Author: o_diana (Page 10 of 61)

Learn About Butterflies Day

National Learn About Butterflies Day is an annual celebration observed on March 14th. The queen of all seasons will not only let you see new leaves, buds, and flowers but it also brings you the butterflies. Yes, with the Spring season soon approaching, you could shortly see the colourful, attractive, fluttering butterflies in the sky. It is essential to learn about these adorable tiny creatures as Spring is in the air. Get to know learn more about the butterflies, its types, and the life cycle to admire its beauty completely as Butterflies are ever loved creatures by all kinds of people. National Learn About Butterflies Day gives you the perfect chance to learn about the butterflies by taking few minutes of your day.

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” – Rabindranath Tagore

History of National Learn About Butterflies Day

The history and origin of the National Learn About Butterflies Day are unknown. There isn’t any record found about the creator of this Day. However, we could find so many valuable information about the butterflies. Learn About Butterflies Day encourages all of us to get into the spirit of celebration by learning about them. Butterflies are largely a day-flying insect of the order lepidopteran classified under Rhopalocera. They have the typical four-staged insect life cycle ranging from the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Butterflies are known for their brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. They feed primarily on the nectar from the flowers. It is found that there are more than 20,000 varieties of butterflies present worldwide. Many butterflies including the painted lady, monarch, and several danaines would migrate for longer distances. These migrations will take place over a number of generations however no single individual butterfly will complete the whole trip. The oldest butterflies recorded are found to be from the Palaeocene MoClay or Fur Formation of Denmark, which dates back approximately to 55 million years old.

National Learn About Butterflies Day

How to Celebrate National Learn About Butterflies Day

Celebrating the National Learn About Butterflies Day is quite simple. Get into the spirit of celebration by learning more about the butterflies. Know the different types of butterflies and its nature from a trusted source of information. Share that information with others and look at the sky for the next time to find its name. You can take your children and family members to local planetarium or aquarium where butterflies can be seen. Decorate your home with beautiful DIY butterfly crafts to make your home colourful. Those who are affordable can even start a butterfly garden and plant nectar-producing flowers as a way to attract butterflies and others can use their backyard to feed them. Share your unique information about the butterflies on the social media using the hashtag #LearnAboutButterfliesDay.

Ask a Question Day

International Ask a Question Day is celebrated on March 14th of every year. What? Why? When? Where? Which? How?. Each of these words reminds us one thing, and it is nothing but the Questions. Every one of us will have different types of questions, and at times we hesitate to ask it out. The reason may be anything from being a silly to funny and awkward questions. Feel free to use all the wh-words to ask your question that you have and so far had in your mind. It’s the perfect time to ask questions to clear your doubts, know more of information and learn it. International Ask a Question Day is celebrated in a way to encourage people all over the world to ask questions and thereby find the answers to learn about it.

“I never learn anything talking. I only learn things when I ask questions.” – Lou Holtz

History of International Ask a Question Day

The International Ask a Question Day‘s history, origin, and the founder are anonymous. The creator would have chosen March 14th for this celebration as it coincides with the birth anniversary of Albert Einstein who was born in 1879. However, the goal of the Ask a Question Day is for all the people to benefit from asking more and better questions. Questioning skills vary from every people as some ask great questions in a way to acquire knowledge and few others ask silly questions. Irrespective of the type of questions, Ask a Question Day gives an opportunity to every one of us to start questioning to find the answer. The most important thing is not to stop questioning if you are curious and unclear about something. Questioning is the best way to find the unknown information in the better way. The reasons to ask questions include gathering information, creates awareness, let you think clearly, and more.

International Ask a Question Day

How to Celebrate International Ask a Question Day

The best way to celebrate International Ask a Question Day is to start asking a question to people around. Find out all the different answers you have got and now indulge yourself in finding the answer on your own. You could even search for the answers from the Google. Question yourself and know your answer as a way to analyze how much you know about it. Let out the question which you have so far kept in your mind and get your doubts away. Practise yourself to ask great questions to become an outstanding question asker. Encourage your children or students to ask questions to clarify their doubts. Get into the spirit of celebration by making others ask questions even if they ask a simple question as there is no such question to be named as stupid. You can even organize an Ask a Question Day party and invite your people and children to ask questions and find answers. Share your celebrations of Ask a Question Day on the social media using the hashtag #AskAQuestionDay.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is celebrated on March 14th of this year. It is an annual celebration held on the second Wednesday of every March. Not all of us know exact details about the nutritional information about the food we consume and how it affects our health. But many experts research, study and help people with the food and nutritional information. These experts are the registered dietitian nutritionists who are present in hospitals, clinics, fitness centres, and in every place for people who are in need of good, healthy life. They are playing an excellent work for the benefits of people from all over the world. National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is celebrated as to appreciate and recognize the food and nutrition services given by those registered dietitian nutritionists as a whole o the society.

“Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good.” – Jason Statham

History of National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

The National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day has been in celebration since the year 2008. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics which was formerly known as the American Dietetic Association has created this Day. The first observance was held on March 10th and however, the second Wednesday of March is chosen for this celebration since 2009. The celebration Day is created as to raise awareness of the indispensable role played by the registered dietitian nutritionists in helping people enjoy a healthy life. The Day also recognizes all the RDNs for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives.

National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

The key messages of this celebration Day include that the Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are the food and nutrition experts who translate the science of nutrition into the practical solutions for a healthy living. They are the ones who use their nutrition expertise in helping the individuals make personalized, positive lifestyle changes. Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are the advocates for advancing the nutritional status of the Americans as well as the people around the world. They will work throughout the community including the hospitals, public health clinics, nursing homes, fitness centres, schools, universities, food management, food industry, research and private practice.

How to Celebrate National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day

Celebrating the National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is quite simple. Thank your personal Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in a person who is taking care of your health with better food suggestions. Appreciate all the hard work he/she does for you and the society. Those who are concerned about the healthier food can consult a registered dietitian nutritionist as is the best Day. Show your gratitude for them in the form of by following the advice of the dietitian nutritionist as they are working hard for your health. Introduce your family or friends to a dietitian nutritionist for the betterment of their life. Share your appreciation for the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist on the social media using the hashtag #RegisteredDietitianNutritionistDay.

Organize Your Home Office Day

National Organize Your Home Office Day is celebrated annually on second Tuesday of every march. This year it will be observed on March 13. Nowadays, having a home office is a big deal, but for some peoples, organising them to fit into their needs is a big problem. Nowadays, it is tough to manage your homes, finances, family activities, schedules or even running the business. Some peoples may be blessed with the large home office while others may have only a corner in a room to work from. Hence National Organise Your Home Office Day is a perfect day to organize your Home office. It is also a perfect day to clear your desk, throw your trash away, file those stacks of papers, recycle the empty soda cans, wipe away the accumulated dust, wash coffee mugs and much more.

Typically you see the home office think up some great program but doesn’t think through implementation at the store level.” – Thomas G. Stemberg

History of National Organize Your Home Office Day

The members of created National Organize your Home Office Day. They created this day to declutter your desk, weed out paper and electronic files, and set up your home office to be more productive. Organize Your Home Office Day will motivate you to throw away the trash and tear the unwanted paperwork; recycle those drinks cans and clean the desk; clean the windows, alphabetize your filing system and maybe even buy a potted plant to energize the room even further. You can also have fun while organizing your home office: set yourself a time limit, put on your favorite album and see how beautiful and work-conducive that you can make the room at a particular time.

National Organize Your Home Office Day 2018 - March 13

How to celebrate National Organize Your Home Office Day

The Day itself says how to celebrate the National Organize Your Home Office Day. You can celebrate the day is by organizing your home office in the following ways,

  • Avoid using scraps of paper
  • Organize your desk drawers.
  • Put things back where they belong.
  • Keep what you need nearby.
  • Set a time to leave your home office each day and stick to it.

After organizing your home office, take the pictures of your home office and share them on the social media’s by using the hashtag #OrganizeYourHomeOfficeDay.

Happy Ken Day

Ken Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. Ken Day commemorates the first appearance of Barbie’s long-term on-off boyfriend, Ken Carson, presented by Mattel (American multinational toy manufacturing company) at a toy fair in 1961. Before four days, we celebrated National Barbie Day (introduction of Barbie in 1959), and today we celebrate the introduction of her friend in 1961. Ken is Barbie’s boyfriend and similar to Barbie, he is forever young and reinvented continuously. Ken is known for wearing various outfits in his dream house, and the famous costumes include disco outfit and bedroom outfit.

History of Ken Day

The exact origin and the founder of Ken Day are still unknown. But the day honors the exhibition of Ken Carson in Toy fair in 1961. Even though Ken has some bad comments about his manliness and suggestions that he considered more about his costumes than his love life, the romance between Ken and Barbie had blossomed. They had a brief separation in the year 1960, but after 1960 they stayed together until 2004. Then Barbie announced their break up in 2005 and transferred her affections to Blaine Gordon (Australian surfing Dude). This announcement shocked the world of plastic celebrities. Ken had not given up, and in 2011, he made some publicised attempts to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary by winning her back.

Ken Day 2018 - March 13

How to Celebrate Ken Day

The best way to celebrate the Ken Day is reading the history of Ken Carson. Take Barbie and Ken out, buy them nice things, dress up them with the best collections. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about Ken Day by using the hashtag #KenDay.

Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. There is an ancient superstition that opening your umbrella indoors will bring you some bad luck. National Open an Umbrella Day encourages you to open the umbrella indoors and note if you have any bad luck on that day.

History of National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

In 2003, Thomas Edward Knibb of Frederick created the National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day. He created this day to challenge this kind of superstitions by encouraging the people to open the umbrella indoors and to note if they any non-existing consequences. As the umbrellas are used to protect us from sun and rain, it is said that it’s bad luck to open the umbrella indoors because it provokes the spirit of the umbrella. It is bad luck to open the umbrella indoors

  • if the umbrella was given as a gift
  • if the umbrella is black
  • if the umbrella never used in outdoors.
National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day 2018 - March 13

How to  Celebrate National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

Celebrating the National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day is quite easy and very simple to remember. On this day, grab your favorite umbrella and open it in the indoor space. Then take note of any bad luck that you have on that day, and you can decide yourself whether the superstition is something that you should take seriously or not. Post pictures and share your thoughts on social media about the day by using the hashtag #OpenAnUmbrellaDay.

Jewel Day

National Jewel Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. National Jewel Day is a day to give or to receive jewels. The Word “Jewels” is used to refer the gemstones, which are precious or semi-precious and natural or human-made. Nearly 130 types of minerals are used as gemstones, along with the minerals that are artificial and synthetic stones. The name “Jewel” comes from the Ancient Latin Word “Jocale” which means plaything. Jewel Day is a perfect day to recognize the jewelers by wearing the gems that you already own.

How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god.” – Alan Watts

History of National Jewel Day

The exact origin and the founder of National Jewel Day are still unknown. Throughout the history, human used Jewels and ornaments for the decorative and functional purposes. Nowadays, wearing the Jewelry is the way to reflect one’s status in the society. Jewelry is a form of personal adornments like rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches and much more. Depending on the culture, jewelry may be appreciated as a status symbol. The Jewellery is created mainly to enhance the beauty of every human part from hairpins to toe rings.

National Jewel Day 2018 - March 13

Origin of Birthstone

Birthstones are the gems that are associated with the month that a person was born. The list of birthstone by month are

  • January – Garnet
  • February – Amethyst
  • March – Aquamarine
  • April – Diamond
  • May – Emerald
  • June – Pearl or Alexandrite
  • July – Ruby
  • August – Peridot
  • September – Sapphire
  • October – Tourmaline or Opal
  • November – Topaz or Citrine
  • December – Tanzanite, Zircon or Turquoise

How to celebrate National Jewel Day

The best way to celebrate the National Jewel Day is by buying yourself the jewel that you have been eyeing forever. It is perfect to take care of your old jewels and exchange your handmade treasure with your friends. You can learn more about the Jewels used on historical time periods and other cultures. Wear your favorite ornament and ask your friends or family members to take a picture. Then share those photos on the social media’s by using the hashtag #JewelDay.

Smart and Sexy Day

Smart and Sexy Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. Smart and Sexy Day is a day for women’s to show that they are capable of being both smart and sexy. The way you dress and present yourself in front of others is a valid expression for both femininity and capability. Some of the women’s who suffers from unemployment often find challenging to make the right impression in front of others. So take Smart and Sexy Day as an opportunity to shine and show your absolute best in everything.

Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” Oprah Winfrey

History of Smart and Sexy Day

The Alliance of Career Development Nonprofits (ACDN) organisation started the Smart and Sexy Day, and they work with thousands of women on every year to help them to become self-supportive and confident in their lives. The events conducted by ACDN on every year will provide the tool that the women’s need to enter, or re-enter the workforce. The women who attend the Smart and Sexy Events will receive Smart & Sexy foundation garments and training for job seeking skills from leading local industry professionals and volunteers. They will teach how to shop and how to build a professional wardrobe on a budget.

Smart and Sexy Day 2018 - March 13

How to celebrate Smart and Sexy Day

The best way to celebrate the Smart and Sexy Day is by participating in the events organized by ACDN around the world. There are several ACDN branches are existing all over the world to help the women’s to face the challenges and to become a contributing member ion the society. It will encourage them to meet the requirements of their family and themselves. Post pictures and share your celebrations on the social media by using the hashtag #SmartandSexyDay.


Earmuff Day

National Earmuff Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. The National Earmuff Day honors the Chester Greenwood’s “Ear Mufflers” patent granted on March 13, 1977. It is also a day to remind you that the early spring weather cannot be predicted. Chester Greenwood is a prolific inventor, but he is mostly known for the invention of the earmuff. Hence March 13 is the perfect day to honour the invention and contribution of Chester Greenwoods.

History of National Earmuff Day

Chester Greenwood was born in 1858 in Farmington, Maine. He was a grammar school dropout and he invented earmuffs at the age of 15. He grew frustrated at trying to protect his ears from the bitter cold when testing a new pair of ice skates. After covering his head in a scarf, he made two ear-shaped loops from wires as the scarf was bulky and itchy. Then he asked his grandmother to stitch fur on them.In 1877, he patented the improved model with the steel band, and he established the Greenwood’s Ear Protector factory with Greenwood’s Champion Ear Protectors. At the time of World War I, he created the fortune supplying Ear protector to the U.S. soldiers. In 1977, Maine’s Legislature declared “December 21” as National Earmuff Day to honor the contributions and invention of Chester Greenwood which helps us to withstand the cold weather.

National Earmuff Day 2018 - March 13

How to celebrate National Earmuff Day

The National Earmuff Day can be celebrated by wearing your favorite type of Earmuff. There are several types of Earmuffs are available, and you can wear that you like most. If you don’t have any earmuff, then it is the perfect day to buy the new Earmuffs which helps you to withstand the cold weather. Take pictures after wearing the Earmuff and share them with your friends on the social media’s by using the hashtag #EarmuffDay.

Coconut Torte Day

National Coconut Torte Day is celebrated on March 13 of every year. It is a day to celebrate the Coconut Torte. The Torte is a delicious multi-layered cake dessert topped with heavy fruits and creams. You can understand that a coconut Torte is a multi-layered creamy dessert topped with the coconut goodness. Hence National Coconut Torte Day is a day to enjoy your favorite delicious coconut torte with your friends and family members.

History of National Coconut Torte Day

The exact origin and the founder of National Coconut Torte Day are still unknown. The only difference between cake and torte is that torte is made with very little or no flour. Instead of flour, breadcrumbs and ground nuts will be added as a base. Sugars, Eggs and other flavorings may also be added for more taste. Between the multilayers of torte, you can find whipped cream, mousse, jam, fruit, icing, buttercream and much more. Tropical coconuts meet European-style torte to make a perfect delight. Hence celebrate Coconut Torte Day on March 13 to make your day sweeter.

National Coconut Torte Day 2018 - March 13

How to Celebrate National Coconut Torte Day

On National Coconut Torte Day, visit your nearby bakery and enjoy the taste of Coconut Torte with your family members and friends. You can also try to bake your favorite torte at home. You can find hundreds of recipes for the layers and add some coconut cream as the filling. Coconut Torte is a simple and easy delight that you and your family will love. On this day, try any one of the following coconut torte recipes at your home:

  • Ghirardelli Coconut Almond Torte with Chocolate Chips
  • Coconut Cream Torte
  • Chocolate Coconut Torte
  • Blue Velvet Coconut Torte

Post pictures and share your celebrations on the social media’s by using the hashtag #CoconutTorteDay.

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