese, and eggs. For lunch, you can make crepes filled with cooked beans or turkey, cheese, and salsa. If you want crepe as a dessert then fill it with whipped cream or any pie filling and drizzle the top with berry sauce or chocolate. Also, Post pictures with crepes and share it with others on social media using the hashtag #CrepeDay.

World Play Your Ukulele Day

World Play Your Ukulele Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. Play Your Ukulele Day was first observed in the year 2011. Ukulele is also sometimes known as a uke. It is a four-stringed musical instrument. It is first popular in the late 19th century in Hawaii. In Hawaiian, the term Ukulele means jumping flea. In the 1880’s this device came into existence. Since its origination, World Play Your Ukulele Day is celebrated every year all around the globe with the slogan “bring the world together, four strings at a time.

I love the ukulele. It’s got a beautiful, melodic tone to it. There’s something innocent and romantic, and it’s just a grand instrument to play.” – Pierce Brosnan.

History of World Play Your Ukulele Day

The origin and history of World Play Your Ukulele Day are still unknown. This four-stringed instrument originated from the Madeira region, in Portugal and it was called as the machete. It is believed that Portuguese migrants invented the ukulele to Hawaii. In the 20th-century ukulele came to the mainland United States and there it turned out to be the primary instrument in the jazz music and dance scene in the 1920s. This device literally played an essential role in helping to strengthen Canada’s music programs because it was an affordable way to introduce students to music and was extremely practical to teach and promote musical literacy. This day is also sometimes known as International Play Your Ukulele Day and World Ukulele Day.

World Play Your Ukulele Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate Play Your Ukulele Day

If you know to play the Ukulele, then just take out your ukulele on World Play Your Ukulele Day and enjoy playing it. If you are interested in determining how to play the Ukulele, then take this day as an opportunity and get a Ukulele at music instrument store and learn to play it. Also, take pictures while playing the Ukulele and share it with others on social media using the hashtag #PlayYourUkuleleDay.

Tater Tot Day

National Tater Tot Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. Tater Tots means baby potatoes; tatter means potato & tots means little one.  Tater tots are pieces of fried and grated potatoes that is served as a side dish. National Tater Tot Day day is dedicated to these yummy Tater Tots. These  Tater Tots are delicious bites of potato goodness. If you are a potato or Tater Tot lover then it is a perfect day for you to have potatoes or Tater Tot for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These Tater tots are called “potato gems” in Australia.

History of National Tater Tot Day

National Tater Tot Day was first celebrated in the year 2009. It started by the food writers as an effort to filling out their copy quota, and after the put it on his Twitter, it was an immediate hit. In the year 1953, Tater Tot was created when Ore-Ida founders Golden Grigg and F. Nephi Grigg were thinking what to do with leftover pieces of cut-up potatoes. And then they decided to chope the pieces and then they added seasoning and flour to it. Then they pushed the mash through holes and cut off pieces of the mixture. Tater Tot was first served in stores in the year 1956. Americans every year consume about 70 million Tots. Actually, in the American school system, Tater Tots happen to be the most famous side dish.

National Tater Tot Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate National Tater Tot Day

Celebrate National Tater Tot Day by enjoying Tater Tots for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with family members and friends. On this day also take some time to glance at the origin and history of the tot and the recipes dedicated to Tots. Then take pictures while eating Tater Tot and share it with others on social media using the hashtag #TaterTotDay.

Car Insurance Day

Car Insurance Day is celebrated on February 1 of every year. Car Insurance Day is a day to encourage responsible and safe driving with your family members and friends. If you take some time at least once in a year to glance at your insurance policy you can forget about it happily the rest of the year. Car Insurance Day is observed every year to take your documents out and review them. Make sure that your documents are up to date and full of all the needed coverage.

When you’re setting up a budget, a general rule is to start with your fixed expenses – your housing and insurance payments, and car payment, if you own one.” – Jean Chatzky.

History of Car Insurance Day

The origin and history of Car Insurance Day are not known. Car insurance has been there everywhere nearly as long as cars themselves. When cars were produced in the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, car accidents automatically followed. Due to that, Massachusetts and Connecticut requested car drivers to have financial responsibility insurance which is a predecessor to the car insurance we know nowadays. Massachusetts was the 1st state to order mandatory or compulsory insurance for cars. On this day, examine the dates on it to confirm that you are still covered. Your situations may have altered through the year, so maybe the amount you pay now may not be the best price you can get. So take a little time once a year to check your policy.

Car Insurance Day 2018 - February 1

How to Celebrate Car Insurance Day

Are you an insurance agent yourself or do your insurance agent helped you to save money and supported you during a claim? Then send them something special maybe a note of thanks or a box of chocolate to celebrate Car Insurance Day. Also, take this day as an opportunity to learn more about Car Insurance. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about the day by using the hashtag #CarInsuranceDay.

Baked Alaska Day

National Baked Alaska Day is celebrated on February 1 of every year. Baked Alaska is prepared by keeping slices of sponge cake as the base and then the sponge cake is filled with vanilla ice cream, and then it is covered entirely with a whipped meringue. This whole thing is then baked before serving in the oven for a short time at a very high temperature to let the meringue mixture to harden slightly and brown.  Baked Alaska is also known as Omelette Norvegienne.

I love dessert. I can’t be guilty about it because I have to taste everything. I experiment.” – Martha Stewart.

History of National Baked Alaska Day

The origin and history of National Baked Alaska Day are not known. The origin of this yummy dessert Baked Alaska has been debated. But the foundation of this dessert may be a Chinese dish that used a hard ice cream served with a topping of toasted pastry. Baked Alaska is kept frozen until serving time and then while serving it is baked in a hot oven. The meringue mixture in the dessert saves the ice cream from melting which gives this delicious dessert its special hot/cold sensation and crunchy and creamy texture loved by many people. This sweet dessert was named in the year 1876 at the popular New York Delmonico’s Restaurant by the chef Charles Ranhofer to observe acquisition of America’s new territory.

National Baked Alaska Day 2018 - January 1

How to Celebrate National Baked Alaska Day

Whether you call it Baked Alaska or Omelette Norvegienne, on National Baked Alaska Day order up some Baked Alaska at your favourite restaurant and enjoy eating it with your family members and friends or you can also try making this delicious dessert at home. Take pictures while enjoying this sweet treat and share it with others on social media by using the hashtag #BakedAlaskaDay.

Serpent Day

National Serpent Day is celebrated on February 1 of every year. If you love Serpent, then this day is for you. National Serpent Day is observed to acknowledge serpents. Snakes are recognised as the symbol of medicine, good, evil, fertility etc. and they have been both worshipped and feared. There are nearly 3,000 species of snakes are existing around the world. The smallest snake in the world is the Barbados thread snake, and the longest snake in the world is called as reticulated python.

The mediation by the serpent was necessary. Evil can seduce a man, but cannot become a man.” – Franz Kafka.

History of National Serpent Day

The origin and history of National Serpent Day are not known. Snakes are always considered as dangerous, but actually, they are good creatures to have around. Snakes are also related to healing, For example, a snake wrapped around a staff is the sign of medicine. In the history, these serpents are feared and worshipped. According to myths, the Mesoamerican deity Quetzalcoatl entered to earth in human shape and brought wealth and happiness to the Toltec capital of Tollan. The serpent is also an interesting biblical sign. On the other hand, Satan is called as the serpent in Christianity and also it was a serpent that induced Eve to eat the apple. The serpents are thought as a nature spirit in the Hindu regions of Asia. According to Aztec faith, serpents are the guardians of wells, rivers, and springs and they bring fertility and rain.

National Serpent Day 2018 - February 1

How to Celebrate National Serpent Day

On National Serpent Day, learn the ancient stories about these serpents and research about the Serpents and how they are useful in medicine. If you like to see a serpent, then go to a nearby zoo and enjoy seeing it on the day as humans always have an interest in serpents. Also, post pictures and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media using the hashtag #SerpentDay.

Decorating With Candy Day

Decorating With Candy Day is celebrated on February 1 of every year. It is a day to surprise your family members by decorating the entire family scene of the chocolate toy on the top of some cookies. It’s a day to put away your dreams and put chocolate candy on the upper part of the everything that you eat or drink on that day. Enjoy the taste of the sugar as long as it lasts. The decoration of candy may come in the form of pictures, collages and by using fabrics that are decorated with candy. Hence Decorating With Candy Day is a day to enjoy the taste of sugar by placing the chocolate candy on top of everything that you eat and drink.

History of Decorating With Candy Day

The creator or inventor of Decorating With Candy Day is still unknown. It is a perfect day to practice making the Valentine treats for your loved person. From the past, the candies have been used for celebration as well as decoration. Just think about the Christmas decorations and Halloween decorations and imagine how much chocolate candies are woven their way into your life. The valentine’s day may be for love, but candies have a roll on the day. Presenting the flowers with chocolate candies at the top will attract the ladies. Moreover, candies have also taken part in Easter Holiday. So the Decorating With Candy Day is a day to being creative with those sweet decorations.

Decorating With Candy Day 2018 - February 1

How to Celebrate Decorating With Candy Day

Celebrating the Day is quite simple and easy to remember. Just place Chocolate candy on top of everything that you eat and drink. Then the taste of sugar as long as it last. Decorate the house with some candies and surprise your family members in the early morning. Peoples can use #DecoratingWithCandyDay to express their feeling on social media.

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day is an annual celebration observed on January 31st of every year. Art is a thing that is in existence since the start of the human civilization. It is appreciated both for its beauty and happiness it gives to those who see it. There are different forms of arts like paintings, music, theatre, sculptures, dance or poetry and they are indeed to be celebrated with a Day in the calendar. Take time to visit the nearest gallery, theatre, cinema, music venue on the Inspire Your Heart With Art Day and get inspired.

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” – Pablo Picasso

History of Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

The history, origin, and the year since the Inspire Your Heart With Art Day has been in the celebration are unknown. The founder of this Day is also not known precisely. However, the celebration Day for the art has been promoted by various arts organizations. The Day is created as to celebrate all forms of art and the effect it has on your heart. Explore the many genres of art as every form of art is valued and appreciated for every other reason. Art is a form of feel that inspires, encourages, and it touches one’s soul, heart and mind. The Day is the best time to have a closer look at the art and find what the artist is trying to say through it. Open up your mind and heart to listen to the art as it has the power to inspire our hearts.

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day 2018 - January 31

Art refers to the diverse range of human activities including the painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, and other visual media. Creation of images or objects, visual arts marks the oldest documented forms of art. The archaeologists have found the first artefacts of human art, and it dates back to the Stone Age. Over the years, various art forms have developed. It is appreciated for a variety of reasons although it doesn’t have any practical value. Art let the person express his own imagination and creativity. It is also a form of communication that bridges the gap over the language barrier. Art plays a major role in various aspects like in the entertainment of therapy, for raising awareness and in evoking all sorts of emotions.

How to Celebrate Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

Celebrating Inspire Your Heart With Art Day is quite simple. You can visit the nearest museum to look at the paintings, art, sculpture, and others ancient historical, artistic evidence. Take some time to read out some good books, listen to music, watch a dance performance or film. Take this Day as the best chance to analyse your area of interest in the field of arts. You can even indulge yourself in doing any of them if you have skills. Let out your artistic skills on inspiring others heart. Celebrate every artist you know on this special Day. Paint, draw or sing a song or anything, and you can share your arts and celebration photos on the social media using the hashtag #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay.

Gorilla Suit Day

National Gorilla Suit Day is an annual fun celebration observed on January 31st of every year. Gorillas are the black furry textured giant like mammals which we could have seen in the zoo and forests. Haven’t you assumed yourself being a gorilla or wished to imitate the gorilla at any point in your life? Imagine how beautiful it will be to see you with the gorilla suit. So those who love resembling the gorilla has got an official celebration Day on the calendar. Dress up like the gorilla as to make the National Gorilla Suit Day celebration as an utterly joyful one.

“I feel more comfortable with gorillas than people. I can anticipate what a gorilla’s going to do, and they’re purely motivated.” – Dian Fossey

History of National Gorilla Suit Day

The National Gorilla Suit Day has been in celebration since the year 1963. Don Martin, an artist of Mad Magazine, has come up with the idea of creating the Gorilla Suit Day for a comic strip. He has published the National Gorilla Suit Day in a collection of the Don Martin Bounces Back. The story features the people in gorilla suits, gorillas in the people suits, gorillas in gorilla suits. A character in the comic strip mocked the holiday and was then assaulted by the gorillas and people dressed up in gorilla suits.

National Gorilla Suit Day 2018 - January 31

From then on, the fans of both Mad Magazine and Don Martin have been celebrating the Day on January 31st by dressing up in a gorilla suit. The gorilla suits are a type of creature suit that is designed in a way to resemble a gorilla. The suit is both a popular Halloween and costume party costume. It is also used as a source of humour, whereas the more realistic outfits have been created and are used both to represent the real gorillas in film and on stage.

How to Celebrate National Gorilla Suit Day

The best way to celebrate the National Gorilla Suit Day is to wear a gorilla suit. Go and grab a perfect gorilla suit from the shop. Wear it and make realistic actions as like the gorilla in front of your family and friends. Make them believe that they see the real gorilla. Organize an event and ask those who participate in the event to come dressed up with the gorilla suit. Celebrate the Day for fun and take this Day as the chance to know about the gorilla and gorilla suits. Share your gorilla suit pictures on the social media using the hashtag #GorillaSuitDay.

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