Author: o_diana (Page 58 of 61)

London Bridge

Уривок з тексту книжки Марка Твена “Принц і Жебрак”.  Оригінальний текст на сайті

This structure, which had stood for six hundred years, and had been a noisy and populous thoroughfare all that time, was a curious affair, for a closely packed rank of stores and shops, with family quarters overhead, stretched along both sides of it, from one bank of the river to the other. The Bridge was a sort of town to itself; it had its inn, its beer-houses, its bakeries, its haberdasheries, its food markets, its manufacturing industries, and even its church. It looked upon the two neighbours which it linked together–London and Southwark–as being well enough as suburbs, but not otherwise particularly important. It was a close corporation, so to speak; it was a narrow town, of a single street a fifth of a mile long, its population was but a village population and everybody in it knew all his fellow-townsmen intimately, and had known their fathers and mothers before them– and all their little family affairs into the bargain. It had its aristocracy, of course–its fine old families of butchers, and bakers, and what-not, who had occupied the same old premises for five or six hundred years, and knew the great history of the Bridge from beginning to end, and all its strange legends; and who always talked bridgy talk, and thought bridgy thoughts, and lied in a long, level, direct, substantial bridgy way. It was just the sort of population to be narrow and ignorant and self-conceited. Children were born on the Bridge, were reared there, grew to old age, and finally died without ever having set a foot upon any part of the world but London Bridge alone. Such people would naturally imagine that the mighty and interminable procession which moved through its street night and day, with its confused roar of shouts and cries, its neighings and bellowing and bleatings and its muffled thunder-tramp, was the one great thing in this world, and themselves somehow the proprietors of it. And so they were, in effect–at least they could exhibit it from their windows, and did–for a consideration–whenever a returning king or hero gave it a fleeting splendour, for there was no place like it for affording a long, straight, uninterrupted view of marching columns. Men born and reared upon the Bridge found life unendurably dull and inane elsewhere. History tells of one of these who left the Bridge at the age of seventy-one and retired to the country. But he could only fret and toss in his bed; he could not go to sleep, the deep stillness was so painful, so awful, so oppressive. When he was worn out with it, at last, he fled back to his old home, a lean and haggard spectre, and fell peacefully to rest and pleasant dreams under the lulling music of the lashing waters and the boom and crash and thunder of London Bridge.

Готель, який зроблено з… солі!

Salar de Uyuni, Uyuni, Bolivia  ( video після  тексту)

Dario Lora, manager of Luna Salada Salt Hotel: The hotel is unique. It is made of salt, it is like a museum. You can sleep in a bed made of salt bricks, you have the desk made of salt bricks, you have the floor made of salt, everything made of salt! It’s the biggest salt flat in the whole world having a stretch of twelve thousand kilometres. Here’s where everything begins. The people from Colchani strike the salt bricks. You can see here, lines … these small lines represent the rainy season and the sediments in the salt.

We select this location in the hill so we have a really nice landscape of the salt flat. You can see all the salt flat from the Luna Salada Hotel. Here in the restaurant everything is made of salt. Here we have a table made entirely of salt. These chairs are made inside the salt flat. The local people here in Colchani they are specialists in making handicrafts, everything made of salt.

Here in the hotel we are in a high altitude. We have more than three thousand metres. So one of the challenges is cooking the food at this altitude because the cooking takes more more time for the pressure than we have in the altitude. So one of the popular dishes that we have in Bolivia is quinoa.

[Dario Lora speaks to the chef in Spanish – At altitude around 18 to 20 minutes and 8 to 10 minutes at sea level.]

All the salt that we use in the dishes came from the salt flat. It’s a better flavour to have this salt, it’s stronger, the taste, and it’s more pure.

One of the biggest challenges we have is the rainy season is because the weather destroys all the salt bricks. That’s the reason that all the time we are changing all the salt bricks around the hotel. Another problem that we have in the hotel is the corrosion in the wires. Sometimes we have to change all the wires because it is very corrosive the salt. All the wires are made of copper and we have to put a plastic tube to protect all the wires. In some cases we have to change the the plaques because the salt destroys all the plaques from inside.

I am excited to be part of the hotel. There is only in Bolivia this kind of hotels. It’s like a piece of art.

– See more at:

Очікувати з нетерпінням

You already know how great life feels when there’s something you’re looking forward to. Think of the week before you fly off on an eagerly anticipated vacation. Sure, you’re busy. There are a million things to do before the trip. But you don’t care. You do whatever has to be done. You’re in a great mood, excited and enthusiastic about life. That makes you highly effective at whatever you have to do.

Or what about the days leading up to a big get-together with family members you’ve been eager to see? Yes, there are all sorts of details to be worked out and jobs to be done. And you find yourself breezing through them all with a positive, enthusiastic attitude.

Close your eyes and remind yourself how supremely alive you feel when there’s something you’re eagerly anticipating, when there’s something for you to look forward to. Perhaps it’s the birth of a child or grandchild, a big football game, a party, or having dinner with a dear friend.

Just the fact that there’s something good coming in the future empowers you in the present.

You deserve to have that powerful feeling all the time. You deserve it right now. There are difficult problems to be worked out, and people who demand your time and attention. You’re dealing with uncertainties, frustrations, and challenges in a world that sometimes seems to get crazier by the minute. Every day, the little disappointments add up. It can quickly get you down if you let it.

But you don’t have to let it. You can raise your energy level. You can inoculate yourself against all that negativity, and make headway every moment toward a great, rewarding future.

You deserve to have something to look forward to.

In fact, you already do. After all, you’re blessed with all sorts of good things in your life. But the problem is, you don’t think about those good things often enough. When you ignore the good things, the bad things quickly consume your attention.

It’s not your fault that the world sends waves of negativity every day to bury your dreams. Most of the difficulties you face are because somebody else screwed up. It’s not your fault, but it is your opportunity. To make a choice. You can choose to take all that negative stuff and make something good out of it.

It all can start with having something to look forward to. Something wonderful. Something you love. Something great and compelling and motivating. Something you really care about. Something that already exists within your life in some way, whether as a current reality, or a goal, or a dream. Something that is begging for more energy, attention and effort. Something that makes you feel great to get up and get started each day.

What are you looking forward to right now? More importantly…

What would you like to be looking forward to? A new career? A travel adventure? A quiet day with someone you love? Whatever it is, go ahead. Go ahead, let yourself look forward to it. Feel the fresh, invigorating sense of purpose and power wash over you. This is how life is meant to be every day.

I’d like to provide you with a tool that thousands of people have found helpful. An email subscription to The Daily Motivator. It is simple, easy to use, and powerful. It is something you can look forward to every day.

I’m not going to insult your intelligence by promising to reveal the hidden secrets of success that will put money in your bank account, get you to your perfect weight and connect you with the love of your life.

Instead, I want to remind you, again and again, in a unique, original way, that true success is already alive within you. True success is just waiting for you to give it a good enough reason to happen. True success is ready for you whenever you are ready to take action. You already know all that, but I’m guessing you don’t hear it often enough. Please, for the sake of your dreams and your precious, unique life, let me send you a reminder. Every day.

Let me send you a reminder that you can experience on your own terms.

You don’t have to park yourself on social media and wait for it to appear in your stream. It is self-contained and available to you whenever you want to look at it. You don’t have to read 140 characters of it and then wait a couple of hours for the next installment. You don’t have to remember to visit a website. It won’t suddenly interrupt whatever you’re doing. It just comes to you, in your email, and waits until you are ready to look at it.

It comes to you in a way that is reliable, respectful and accessible. And powerful.

It comes to you, and it comes from you. It comes because you have decided to make an investment in yourself. You have decided to give yourself something to look forward to. You have decided to remind yourself of the good things you already have to look forward to. Make the choice, and it comes to you, every day without fail. Check your email, and it will be there.

You can read it early, you can read it late. You can read it once, you can read it five times, or fifteen. You can read the text version, or you can watch the video version with music and pictures.

It comes to you. Because you have chosen to give yourself something to look forward to. And when you pay attention to those good things in your life that you have to look forward to, to eagerly anticipate, when you let those things influence the way you think and the way you act, the way you talk with other people, it makes a difference. Over time, it can make a major, positive difference in your life. One little message each day. It will take you a minute or two to read, but it will sink in. It will nudge you back in the direction of your best possibilities. It’s only $15 for an entire year. That’s not much. In fact it is embarrassingly small. But it is enough. It is enough so you can make an investment in yourself. It is your way of saying to yourself every day that you care about your life, you care about your world, you care about making a difference.

And that, yes, you do have many great things to look forward to.

Make this one of them. Give yourself something to look forward to. Right now.

Наташа Купер. Friend? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?

Наташа Купер. Nice / Fine

Наташа Купер. Як когось похвалити.

Ведмедики Гаммі

Всім, хто був малюком у далекі 90-і та їх майбутнім або підростаючим діткам =)))

Ви зрозуміли пісеньку з мультика? Якщо не дуже, то на російській версії сайту є пояснення та переклад. Хто зна? Може, Ви зможете придумати свої історії про складні слова і поділитеся своїми секретами з нами. =))

Наташа Купер. Подяка.

Наташа Купер. My friend and I? My friend and me?

Lyrics: Rudolf Schenker and others
Music: Klaus Meine and others

There was a time when
We sailed on together
Once had a dream
That we shared on the way
There was a place
Where we used to seek shelter
I never knew the pain
Of the price I would pay

You led me on
With a cloak and a dagger
And I didn’t know
You had made other plans
You had me believe
We were meant for forever
I really thought
My heart would be safe in your hands

My ship has passed you by
And though you promised me
To show the way
You led me astray
You were my lorelei
What kind of fool was I
Cause I believed
In every word you said
And now I wonder why

There was a time when
We held one another
Bearing our souls
In the light of the flame
Those were the days
Now I’ve lost my illusions
Sometimes I wake in the night
And I call out your name

My ship has passed you by
And though you promised me
To show the way
You led me astray
You were my lorelei
What kind of fool was I
Cause I believed
In every word you said
And now I wonder why

Now there’s a light
That shines on the river
Blinding my eyes from so far away
Shot through the heart
But now I know better
As hard as it is to resist
The song that you play

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