Author: o_diana (Page 29 of 61)

Take Your Child To The Library Day

Take Your Child To The Library Day is an annual celebration observed on February 3rd of this year. The library would have played a considerable part in anyone’s life right from their childhood. The books which are in the library would have even helped to understand things beyond the academics books too. The pin-drop silence, the collection of books, the smell of the book, and the librarian are the best feel for anyone. Why not make your child enjoy all these and more? Take Your Child To The Library Day encourages every parent to take their children to the library and introduce them to the books.

“Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.” – Laura Bush

History of Take Your Child To The Library Day

The Take Your Child To The Library Day (TYCttLD) has been in celebration since the year 2012. The librarians Nadine Lipman and Caitlin Augusta have come up with this idea during December 2011. The first Saturday of every February marks this celebration Day. Nadine has come up with this celebration Day as to make a fun way to bringing the community awareness to the library in the life of a child and thereby promoting the library services and programs for the children and families.

Take Your Child To The Library Day 2018 - February 3

The idea has soon gained the popularity, and the librarians started planning the special events, programs, displays for the Day. TYCttLD is an international initiative for the parents to introduce every child to the local nearest library. The library serves all the children in your community irrespective of any social and economic status.

How to Celebrate Take Your Child To The Library Day

The best way to celebrate the Take Your Child To The Library Day is to take your child to the nearest library. It is the sole duty of any parent to introduce his/her child to the books. Make them explore the vast variety of books, and you can even let them say the story for you. Organize a library event on this Day and ask the children to participate. Collect the funds raised on this Day and use for the good cause of the library. Take pictures of your children from the library and share it on the social media using the hashtag #TakeYourChildToTheLibraryDay.

1) walk on the Moon 2) sail the seas and oceans 3) live in a tree house 4) to be a bug in a weeds 5) find out a lost treasure 6) race on horse with a cowboys 7) fly to the clouds 8) to be pirate or ninja, superhero or Queen

Saturday morning and the rain is pouring
Dad worked late last night, he’s in there snoring
Same old stuff on TV, boring
So what if I can’t go out and play, I know what I’ll do today
I’m going down to the Library
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Gonna say Hi to the Dictionary
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Now I like books and they like me, so when I go to the Library
I sit down in my favorite chair and check to see who’s there
Maybe one book, maybe two. “Take me home,” says Winnie The Pooh
“And if we have to travel far I’ll bring my honey jar.”
Oh, I’m going down to the Library
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Gonna say Hi to the Dictionary
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Sleeping Beauty yawned and said, “I’ll come when I get out of bed.”
But Madeline says, “Let her nap!” and jumps into my lap
The Cat In The Hat says, “Hey, I’ll go.” “Don’t take him!” cries Pinnochio
“Don’t take that cat to your address; he always makes a mess.”
Oh, I’m going down to the Library
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Gonna say Hi to the Dictionary
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Mrs. Parker’s back behind the checkout desk today
The Cheshire Cat jumps on her head and says, “Let’s play!”
But Mrs. P. says, “Goodness, are you sure you want all these?”
“Oh yes!” we shout together. She says, “Shhh! Quiet please!”
I’m going down to the Library
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Gonna say Hi to the Dictionary
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
The Seven Dwarfs begin to shout, “Say, take us with you. Check us out!”
Then Cinderella gets her gown and Babar grabs his crown
Then Curious George swings from the shelf. Along comes Mother Goose herself
Out the door we danced and sang. The whole Library rang
Oh, I’m going down to the Library
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
Gonna say Hi to the Dictionary
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out
I’m going down to the Li… Shhh!
Picking out a book, check it in, check it out!

Carrot Cake Day

National Carrot Cake Day is celebrated on February 3 of every year. Carrot cake is a cake made up of carrots mixed with batter. It has a soft and dense texture. National Carrot Cake Day is a day to enjoy the taste of Carrot Cake with your family members, friends, and co-workers.

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.” – Jim Davis

History of National Carrot Cake Day

The creator or inventor of National Carrot Cake Day is still unknown. From the medieval period, the carrots have been used to make sweet cakes. As the sweeteners were expensive and scarce at that time peoples used carrots as sweeteners. The carrots contain more sugar than the other vegetables, and it is easy to make delicious desserts with carrots. The origin of carrot cake is disputed around the world, and their recipes were made from 1827. According to Culinary Heritage of Switzerland, Carrot Cakes are most famous in Switzerland for the children birthdays. Carrots cakes usually made with less sugar, healthy oils and sometimes healthy nuts will be added to it. Carrot cakes have some healthier facts than the other cakes. Carrots cakes are packed with Health Promoting Beta Carotene which gives good vision especially at night times, and it will combat health-damaging free radical activity. During the second world war, a businessman in the United States of America named George C. Page hired his master bakers to find the users for the cans of carrots, and he managed to promote the idea of carrot cake to create a demand for the product.

National Carrot Cake Day 2018 - February 3

How to Celebrate National Carrot Cake Day

The best way to celebrate the National Carrot Cake Day is by enjoying the taste of Carrot cakes with your family members, friends and even with co-workers. Just visit the nearby local bakery and enjoy your favourite carrot cake recipe. You can also make your favourite cake recipe in your kitchen and share them with your friends and family members. Gather your friends and conduct a Carrot Cake Themed Party. Peoples can use the hashtag #CarrotCakeDay to express their feelings about Carrot Cake Day on social media.


Wear Red Day

National Wear Red Day is an annual awareness day celebrated on February 2nd of this year. Heart disease is considered to be the #1 health threat for the women from all over the world. The heart disease and stroke cause one in three deaths among women each year. Approximately one woman every 80 seconds are being killed due to cardiovascular disease. So it is important for any women to know about the heart disease as get rid of it in a better way possible. National Wear Red Day is created in a way to bring in awareness to the women about the heart disease. People are encouraged to wear red as a symbol of their support of women’s heart health on this Day.

“Heart disease continues to be the number one killer; cancer, the number 2 killer, not far behind. The tragic aspect of these deadly diseases is that they could all be cured, I do believe, if we had sufficient funding.” – Arlen Specter

History of National Wear Red Day

The National Wear Red Day has been in celebration since the year 2003. The Heart Truth, a national awareness campaign has created this awareness Day. Ever since that, the first Friday of every February marks this Day. The awareness campaign has founded this Day for women as to bring awareness about the heart disease. The Day has been sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (N.I.H.), which is the part of the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Wear Red Day is a massive national public awareness that was first observed in 2002 with an aim to bring national attention and raise awareness about the women’s heart health. It is essential to fight against the No.1 killer of women as with this awareness movement.

National Wear Red Day 2018 - February 2

The increase in heart disease is due to the cardiovascular disease that kills approximately one woman every 80 seconds. Both the heart disease and stroke is killing one in three women. According to Go Red for Women’s official website, the 80 percent of the cardiac events are preventable with the education and lifestyle changes. The lives of women can be saved or prevented from heart disease with effective lifestyle changes, mobilizing communities and shaping policies for the betterment. The Go Red for Women organization is working to make woman knows more about heart disease as a better way to make her beat it.

Go Red For Women encourages women to make the time to Know Your Numbers. All the women should know to take control of their heart health with the five numbers like Total Cholesterol, HDL (good) Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, and Body Mass Index (BMI). By knowing these numbers, any women can determine their risk of developing the cardiovascular diseases. The Heart Truth has created and introduced the Red Dress as the national symbol for the women and the heart disease awareness. Both men and women are being encouraged to wear red as a symbol of their support of women’s heart health.

How to Celebrate National Wear Red Day

Celebrating the National Wear Red Day is quite simple. Get to know in detail about the heart disease, its symptoms, and treatments. You could also show your support for the women and awareness about the heart problems by wearing a red dress. Support and encourage women around you to take medical checkups relating to the heart diseases. Ask them to keep up heart health with the five numbers. Encourage and educate people around you and spread knowledge about the heart issues faced by women. Make everyone around you wear red and share your picture on the social media using the hashtag #WearRedDay.

Bubble Gum Day

Bubble Gum Day is an annual celebration observed on February 2nd of this year. In all of our childhood, there would be moments of fun on looking at whose bubble gum is bigger. Even after being adults most of us blow the bubble gum out of joy. It comes in different colour, flavours, size, and shape. Bubblegum is a favourite for all age group people. With so much of popularity, there exists a unique celebration Day in the calendar for those ever loving bubble gum. Celebrate the Bubble Game Day by chewing gum to make the Day fulfilled.

“Chewing gum actually lowers your cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. But chewing gum doesn’t just reduce stress, it also makes you more alert and improves your performance in memory-oriented tasks. It does so by increasing the blood flow to your brain and alerting your senses.” – Travis Bradberry

History of Bubble Gum Day

The Bubble Gum Day has been in celebration since the year 2006. Ruth Spiro, children’s book author is the founder of this celebration Day. The first Friday of every February ever since marks this celebration Day. The creator of this Day has come up with this idea as to generating the charitable contributions and allowing the kids to chew gum in the school. Those who donate 50 cents or more gets to chew gum and raise fund. It encourages children to know about the importance of humankind. Sooner, the Day has become a successful celebration as charity is not limited under any circumstances.

Bubble Gum Day 2018 - February 2

The original bubble gum was created in 1928 by Walter Diemer. It was pink in colour, and the reason is it was the only dye that Diemer had most on hand at the time. The synthetic gum based materials are used in modern chewing gum, as the natural rubber chicle needs to pass several purity and cleanliness tests. Children prefer strawberry, and blue raspberry flavours as other complex flavours bring them the feel to swallow it. There are various health benefits associated with the chewing gum. The bubble gum is found to be a great stress reliever and is also good for the oral health.

How to Celebrate Bubble Gum Day

Celebrating the Bubble Gum Day is very simple. Get to know more about the bubble gum. You can chew up your favourite bubble gum and enjoy the Day. You can indulge yourself in a fundraising activity or make some donation to help others. Spread knowledge about the benefits of chewing bubble gum. Share your bubble photos and the celebration photos on the social media using the hashtag #BubbleGumDay.

Working Naked Day

National Working Naked Day is an annual observance celebrated on February 2nd of this year. Never shrink your face for such a Day marked on the calendar. You will really love if you come to know the actual meaning of this special day. Most people are involved working in the office, and not everything over there is comfortable for all of them. What if there comes a Day that gives you a chance to work from home? Sounds good? Yes, you can sure enjoy working from your home at least on the National Working Naked Day. So, it indeed the most awaiting Day for those who wanted to stay comfortable while on work being from home.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs

History of National Working Naked Day

The National Working Naked Day has been in celebration since the year 2010. Lisa Kanare, author and home office expert, has created this Day. It was initially celebrated annually on February 1st until 2014. From the following year, the Day has been celebrated on the first Friday of every February. Working Naked Day is not about working without clothes. Rather it is about working from your home with the comfortable confines. Lisa Kanare has come with this idea as to make people working at the office get the leisure of working from home. She started working from home once after she had left a corporate job over 20 years ago. Lisa has created a brand called Working Naked and a website called

National Working Naked Day 2018 - February 2

Working from home gives you lots of positives when compared being in office. Working Naked means different things to different kinds of people. Some take working naked as commute-free, boss-free, and annoying-co-worker-free environment working. For others, it means working naked literally. Most of us would feel that we are being monitored by someone around and home is the best place to get out off all these stuff. The freedom and flexibility one gets at home cannot be compared with any other place including the office. You are always away from the stress and commute. Make sure you have the six things while at work-from-home including attitude, confidence, pride, ambition, armour and a sense of humour.

How to Celebrate National Working Naked Day

Celebrating the National Working Naked Day is quite simple. If you are about to work in your comfort zone of being at home, then you can ask your boss or higher official to work from home at least on this special Day. Stay cool and comfortable with your clothes, position of seating, and everything. Wear your favourite t-shirt, pyjamas, skirts and anything you wish. You can sit in your kitchen or in the bedroom while at work.

So get the freedom of working without being monitored by someone on this Day right at your home. If you are running your own business, then you can make your workers stay at home to work on this Day. Working naked means not working without clothes but even if you wish you can. Make sure you are in the private space. Share your work at home experience and pictures on the social media using the hashtag #WorkingNakedDay.

Hedgehog Day

National Hedgehog Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. Around the year 1450, the word hedgehog came into use. It is derived from the word of Middle English “hedgehog“. There are about 17 species of hedgehog in 5 genera, and they are found in the parts of Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and Africa. National Hedgehog Day is dedicated to these lovely creatures. Hedgehogs depend mostly on their sense of smell, as they can easily smell food even under an inch of soil and these Hedgehogs can also sense danger.

I’m an inveterate fox and not a hedgehog, so I always think you should try everything.” – Clifford Geertz.

History of National Hedgehog Day

National Hedgehog Day is celebrated on February 2 for two reasons; the first reason is that February 2 is a Roman tradition similar to the modern Groundhog Day celebrated on the same date and the second reason is that February 2 is the release date for Sonic, the Hedgehog 3 in 1994 in the United States. Even before the origin of Groundhog Day, the Romans celebrated a similar day on the same date thousands of years ago, but instead of a groundhog, they used the hedgehog for the weather forecast. National Hedgehog Day is same as the Groundhog Day if the hedgehog comes out of his den and sees his shadow it means the winter will continue for six more weeks. In North America, there are no native species of hedgehog, so they replaced the hedgehog with the native groundhog.

National Hedgehog Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate National Hedgehog Day

If you are interested in celebrating National Hedgehog Day, then go for a Hedgehog watching and offer some food to these Hedgehogs. Also, take some time to check if the Hedgehog or groundhog has seen its shadow on 2nd February and whether the winter continues for another six weeks. Then post pictures and share your thoughts about the National Hedgehog Day with others on social media by using the hashtag #HedgehogDay.

Sled Dog Day

National Sled Dog Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. Sled dogs were essential in northern areas for transportation and actually, in these regions Sled dogs were the only mode of transportation as these regions were unreachable by other modes of transportation until aeroplanes finally took over in the year 1930. National Sled Dog Day is dedicated to these lovely Sled Dogs that run through snow full day, pulling a Sled with a heavyweight. Sled dogs were used during the Alaskan gold rush.

Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes” – Lewis Grizzard.

History of National Sled Dog Day

The exact origin and the founder of National Sled Dog Day are still unknown. Sled dogs are believed to have evolved over 35,000 years ago in the hilly regions of Northern Asia, but they are used for pulling Sleds about 3,000 years ago. These Sled dogs transferred mail to rural places in northern Canada and Alaska. Sled dogs are even used today by few rural communities, mostly in the areas of Alaska and Canada and around Greenland. One of the Sled dogs great success was the serum run from Nome to the town of Nenana in the year 1925. To solve the problem of diphtheria for the peoples in Nome suffered, antitoxin serum is needed to cure this disease. The Serum was in the town of Nenana which is about 1,100kms away from Nome. Hundreds of people and children would have died if not those 20 men and 150 dogs helped them. This 20 dogsled teams worked together to transfer the serum to Nome, and the serum arrived in Nome within in 6 days which saved the lives of many people.

National Sled Dog Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate National Sled Dog Day

On National Sled Dog Day, various races like the Iditarod and the Yukon Questeach will be organised on every year, and you can enjoy watching these races. Also, take this day as an opportunity and give some money to dog charities that take care of sick dogs and homeless dogs. Then post pictures to create awareness about this day and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media by using the hashtag #SledDogDay.

Candlemas Day

Candlemas Day

Candlemas day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. It is a Christian holiday. According to Christian faith, Candlemas day celebrates three instances; the first one is: the presentation of the Lord Jesus, next is: Jesus 1st entry into the temple and the last one is: the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Spanish speaking countries, this day is also called as Candelaria. Many Christians observe this day all around the world but Candlemas day is not a public holiday in countries like United States, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada. This day is also known as “the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary” and “Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus“.

Our lighted candles are a sign of the divine splendor of the one who came to expel the dark shadows of evil and to make the whole universe radiant with the brilliance of his eternal light. Our candles also show how bright our souls should be when we go to meet Christ.”

History of Candlemas day

Candlemas Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year, because this date is typically the 40th day of the Christmas epiphany season. Candlemas day focuses on Jesus early life. Many Christians around the world trust that Jesus mother Mary gave him to God in Jerusalem at a Temple after observing the 40-day period of purification following his birth. It is a tradition for Christians in few countries to remove their decorations they made on Christmas on the Twelfth Night, i.e. Epiphany Eve, but few other Christians in other Christian nations historically remove the Christmas decorations on Candlemas Day. Many people believe Jesus as the ‘light of the world‘ like this name suggests candles are blessed in Candlemas, and a candle-lit celebration precedes the mass. On this particular occasion, many orthodox Christians also bring their candles to a local church, and they request for these candles to be blessed. Then they use these blessed beeswax candles in the church or at home for the rest of the year. On this Candlemas day, it is a tradition in some parts of Europe like France to eat crepes. Everyone from a family prepares and makes a pancake on Candlemas by holding a coin in hand. By doing like this, it is believed to assure happiness and wealth until the next Candlemas Day.

Candlemas Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate Candlemas Day

On Candlemas day, like the traditional belief take some candles to your local church and get them blessed and use it for the rest of the year. As eating crepes on Candlemas is a habit in few countries, you can also enjoy eating pancakes on this day with your family members and friends. Then post pictures and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media using the hashtag #Candlemasday.

Marmot Day

Marmot Day is celebrated on February 2 of every year. It is a special day dedicated to the observance of marmots. Marmots are a variety of large animals like squirrels that include woodchucks, ground squirrels, and groundhogs. Even though these marmots can be found all over the globe, from Russia to India and from Canada to Mexico, marmots don’t seem to get the recognition. Hence Marmot Day is a day to honour these mysterious creatures around the world.

There are a lot of public misconceptions surrounding marmots, but as my students and I are finding, scientists also have much to learn about them ” – Olson.

History of Marmot Day

Marmot Day was first celebrated in the year 2002 as a day to observe all marmots. Marmot Day celebrations take a lot of different forms. It is an official holiday in Alaska. In Alaska, it is celebrated on every year to honour Alaskan marmots and Alaskan culture. Marmot Day became an official holiday in Alaska on 18th April 2009, after the 26th Alaska State Legislature passed Senate Bill 58 officially. On Marmot Day, family dinners will be organised, and marmot jokes and stories will be shared in the dinner. It is also the title of a community observance in Owosso, Michigan that occurs on 25th July. The city of Owosso, Michigan organises a festival on this day which offers different family events, activities and a marmot video competition.

Marmot Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate Marmot Day

If you are interested to celebrate the day but you aren’t able to go Alaska or Michigan, no problem don’t worry. Just go out to watch marmot in a place where marmot can be found. If not, you can look at the history of marmots and research about it online. Learn more about Marmot and their nature. Then post pictures and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media by using the hashtag #MarmotDay.

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is observed on February 2 of every year in the United States of America and Canada. It is a popular observance among many Americans and it focuses on the tradition of the groundhog coming out of its den to forecast the weather.  It is believed by many Americans that if it is sunny when the groundhog comes out of its home and sees his shadow, it means the winter will continue for 6 more weeks. In that case, the groundhog will go back into his home and will sleep again. But suppose if it is cloudy while the groundhog comes out and not able to see his own shadow then the groundhog stays outside to play, then people will start celebrating by believing that spring is about to come.

The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its prediction and then disappears.” – Bill Vaughn.

History of Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day was first celebrated in the United States in the year 1887. Clymer H. Freas, editor of the local paper Punxsutawney Spirit started encouraging the groundhogs as the official Groundhog Day meteorologist. Even though some places have in some cases started celebrating their own groundhogs, Punxsutawney Phil, the official groundhog lives near Punxsutawney at Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania. Every year thousands of visitors come to Punxsutawney on 2nd February to participate in this celebration. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club plays a vital role in arranging Groundhog Day in the town. Also, many Club members, visitors, locals, and reporters gather at Gobbler’s Knob on 2nd February of every year to see the appearance of Phil’s and his weather prediction. Pennsylvania’s governor attends ceremonies of Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney observed its 1st Groundhog Day in the 1800s in the United States. This day also gained popularity with the release of the film Groundhog Day in the year 1993. All these started so many decades before when nature and animal worship was popular, people of Europe believed that the badger had the ability to estimate the coming of spring. They will plant their crops after the badger predicts the weather. But later sadly in Pennsylvania, there were not many badgers so the badger was substituted by the groundhog.

Groundhog Day 2018 - February 2

How to Celebrate Groundhog Day

If you want to participate in the annual Groundhog Day celebration then go to Pennsylvania, if you can’t make it to  Pennsylvania then try participating in the events organized on the day in other places. If you are not able to participate in the event then take some time to look at the celebration of the day online and check if the groundhog has seen its shadow. Then post pictures and share your thoughts about the day with others on social media by using the hashtag #GroundhogDay.

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