Author: o_diana (Page 27 of 61)

Laugh And Get Rich Day

Laugh And Get Rich Day is an annual celebration observed on February 8th of every year. Is there a reason needed for laughing? Not at all and you can feel free to laugh as to make your life enjoyable and happier. It’s time to get out of your stress and indulge yourself in laughing. Show off your tooth by indulging yourself in nice laughing. Laugh and get rich doesn’t bring you money and make you rich externally. Instead, it makes you richer by self from within. Feel good and healthy by giggling more.If you laugh more then you will live for more years. In such a way, Laugh And Get Rich Day is created to encourage people to spend their day laughing and being happy.

“Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things.” – Kenneth Branagh

History of Laugh And Get Rich Day

The origin, history, and the founder of the Laugh And Get Rich Day is unknown. There is no mention regarding the year from when this Day has been in observance. Might be the creator of this Day has thought to encourage people and enrich their life loaded with happiness by making them laugh. Never think that this Day is a perfect excuse to let enjoy the holiday. Instead, remember laughing brings several benefits and improves one’s health. Laughing helps you in every other activity of yours. It improves your health and builds better immune system.

Laugh And Get Rich Day 2018 - February 8

Studies have shown that laughing is a good medicine for those people who are sick and suffering from chronic diseases. Laughing helps in increasing the endorphins in the body thus resulting in a lift in mood and a decrease in the pain. People who often laugh also tend to have low stress, anxiety, blood pressure. Being happy makes a person love others and his/her work more which results in higher productivity. Happy people will be able to attract others easily, and they will be loved by many as they spread positive vibrations easily. Those who smile or laugh are socially accepted, and they are the ones to have many friends.

How to Celebrate Laugh And Get Rich Day

The best way to celebrate Laugh and Get Rich Day is to let yourself indulge in nice laughing and only laughing. You can practise for a laughter therapy whenever you feel angry or tensed as to relax. Be a positive kind of people and celebrate every part of your life with a smile on your face. Tell jokes if you have got a good humour sense or laugh out loud at the jokes made by your friend or co-worker. Be nice to your colleagues by spreading the smile on all of them irrespective of the work pressure as to make yourself and others feel relaxed. It is easy to maintain a healthy life and heal yourself when you smile, giggle, or laugh. You are the richest and wealthiest person when you carry out any of this. Share your views and laughing photos on the social media using the hashtag #LaughAndGetRichDay.


e-Day is an annual celebration observed on February 7th of each year. It is not the day for the internet or internet waste as you may think. So are you getting a question what this Day is all about then? You would have used the term ‘e’ in your math classes, and this celebration is just for it. Nothing weird in such a celebration as there are not so many celebration days in the calendar meant for such mathematical terms. The e-Day celebrates the mathematical constant ‘e,’ that has a value equivalent to 2.7182818. The constant e is also called as Euler’s number named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler.

“For the sake of brevity, we will always represent this number 2.718281828459… by the letter e.” – Leonhard Euler

History of e-Day

The year from when the e-Day has been in the celebration is unknown. There is no exact mention of the person who created such a day for the mathematical constant ‘e.’ However, there is a reason for choosing February 7th as the date for this celebration. As the first two digits of the mathematical constant ‘e’ have a value 2.7182818 and it can be written concerning the month-day (m/d) format as 2/7. Hence the second month of the seventh day is the e-Day. In some other parts of the world that follows the day/month format celebrates this day on January 27 (27/1). The Euler’s constant ‘e’ is also known as the “Euler’s number” after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler. The term ‘e’ is a mathematical constant that represents the base of the natural logarithm. i.e., the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one and is approximately equal to 2.71828.

e-Day 2018 - February 7

The mathematical constant ‘e’  is an irrational number, and a transcendental number that represents the idea of all continually growing systems are a scaled version of a common rate. The constant e is mostly used in the logarithms, complex numbers, and in the exponential growth. ‘e’  is also used to calculate Continuous Compound Interest and is used in computing various aspects of the Atmospheric Pressure and other natural phenomena. Euler’s constant ‘e’  is one of the most important numbers in the mathematics, including 0, 1 and pi (π). The mathematical constant, e is sometimes called as the Napier’s Constant. It is most often incorrectly referred to the Euler’s Constant which is denoted by the lower case gamma (γ) with value 0.57721.

The term was discovered by several mathematicians like Oughtred, Jacob Bernoulli, Huygens, Mercator and Leibniz. However, they didn’t know its significance. It was first referenced in a book of logarithms by John Napier during the early 17th century. The first known use of e hadn’t come out until 1690 when Gottfried Leibniz used it in correspondence to the Christiaan Huygens. In that correspondence, the letter ‘b’ was used instead of ‘e.’ It wasn’t until Leonhard Euler who decided to use ‘e’ as to express this Euler’s constant which finally began to become the mathematical standard.

How to Celebrate e-Day

Celebrating the e-Day is quite simple. Get to know and learn more about Euler’s number, its usage and its importance in the field of mathematics and science. You can make your child know about the history of the ‘e.’ Fill up your mouth with foods starting with the letter with ‘e.’ You can eat eggs, eggplant, eggnog, or eclairs and more. Share your e-Day celebrations pictures and your views on the social media using the hashtag #eDay.

Send A Card To A Friend Day

National Send A Card To A Friend Day is celebrated on February 7of every year. Friends are the best part of our life. The day encourages the peoples to send a card to a friend to let them know that they have not been forgotten in their life. We all have different kinds of friends, and some of them may be your family. There is no word to explain the importance or role of the friend’s in our life. We can recall those memories (it may be bad or good) by sending a gift to them. Hence National Send A Card To A Friend Day is a day to send a card to your friend to stay in touch with them.

History of National Send A Card To A Friend Day

The creator or inventor of National Send A Card To A Friend Day is still unknown. But some of them believe that a card company created the day. It is important that the card should be your made. We all love to stay in touch with our friends. But our daily routine life makes it hard to remain in contact with them. So if you are not able to keep in contact with them, just Send them a card to them to recall old memories.

National Send A Card To A Friend Day 2018 - February 7

How to Celebrate National Send A Card To A Friend Day

Celebrating the National Send A Card To A Friend Day is quite simple, and there are the lot of ways to celebrate. Pick a friend who you haven’t seen in a while and send them a card to recall the old memories. Or spend some time out of the day and write notes to them. Some of them may love handwritten note, if you can’t send them, send them an email or e-card. To express your feelings on social media, use #SendACardToAFriendDay.

Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day

Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day is an annual observance celebrated on February 7th of every year. It’s time to greet your neighbour if you haven’t so far started a conversation. Put a smile, wave your fingers to show your respect, love and appreciate towards your neighbours. Make sure you show a small gesture of kindness towards your next-door-people. Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day encourage people to have a good relationship by waving all your fingers at your neighbours.

“We make our friends; we make our enemies, but God makes our next door neighbour.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

History of Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day

The origin, history, and the creator of the Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day are unknown. There is no exact mention about the year from when this joyful Day has been in celebration. However, the celebration Day encourages all of us to be neighbourly to our neighbours. It is is the perfect time to start your conversation with your neighbourhood home mates. Neighbours are those who occupy a larger part of our lives. Those who have friendly neighbours know how much enjoyable when surrounded by them in any situation. For others who have never looked up to see your neighbours can take this Day as the perfect chance to start your conversation with a simple gesture like waving your fingers. Just forget about the all the hardships which you have so far carried and wave off them by waving all your fingers at your neighbours.

Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day

How to Celebrate Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day

Celebrating Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day is quite simple. Take a look at your neighbour to show your love by waving all your fingers. Have a bigger brighter smile on your face and wave all your fingers at your neighbour while at your jogging, great him/her by saying hey, hello, or have a nice day and such positive words. Never wait for your next door person to start showing the gesture. Instead, make yourself the first to wave at them. Organize a party and invite all your neighbourhood people to start making a better conversation. You can share your pictures along with your neighbour on the social media using the hashtag #WaveAllYourFingersAtYourNeighborDay.

Happy Rose Day

The Valentine’s Rose Day is celebrated on the February 7 of every year. The madness of love is about to blossom as the Valentines Week 2018 is around the corner. Rose Day is the beginning of long Valentines Day Week. When you want to make someone feel special, you can express your hearty emotions of love and affection through aromatic and beautiful Red Rose. Love and rose are synonymous with each other, and they will be a perfect combo for that special person in your life.  There is nothing in this world which can splash your heart with deep passion, love and romance than the silk and soft red petals with contrasting green leaves. No matter if you cannot express your heartfelt emotions in words; these fresh and charming red roses will act as the best conveyor of feelings and emotions, and it will surely help you to express your undying love.

History of Rose Day

The exact origin and the founder of Valentine Rose Day are unknown. But there is an interesting story related to the roses on this day. If you carefully follow the letters in “rose“, you will realise that if the letters are arranged in a certain manner, it will spell “Eros” who is celebrated as the “God of Love.” The Greek mythology reveals that the red rose is the favourite flower for the Goddess Venus (Goddess of love). So let yourself fly in love air, find your real love in a crowd, or who has been already wet in love rain, will encounter with their best cherished moments in your life. On Valentine Rose Day, Buy a bucket full of roses and present them to special people who were into the heart for a long time. Let the roses do the rest, and you let yourself free in your loving arms.

Happy Rose Day 2018

Valentines Week List

The Valentines week starts on February 7, and it ends on February 14. Here is the list of Valentines Week 2018

Happy Rose Day 2018 Wishes

Have a look at these following Happy Rose Valentine Day 2018 Wishes or Happy Rose Day SMS Wishes or Happy Rose Day Quotes and you can use these quotes to wish your loved one.

I want to gift you a present which is as precious as you are. So I am gifting you a bunch of lovely roses.” – Happy Rose Day 2018!.

When I am in your company, I forget my sorrows and pains. May we never part.” – Happy Rose Valentine Day 2018!

Sending you a bunch of roses on this day to express my love for you which is as deep, pure and beautiful.” – Happy Valentines Rose Day 2018!

I am sending red roses to my dream girl just to let you know that you are as precious to me as flowers are to bees.”

Love can be expressed in many ways. But I think a rose is a rose is a rose. So here am I, sending you a bunch today.” – Happy Valentines Rose Day 2018!

You have loved me with all my flaws and limitations, You have accepted me as I am.” – Happy Rose Valentine Day 2018!

Words cannot fully express how I feel about you. For me, You are the source of happiness, love and strength.” – Happy Rose Valentine Day 2018!

True love is not without pain, like that of thorns in your side. Yet love is like the ros ein full bloom, beautiful and full of life.” – Happy Feb Rose Day 2018!

Hey Beautiful! I wanted to gift you something which makes your world full of love so I am sending a bunch of Roses for my princess. I hope the fragrance of these roses fill your life with happiness and joy.” – Happy Rose 2018!

Happy Rose Day 2018 Images

Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018
Happy Rose Day 2018

How to Celebrate Rose Day

For all the lovers or couples around the world, it’s time to gear up and show how deeply and madly you are in love with that particular person. Apart from presenting them with the bouquet of roses, you can also present them with lovely and unique Valentine gifts on Rose Day. Presenting them a thoughtful or a romantic gift will portray your love in a unique way, and it will add more happiness to your Rose Day celebration. Purchase the various collection of gifts such as-personalized photo frames, teddy bears, coffee mugs, yummy chocolates and speak your heart with these excellent gifts and greetings. Post your Rose Day Celebrations on social media by using the hashtags #RoseDay or #HappyRoseDay.

Lame Duck Day

National Lame Duck Day is an annual fun celebration observed on February 6th of every year. A lame duck is a term currently used in politics. However, a lame duck is a phrase originated in a field that far away from the politics. Lame Duck refers to the person or a group of elected officials who are nearing their tenure and will no longer be running for the political office again. i.e., the successor of the elected official has already been elected, and the reelection is no longer a possibility for that officials. National Lame Duck Day honours and recognizes anyone who is on their way out of their tenure or their elected office.

“You know, it’s just one small step from legacy to a lame duck.” – Bill Clinton

History of National Lame Duck Day

The founder and the year from when the National Lame Duck Day has been in the celebration are unknown. Lame Duck Day is annually celebrated on February 6th in remembrance of the 20th amendment proclaimed by the U.S. Secretary of State. It is the amendment that has shortened the amount of time between the election day and the start of Presidential, Vice Presidential, and Congressional terms. An official is a lame duck after a successor has been elected to the same position. At this time, if the representative was not reelected or is no longer eligible for the reelection, then they no longer have to concern about themselves with the desires of their constituency.

National Lame Duck Day 2018 - February 6

In the U.S. politics, the period between presidential & congressional elections held in November and the inauguration of the officials early in the following year is commonly termed as the “lame duck period.” The inaugurations occurred on March 4 until 1933. The Congress usually had two sessions and the second session was held from that December until March after the election of the next Congress. The session was commonly called as the “lame duck session.” Criticism of this process has led to the 20th Amendment passage in 1933, which moved the beginning of the new Congress to January 3rd and the inauguration of the president to January 20th, thus shortening the lame duck period.

Usually, the lame duck officials tend to have less political power, as with successively elected officials are less likely to cooperate with them. While in a lame duck session, members of the Congress are no longer accountable to their constituents. Thus they can focus and switch to more personal gain instead of acting on behalf of their constituents with an eye toward the re-election. However, the term lame duck has been traced for the first usage in the London Stock Exchange during the 18th century. It is a term that is used to refer to a defaulter, i.e., someone who couldn’t be able to pay his or her debts and then waddled off like a lame duck. Later it referred to the unethical businessmen who found themselves bankrupt and continue to do business although they have no money to pay employees or suppliers.

How to Celebrate National Lame Duck Day

Celebrating the National Lame Duck Day is quite simple. Get to know about the full history of the 20th amendment proclamation. Appreciate and honour any lame duck you know. It is indeed necessary to celebrate them for their so long good governance. If you know someone personally, then you can organize a party for them. If you are a lame duck yourself then you can enjoy the final days of your tenure. Share your support with other lame duck officials. Post and share your views and lame duck day celebration on the social media using the hashtag #LameDuckDay.

Frozen Yogurt Day

National Frozen Yogurt Day is celebrated on February 6 of every year. Frozen Yogurt is a frozen dessert made with yoghurt, and sometimes other dairy products will be added. It is an ice cream, and since using milk instead of cream, it is lower in fat. Recently it is termed as low- fat or light Ice Cream as it differs from Ice milk and regular soft serve. Frozen Yogurt may contain some live and active bacteria cultures. Hence National Frozen Yogurt Day is a perfect day to enjoy the tart taste of Yogurt with your family members, friends, and even co-workers.

I’m obsessed with frozen yogurt because you don’t feel totally guilty eating it. It’s not as bad as ice cream, and during the hot summer months, it’s a great way to just refresh.” – Caroline Sunshine

History of Frozen Yogurt Day

The creator or inventor of National Frozen Yogurt Day was still unknown. People in the Middle East and India are eating Yogurt for nearly four millennia, and it was brought to the USA in early 1900’s. It gradually increased as a healthy food when the population gets increased. Dannon, Multinational Food Products Corporation in French started to sell Yogurt in United the States of America from 1930 as a prepackaged Yogurt. By the time of 1970 freezing and production, technology was transferred to the production of Frozen Yogurt as the popularity of ice cream surging, and consumers started to complain about the taste of Yogurt. So if you are looking for a heart-healthy dessert with all the flavour and punch of Icecream, just get out there and buy yourself a Frozen Yogurt.

National Frozen Yogurt Day 2018 - February 6

How to Celebrate National Frozen Yogurt Day

The best way to celebrate the National Frozen Yogurt Day is enjoying the taste of Frozen Yogurt with your family members and friends. You can also try your favourite Frozen Yogurt recipe at your home. Share them with your family members, friends and even with co-workers. Gather your friends and conduct and Frozen Yogurt themed party. Take pictures while eating Frozen Yogurt and then share those pictures with others by using the hashtag #FrozenYogurtDay.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is an annual celebration observed on February 6th of every year. The internet has become a vital tool in everyday life of anyone. It is unquestionably an amazing invention in the field of technology. The Internet has changed the way we gather information, communicate with others and more of technology things. A coin has its two sides, and similarly, the internet has its positives and negatives. The boon of the internet has a very big list as most of our private lives and information are transferred over the internet are not often safe. It is much right when it comes to the children. Safer Internet Day reminds us to promote the safe and positive use of the digital technology for the children and young people and protect them from the dangers as to provide a safer internet.

“Turn off your email; turn off your phone; disconnect from the Internet; figure out a way to set limits so you can concentrate when you need to, and disengage when you need to. Technology is a good servant but a bad master.” – Gretchen Rubin

History of Safer Internet Day

The Safer Internet Day (SID) has been in celebration since the year 2004. The EU SafeBorders project has initiated such a celebration Day and was taken up by the Insafe network in 2005 as one of its earliest actions. SID was coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre which has expanded beyond its traditional geographic zone. It is an awareness Day created to promote the safe, responsible, and positive use of the digital technology for the children and the young people and to inspire a national conversation. SID offers the chance to highlight the positive uses of technology and thereby exploring the role played by all of us in helping to create a better and safer online community.

Safer Internet Day 2018 - February 6

SID in each year aims to raise awareness about the emerging online issues by choosing a topic that reflects the current concerns from the cyberbullying to social networking. The 2018 theme of SID is, “Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you.” The theme is a call to action for every stakeholder to play their active part in creating a better internet for everyone, particularly among the youngest users in the world. More than all, SID is an invitation for all the people to join in and respectfully engage with others to ensure a better digital and internet experience.

The concept of SID Committees was introduced in 2009 to strengthen the bonds with the countries outside the network and has now been celebrated in almost 130 countries worldwide coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network along with the support of the European Commission, and the national Safer Internet Centres across Europe. SID calls upon the young people, parents, teachers, social workers, carers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join hands in helping to create a better internet. SID initiatives include conferences, competitions, awareness-raising campaigns focusing on cyberbullying, paedophilia including the online paedophilia, sexting, loss of privacy, video game addiction, lifestyle overly sedentary or lonely, among the younger users.

How to Celebrate Safer Internet Day

The best way to celebrate the Safer Internet Day is to make sure your children are safe over the internet. It is your sole duty to know whether you are carrying only the necessary information on the internet. Ensure all your private details you shared over the web is safe and secured. Get to know how to deal when there occurs a situation like cyberbullying. Expand your online safety portfolio as is the best Day to start. Keep an eye on your children’s internet activity and make them share their internet usage with you. You can share your views and thoughts on SID on the social media using the hashtags #SaferInternetDay or #SID.

Weatherperson’s Day

National Weatherperson’s Day is an annual celebration observed on February 5th of every year. Imagine how you will find what will the weather condition the next day without the weatherperson? Of course, it is quite an impossible task for those like me to forecast it. Most of their weather prediction goes accurate, and you would have carried your raincoat and umbrella to protect yourself from rain and heat. It is these people who help us travel and make your trips enjoyable. So why not a special Day for these meteorological professionals and their team of members? National Weatherperson’s Day is created for them, and people are encouraged to appreciate and honour the weatherperson and make them pride for their incredible work.

“The weatherman is not only blamed for his failure to foretell, he is blamed for the weather itself.” – Chuck Jones

History of National Weatherperson’s Day

The creator and the year from when the National Weatherperson’s Day has been in the celebration are anonymous. However, the date is precisely chosen as a way to reminisce the birth anniversary of John Jeffries who was born on February 5th, 1744. This Day is also known as National Weatherman’s Day. Jeffries was one of the first weather observers of the United States, and he had taken his daily measurements starting from the year 1774. As a physician by profession, he was the first person who has made his first balloon flight in 1784 in London. He has made this flight with the purpose of gathering the data for a scientific study of the air at the high altitudes.

National Weatherperson's Day 2018 - February 5

Like Jeffries, there are many more people who have made a mark on the field throughout the years. The Weatherperson’s Day celebrates both the science of meteorology and those professionals working in this field. The weathermen are those who work hard to accurately forecast and report the often unpredictable and always changing weather. Even with so many new technological advances in this field, the weather forecasting is still a challenging business. It is the perfect day to pay tribute to those men and women who forecast and broadcast all the weather-related information and warnings every day of the year.

How to Celebrate National Weatherperson’s Day

Celebrating the National Weatherperson’s Day is very simple. Firstly, you can turn on your television or radio and listen to the weather news. Get to learn more about meteorological events and weather patterns. Never take the weather condition for granted. Know in detail and plan your day or the year accordingly and be prepared to save your lives for the upcoming hurricanes, storms, or tornadoes. Download any weather app to stay updated. Appreciate any weatherman if you know on this Day and make him/her feel proud. You can share your wishes and appreciation for the weatherperson on the social media using the hashtag #WeatherpersonsDay.

Western Monarch Day

Western Monarch Day is an annual celebration observed on February 5th of every year. Butterflies are the ever loved creature by all the people of different age groups. They fly little higher and travels from place to place. Western Monarch is one variety of butterflies that make its annual migrations to the central coast of California. As with varying circumstances, Western Monarch is found to be declining in number. As to encourage people to save them and protect them from any further drop, Western Monarch Day is celebrated. The Day also celebrates and pays homage to the thousands of butterflies which make their return.

“The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory.” – Gary Zukav

History of Western Monarch Day

The history, origin, founder, and the year from when the Western Monarch Day has been in the celebration are unknown. However, this Day celebrates the Western Monarch, a butterfly variety with a stunning mix of both grace and beauty. They return to the central California coast during the February to spend the winter during October through March. Thus the creator or organization has come up with a special Day for the Western Monarch in the same month. The Western Monarch’s migration is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world.

Western Monarch Day 2018 - February 5

Western Monarch butterflies will be a combination of gold, red, yellow and orange. Their migration can be tracked from the north and east to south and west, and then back again. They fly across the landscape in taking over the job of pollination. However, no individual butterfly will complete the entire round trip, and at least four generations are involved in this annual cycle. With higher percent of its population being declined, many organizations are involved in protecting this endangered species.

How to Celebrate Western Monarch Day

Celebrating the Western Monarch Day is quite simple. You can indulge yourself in protecting this endangered butterfly species by educating the people about the threats faced by the Western Monarch. Join hands with organizations or conservation groups as a way to help them breed more safely. You can plant milkweed in your yard as it is one of the main plants on which the western monarchs are highly dependent. Give them a place to rest themselves by planting the milkweed. You can visit the Pismo Beach in California where the Western Monarch Butterflies overwinter on this California coast. Share your views and pictures of Western Monarch on the social media using the hashtag #WesternMonarchDay.

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