Author: o_diana (Page 24 of 61)

Library Lovers Day

Library lovers day is celebrated on February 14th of every year. It is a day to honour libraries, librarians, bookworms, and library lovers of our life. A library is a collection of sources of information which are made accessible to a determined community for reference or borrowing. A library’s collection can include books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, e-books, audios, and databases. Librarians provide service to the library by finding and organizing information and at interpreting information needs. This day is famously celebrated around Australia mainly.

The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of man.” – T.S. Eliot

History of Library Lovers Day

The founder of Library Lovers Day is not found yet. On the other hand, the formation of the library is a huge history. The first libraries date back to 2600 BC which consists of archives of the earliest form of writing. In the Early Middle Ages, monastery libraries developed in which books were usually chained to the shelves, reflecting the fact that manuscripts, which were created through hand copying, were of valuable possessions. The 17th and 18th centuries are known as a golden age of libraries, during this many of essential libraries were founded in Europe. At the start of the 18th century, libraries were becoming increasingly public and were more frequently lending libraries. The 18th century saw the switch from closed parochial libraries to lending libraries. At the start of the 19th century, there were virtually no public libraries, i.e. libraries provided from federal funds and freely accessible to all. Later, the concept was spread around the world.

Library Lovers Day 2018 - February 14

How to celebrate Library Lovers Day

Library lovers day can be celebrated by visiting the local library by showing appreciation to the library and the librarian, by donating some books or money to their library. One can also show some love to their library lover friends by gifting them books. You can also encourage your folks to get a library membership which will motivate them to read and lend books. Libraries usually celebrate the day by giving bookmarks and chocolates to their customers. Library teams run events and projects, including a blind date with a book or singles night in the library and customers, are in love with it. The blind date is when borrowers choose a book based on the descriptions without knowing the title of the book. Not everyone receives flowers on Valentines Day, but everyone is welcome at their local public library. Share your thoughts about Library Lovers Day on social media by using the hashtag #LibraryLoversDay.

Pet Theft Awareness Day

Pet Theft Awareness Day is acknowledged on February 14th of every year.  Pet Theft Awareness week runs from 14th to 21st of February. Pet theft remains a terrible reality across the world. Importance of this day is to ask yourself how safe is your pet. Organized pet thieve’s most common victims are cats and dogs. Purebred dogs are stolen in the highest count. These stolen purebred dogs, especially toys, puppies, and designer breeds are sold and shipped for two main purposes-to be used as bait in training dog fighting and to be sold to laboratories through B dealers for testing and biomedical experimentation. Pets may be sold to puppy mills for breeding purposes. Stealing a pet could get one up to four years in jail.

Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.” – Ingrid Newkirk

History of Pet Theft Awareness Day

Last Chance for Animals organisation is a US-based non-profit organisation that supports animal rights and created great documentaries against the use of animals for testing purposes. The organisation was founded in 1984 by Hollywood actor Chris DeRose as a group to oppose the experimentation on living animals. In 2000, the organisation focused on pet theft, the fur trade, and pets used in circuses. In  2013, that by chance Arnot Wilson director of the Dog Union saw a graphic on social media on pet theft which leads him to the founding of Pet Theft Awareness; co-founder is Richard Jordan. Thus a day was created to spread the awareness on pet theft.

Pet Theft Awareness Day 2018 - February 14

How to celebrate Pet Theft Awareness Day

Pet Theft Awareness Day is aimed at educating animal owners in keeping their pets safe from thieves. Pets are considered to be the most valued living possession, so it is essential that the dog parents have to be aware of the importance of the day. On this day owners can aim to make a collar ID tag and license for their dog to give a proper identity, and can also get an additional security with a microchip. Never offer your pet to “free to good home ads” when looking for a new home for your pet. Various other non-profit organisations are guiding dog owner on pet theft awareness on this particular day to minimise the pet theft around the world. Peoples can use the hashtag #PetTheftAwarenessDay to express their feelings about Pet Theft Awareness Day on social media.

Book Giving Day

February 14th is not just valentine’s day; it is also an International Book Giving Day. This day is celebrated every year by giving away books that one enjoyed to read, which may benefit someone somewhere. One can donate some new or gently used books to the local library, to a local school, civic group, or to a local hospital. Regular reading will help one to improve focus and concentration; enhances imagination; reduces stress; improves memory power and lot more. Reading is fun, pure and simple.

The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.- Elizabeth Hardwick

History of International Book Giving Day

There is no specific reason for the origin of International Book Giving Day. However, this day is important to be celebrated because of its significance on donating books or money for the children. The ultimate purpose of creating this day would be to encourage children reading and making that a habit. This day may create a chance for many children to learn.

International Book Giving Day 2018 - February 14

How to celebrate International Book Giving Day

An international book giving day is a joy of spreading the love of reading. By providing books across the globe, one can support literacy and encourage reading on this day. This day is all about gifting books to children around the world in creative and beautiful ways. Photos and thoughts can be shared in social media to spread the awareness about the significance of giving books. This day can be celebrated by giving away books to friends, relatives; leaving books in the hospital waiting rooms; donating books to nearby libraries. Celebrate this day in the best way by motivating people to read. These books will be a great way to help somebody to start reading and thus assisting the future of world literacy. Post pictures and share your thoughts about International Book Giving Day on social media by using the hashtag #BookGivingDay.

Cream Filled Chocolate Day

National Cream Filled Chocolate Day is celebrated on February 14 of every year. Cream filled chocolates are filled with delicious creams in themThere are two ways to make cream filled chocolates- the first idea is to make ganache and fondant, roll it into a ball and then dip the fondant into chocolate, and another way is to use a mould and put the melted chocolate in the mouldFillings of these chocolates can be in mint, milk or dark chocolate, caramel, peanut, strawberry or can be any flavour of one’s choice. These Chocolates are better when made at home than bought. Different shaped moulds are used to make these cream filled chocolates interesting. It is an excuse for all chocolate lovers to eat more of them on this day.

What you see before you,my friend,is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.” – Katherine Hepburn

History of National Cream Filled Chocolate Day

Some chocoholic must originate this National Cream Filled Chocolate Day as the founder of the day remains unknown. Cream Filled Chocolate Day has a close association with valentine’s day. The concept of first cream-filled chocolate comes from pralines that were made in the 17th century by a sugar industrialist named Marshal du Plessis-Praslin. At that time, cocoa was not known in Europe and so the pralines of those days were mostly just nuts coated with a layer of caramelised sugar. After the invention of new ingredients, the pralines began to evolve and got more creative and fancy. The first Cream Filled Chocolates was introduced by Jean Neuhaus II, a Belgian chocolatier, in 1912 and soon it was spread around the world.

National Cream Filled Chocolate Day 2018 - February 14

How to celebrate National Cream Filled Chocolate Day

National Cream Filled Chocolate Day can be observed by making cream-filled chocolates and sharing those chocolates with your friends and loved ones. This day can be celebrated by just buying these chocolates and enjoy eating them. On this day one can try out the new recipes available on cookbooks and internet. As this day is also celebrated as Valentine’s day, heart-shaped cream filled chocolates can be the best gift for your sweet tooth friend. Post pictures and share your thoughts about National Cream Filled Chocolate Day by using the hashtag #CreamFIlledChocolateDay.

Ferris Wheel Day

National Ferris Wheel Day is observed on 14th February of every year to honour the birth of the inventor of the Ferris Wheel, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. Ferris wheel is a type of amusement ride. Ferris wheel is also called as big wheel, observation wheel or giant wheel. A Ferris wheel is a non-building structure consisting of a rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying components (commonly referred to as passenger cars, cabins, tubs, capsules, or pods) attached to the rim in such a way that as the wheel turns and they are also kept upright, usually by gravity.

I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.” – E B white

History of National Ferris Wheel Day

National Ferris Wheel Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated to honour the birth of the inventor of the Ferris Wheel. However, our research was unable to find the creator of this day. The original Ferris Wheel was designed and constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr, as a landmark for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and it was said to be the tallest attraction which was planned and constructed for two years. The original Ferris wheel was designed as a rival to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The original Ferris wheel is also referred to as Chicago Wheel. And it was then moved to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1904 for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and demolished there in 1906. There are only four motorised capsules of Ferris wheel around the world. The idea lived long, and the wheels were constructed and enjoyed around the world.

National Ferris Wheel Day 2018 - February 14

How to celebrate National Ferris Wheel Day

National Ferris Wheel Day is celebrated by catching a lift up ride to the top of the Ferris wheel and enjoy the view. One can observe the day by learning about the history of the Ferris wheel. As February 14th is also a valentine’s day, one can take their loved ones to a Ferris wheel ride. Use #NationalFerrisWheelDay to post your thoughts and photos on social media.

Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day is an annual festive holiday celebrated on February 14th of every year throughout the world. It’s time for the hearts, red roses, and cupids bows and arrows. Do love, and romance needs any introduction? Not always for those who know to shower unlimited love, affection and friendship. There is no place in the world where love cannot be seen as it just like the air we breathe. Of course, we must love our people all the day and every day. But what’s more special needed than loving your lover on the very special day that is meant only for the Love? It sounds the best, isn’t it? So on Valentines Day, you are encouraged to express and show a little more and extra love in a very special way. In February, it is a traditional day for the lovers to express their love. The anticipation is finally over for those who have waited for this perfect occasion to surprise your partner. However, the Day is not only meant for the lovers but is also to all of us who love, care and wish to express the love to other people. On the day of romance, show and share how much you uniquely love your partner by giving letters, cards, flowers, confectionaries, and gifts.

“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another.” – Thomas Merton

History of Valentines Day

The origins of Valentines Day has not known accurately. However, the Day has been believed to be created by Pope Gelasius I, a Roman priest in 496 AD. The Day has its roots from Saint Valentines Day which dates back to the ancient times. It was during that time people paid their honour to the Roman God of Fertility which was known as the Feast of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility celebration. Pope Gelasius I has replaced the Roman festival of Lupercalia that was held on mid-February with St. Valentines Day at the end of the 5th century. Thus the Day has been named after one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus who were martyred for numerous reasons. But none of them was associated with love and how he has become the patron saint of the lovers is a mystery till date.

Valentines Day

The reason for choosing this particular date for the celebration of love is still a mystery. But we could think that as February 14th was believed to be the first day of bird’s mating for the season and thus it would have made people to celebrate the love on this same date. From the 14th century, this Day has become a celebration day for the love and romance. One of the myths associated with the origins of Valentines Day states that this Day has been celebrated in respect of Saint Valentine who has refused to obey the orders of Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. It was thought that Valentine who defied the emperor’s orders and secretly helped married couples to spare the husbands from war.

Thus Emperor Claudius II had ordered that young men should be refrained from marrying as he thought that after marriage, men would no longer remain to be good soldiers. However, Valentine did not obey Emporers order and helped many young men marry secretly. As a result, Valentine was killed by the Emperor and hence Valentines Day tradition was started. One another myth according to the legends was that there was a priest named Valentine who has signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended. So there is no clear evidence for the reason to hold this Day for love. But the day of romance what we call as the Valentines Day is named for any of those Christian martyrs.

In the High Middle Ages, the tradition of courtly love flourished and thus this Day has become associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer. It was during the 1500s formal messages, or valentines had appeared. The commercially printed cards were being used from the late 1700s. The traditions of this Day are broad and this day has soon evolved into an occasion in which the lovers revealed their love for each other by presenting flowers, confectionery and sending valentine cards during the 18th century. The diamond industry began to promote this Day as an occasion for giving jewellery during the 1980s. Predominantly being the Western country celebration, the Day has also been celebrated in other countries as well.

Valentines Day symbols are the red or pink heart, roses and Cupid. The Cupid is the Roman god of love, along with the hearts which is traditionally the seat of emotion. It was thought that the avian mating period begins during the mid-February, and thus birds also became a symbol of this day. Cupid will usually hold a bow and arrow and in mythology, it is said that he uses his arrow and strikes the hearts of people and those people who have fallen in love are told to be ‘struck by Cupid’s arrow.’ With the rise of the internet, love has also been celebrated in the digital era. People use the digital means of creating and sending Valentines Day greeting messages like e-cards, printable greeting cards, love coupons to celebrate this day. In the current century, the day focuses not only on love and romance but is also know for appreciation and friendship.

Valentines Week List

The Valentines week starts on February 7, and it ends on February 14. Here is the list of Valentines Week 2018

February 7 Rose Day
February 8 Propose Day
February 9 Chocolate Day
February 10 Teddy Day
February 11 Promise Day
February 12 Hug Day
February 13 Kiss Day
February 14 Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day 2018 Images

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day Quotes

If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.” – Maya Angelou.

Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.” – Lord Byron.

The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.” – Blaise Pascal.

A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much others love you.” – Frank Morgan.

You are always new, the last of your kisses was ever the sweetest.” – John Keats.

We are alive when we are in love.” – John Updike.

I know of only one duty, and that is to love.” – Albert Campus.

The best smell in the world is that man that you love.” – Jennifer Aniston.

Each time you love, love as deeply as if it forever.” – Audre Lorde.

Love shall be our token; love is yours and loves to be mine.” – Christina Rossetti.

Happy Valentines Day Wishes

Roses are red and violets are blue, I’ve never been more in love with you.” – Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky.” – Happy Valentine’s Day 2018!

You are unique, You are caring and You are the Best. And I am the luckiest to have you in my life.” – Happy Valentine’s Day my sweetheart!

From head to toe and inside and out, I wouldn’t change anything about you. You’re ideal in your beauty as well as in your being.” – Happy Valentine’s Day 2018!

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.” – Happy Valentine’s Day 2018!

Before I sleep at night, I always pray that you’ll be my husband, I cannot imagine myself to be with a man other than you.” – Happy Valentine’s Day 2018!

Looking at you tickles every inch of me, I cannot wait to have you near me, I love you.” Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

My appeal for you my beautiful wife, Please don’t put sugar in my tea, Just one kiss from my cup for your side will make it sweet, I so love you lot my lovely wife, Please stay near always.” – Valentine Wishes For My love!

After so many years of stay with each other, One thing that I understand That I can’t think to stay without you, You are my love and so very true. That I can’t think of my whole life without you, My love for you real and true. My wife my babu my sona I so love you.” – Valentine Wishes For My Wife!

Each and every day, I always think about you, And, I love you more than anyone, You are the really a bright star of my life, Without you, I would not strive, Love you.” – Valentine Wishes For My Sweetheart!

How to Celebrate the Valentines Day

There are numerous unique ways in which you can celebrate the Valentines Day. Express your love for your partner in the very best way possible. Share love cards, present gifts, chocolates, jewellery, and propose your lover with a bunch of red roses. Love doesn’t stop with materials, and you can show how much you love with a handwritten love message, appreciate and adore your partner for how lucky you are to get him/her. Spend some with your mate on this very special day. Go out for a candlelight dinner to make it a romantic and memorable celebration. Those long-distance lovers can even surprise your lover with some surprise gift or even surprise visit. Go on a date or say your untold love to your yet-to-be partner as it is an exclusive day for the lovers. Others can also indulge in this celebration of love as you are not restricted in expressing or share how much love your friends, family, and anything and everything. You can share your love for your beloved ones on the social media by using the hashtags #HappyValentinesDay or #ValentinesDay.

Extraterrestrial Culture Day

Extraterrestrial Culture Day

Extraterrestrial Culture Day is observed on the second Tuesday of every February. This year it will be celebrated on February 13. It was created to honour all past, present and future alien visitors. It is a day of fact or fiction. It especially celebrated in New Mexico where a massive incident took place in 1947.

But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture.” – John Ankerberg

History of Extraterrestrial Culture Day

The creator of Extraterrestrial Culture Day is Daniel Foley. In 2003, Daniel’s proposal was approved by the New Mexico House of Representatives to celebrate this day. Daniel, who is from Roswell thought that taking advantage of something that “did or did not happen” decades ago have contributed to the recognition of New Mexico, with the state associated with little green men since the purported UFO( unidentified flying object) crashed on 1947. It is believed that on July 8 of 1947, a was object crashed near a rancher William Ware Mack Brazel home in Roswell during a powerful storm. If it were not for William, Roswell Incident wouldn’t have been known to the general public. He found some metal debris and many other unusual materials when materials were observed; they resumed to its original shape even when it was wrinkled and laid back. Government scientist arrived and declared that it was a weather balloon that had crashed. Major Marcel who was involved in the incident claimed that the US government covered up the existence of the alien aircraft. Still, Roswell 1947 incident remains an unexplained and mysterious incident.

Extraterrestrial Culture Day 2018 - February 13

How to celebrate Extraterrestrial Culture Day

Extraterrestrial culture day can be observed by learning about the outer space and aliens. It is believed that majorly five aliens have visited our earth, so grab this day to learn about them, and this learning will open you to a new world of excitement and astoundment. There have been many books written and movies made on 1947 Roswell incident, so use this day to spend some time on them.On this day celebrate the best of humanity by accepting and respecting all beings and their presence, whether we understand them or not. Share your thoughts about Extraterrestrial Culture Day using the hashtag #ExtraterrestrialCultureDay.

Tortellini Day

National Tortellini Day is celebrated on February 13th of every year. Tortellini are ring-shaped pasta, which is typically stuffed with a mix of meat or cheese. These kinds of pasta are originated from the Italian region of Emilia, and they are usually served in broth, either of beef, chicken, or both. Tortellini can be served with several varieties of sauces, brown butter and sage sauce, a simple tomato sauce or a pungent pesto sauce. Ravioli, tortelloni, and tortellacci belong to the same family of stuffed pasta. Its a day for all pasta lovers to celebrate their favourite food. Tortellini is now famous all around the world.

“Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”- Federico Fellinregion of Emiliai

History of National Tortellini Day

Creator of the National tortellini day is still unknown. Tortellini has few hideous history behind its creation. Many legends claim to be the inventor of this Italian dish. A strong tradition believes that this recipe was born in  Castelfranco Emilia where Lucrezia Borgia, a beauty stayed at an inn in the small town. The host was attracted to her beauty and couldn’t resist the urge to peek into her room through the keyhole, but he was barely able to see her navel. That inspired him to create the tortellini that night. The other story narrates that the dish was originated in medieval Italy, where an innkeeper was captivated by Venus and Jupiter at a tavern on the outskirts of Bologna, who followed them and peeked through the keyhole. And he was believed to create this dish after seeing Venus’s navel. Finally, the tortellini was said to be invented to reproduce the shape of a turtle to replicate the famous architectural features of Modena, where many 17th-century buildings refer to the turtle motif.

National Tortellini Day 2018 - February 13

How to celebrate National Tortellini Day

Best way to celebrate the tortellini day is to learn to make your tortellini and share it with your acquaintances. Tortellini Day is the right moment to try some of the many variations of tortellini, including in soup. And if you already have experience in making tortellini, then make use of the day to try out different stuffing and sauces for the dish. In the city of Bologna, there is an organisation called the Learned Order of the Tortellini. The members dedicate the day to the preservation of traditional tortellini and celebrate the day by wearing red and gold hats shaped like tortellini and gold tortellini necklaces. Enjoy this day by having the stomach full of your favourite tortellini. Share your thoughts about National Tortellini Day by using the hashtag #TortelliniDay.

Get A Different Name Day

Get A Different Name Day is observed on 13th February of every year. A name is a term used for identification. It can be a word or set of words by which a person, animal or thing is known, addressed or referred to. The name we have usually define us. But unfortunately most of our names are not picked by us, and we happen to live with it despite one’s likes and dislikes towards it. Usually, people are named after their family member, historical figure, or any word that was inspired. Every name is unique, beautiful and diverse. So this day is celebrated to have a break from your regular names and try a new name for the day.

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare

History of Get A Different Name Day

Get A Different Name Day is considered to be created by Ruth and Thomas Roy. This day is listed in Chase’s Calendar of Events, which keeps track of odd holidays including 80 other holidays. It’s a day when we can change our names to whatever we wish and have the right to expect colleagues, family and friends to so address us. He made up these holidays when he was looking for funny things to say in morning radios as he worked in them. Hence, the observance of these holidays is strictly optional.

Get A Different Name Day 2018 - February 13

How to celebrate Get A Different Name Day

This day can be a fun day at school, work or anywhere you are at. It can be marked by getting a pack of those “Hello, My Name Is” name tags and pick any name for yourself. And on that day one can be called in any name they like to be called. One need not change their name legally; it is just a new name used to call each other on this particular day. It is a day to enjoy and have some fun. Share your thoughts about Get A DIfferent Name Day on social media by using the hashtag #GetADifferentNameDay.

Employee Legal Awareness Day

Employee Legal Awareness Day is observed annually on February 13th. Employee Legal Awareness Day day emphasise the importance of legal education for employees so that large and small businesses reduce their risk of legal problems. Employment law covers all rights and obligations within the employer-employee relationship. The complications of the employment relationship that may raise situations like discrimination, wrongful termination, wages and taxation, and workplace safety. And these issues are governed by applicable federal and state law. So it is essential for an employee to know about the legal employee laws and duties.

A great employee is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.” – Tammy Cohen

History of Employee Legal Awareness Day

Employee Legal Awareness Day was established by an Australian lawyer, Paul Brennan. This day was originated in Australia, and it is celebrated in the offices all over the world. His objective was to create awareness of the legal problems to the employees and small businesses and reduce the risk of them through legal education. He also advocates that employees should develop knowledge of their company’s policies. According to him, it is essential for employees to have a copy of the employer’s handbook, where you can find information about bereavement policy, attendance and punctuality, conflict of interest statements and non-disclosure agreements. Thus the day was created for legal awareness to the employees.

Employee Legal Awareness Day 2018 - February 13

How to celebrate Employee Legal Awareness Day

Employees can celebrate this day by creating awareness to their fellow employees about the legal laws and policies about the general employees. With the knowledge of laws, one can feel empowered and support themselves and their business.The ultimate importance of the day is to spread the facts to the masses through demonstrations in the streets and speeches in public areas. This awareness may lead to better life and relationship between employee and employer. Share your thoughts about the day on social media by using the hashtag #EmployeeLegalAwarenessDay.

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