Author: o_diana (Page 25 of 61)

Madly In love With Me Day

Madly In Love With Me Day is commemorated on February 13th of every year, the day before Valentines Day 2018. Madly In Love With Me Day is celebrated to mark the essence of loving oneself without guilt and choosing yourself before others. Its all about making yourself a best friend of you. It is dedicated to teaching people, particularly women, the importance of knowing and loving yourself. Self-love is the belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person. An example of self-love is when you have a favourable view of yourself and are confident in yourself and your place in the world.

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley

History of Madly In love With Me Day

Christine Arylo, author of madly in with me Book is believed to be the creator of Madly In love With Me Day. This book will help you know yourself, accept yourself, delight in yourself, and love yourself for real and for keeps. The result: you’ll shine more light, radiate more charisma, generate more power, and have more fun. After the release of the book, a day was created to celebrate the Madly In love With Me Day. However, self-love was first recognised in 1563 but was only later studied by philosophers William James and Erich Fromm, who studied human emotional behaviours, such as self-esteem and self-worth. Loving oneself is different from being arrogant, conceited or egocentric, its actual meaning that instead of caring about oneself and taking responsibility for oneself.

Madly In Love With Me Day 2018 - February 13

 How to celebrate Madly In love With Me Day

Celebrate this day by sharing the opinion on healthily loving oneself. Social media has created a platform for self-love promotion to address self-love positively rather than negatively. On this day enjoy yourself and do things that you need to for yourself. Share your thoughts about the day on social media by using the hashtag #MadlyInLoveWithMeDay.

World Radio Day

World Radio Day is celebrated on February 13 of every year. World Radio Day is a day to celebrate the radio and it is a day to remember the unique strength of radio and to connect the people together to every corner of the world. So World Radio Day is a day to celebrate the radio by educating the people by providing information and promoting freedom of expression across different cultures.

History of World Radio Day

The Kingdom of Spain initially proposed the World Radio Day on 20th September 2010 and the day proclaimed in UNESCO’s 36th General Conference on November 03, 2011. But the World Radio Day was first officially celebrated in 2012. Even though radios are 100 Years old; it is one of the greatest ways of sharing information, providing social interchange and to educate people all over the world. Radios are used to help people to engage in conversation on topics that affect them. Moreover, radio’s can save lives of human beings during the disaster which may be natural or human-made. It let the journalists a great platform to report facts and to tell their stories. Bangladesh NGO’s Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) had started an advocacy process from 1st World Radio Day on February 13, 2012, in combined with Public Service Broadcasting, community broadcasting at national and local level.

World Radio Day 2018 - February 13

How to Celebrate World Radio Day

Celebrate the World Radio Day by remembering those days that we spent by travelling with the radio and enjoying the terrific and newest music broadcast from our local radio stations. Every year the UNESCO celebrate the World Radio Day by organizing some new events with other organizations around the world. Peoples can participate in those events. Learn new things about the importance and history of Radios in our life. For more Fun, Take photo’s with your Radio and post it on social media using #RadioDay or #WorldRadioDay.

Plum Pudding Day

National Plum Pudding Day is an annual feast celebrated on February 12th of every year. Plum pudding is otherwise called as a Christmas pudding and served during the holiday season. Why not eat the pudding in this cold winter? Having gained so much of popularity among the people all over the world, Plum Pudding has its own celebration day. It is the perfect time to indulge treating yourself to the plum pudding filled with the raisins, nuts, and more ingredients. Taste the deliciously rich plum pudding on the National Plum Pudding Day to make it a complete celebration.

“I love the smell of a real Christmas tree – also, my mum’s Christmas pudding with brandy sauce.” – Mallory Jansen

History of National Plum Pudding Day

The history, origin, and the year from when the National Plum Pudding Day has been celebrated are anonymous. The person or the organization who has come up with this celebration is also not known. However, the plum pudding has been in existence since the 17th century and later. Plum pudding aka Christmas pudding is usually a steamed or boiled pudding and is served during the holiday season. Surprisingly the plum pudding contains no plums as like its name. The reason for this is the plums were referred to as raisins or other fruits in the 17th century.

National Plum Pudding Day

Plum pudding is prepared by using nutmeg, raisins, nuts, apples, dates, cinnamon, and many other ingredients. One of the earliest plum pudding recipes was recorded in 1714 book by Mary Kettilby. In England, it is a common tradition to have every person in a household simultaneously hold onto the wooden spoon together as a way to help stir the batter. It is mandatory to make a wish while stirring the batter.

How to Celebrate National Plum Pudding Day

Celebrating the National Plum Pudding Day is quite simple. You can enter into a local pastry shop to buy the plum pudding for you and your family. Get to know more about the plum pudding and its making. Try preparing it for your family and serve them the homemade plum pudding recipe. You can even add your preference for nuts and raisins to make it rich. Call your friends for a get-together and serve them the plum pudding. Share your plum pudding celebration photos on the social media using the hashtag #PlumPuddingDay.

Lost Penny Day

Lost Penny Day is an annual celebration observed on February 12th of every year. Unlike the currency notes, the pennies doesn’t fit into your wallets or purse. They are often small and slips down from the wallet. Of course, all of us would have lost some of the pennies. You would have placed it on the sofa, and it would have stuck in the sides or sometimes lock your outlet pipe of your washing machine. As the penny is tiny, it stays in the nooks and crannies of your home. The penny isn’t worth, yet it is quite a good sign to find the lost penny. On Lost Penny Day, you can take some efforts to find out the lost penny as on its very own special day.

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” – Benjamin Franklin

History of Lost Penny Day

The Lost Penny Day has been in celebration since the year 1995. Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith, an eventologist has come up with this idea and thus founded this special day for the lost penny. The penny has a long history and has been in usage since the year 1780s. Benjamin Franklin was the first ever person to design the first U.S. penny. He had introduced the first penny in the year 1787. Since then, several billion pennies have been minted. The penny we are familiar now has lots of images and depictions. The first of all the pennies have adorned with the image of late American president Abraham Lincoln in the year 1909. The date is precisely chosen as it was on February 12, 1909, that commemorate Lincoln’s 100th birthday anniversary. It was the same image that was printed on the pennies from the year 1959 to 2008.

Lost Penny Day

How to Celebrate Lost Penny Day

The best way to celebrate the Lost Penny Day is to make yourself indulge in searching for the lost penny.  Research to know more about the pennies, its history, types and kinds of pennies till date. It is the perfect time to start looking for the penny which you have lost or kept it somewhere forgotten. Hunt for them in every nook and corner of your home. Ask your children and family members to indulge in this fun activity. Well, who doesn’t like to get good luck when finding the lost penny gives that. Collect all the lost pennies you have found and donate it to the good cause or give to those who need it like those who are homeless. Share the pictures of your fun penny searching moments and valuable donation of pennies on the social media using the hashtag #LostPennyDay.


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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is an annual observance celebrated on February 11 of every year. There are a plethora of situations in everyone’s life that cannot be undone. So one must learn not to get stressed over such circumstances and get out of it. Have positive thoughts and be positive to face the new day in spirit. All the way you are encouraged to look on the brighter side of your life to be happy and peaceful. Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk is an age-old proverb that packs merely all the things mentioned above. Life will be more joyful and enjoyable when one learns to celebrate every other situation in the life and National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is creates with the same intention.

Don’t cry over spilled milk” – Benjamin Franklin

History of National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

It is quite uncertain when and who has come with the National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. Though the history of this Day is unknown, the caption of the day has a long history certainly. Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk has been in existence for several centuries earlier. ‘No weeping for shed milk,’ is one of the oldest references by James Howell in the year 1659. The original phrase retains its primary meaning even after several years. Crying or weeping over spilt milk is an English idiom which gives the meaning of being sad over something that cannot be undone.

Just like the spilt milk which cannot be taken back, one must not worry about the things that have happened in the past and regret about it. Of course, all of us make regrettable decisions and take things lite and get a lesson out from your mistake. So learn to be positive from every other negative happening in your life. Studies have shown that regretting too long will have a negative effect on one’s mental and physical health. It even creates stress and kills the decision-making skills.

How to Celebrate National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

The ever best way to celebrate the National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is to let go of your past as such. If you have made any mistake and regretting it, then take this Day as the best chance to learn from your mistake. You must understand that everything happens for a reason, and so it is. You better relax, try moving out of the spilt milk situation slowly. So make yourself feel the happiness. Be positive and cover up yourself with positive thoughts. Stay as a pessimist by not regretting too much as to avoid health problems. More than all you must focus on the beautiful things that are about to come on your way. Share your views about this Day on the social media using the hashtag #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay.

Make a Friend Day

National Make a Friend Day is celebrated on February 11 of every year. National Make a Friend Day is created to encourage the people to make new friends. Friends are the best part of our life. They help us through the bad times and dance along with us in the good times. There is a belief that “The Measure of our lives can be seen in our friends“. These are the bindings in our hearts that we never want to get rid of. Hence take “Make a Friend Day” as a perfect dat to make new friends in your life.

The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.” Simon Sinek

History of National Make a Friend Day

The creator or inventor of National Make a Friend Day is still unknown. We, humans, are social animals and we always need friends to fulfil our life. But with the daily rush of our lives, we tend to ignore our old friends and also forget to make new friends. That’s why National Make a Friend Day is created to encourage the people to come out of their comfort zone and try to meet new people to became with them.

National Make a Friend Day 2018 - February 11

Making new friends will help the people to expand their boundaries and learn about different cultures and different parts of the society. Research has shown that people with the diverse group of friends are more tolerant, open to new ideas, and empathetic than people who have a small or a non-diverse group of friends. Hence National Make a Friend Day is a day to make new friends and to spend some time with the old friends.

How to Celebrate National Make a Friend Day

Celebrating the National Make a Friend Day is very simple, and there are the lot of ways to celebrate. Spend some time in your nearby Coffee shop and say to hello to new peoples to became friends with them. The way you selecting the new friends and number of new friends you select is entirely up to you. It is also a day to spend some time with your old friends. Take pictures with your friends and share them on the social media’s by using the hashtag #MakeaFriendDay.

Plimsoll Day

National Plimsoll Day is an annual commemoration observed on February 10th of every year. Those who know what Plimsoll line is would have known the reason for this observance. In honour of Samuel Plimsoll, an English politician and social reformer back in the day had championed for the safety of the sailors while travelling in the world’s waterways in crammed-full ships. He was also the man who was responsible for the safer commercial sailing. His tireless efforts towards the welfare of the sailors have saved many of their lives and are still saving many. National Plimsoll Day is dedicated to celebrates Samuel Plimsoll and his incredible work for the betterment of the sailors.

“The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people, you meet on them.” – Amelia Barr

History of National Plimsoll Day

There is no indication of the history, origin, and the founder of the National Plimsoll Day. The year at when this commemoration has begun is also not known precisely. However, it is special Day that celebrates and honours the unimaginable work of the Samuel Plimsoll. As he was born on 10th February in 1824, the same date is chosen for the celebration. He is widely remembered for having been devised the Plimsoll line. He was very much effective in making a safer way to ship goods in England as accidents on the water took place often. Ships at late 1800’s were overloaded with goods and thus made the lives of the crew in jeopardy. He had attempted to become a coal merchant in London in 1853 and however, it ended up in failure.

National Plimsoll Day 2018 - February 10

Plimsoll found the struggles faced by the sailors, and thus he devoted his time to improving their condition. Plimsoll was soon elected as the Liberal Member of Parliament, and he was instrumental in Britain’s Business Delivery Act amendment. Also, he was responsible for England’s Merchant Shipping Act of 1876 and was the one who championed the Unseaworthy Ships Bill. Both these lead to what is called the Plimsoll line today. It is a line on the hull of the ship, and that indicates the maximum safe draft, and therefore it is easy to find the minimum freeboard for the vessel in different operating conditions.

How to Celebrate National Plimsoll Day

Celebrating the National Plimsoll Day is very simple. Get to learn about the Plimsoll line and its role in shipping. Get to learn about shipping in detail and the history of Samuel Plimsoll. You can shop the shipping goods to celebrate this Day better. Indulge your family members in doing their own shopping too. Spread all your Plimsoll day learning to others. If you are a sailor, then you indeed have to thank Plimsoll. You can share your Plimsoll Day celebrations on the social media using the hashtag #PlimsollDay.

Cream Cheese Brownie Day

National Cream Cheese Brownie Day is an annual food feast celebrated on February 10th of every year. Need not say any perfect excuse to treat your taste buds with the Cream Cheese Brownie. You will never resist a swirl and its delicious taste. Brownie lovers all over the nation have an official special celebration day. The heavenly combination of cream and cheese brownie will make anyone crave for more of the cream cheese brownie. National Cream Cheese Brownie Day wouldn’t get completed without tasting the fudgy or cakey Cream Cheese Brownie.

“You would be amazed by what you can give up, lose, or break, and yet still be a person who gets happy over brownies.” – Augusten Burroughs

History of National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

The history, origin, and the person who created the National Cream Cheese Brownie Day are unknown. There is no specific mention of the year from when this Day has been in celebration. However, the history of brownie has been in existence around the year 1800s, and it was documented for the first time in 1906 in The Boston Cooking School Cook Book. The cream cheese or its forms have been found in culinary records and is mentioned as early as 1583 in England. But, the first brownies were utterly different, and it doesn’t look the brownies we know today.

National Cream Cheese Brownie Day 2018 - February 10

The earliest version of brownie recipes was called for only two squares of baking chocolate. The Cream cheese brownie is one of the best brownies recipes in which the swirls of cream cheese batter is used to make brownies creamier and make it attain the smoother texture. It is prepared by folding a cream cheese batter into the brownie batter, and it results in the swirl pattern.

How to Celebrate National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

Celebrating the National Cream Cheese Brownie Day is quite simple. Treat yourself to the sweet, rich, delicious, and creamy flavours of a cream cheese brownie. Learn how to prepare Cream Cheese Brownie at your home, and you can bake it for your family. Call your friends and relatives to your home on this Day and serve them the homemade Cream Cheese Brownie. Share your Cream Cheese Brownie Day celebration photos on the social media using the hashtag #CreamCheeseBrownieDay.

Umbrella Day

National Umbrella Day

National Umbrella Day is celebrated on February 10 of every year. Nowadays, Umbrellas are part of the human life, but in ancient days they were used only by the nobility and by the rich peoples. Umbrellas are part of rituals and religious ceremonies of some cultures. Hence National Umbrella Day is a perfect day to honour the important invention which protects us from rain and sunlight.

Going around under an umbrella interferes with one’s looking up at the sky.” Jerzy Kosinski

History of National Umbrella Day

The creator or inventor of National Umbrella Day is still unknown. From the 18th century, umbrellas are a favourite fashion accessory for women’s. From the 19th century, it became one of the household items. Jonas Hanway, an English Man, was the first man to carry the umbrella and he is the only reason for the popularity of umbrellas among the men as an accessory in Europe and everywhere. Nowadays umbrellas became smaller in size, lighter in weight, comfortable to carry and resilient to wind and rain with the advance of technology. China is the highest country in the world manufacturing more number of umbrellas per year. Umbrellas are otherwise called as Parasols. But Parasols are not always been waterproof, and they are intended to shield peoples from the sunshine rather than the rain. The first time the umbrella shop was opened in 1830, and it called “James Smith and Sons” and it is located in 53, New Oxford Street, London, England. Hans Haupt’s first appeared in 1928. Umbrellas are also used in Photography and photographers using Umbrellas with the reflective index as a diffusion device when the artificial light is passed into it. Hence National Umbrella Day is a day to honour the important invention which protects us from rain and sunlight.

National Umbrella Day 2018 - February 10

How to Celebrate National Umbrella Day

Celebrate the National Umbrella Day by learning more things about the history and science behind the Umbrellas. Visit the nearby beach and spend some time by relaxing under the beach umbrella while having the drink. Make sure that your umbrella is handy and walk around with it. If you don’t have an umbrella, then National Umbrella Day is a perfect day to get one new. Take some pictures with umbrella and post it on social media by using the hashtag #UmbrellaDay.


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